The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, June 17, 1920, Image 4
TP\e r*Lor\tgorr\ery Monitor. PUBLISHED f V l > V THURSDAY. 01-FICIAL OROAN MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Kntered as the I'osf office in Ml. Vernon. Oa. as Second-Class Mail Matter. H. B. FOLSOM, Editor and Owner. st.s« a Vear, in Advance. SflvertifpmentH must invariably be paid in advance, at the left*! rate, and ax the law direcix; and miixt he in band not later than Wednesday niornitiK or the hint week of iuxertion Mount Vernon, Ga.. Thursday Morning, June 17, 1920. An Analysis of Prices Covering Long Period. In a little pamphlet entitled “Basic Facts of Prosperity,” pub lished by the Curtis Publishing Company, analysis of wholeasle and retail prices and wages for the years 1800 to 1872 is given. : The figure of 100 is taken as the j basic level of all three in 1860. There was a gradual rise during 1861 and 1862 and 1863, and at the end of the latter year whole-! sale prices were at 100; retail prices at 140; and wages at 130. During the year 1864 came the sharpest rise, and wholesale , prices jumped to the 210 mark, reaching the peak in January, I 1865. Meanwhile, both retail prices and wages had tafcen a more gradual rise, the former standing at 165 in January and wages being at 150. , In April, 1865, the war ended 1 and there came a sudden drop in wholesale prices, which fell to. 160 in July of that year and then j rallied to 180 by the end of the j year. Retail prices and wages continued a steady rise through out the year, not being affected by the end of the war, and reaching the respective levels of 170 and 165 at the end of 1865, In the year following the close * of the war, or 1865, there was a marked variation in the trend of the three. Wholesale prices fluct uated rather violently but with a constant downward trend, and they continued this downward course with occasional sharp ral lies for seven years,following the war, scoring a net loss of from live to ten points a year, until in 1872, just prior to the great panic, they were at 130 or just 30 points above the pre-war figure. The wise man will save and in vest his money in Government securities until prices come down. Oak drove* Dots. Hu« rial Corre>«potiil*nt*«*. Mrs. Herbert Sharpe ofVidalia is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. M. A. Peterson. Misses AnniuKeytiolds and Es telle Milligan spent Thursday afternoon with Miss Sudie Gra ham. j Mrs. J. A. Reynolds spent Sat urday with Mrs. A. J. Graham. We are very glad to learn that Oak Grove has organized a Sun beam Band. They opened Sun day with 20 members, and will meet Saturday 3:30 p. m. Misses Sudie Graham and An nie Reynolds visited Mrs. Brant ley Saturday afternoon. A large crowd attended the B. ; Y. P. U. meeting Sunday. Miss Sudie Graham and broth er, Willie, took dinner with Miss Annie Reynolds Sunday. Qyite a crowd from this section attended the funeral of Mr. Hen- j ry Walker at Tarrytown Monday afternoon. The young man died in France in the service of his country about two years ago, and his body was sent home for inter ment. We sympathise with the bereaved family. Messrs. Owen McDougald and Dan Riddle of Ailey were down at Oak Grove Sunday. Mr. C. W. Peterson and family visited at the home of Mr. J. A Reynolds Sunday. let* for (he Season. Am prepared to supply ice, 1 wholesale and retail, during the; season. Guaranteed service. H. L. Smith, 66tf Mt. Vernon. f McGregor Items. Rev. Frank M. Baldwin filled his regular appointment here Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Keen and chil dren of Glenwood spent Sunday the guests of the latter’s sister, Mrs. I). H. Mitchell. Miss Erin McArthur, who has been in school in Virginia, has re turned home. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McArthur, j Ir., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McArthur, Sr., Sun day afternoon. Quite a number from here at tended the sing at Higgston Sun- I day. Mr. L. V. Mitchell, who is with the Gillette Rubber Co., Atlanta, spent the week-end with home folks. Mr, Mayo Browning of Glen wood was here Sunday afternoon. Miss Josephine Morris was in Vidalia Saturday shopping. Mrs. Make Morris has returned from Lamar, S. C. Miss Vina Hooper spent Wed nesday in Glenwood, the guest of Mrs. John Meeks. Mr. Walker Morris returned from Savannah Saturday. Miss Ophelia Morris is spend ing the week with her aunt, Mrs. Make Morris. Seed Peas. 100 Bushels Brabharrf, Iron, Whipporwill and Mixed Peas. Also lot of Bunch Velvet Beans. See at once. T. L. Tatom, 4228 Alston, Ga. ('itatmu. Georgia—Montgomery County. To whom it may concern: Notice in hereby given that C C. WurHock, ax administrator of Oscar Kuis and Mattie Ruis, de ceased , having applied to me by petition for leave to sell 33 1-8 ■ , „ acres ot land of said deceased in said county, and that an order was made thereon at the June term, 1920, for citation, and that citation issue; all the heirs at law and creditors of the said deceased will take notice that I will pass upon suid application at the .July term, 1920. of the court of ordina ry ; and that unless eause is shown (to the contrary, at said time, said leave will he granted. This 7th day of June. 1920. J. C. McAllister, Ordinary. (•y press Shingles. 1 have on hand an unlimited | number of hand-drawn number one cypress shingles for sale. See me at once. A. B. Hutcheson. 1016tf Mt. Vernon. Ga. KEEP COOL. Wholesale and retail Ice. Am prepared to supply Ailey and Mt. Vernon. Telephone Mason’s j store. Ailey. Also Fresh Fiiffi at all times. W. A. Smith. 1 15134 Ailey, Ga. ( For Long Term Farm Loans, SEE A. B. HUTCHESON. 1 am negotiating some very j attractive Long Term Farm Loans for the best companies doing bus iness in Georgia, with lowest rates of interest and the most liberal terms of payments I have several years experience in the loan business, am located ' at the eouuty site and believe that I 1 am in position to give you the i best terms and as prompt services as any one. if vou ueed a loan see me before application. A. B. Hutcaheou, Mt. Veruuu, Ga. TflF; MONTGOMERY MONITOR—THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1920. - _ Stray Hog. Year-old Hampshire gilt; un marked; two or three black spots on list around body; left place May 8. Any information leading to recovery suitably rewarded. J. Carl Adams, 5204 Rt. 1. Mt. Vernon, Ga. - ! Peas for Sale. Field Peas, Iron, Brabham and i Mixed peas for sale. Peas are very scarce this season so get j your supply while they last. J. Wade Johnson, 212tf Mount Vernon, Ga. LOANS ON FARM LANDS. Loans on improved farm lands of Montgomery County can !be placed promptly at 5 l-2c in terest in amounts of SI,OOO and above, with the privilege of re paying part of the principal at i any interest bearing periods in amounts of SIOO or multiples thereof, thereby stopping the in terest on amount paid. Loans can be made for periods of 57, or 10 years to suit the borrower. Commissions charged are reason able. M. B. Calhoun, Mt. Vernon, Ga, R. E. Ward. Soperton, Ga. Fred M. Harris Attorney at La w MT. VERNON, GA. M. B. CALHOUN Atty at Law, i Mt Vernon, Georgia GEO. B. COWART Attorney at Law Office with Marcus B. Calhoun MT VERNON. GA j [farm LOAN Si! \ on : j ► Improved Treutlen, Montgomery and « ] ► t ► Toombs County Lands J j t QUICK ACTION ATTRACTIVE TERMS *\\ l GILLIS & HALL Jj! ► Soperton, ga. «|j • AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJk AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA * CHALMERS); The Car Superb No ordinary terms can describe the most iji! 1 » | i excellent character of the Chalmers ear. ji I No fortune required to enjoy the luxury ji and benefit of ownership. See the car. i D. A. MCRAE Mt. Vernon, Ga. j j AUTHORIZED AGENT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY | ===;; ! MONEY TO LOAN ON MONTGOMERY COUNTY FARMS. jj j At 5 to (> per cent, in Amounts of SIOOO jj * : to SIOO,OOO, on Five to Ten Years time, jj | I represent one of the largest Life Insurance Companies, with Unlimited Capital, and can j; j close loans on short order. ji \ CALL OR WRITE W. J. WALLACE, Soperton, Ga. j| j | y Registered Pigs. Wire Fencing. For sale, one lot Registered Carload American Wire Fence jj Duroc Pigs. 2 Mos. old. Orion . . i Cherry King Stock. just received. Standard sizes. Herbert McCrimmon, Mt. Vernon Mercantile Co.. 422 Mt. Vernon. 1 Mt. Vernon, Ga. , I SPRING SHOESf | NOW IN ORDER % I A VERY STRONG UNE TO % % SELECT FROM % W * * > * # i # • *• J Anticipating a Strong Demand for the Popular Brands and j ✓ • 1 • % Styles of Shoes this Season, we have placed in Stock a Line * which we feel sure will please the people, both in Quality, j >(e , ijt You are especially invited to see our Newest Footwear. # * ’ ‘ * w & | NEW LINE OF MEN’S HATS ANO OVERALLS % * Groceries, Hardware, Farm Tools * t Wire Fencing, Notions * * * * #• * * * I, ,||, m, __ * * # * i MT. VERNON MERCANTILE CO. | | Mt. Vernon, Qa. % % * f COFFINS, CASKETS, AND | CEMENT VAULTS | Ample Provision for Hearse Service | | and Prompt Attention to all Calls | || H. V. THOMPSON | I AILEY, GA. Stf WSSSSSSS j Save The Grain! f ;!> * (| This can he done to the Best : « Advantage with Proper Machinery. ;j; I] Put your Reapers and Rakes in Shape ;j; for the Harvest, by procuring j SPARE PARTS AND REPAIRS ! AND BEST SISAL TWINE 8 i|i I !j l ’ i I ' ... -i! ; I A Full Line Goodrich Tires. Also j|i | Other Auto Supplies in Stcok. || MASON HARDWARE CO. Mt. Vernon, Ga.