Newspaper Page Text
Murder Case is Set for Trial
Lyons Third Monday
in July.
On Tuesday the State Court of
Appeals handed down an opinion
m which the decision of Judge
R. N. Hardeman was sustained
in the Lee Currie case wherein
attorneys for the defendant
sought to obtain a change of
venue from Toombs county.
Currie, it will be remembered,
is held in jail in Savannah on the
charge of murdering Burley
Phillips in Toombs county in
February. At an adjourned term
of the Toombs Superior court
held in March, attorneys for
Currie filed a motion for a change
of venue to another county,
claiming that he could not get
a fair trial in Toombs on account
of prejudice against him. The
hearing was had and Judge
Hardeman declined to grant the
motion. An appeal was taken
and the argument heard before
the higher court on May 10th and
an opinion rendered sustaining
Judge Hardeman’s decision on
Currie will likely be tried at
the forthcoming adjourned term
of Superior court which convenes
at Lyons on the third Monday in
July.—Lyons Progress.
Million Dollars of
Goods are Stolen.
Toledo, 0., June 23—Govern
ment agents investigating the
disappearance of ordnance equip
ment at the Erie Proving grounds
at Port Clinton, 40 miles east of
here, redoubled their efforts to
day to find the parties guilty of
thefts that will amount to close
to a million dollars.
Questioning of civilian em
ployes at the government station
was continued by a sauad of de
department of justice officials
and it was said that a number of
the village’s citizens may be in
The dragnet investigation was
undertaken by the federal officers
at the request of the military
commandant who it is said has
had evidence for some time that
systematic thievery was going on.
Off for Atlanta to
Attend Summer Session.
Hon. J. C. Calhoun, senator
from the Fifteenth district, and
Hon. D. 0. Calhoun, representa
tive from Montgomery, left Tues
day for Atlanta for the summer
session of the Assembly. Most
important of county bilis to be
presented by them is a bill chang
ing the terms of Montgomery
superior court from four to two
terms a year. The Monitor is
not informed what time will be
designated for the new terms,
but each will last two weeks.
Verdun Monument Begun.
Verdun, June 23.—The first
stone was laid today for the
monument to be erected here in
honor of the soldiers who fell in
the victorious battle for the de
fense of Verdun. The ceremony
occurred in the presence of de
tachments bearing the colors of
all the French Army Corps.
The date selected for the event
was the fourth anniversary of
the farthest advance into the
Verdun region made by the
Germans—the day that marked
the turning point in the great
struggle for possession of this
notable strategic point in the
battle line.
Good shower yesterday after
iMnntmmtmj Msmxtxxt.
Registrars in Session;
Set Date for Hearings.
The Board of County Regis
i trars, composed of Messrs. G. W.
Hamilton, A. D. Hughes and S.
B. Morris, has been in session
| here this week arranging voters’
lists for the forthcoming elec
: tions.
They will be in session in Mt.
11 Vernon Wednesday, June 30th,
for the purpose of making correc
tions, transfers, etc., and all who
desire to be transferred from one
district to another, or have other
adjustments made, must appear
before them on that date.
The new list will be first used
lin the election on the stock law, !
to be held July 7th. Those who
are not properly registered should !
;keep the date in mind and see
that they are properly qualified. I
Montgomery Man to
Wed Florida Lady.
Montgomery county friends of
Mr. Robert Smith will be inter- j
ested in his marriage. The happy
event will be celebrated in Miami, j
Fla., and his bride is to be Miss
Geneva Carter of that citv.
Mr. Smith was reared near
Mt. Vernon, and is a grand-son
of Mrs. Tom Adams, south of
Mt. Vernon. For several years
he has been in Jacksonville. Fla., j
where he is engaged in business, j
He is a young man of sterling
quality, and is to be congratulated
on winning one of Florida’s most
choice ladies.
They will arrive within the
next few days to visit relatives
and friends.
Uvalda News.
| Special Correspondence.
Miss Meda Youmansof Swains
boro is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Walter Langford. 1
Misses Alberta and Mary Lou'
McNatt are spending some time '
with Mr. and Mrs. Grady Me-1
Allister at Scotland.
Miss Francis Johnson of War-1
renton is the guest of Misses Es-1
sie and Elizabeth Harris.
Mr. John Hinson Mobley and
sister, Charlotte, of Lumber City
spent a few days last week at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. W. M.
Misses Velma McArthur and
Minnie Wells of Longpond are
guests of relatives here.
Mr. John Edward Moses has
returned trom a visit to Dublin
and Dexter.
Mrs. J. B. Thurmond is visiting
! at Scotland.
i Misses Carrie Mae and Eulaiie
Peterson of Vidalia spent thei
1 week-end with relatives here.
, :
Master Robert Mobley has re- j
turned from a visit to Dexter,
( he was accompanied home by
Master F. M. Daniels.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Odom, Miss
O.Neal and Mrs. McGowan of
Lyons spent Sunday with Mr.
land Mrs. Lester O’Neal.
Misses Mattie Waller and Lu- j
: cille Pritchett of Soperton were
, 1 visitors here Sunday.
Miss Vera Moye, the druggist
at the Martin Drug Store, is
spending her vacation in Atlanta.
Mrs. Jim Gibbs and daughter,
Orvelle, of Brunswick have been
visiting Mrs. J. P. Moses.
Mrs. J. S. Kennedy spent last
■ week-end at Hagan with her
, daughter, Mrs. C. E. Graybill.
; Mrs. W. R. Phillips has re
turned from a visit to Bellville.
; Work is progressing rapidly on
; the McNatt Ford garage, under!
the supervision of Mr. D, L.
Williams. The foundation is!
practically ready and brick-laying
will begin tomorrow.
L Poplar Head.
i ! Special Correspondence.
. j Mrs. C. H. Collins and children
are visiting her parents, Mr. W.
T. Right at Manning.
i Mrs. A. W. Conaway and chil
' | dren visited Mrs. H. A. Braddy
■ Saturday afternoon.
Misses Ethel Caraway and
Lena Price were the guests of
j Miss Gladys West Sunday.
,! Mr. Robert Ruis escorted Miss
, Annie Warnock to Sunday school
. Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. H. A. Braddy and chil
dren visited Mrs. G. E. West
i Friday afternoon.
! Misses Velma and Robena Phil
lips of Tarry town were the guests
of Misses Mary Esther and Irma
Lee Phillips Saturday night.
j Mr. Lummie Collins made a
i business trip to Mt. Vernon Mon
: day.
Mrs. W. T. Right and daugh
ters of Manning were the guests
jof Mrs. C. H. Collins Saturday
and Sunday last.
1 Mrs. C. C. Warnock visited
Mrs. H. A. Braddy Wednesday
Misses Atlas and Claudine
Braddy were the guests of Mrs. j
Willie Braddy Friday.
Mrs. Mason Hamilton visited i
| her sister, Mrs. A. W. Conaway i
Mr. D. H. Phillips and family
attended church at Tarrytown
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Warnock
made a business trip to Tarry
town Saturday morning.
Mr. D. H. Phillips, daughter
and son attended the funeral
service at Zaidee.
© m ©■»©•©■© :®©::©© a© mmmmtmmmm
ils a
| jg : 0
Misses Hattiebelle Burch and
j Beatrice Coyle of Atlanta, who!
j have been visiting Miss Lessie
Mae Rackley, have returned to!
their home in the Gate City.
Jerry McKinnon, a well-known
; colored farmer, brings in the first
! sweet potato of the season. It is
not quite the size of a pumpkin,
but Jerry promises some of this
size by July 4th.
Mr. W. A. Peterson and fam
ily left Monday morning for a ten
days trip to Cairo.
Miss Alice Thompson has re
turned from Florence, Ala.,
where she has been attending
I college.
; After an operation in Atlanta,,
| Miss Ethel Thompson has return
ed home. She continues to im
prove, and will doubtless soon be
Mrs. Alice Wilson, recently
moved to Vidalia, was among:
friends in Mt. Vernon Monday.
Mt. Vernon friends regret the re- \
moval of theis excellent family.
Mrs. R. H. Holz and little son,
Forest, are spending some time
in Hawkinsville, and will doubt
less remain there until the return
of Mr. Holz for further work on (
the new bridge at this place.
Mrs. J. B. Bryant of Graymont!
has returned home after a visit'
with her daughter, Mrs. Orion
! Hill.
Miss Alma Morrison left a few
days ago for Athens, where she
will take a special course in music.
Miss Morrison is an excellent
After an extended visit with
the family of her mother, Mrs. •
Margaret Abt, Mrs. S. A. Lynn
and children have returned to
! their home in Lyonß.
Longpond Dots.
Special Correspondence.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. McAllister
visited relatives near Lumber
City last week-end.
Miss Thelma McAllister is vis
iting her sister, Mrs. A. W.
Bendimire, of Odum.
Mrs. C. C. McAllister, Jr., is
visiting friends and relatives in
Savannah this week.
Mr. Peter Johnson and sister,
Gertrude, visited friends at So
perton Sunday last.
Master Charlie Mack Moses h
and little sister, Elizabeth, of
Lumber City are visiting their '
grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
C. McAllister.
Mr. Dewey Gibbs of Uvalda
visited relatives here Sunday
Rev. J. H. Oliver will fill his .
regular appointment here next
Sunday morning at 11:00 o’clock
and Sunday night at 8:00 o,clock. .
Everybody come.
Putting New Hotel
in Readiness for Use.
The Wilson home, recently pur- 1
chased by the Mt. Vernon Hotel 1
jCo., is being repainted, and in a
i few weeks will be placed in first- i
i class condition for hotel purposes, i
! All modern conveniences will be
installed, and it will be made a ,
very desirable stopping place, .
amply facilitated to take care of
the traveling public.
Mt. Vernon has long stood in j
need of a modern hotel, and the J
company is to be congratulated *
on its plans for supplying this ’
want. The new hotel will at
least be ready for occupancy be- 1
forp another month. i
Mrs. H. L. Wilt and little son,
! Clay, return this afternoon from
a visit with relatives in Perry.
j Mrs. Austin McEachern and
little daughter, Julia, of Macon-,
are visiting the family of Col. A.
(B. Hutcheson. Mrs. McEachern
is a sister of Mrs. Hutcheson,
and is pleasantly remembered by
Mt. Vernon friends as Miss Vin
| son.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hutcheson
are spending the day in Savan
Mrs. J. E. Mcßae is visiting
relatives in Macon.
Miss Nell Cock field has re
turned from a visit to Vidalia,
, where she vva3 the guest of Miss
Nell Wilson.
| Miss Mattie Hugh Mclntyre
and Willie Elliott are spending
; the week with relatives in Hazle
| hur9t. They are guests of the
family of the latter’s uncle, Mr.!
H. U. Wilson.
! !'
! Miss Cora Westbrooks of (
Americas is expected this after
noon to visit Miss Eula Mcßae.
Mrs. J. E. Hunt and children
leave tomorrow morning for
jSandersville, where they will be
j the guests of the former’s father,
1 Dr. J. R. Henderson, and other
j relatives.
Mr. E. J. Vann, Jr., a promi
j nent young business man of :
I Flint, Ga., spent Monday with 1
friends in Mt. Vernon.
Mrs. E. C. Ryals and little :
daughter, Edith, of Mcßae, are
visiting the family of Col. M. B.
! Col. Eschol Graham of Mcßae, '
■ one of the candidates for judge
(of the Oconee Circuit, is in the
county this week in the interest
!of his campaign. [<
Convicts Escape With
Clothes of Warden.
Alamo, Ga., June 22.—Frank
Wyatt and son, Mitch, white,
two life term convicts, escaped
from the county gang here last
Wednesday. They were convict
ed in Laurens county superior
court about two years ago. in
connection with the murder of
■ Howard Snell, colored, living at
that time in this county, who was
taken from his home one night
and a few days later his dead
! body was found over in Laurens
county. Before leaving the camp
the Wyatts appropriated to them
| selves all of the good clothes of
Warden Phillips, who was away
from the camp at the time, and
left him with practically only the
clothes he was wearing. It was
several hours after their escape
before the fact was known, when
Warden Phillips was notified and
a search for the men beiran.
Special Correspondence
Wo were glad to see the nice
rain. The weather is pleasant
Hon. D. O. Calhoun left Tues
day morning for Atlanta to at
tend the Legislature.
Editor H. B. Folsom was in our
midst Monday afternoon. We
always welcome him to our town.
Messrs. W. B. Cadle and wife
R. D. Beatty and wife, B. S.
Beatty and wife and others have
gone to the coast on a fishing
Miss Alice Anderson returned
Friday after a week’s visit with
relatives in Wrightsville.
Misses Vera and Mabel Burns,
Mattie Mae Beatty and Sallie Mae
Calhoun left Monday morning
for Athens.
Rev. J. H. Oliver filled his
regular appointment Sunday, de
livering very interestingsermons,
especially Sunday night.
Mrs. P. G. Wneeler of Lyons
spent part of the week guest of
her niece. Miss Mettie Moxley.
Mr. Chas. Claxton and Will
Pollette of Kite were in town
Tuesday afternoon.
The games of baseball are be
giririning. Tarrytown went over
to Glen wood last week and the
game was 9 to 6 in favor of
Glen wood. Glen wood came to
Tarrytown Tuesday and the score
was 19 to 2 in favor of Tarry
Misses Alice Anderson, Mettie
Moxley and Nellie Mae Ferrell
attended the birthday dinner at
Mr. Doc Canady’s Tuesday. Say
they wish he had several birth
days if they only had an invita
Miss Vera Moye is guest of
her sister, Mrs. W. B. Cadle.
We regret very much to hear
of the death of Miss Ethel Page,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Meeks”
baby is very much improved,
after a long illness.
Quite a surprise to many to
learn that Mr. Sid Phillips and
Miss Idona Brantley were marri
ed Sunday afternoon.
Miss Lessie Mae Crawford
spent Saturday night with Miss
Sallie Mae Calhoun.
Mr. J. R. Canady of Stillmore
and Miss Minnie Canady were
guests of Miss Alice Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Canady of
Swainsboro and Messrs. Willie
Pollette and Charlie Claxton of
Kite attended the birthday din
ner at Mr. Doc Canady’s Tues
1 Sunday Schools of County
t 1 are Requested to Send
r The summer meeting of the
1 ; Montgomery County Sunday
1 School Association will be held at
t the Methodist church in Uvalda
i July 6, and every Sabbath school
t in the county is urged to send
1 delegates. Under a former rule
} each school was entitled to three
' delegates besides pastor and
■ superintendent, but this rule has
r been so amended as to allow a
I school to send additional dele
, gates, thus broadening the scope
. of the work and interest.
, A very interesting and profit
! able program has been prepared,
I and every school in the county is
expected to send a delegation.
Mr. J. T. Brack, who has
given a great deal of attention to
Sabbath school work, is presi
dent of the organization.
> _ _
Hawkinsyille Was a
Mecca for Candidates.
Judge Eschol Graham of Mc-
Rae, J. H Roberts and W. A.
Wooten of Eastman, all candi
, dates for Judge of the Oconee
circuit, are in attendance upon
court, and in their leisure mom
ents are presenting their cause
to the voters for their considera
’ tion.
Mr. Marcus Calhoun of Mt. Ver
non is here meeting and getting
l acquainted with the people of the
1 county. Mr. M. H. Boyer, while
not engaged in the trial of cases,
is keeping his candidacy before
i rhe voters. Each candidate ex
presses himself as well pleased
with the cordial reception with
which his candidacy is being re
ceived by the people. Hawklns
ville News-Dispatch.
Congressman Larsen
Made Trip Montgomery.
Congressman W. W. Larsen,
I accompanied by his secretary,
Mr. Mosley, spent an hour or two
in Mt. Vernon Friday afternoon.
This hurried visit was of a busi
ness nature, but it is quite sure
’ that Mr. Larsen will open his
campaign for re-election at once,
1 and will make a thorough canvass
! of the Twelfth district.
Marshal’s Memory is
Bad for This Crook.
Savannah, June 23. —Marshal
Kea of the United States Reve
nue Service, today recognized
Frank Wright, whom he had
arrested on charges of tampering
with mails, as Will Horne, whom
he had arrested sixteen years
"ago in Twiggs county for another
offense, and who ten years ago
escaped from the chaingang.
The negro was tonight taken
• back to Twiggs county to com
plete the term he dodged nearly
a dozen years ago.
| Notice ot Local Legislation.
Notice is hereby given that
there will be introduced in the
present session of the General
| Assembly of Georgia a bill en
titled an Act to Amend an Act
Incorporating the Town of Als
-1 ton, Montgomery county, Ga.,
and for other purposes.
Farm Wanted.
■ j Wanted, to hear from owner of
' farm or good land for sale. Send
price and description. Fall de
livery. L. Jones,
Box 551, Olney, 111.
NO. 8.