The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, June 24, 1920, Image 4
T?y3 Monitor. FUBUSHEO EVERY THURSDAY. OFFICIAL ORQAN MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Knteivd at th*- }*onfofflce in Mt. Vernon. Ga, ah Second-Claee Mail Matter. H. B. FOLSOM, Editor and Owner. sl.s° « Year, in Advance. *»-; e>r«l « Ivertiaemonta mint invariably bn paid in advance, at the legal rate, and a* the law direct h; ami nnirit be in hand no* later than Wedneaday moruing or the lirat week of lnaertioD Mount Vernon. Ga., Thursday Morning, June 24, 1920. The fact that the state treasury is empty, without funds to pay the expenses of the legislature, should be a lesson for prospective candidates no telling what may happen before next summer. Even glory comes high these days. • Delegates have begun to arrive for the San Francisco convention, and nose counting is said to be on. It is safe to say that William J. Bryan will make a note of all red noses prior to the opening of the ball Monday. From henceforth let this cot ton bloom fever develop into something else say melon rash (or rush). Cotton blooms are very ornamental, especially in a growing state in the field, but as parlor or desk ornaments they will soon assume a commonplace status. At this season almost any man has storage room for a melon. Or, the individual with out floor space can soon arrange otherwise in case of emergency. Law and order are necessary to any well governed state, but however strong and commenda ble the idea, in theory or in fact, it does not harmonize with the murder or abuse of Southern white women, and those who in sist on engaging in acts reflecting on the virtue and sanctity of Southern white women may well expect the usual form of ven geance-swift, sure and unbend ing horrible and distasteful as it may be. After all, starvation is not crowding the real farmer, with peas $6 a bushel, corn $2.50 and hay at SSO per ton. Despite stringent conditions, the oppor tunity of the farmer has not been cut off; prevailing prices for food products are in proportion to ex horbitant prices for other prod ucts, commodities or necessities. The demand for food was never stronger, and the food producer cannot go to the wall if he will stay on the job. The Savannah News recently took The Monitor to task for run ning a road notice on its editorial column, however, commending the new road idea. For the past few weeks The Monitor has carried no editorial paragraphs, and the clipping column of the Savannah News has been at a loss. Byway of again repri manding us Tuesday’s News runs a selection from one of our cor respondents. Gentlemen, we have taken the hint, some time ago, but let it be remembered that The Monitor, without its usual working force, has labored under difficulties of late. A country editor cannot live by editorials alone. As a candidate for the Legis lature from Montgomery county, the editor of The Monitor has been asked by a number of gen tlemen (mainly those who do not read the county paper) for a declaration of principles. Those who have read The Montgomery Monitor for the past seventeen years are more or less familiar w ith our ideas, opinion, and line of action and accomplishment, and to them no special statement is • necessary. The people as a whole realize our efforts for the upbuilding of the county’s in ti rests—it is on open record be yond question. We believe the people of Montgomery county appreciate our endeavors, and should we be chosen representa tive, the people of the county aud the State of Georgia will still have the benefit of our best efforts for faithful and efficient service, based on training and thorough equipment Harding, the Republican nomi nee, regards Georgia as the key to the South, the foster-parent of ! sectionalism, and through his personal efforts will undertake to break the sold South by invading i the Empire State. He will ap peal for nationalism (probably under the guise of Americanism), j The purest Americanism has ever been found in the South and the staunchest form of Democra cy has always found birth in the womb of the South, and it would be pure yet were it not for the slimy footprints of disruption and anarchy now seen on every side. Strange that the South, rich in tradition, ripe in achieve ment, and exalted in should listen to the teachings of fanatics working for their own interests, and that along lines contrary to the fixed views of the South. Mr. Harding may be a good man, but if the South is true to herself and to her honored record, the visits of the would-be president will have been in vain. No, the institution of a six hour day is not worth shucks. Too much vagrancy in the land now. It takes a full day for the working few to feed the loafing masses, with but little or no hope of changing the program. Ice for the Season. Am prepared to supply ice, wholesale and retail, during the season. Guaranteed service. H. L. Smith, ' 56tf Mt. Vernon. Citation. | Georgia—Montgomery County. I To whom it limy concern: , Notice is hereby given that C C. Warnock, as administrator of Oscar Kins and Mattie Kuis, de ceased, having applied to me by petition for leave to sell 85) 1-8 acres ot land of said deceased in said county, and that an order was made thereon at the June , term, 1920, for citation, and that . citation issue; all the heirs at law and creditors of the said deceased will take notice that 1 will pass upon said application at the July term, 1920. of the court of ordina ry ; and that unless cause is shown | to the contrary, at said time, . said leave will be granted. This | 7th day of June. 1920. J. C. McAllister, Ordinary. KEEP COOL. > i Wholesale and retail Ice. Am . prepared to supply Ailey and . Mt. Vernon. Telephone Mason’s store, Ailey. Also Fresh Fish at all times. W. A. Smith, ' 5134 Ailey, Ga. | For Long Term Farm Loans, SEE A. B. HUTCHESON. | I am negotiating some very attractive Long Term Farm Loans ■ for the best companies doing bus iness in Georgia, with lowest rates * of interest aud the most liberal - terms of payments t 1 have several years experience i in the loan busiuess, am located S ? at the county site and believe that ! f I am id position to give you the best terms and as prompt services ’ as any one. < r If vou need a loan see me before i application. A. B. Hutceheon, I I Mt. Veruou, Ga. H ~~~ J I Wanted. Full time Life Insurance Sales man. Would consider part-time 1 if applicant is interested beyond monetary standpoint Free trip 1 to California first part of next - year if qualified. Strictly first r class Company and one of the I strongest in the world. Agents t must be of the same calibre, t Answer X YZ, Monitor office, I giving three references, occupa 'tion, age, etc. MONTGOMERY MONITOR THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1920. Stray Hog. Year-old Hampshire gilt: un marked; two or three black spots ion list around body; left place May 8. Any information leading : to recovery suitably rewarded. J. Carl Adams, 5204 Rt. 1, Mt. Vernon, Ga. Peas for Sale. Field Peas, Iron, Brabham and Mixed peas for sale. Peas are very scarce this season so get your supply while they last. J. Wade Johnson, 212tf Mount Vernon, Ga. LOANS ON FARM LANDS. Loans on improved farm lands of Montgomery County can be placed promptly at 5 l-2c in terest in amounts of SI,OOO and above, with the privilege of re paying part of the principal at any interest bearing periods in amounts of 1100 or multiples thereof, thereby stopping the in terest on amount paid. Loans can be made for periods of 57, or 10 years to suit the borrower. Commissions charged are reason able. M. B. Calhoun, Mt. Vernon, Ga. R. E. Ward, Soper ton, Ga. Fred M. Harris Attorney at Law MT. VERNON, GA. M. B. CALHOUN Atty at Law, ! Mt Vernon, Georgia GEO. 13. COWART Attorney at Law Office with Marcus B. Calhoun MT VERNON, GA. • ?YVWmUTtYY»»VWUTVV V« H VV?VTVVVVrVYVYYTT VVVVVf » j [farm loans! : j on « • Improved Treutlen, Montgomery and 3 ► t Toombs County Lands l QUICK ACTION ATTRACfIVE TERMS t t GILLIS & HALL Jj ► 2 P SOPERTON, GA. J £ * • AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*. * j CHALMERSi The Car Superb jj No ordinary terms can describe the most § excellent character of the Chalmers car. jj | No fortune required to enjoy the luxury ij; |;| and benefit of ownership. See the ear. jj' ij D. A. MCRAE Mt. Vernon, Ga. I AUTHORIZED AGENT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY jj MONEY TO LOAN ON MONTGOMERY j COUNTY FA3M3. ! At sto G per cent, in Amounts of 81000 ij to SIOO,OOO, on Five to Ten Years time. || I represent one of the largest Life Insurance Companies, with Unlimited Capital, and can close loans on short order. j; CALL OR WRITE W. J. WALLACE, Soper ton, Ga. jj Registered Pigs. For sale, one lot Registered Duroc Pigs, 2 Mos. old. Orion Cherry King Stock. Herbert McCrimmon. 4522 Mt. Vernon, i I SPRING SHOES f | NOW IN ORDER % | A VERY STRONG LINE TO % ! SELECT FROM % I* * % % . * % & £■ % Anticipating a Strong Demand for the Popular Brands and *£ Styles of Shoes this Season, we have placed in Stock a Line !# & J which we feel sure will please the people, both in Quality. j* 3r * N* r You are especially invited to see our Newest Footwear. # 4 1 & ■* * w & • NEW LM OF MEN’S HATS AND OVERALLS \ | * Groceries, Hardware, Farm Tools * * 77 1 * £■ S Wire Fencing, Notions * j # f # £ :* f if " ‘ " f \ MT, VERNON MERCANTILE CO. f t Mt. Vernon, Ga. % & ! Wire Fencing, Carload American Wire Fence just received. Standard sizes. Mt. Vernon Mercantile Co.. I Mt. Vernon, Ga. * i /y fc55555555555555J555ft5W5555555555555555! §fc I COFFINS, CASKETS, AND CEMENT VAULTS | Ample Provision for Hearse Service | and Prompt Attention to all Calls g 1 H. V. THOMPSON I 1 AILEY, GA. I ti SSSSSSS •»s*£ 3&»»3S3SS3&S3SSSSS3«SSSS93M 1 Save The Grain! I 2 This can be done to the Best « Advantage with Proper Machinery. ;j; | Put your Reapers and Rakes in Shape |j; for the Harvest, by procuring SPARE PARTS AND REPAIRS ( AND BEST SISAL TWINE I 1 I I 1 A Full Line Goodrich Tires. Also ii i I Other Auto Supplies in Stcok. I i MASON HARDWARE CO. ! i Mt. Vernon, Ga.