The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, June 17, 1920, Image 3
Relief for Torpid Livers and Habitual Constipation The liver is the largest and most im- _ ' ' A portant organ in the body, and when the liver refuses to act, it causes eonstipa- f— —™yjJeSj tion, biliousness, headaches, indigestion, gas, sour stomach, bad breath, dysentery, r. ; ~~ . diarrhoea, pains in bnek and under shoul- j j der blades and under aribs on right side. 1° <AI|TLT tfTPllei jiSf These symptoms lead'to colds, influenza I or other serious troubles unless corrected ! Ilivy ~ • ec. £3 immediately. H; K *1 An inactive liver places an extra M j burden on the kidneys, which overtaxes fiEw 'H gßTPlßjl[|Py || them and causes the blood to absorb and | w- kp* Hlflyl carry into the system the impurities that | i .V gN©: M the liver and kidneys have failed to elim- pw |m When you treat the liver alone, you ; A |l treat only a third of your trouble, and A * that is why you have to take purgatives j |! every few nights. Calomel or other or dinary laxatives do not go far enough. PREPARED BY k I; If you would treat your kidneys and blood ; ■inYTiriW'lf urniniuF ro 15 i 1 while treating the liver, you would put ; I'llvlllUW MCvlllnt w, || Igr your entire system in order and frequent |p Atlanta. Ga. purgatives would then be unnecessary, i Dr. W. L. Hitchcock many years ago recognized these important facts, and after much study and research, com pounded what is now known as Dr. Hitchcock’s Liver, Kidney and Blood Pow ders, three medicines combined in one. This was the Doctor’s favorite pre scription for many years, being used by his patients with marked success. It is a harmless vegetahle remedy that will not make you sick, and you may eat anything you like while taking it. Get a large tin box from your druggist or dealer for 25 cents, under his personal guarantee that it will give relief, tone up the liver, stimulate the kidneys to healthy action and thereby purify the blood. Keep it in the home for ready use whenever any member of the family begins to feel “out of sorts.” It will prove a household friend and a valuable remedy. Furniture Oil. To renovate scratched furniture, mix together in a bottle equal quanti ties of the best salad oil and vinegar. Shake vigorously, then it is ready to use. Take a small pad or soft rag, dip it into the solution and rub well Into the wood until all scratches have disappeared. Then polish with an other soft rag. You will be delighted with the result. FRECKLES Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots* There’s no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Othine —double strength—is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounco of Othine—double strength—from your druggist, and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than one ounce is needed to com pletely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. > Be sure to ask for the double strength Othine, as this is sold under guarantee oi money back if it fails i.o remove freckles. Honey Yield Higher. The average yield of surplus honey In 1919 was 50 pounds to a colony of honey bees, as estimated by the bureau of crop estimates, United States de partment of agriculture. This is con siderably above the average of 45 pounds in 191 S, and of 41.6 pounds for the five years, 1913-17. The relative proportions in which the honey of the last two years was marketed are in dicated by 59 for extracted honey, 31 for comb honey, and 10 for bulk honey. About one-third of the product goes to “outside” markets. Youngsters’ Hard Luck. Charles was watching his grand mother fry doughnuts, and she, fear ing he would get burned, warned him several times to keep away. Finally: “Charles what will Ido if you don’t mind me?” Charles heaved a sigh, doughnuts smell so good! “Grandmother,” he said, “big folks have to mind, don’t they?” “Certainly, Charles.” “Well, big folks have to mind just God. I think it’s pretty hard on us little ones; we have to mind big folks and God, too.” Agree with a contentious man and keep on talking; and pretty soon you will find he is arguing with you. It is pleasanter to give than receive: but the latter has to precede the for mer. FANT I JTun 3 than coffee e healthful rgrocer for \ j PoSTUn instead of coffee. “Theresa Reason \ | Made by Postum Cereal Co.,Battle CreekyMich. i i Ready for Him. Mrs. A—Does your husband smoke in The house? Mrs. B —Yes; and I’m glad of it. It will be easy for me to say where to be gin if he ever remarks that we must economize.—Boston Transcript. 99 OUT OF 100 Os the little ills such as Nasal Ca tarrh, Sunburn, Itching, or Soreness anywhere, may be quickly relieved by applying Vacher-Balm which is harm less, and cooling. Keep it bandy, and avoid imitations. If you cannot buy Vacher-Balm lo cally, send 30c in stamps for a tube, to E. W. Vacher, Inc., New Orleans, La. —Agents wanted. —Adv. Took Throne From Sister. It is not generally known that the king of Spain succeeded not his fa ther, but his sister, the Infanta Mer-; cedes, who was, though only six years old, queen of Spain from the death of her father. Alfonso XII. to the birth of the present king. Altogether she reigned 160 days, probably the short est reign on record. The Salic law, which bars females from the accession to a throne, does not operate in Spain, and until the sex of Alfonso Nil’s posthumous child was determined, the eldest of his two daughters automat ically succeeded him. Improved Living Conditions. Perhaps, as the luxury taxes indi cate, not far from $8,50,000,000 have been spent on indulgence since the armistice; yet there are signs that the masses are not wasting all their, in creased income. Living conditions for the laboring man have improved, and he will never go back to the conditions of the past. A Cincinnati company in the iron trade reports that there is a demand today for 12 bathtubs where there was a demand for one ten years ago. Certainly that is an indication of better living conditions and a sign of progress in the forward march of civilization. —World’s Work. It is easier to dodge responsibility than it is to dodge the result. A talkative man is apt to be as good natured as he is foolish. Art is consummate when it seems to be nature. —Longinus. Little Is more gratifying than being blunt with blunt people. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR, MT. VERNON, GEORGIA. GOOD HIGHWAYS ASSIST FARMER Vast Road-Building Program Now Under Way Throughout Whole United States. POOR ROADS ADD BIG TOLL Projects Have Been Approved Calling for Federal Aid to Amount of $110,840,773 —Important Factor in Buying and Selling. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) The highway is coining Into Its own in America. Neglected, abused, undervalued, sub jected to cheap remedies for decades, at last the country road is being ac corded the treatment it deserves. At a cost of hundreds of millions, the United States is rapidly overcoming the economic handicap which highway neglect lias so long entailed. This stupendous movement, the scope of which the public even now does not fully comprehend, is founded on sound business considerations. Good roads pay. If they did not. tin- nation would not now he constructing and planning them on an unprecedented scale. They pay by promoting the so cial life of the people, by helping re lieve the congestion that is making maelstroms of municipalities. But, more important still, they pay in dol lars and cents, for poor roads add a honvv toll to the buying and soiling of Paying the Price of False Highway Economy. farm products—a toll far in excess of the expense of adequate Improvement. Unprecedented Road Program. Tills'is a lesson cities as well as rural districts are learning. In the bu reau of public roads, United States de partment of agriculture, which admin isters the federal aid road act, is cen tered supervision of all highway con struction which federal funds help car ry on. At tlm close of iast year, proj ect statements had been approved call ing for federal aid to the amount of $ 110,840,773-—a sum which indicates iiow fully tlie nation is convinced that better roads mean better business. The total federal funds available to aid tlie states in their road-building pro grams up to July 1, 1920, will be $169,- 750,000 — and this total is exceeded by the combined expenditures of stale, county, and municipalities. Better Ro?.ds, Better Business. The business considerations back of these vast investments are not far to seek, better roads mean cheaper and quicker hauling. It has been estimat ed. for example, that on a level, muddy earth road the amount which one horse enn ilniw in on ordinary wagon va ■■ - 11 —■■■ .«*• , .• f.'i'i-. v.v '• ' i *, , ' ,- ’ <-y | ■'i i Where Ton-Mile Costs Are Low. ries from nothing to a maximum of 800 pounds; on a smooth, dry eartli road, from 1,000 to 2,000 pounds; on a gravel road !r> bad condition, from 1,000 to 1,500 pounds; on a gravel road in good condition, about 3,300 pounds; on a macadam road, from 2,000 to 5.000 pounds; on a brick road, from 5,000 to B,otHi pounds. If the speed of travel Is the same on all of these surfaces, the horse will haul on a good macadam road from three to five times as many miles a day as upon a moderately muddy earth road. Assnming that one horse is ca pable of a certain fixed amount a day, then, with a given load, Iris effective radius of travel from that point on a macadam road is from three to five I times the radius of travel from t’ at poiDt on a moderately muddy earth road—and earth roads are moderately muddy many months in tire year. Several years ago information se cured by tlie department of agriculture from 2.800 correspondents indicated that the average cost of hauling on an unimproved country road was 22.7 cents a ton-mile. Today, with price levels much liigbev, the cost would be even greater. While it is difficult to estimate ac curately what the saving would be if all highways were Improved in the dis tricts represented by these replies, a specific instance makes the benefit plain. A fanner in a southern slate bad to haul a ton of barbed wire 23 miles, over unimproved roads. He found that with a two-horse team his maximum load was 500 pounds, and that three days were required to make one round trip. To haul one ton. there fore. required 12 days to make one round trip. Allowing $6 a day for man and team, the cost was .$72. After the roads in this region were improved, the same team could draw a ton to the load and make one round trip In two days, at a cost of sl2. The ton-mile, cost under old conditions was ,$3.18, and this cost was reduced to 52 cents by the improved road. Roads and Wheat Marketing. Take the saving in the cost of haul ing wheat as another example. Ts the construction of narrow, single-track roads with improved surface will re duce the hauling cost 5 per cent a lon mile, and if the average yield of wheat in the vicinity of these roads is 30 bushels to the acre, there results, for an average haul of five miles, an economic advantage of 22.5 cents an acre or .$36 a quarter section. This is 4 per cent on S9OO. Calculations of this sort have shown thousands of com munities the wisdom of borrowing nion- ey to the extent of $2,006 a square mile of wheat area, so that roads could be improved to effect a saving on wheat hauling equal to that cited above, and, at tlie same time, effect a correspond ing saving in each of tlie other crops. The lowering of distribution costs, it is now recognized, is one of the most important problems in reducing living costs. While business is searching for more economical methods of handling goods, tlie farmers have not been neg lecting other phases of this problem. On the prices at which lie sells', all other prices must depend. Good roads, enabling him to get bis products to the market at materially reduced cost, are among tile big factors in more eco nomical distribution. RURAL HAULING PROFITABLE Many Farmers, Whose Trucks Are Not Filled to Capacity, Help Out Their Neighbors. Many of the motortrucks on farms adjacent to large cities are not loaded to full capacity on their trips to tlie citv. Few farm era »mve their busi ness '•«! arranged as to permit the use of the truck to its maximum capacity regularly. Many such farmers, accord ling'to the United States department I of agriculture, have gradually begun i to haul a part or ail of their neigh bors’ products to market, and in some cases this practice has led to tile es tablishment of a regular route. Some fanners have been enabled to purchase trucks, because their own business, coupled with shat of their neighbors', has been sufficient to warrant such an investment. Nw©E&ERAL I mkWftfi TEScI Sweet clover Is winning on merit. • * * Head lettuce does best In cool, moist weather. • • • Humus makes the soil more mellow and granular. • • • Tlie shining hoe is the best badge of the good gardener. * * » Plant plenty of celery and late cab bage for all season’s use. * * • Trees grow; they grow in height, in volume, In value, and in quality. • • • Cultivation of soy beans as a factor in solving tlie stock food problem !' | urged. • • • The easiest, cheapest and most sat j Isfactory way to prevent soil drifting ■ is to sow a field every year to tarne j grass. f You’re as Sick or I 1\717D as We I as Your "- 1 * V I-^IV How’s your liver? Are you constipated, bilious, grouchy? Have you dizzy spells, dull headaches, bad taste in your mouth, foul breath? If so, you need Dr. Thacher’s Liver and Blood Syvup; which has been knocking out troubles of your sort ever since the good old southern doctor first pre scribed it away back in 1852. On sale at your drug store. You’re as Old or TJI as Young as Your DLUUU If yon would stay young in health ns you grow older m years, have a care for your blood. Dr. Thachcr’s Liycr and Blood Syrup puts life into your blood; purifies nud enriches it; makes it tone up the whole system. Also keeps your Bococls open and is a tonic and a cleauHer com bined. Good for tho whole family. Sold at your drug store. Andy Anion. Thompsonvine. Til., wrote J.M.Srxlon. Box 147, Ocala, Fla., wrote Aug. 31, 11118: "I feel that I should send In Jan. *2,1919 : 1 used a Pottle of your my testimonial for Dr. Thacker-, Liver Dr. Thocher . hirer And Blood Syrup n Medicine, which I have used for twelve my family with a four-year-old child years. Before 1 used it 1 could not do a that had bad kidneys, caused by whole days work: because I was so weak in measles. Found it to do more good my kidneys, but lum now strong and than all the medicines that I ever got healthy” hold of.” Sole Props, i Mirs. THACHER MEDICINE CO., Ch»t«»~Ra, Tenn-.U. S. A. V. ii i TnMwrwTifiMißnn7—yii iimm—iiiMiti'fii rrmrr wmstfr A Roland for an Oliver. "Did you hear what the fat wom an said to tlu> specialist?” '‘No; what was it?” •‘He told her not to bant and she told him not to banter.” A torpid liver prevent# proper food an Aimilatlon. Tone up your liver with Wright’s Indian Vegetable Pill#. They act gently Adv. Hot Water in Iceland. Iceland has about 100 geysers which throw up columns of hot water. Shake Into Your Shoes ySr Sprinkle in the Foot Bath Z7 ALLEN’S FOOT-EASE Agri The Antiseptic, Healing Powder f \ Corns, Bunions, Blisters, Callouses, \ It freshens the feet nn<l makes walk- "fTwriSt'm ]'■»" /3 \vfL- 'jMk Ingcasy. 1,600,000 pounds of powder 8 7 AjJ* ..r, fur the feet were used by our army \\ (j ytij Ay 0 and navy during the war. Ask for Allen’s Foot-Ease. I^ 4KM everywhere. X smudgy poodle is crying evidence that its owner has wearied in well doing. MOTHER! “California Syrup of Figs” Child’s Best Laxative Accept “California" Syrup of Flgß only—look lor the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harm less physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love Its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say “California. ’ —Adv. One’s wife never gets mad when he finds fault with the meals —If they live in a boarding house. The Cutlcura Toilet Trio i Having cleared your skin keep It clear | by making Cutlcura your every-day i toilet preparations. The soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, the Talcum to powder and per fume. No toilet table Is complete without them. 25c everywhere.—Adv. I A woman’s idea of a hideous gown is one that Is out of style. The summer girl can’t appear on the -itage of action any too soon. I Blood Was Bad i A Prominent Georgian Suffered From Many Blood Troubles Until Relieved by Taking Ziron. 4( T I MIj been having rheumatism I ami feeling very muchly off for some time,” says Mr. G. M. ! Tat urn, of Cobutta, Ga. “I began to have risings, or spring | sores. I felt all run-down. I didn’t I feel like working. I didn’t have any ! appetite, and when night tame I was I restless. “I felt tired when I got up. I had i bad feeling all over. “I knew by the sores that I had bad ! blood. PMall Us 20c With Any Size Flint for development and I* Velvet. Prints, or send 6 negative#, any size. an(180o for tt print#, or 400 for Beautiful Mounted Hn argemont. Our nearness Insurer prompt, aervlco. Full Details and Price LlHton request. 4 nUANOKE PHOTO FINISHING CO.. 296 Bell be . Roanoks, U - —— 10c Kueh Paid for Tobacco Users’ Name#. Send Dime for Contract. ICauy Money. O. Schoenfleld, 3620 Raymond St., Houston. Tex. mrni/l TO POSITIVELY REMOVED by Dr. n«rrr'« r K rI,K I |»\ Irsckls Ointment Your druggist or by | II I IJ IV I L«3 rn»ll, fine. Free book Or. C. H. Uotry ■«bkV Co., 2975 Michigan Avenue, Chicago* IJV @niLLTi®MD<g till for SO Turf. FOR MALARIA CHILLS AMD FETES. All, t Flu Gutril Sircofthonlnf Toole At All DragSUrao After you eat—always use FATONIC YOUfi STOMACH'S SAKE) —one or two tablets—eat like candy. Instantly relieves Heartburn, Bloated Gassy Feeling. Stops indigestion, food souring, repeating, headache and the many miseries caused by Acid-Stomach KATONIC is the best remedy, it taken the harmful acids and gases right out of the body and, of course, you get well. Tens of thousands wonderfully benefited. Guaranteed to satisfy or money refunded by your own drug gist. Cost a trifle. Please try it! MfcfchKHl Balance in 10 equal monthly payment#, buys you any Texan «w Louisiana Oil stock. Send 20% ot tho piVunfe price of stock. We make delivery at the expira tion of 10 montha. Make your own se lection. We handle no predictions. TEXAS TRUST COMPANY Fort Worth, Texas 5 " fi KING PIN g | CHEWING TOBACCO i Has that good I I licorice taste I | yoiivebeen 1 I looking for. • I NOTED HI’KCIV DIBT TREATS ALIa ( lIKOMt DISEASES; stomach, liver, kid neys and heart. If you hove any growth# of citritcrouH nature, don’t delay; write him at once. DR K. O. CROXDALK. South We#t City, Missouri. •' ll ' ' f""~ ■" 11 " “I decided to take Ziron, as I heard that was what It was for—the hJood. "It certainly was just what I needed. The little bolls began to dry up. My skin got clearer. I felt so much better, It seemed I could see better. "I began to eat, and now I can hardly get enough. I feel like a different man. “I certainly can and do recommend Ziron. I feel fine.” If you should fall to derive any benefit from your first bottle of Ziron, the druggist from whom you buy it will refund your money.