Newspaper Page Text
i'Dodson’s Liver Tone” is Taking Place of Dangerous,
Sickening Chemical, Say Druggists
Every druggist in town lias noticed
«. great falling off in the sale of
calomel. They all give the same rea
son. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking
its place.
“Calomel is dangerous and people
know it.” Dodson’s Liver Tone is per
sonally guaranteed by every druggist
who sells it. A large bottle doesn't
cost very much but if it fails to give
easy relief in every case of liver slug
gishness and constipation, just ask
for your money back.
THIS isn’t one of those fake free treatment
offers you have seen so many times. We
don’t offer to give you something for nothing— f
hut we do guarantee that you can try this won- *-*-
derful treatment, entirely at our risk, and this ffiffgßSSW
guarantee is backed by your local druggist.
This makes the offer one which yon can ah- /ri *■ j)
solutely depend upon, because the druggist with C it *? 'i 4
whom you have been trading would not stand fc
behind the guarantee if he did not know it to be
tn honest and legitimate one.
Hunt’s Salve, formerly called Hunt’s Cure,
has been sold under absolute money back guar- v f ; ’l'■
antee for more than thirty years. It is especially
compounded for the treatment of Eczema, Itch,
Ring Worm, Tetter, and other Itching skin dis- !fjfiSesr&&BF'*
Thousands of letters testify to Its curative properties. M. Timerlin, a
reputable dry goods dealer in Durant, Oklahoma, says: “I suffered with
Eczema for ten years, and spent $1,000.00 for doctors’ treatments, without
result. One box of Hunt's Cure entirely cured me.”
Don’t fail to give Hunt’s Salve a trial—price 75 cents, from your local
druggist, or direct by mail if he does not handle it.
However, the thin girl usually has a
Shapely ankle to be proud of.
“Bayer” on Genuine
“Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” is genu- j
ine Aspirin proved safe by millions |
and prescribed by physicians for ovei
twenty years. Accept only an unbroker 1
’’Bayer package” which contains propel
directions to relieve Headache, Tooth
ache. Earache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism
Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12
tablets cost few cents. Druggists alsc j
sell larger “Bayer packages.” Aspirin j
is trade mark Bayer Manufacture Mon
eaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. —Adv,
If a girl is really displeased with a
man sho doesn’t tell him so.
To Take ||j|||l
Thoughtful parents are having moet gratifying and PWffiffi!
astonishing results by using this safe, agreeable prep- ■ ■*■***
I aration which quickly stimulates baby’s digestion and regulates
bowel movements. It is a fact that babies and children like to take
The Infants* and Children’s Regulator
A few drops, depending: on agre, added to each feeding keepn baby's bowels
regular. This finest combination of vegetable ingredients promptly overcomes , ;
|f diarrhoea, relieves wind colic, flatulency, constipation and other disorders —espee-
The open published formula appears on every label —always know what you
If give your baby. Mrs. Winslow s Syrup costs more to make —yet coets you r.o more '
U than ordinary baby laxatives. At All Draggitta
ANGLO-AMERICAN DRUG CO„ 215-217 Fulton St., New York R
H General Selling Agents: Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Inc., New York—London—Toronto li
Unable to Work
A Bad Cough, With Chilly Spells and Other Troubles,
Kept a Rockdale Man From Work •
IS TOUR dally work a burden?
Do yon feel yourself losing
strength, and your system declining
f» vitality?
Avhile not really sick, you may be
run down, until you are pale, lack a
hearty appetite, and feel nervous.
Then you will be interested in read
ing what Mr. W. S. Pugh, of Rockdale,
Tenn., says: “I want to write a few
words of praise for Ziron Iron Tonic.
I was all run-down and had a bad
cough with chilly spells, appetite was
gone and I became unable to work.
Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant
tasting, purely vegetable remedy,
harmless to both children and adults.
Take a spoonful at night and wake up
feeling fine; no biliousness, sick head
ache, acid stomach or constipated
bowels. It doesn’t gripe or cause in
convenience all the next day like vio
lent calomel. Take a dose of calomel
today and tomorrow you will feel
weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose
a day.—Adv.
His Lack.
“Noah would never have made a
very successful poker player.”
“I suppose he wouldn’t when he
never held more than two of a kind.”
For many years druggists have watched
with much interest the remarkable record
maintained by Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root,
! the great kidney, liver and bladder medi
j cine.
It is a physician’s prescription.
Swamp-Root is a strengthening medi
cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and blad
der do the work nature intended they
should do.
Swamp-Root has stood the test of years,
j It is sold by all druggists on its merit
and it should help you. No other kidney
medicine has so many friends.
Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start
treatment at once.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
j mention this paper.—Adv.
A Big Drive.
“I wondef this rotten club doesn’t
drive you to matrimony.”
“My dear sir, matrimony drove me
to this club.” —Pan.
“Seeing Ziron advertised, I thought
’ I would try a bottle. After using it,
> I found It just as recommended. I
am well again and at my regular work.
I can recommend Ziron to any one as
a system builder.”
Many persons troubled with general
debility, tired feeling, nervousness, loss
r of appetite, due to lack of iron in their
blood, have found relief by taking
l Ziron Iron Tonic.
5 Tour druggist sells it on a money
hack guarantee. Ask him about it.
Teacher of English Bible In the Moody
Bible Institute of Chicago.)
(Copyright, 3920, Western Newspaper Union.)
12:1-5, 13-25.
GOLDEN TEXT—I will teach you the
good and the right way.—l Sam. 12:23
PRIMARY TOPIC-Stories About Sam
JUNIOR TOPIC—A Boy Who Became a
Great Man.
—Strong Points in Samuel’s Character.
—Samuel's Service to 11 is People.
The method of review must largely
he determined by tile teacher and the
grade of the class. For the junior
itnd intermediate grades -a good way
will be to make it biographical, cen
tering in Gideon, Eli, Samuel, Eli’s
sons, Saul and David. Os course, the
outstanding personality is Samuel.
For the older classes the following
from Peloubet’s Select Notes is an in
teresting and profitable method:
“This review, suited to older classes
only, will deal with difficult questions
involved in or suggested by the vari
ous lessons of the quarter, questions
that you may not have had time to
discuss adequately during the quar
ter. Assign one of these to each stu
dent, and divide the time evenly
among them. The following list of
topics may prove helpful, but it is
intended to be only suggestive:
Lesson I. How to put religion into
our state and national government.
Lesson 11. How to utilize better than
we are doing the power of women.
Lesson 111. How to bring together
and use the righteous and brave mi
Lesson IV. How to single out and
help the deserving poor.
Lesson V. How to develop the re
ligious capacities of children.
Lesson VI. How to open the eyes of
parents to their children’s faults.
Lesson VII. How to bring to bear
upon public questions the decisive
power of prayer.
Lesson VIII. How to select the best
leaders in church and state.
Lesson IX. How to develop individ
ual initiative without the loss of dis
Lesson X. How godly men may in
fluence the progress of affairs.
Lesson XI. How to inspire children
with lofty ideals.
Lesson XII. How to make our lives
serene and trustful.
A plan which can be adapted to all
grades is the gathering of the main
facts of each lesson and then stating
its leading lesson.
The following are suggestions as to
the leading lessons:
Lesson for April 4. As Jesus joined
the disciples on the way to Ermnaus,
so he joins all who are journeying
life’s way in sorrow and says, “Tell
me your troubles and perplexities.”
He wants us to copfide In l}im.
Lesson for April 11. Deborah’s judge
ship shows that a woman is capable
under God not only of the administra
tion of justice, but of leading a nation
forth to victory in time of war.
Lesson for April 18. The secret of
Gideon’s victory was Ills faith. The
ground of his faith was God’s word.
Lesson for April 25. Because Ruth
forsook country, friends, and her gods
for the true God, she lias been accord
ed a place of honor in the ancestry
of Christ.
Lesson for May 2. Because Samuel
ivas given in answer to a mother's
prayer and was dedicated by lier to
the Lord’s service, the Lord was able
to use him in a large way.
Lesson for May 9. Parental indul
gence results in the shame and ruin of
both Eli and Ids sons.
Lesson for May 16. When God's
people repent of their sins and turn
to him for pardon he will not only
forgive, but will fight their battles and
give victory.
Lesson for May 23. When the peo- I
pie took their eyes off God, their King,
they desired a man as king in con
formity to the practice of the heathen
round about.
Lesson for May 30. Because Jona
than feit the call of God to deliver
his people and waited for God’s sign
for him, lie was aide to go forward
and win a victory in such away as
to show that God was with him.
Lesson for June 6. Because Saul |
disobeyed the command of God', judg
ment from the hand of God fell upon j
Lesson for June 13. God looketh j
not on the outward appearance, hut on |
the heart; his choices are not arbi
Lesson for June 20. “The Lord Is ;
my shepherd, I shall not want.”
The Supreme Beauty.
Mark well also the splendor of this
Idea of salvation. It Is not merely
final “safety,” to he forgiven sin, to
evade the curse. It is not, vaguely,
“to get to heaven.” It Is to he con
formed to the Image of the Son. It Is
for these poor elements to attain to
the supreme beauty.
Seeing and Judging.
Human nature is so constituted that
all see, and judge better, In the af
fairs of other men, than in their own.
When your pinch or your corns anil A-Jt
bunions ache so that you are tired all over, ifi
Os the little ills such us Nasal Ca- *S l A . ,,en K * F T „ K " ap ; the .ntiwptic row-: ---
1 dor to bo shaken into the shorn and KH^
t«rrh. Sunburn, It chi up, or Soreness I sprinkled in tho foot-bath, it win take th* B BOT
anywhere, may be quickly relieved by ' Swollen. llvl
applying Yacher-Ralm which is harm- ! Tender fert. i.koo.voo rounds of powder for j-O .*«,■ ■. _
. , .. .. .. . , ! the feet were used by our Army and Navy \\ v A • W
less, and cooling. Keep It handy, during the war. Sold everywhere.—Adv. J s/ImSh- jl
and avoid imitations. I iW'■ IttDIGESTIOH U ;
If von cannot buy Vaclier-Balm lo- That expression, “caving around," C"JFy* ]fP~wL _
rally, send 30c in stamps for a lube, probably started from tho ordinary be- 6 Bell-ANIQ
to E. IV. Yaelier, Inc., New Orleans, harior of the cave man. I J V«" > Hot water
La.-Agents wantcd.-Adv. l SuLpilSf
__________________ Dr. Terry's "Dead Shot” is not a "loz * f I ** mUIv RvIICI
enge” "sirup," but a real old-fashioned J— ■ H JtSk »
The Distinction. dose of medicine which cleans out Worms BZJ9 Km B ■ ■ iQ|L '
or Tapeworm with a single dose. —Adv. Wmm !■ Oka I vR
“Have you a good cook, Mr. j INDIGESTION
.Tapps?” I You can always ascertain a worn- ——
“Oil. yes, the cook's very religious, 1 ftp's correct age by asking some oilier CDCpyi CC
but her cooking's diabolical.” | woman, and ilien some. i rnLUKLCu gf 1 /ffl.-, -■**
jlifjj iai’|i u Special Care of Baby.
That Baby should have a bed of its own all are agreed. Yet it
Thereby r Promoting uis j s more reasona i)le f or a n infant to sleep with grown-ups than to use
' I Cheerfulness an "j*L.i nenor a man’s medicine in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of
iMfi ) neitheropitfin.* P that same infant. Either practice is to be shunned. Neither would
M: be tolerat ed by specialists in children’s diseases.
Ins? Jtei/Kaf (KdDrSAULu ; Your Physician will tell you that Baby’s medicine must bo
jhmrtois** \ prepared with even greater care than Baby’s food. i
I A Baby’s stomach when in good health is too often disarranged
jpf “.2’ I / by improper food.* Could you for a moment, then, think of giving
* 1 to your ailing child anything but a medicine especially prepared
||||< I whu%£?n*nr J for Infants and Children ? Don’t be deceived.
rb>-S —rF7irinedyfo r Make a mental note of this:—lt is important, Mothers, that
P||.' tjEon and Diarrhoea you should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of
g?-*' Conslipa , shness ant j your Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that
kl t an jossofSleep the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily
mi k'§‘ »jj: resffilintilhercfronmn'nfancy. prepared for grown-ups.
Ef|g« rac-Smulc S.tfnawre,
iff rfiwrir Sn T® Centaur Company- I
yj Bears the Signature of
Exa<t Copy of Wrapper. TH e ccntaur company, new yopk city.
Airplanes Used to Overtake Liners and
Drop Bags While the Vessel Is
T raveling.
Experiments lmve proved It entirely
practicable to deliver belated transat
lantic mail steamers at sea by air
The ship may have taken its depar
ture several hours previously, yet tho
flying machine, with a speed of 100
miles or more an hour, can easily catch
up with it and put the mail aboard.
A plane of the “flying boat” type is
used for this purpose, and the water
proof mail bag is held in a chute on
the side of the hull. The aviator flies
over the ship and the rigging en
tangles a long lino dropped from the
plane that lias grapple tails on its end.
This line is attached to the mail hag,
which, when the grapple tails catch,
is jerked out of ils chute, falling into
the sea.
It is then an easy mid ter to haul
the mail bag aboard, while the steamer
continues ils uninterrupted voyage.
“ I don’t complain about high prices
any more.”
“Why not?”
“I’ve just got tired of hearing the
perfectly good excuse any tradesman
can offer for soaking tlie life out of !
Use goo d judgment
in meeting the high
cost of living
Coffee prices are Vay up
Posrun sells at the same
fair price -Whynot drink
Instead of coffee
as many are doing
A table beverage of coffee
like flavor.
Better for health-At lower cost
Sold by Grocers Everywhere
Made by Postum Cereal Co.,Battle Creek, Mich.
j UT, **" I'TBmiii —T'" l * l.»'—■"■A*
Great French Poet Continually Preyed
On by a Host of Ingrates Who
Plucked Him.
Interesting anecdotes arc told of tlu>
great French poet, Boranger, who died
in 1857.
The poet was as poor as ho was
generous. All lie had he gave away,
and when there was nothing left he
sent the beggars who haunted ills
house to call on Ids numerous friends.
One of the characteristics of this
unfortunate benefactor who was al
ways surrounded by a host of iagrates,
was ills tolerant spirit. Since (here
was no ante-chamber in his modest
home, the beggars who knew the house
stayed outside on the slulrease ; it was
impossible to see him without (lading
a half-dozen of them on the slnirs.
There they ijsed to wait like ravens
for Hie small change, old clothes, and
sometimes new clothes, that Llsctte
was the first to distribute to them.
When friends remonstrated with I!e
--ranger for giving away tilings lie need
ed to people whom he did not know,
Llsctte would answer:
“Oil, now, Boranger will just write '
another song —the lazy fellow!"
Knieker -Jones lives in the past.
Booker —The only place where there
| are any vacancies.
To abort a cold
and prevent com
plications, take
The purified and refined
calomel tablets that are
nausealess, safe and sure.
Medicinal virtues retain
ed and improved. Sold
only in sealed packages.
Price 35 c.
Wildcat leases In block o as small as
| ten acres, near drilling wells. Price
|2.50 up. Five-year commercial leases.
Titles guaranteed. Acreage In Sabine
Parish on famous Sabine uplift sur
rounded by ..evelopment as low as
(10 per acre.
517 Market St. Shreveport, La
Acid Stomach
Makes the Body Sour
Nine Out of Ten People
Suffer From It
It sends its harmful and gases all
over the body, instead of health and
strength. Day and night this ceaseless dams
age goes on. No matter how strong, it#
victim cannot long withstand the health)
destroying effects of an acid stomach.
Good news for millions of sufferers.
Chemists have found a sure remedy—one
that takes the acid up and carries it out
of the body; of course, when the cause ig
removed, the sufferer gets well.
Bloating, indigestion, sour, acid, gassy
stomach miseries all removed. This Is
|n .en by over half a million ailing folks
who have taken EATONIC with wonder*
ful benefits. It can be obtained from any
druggist, who will cheerfully refund its
trifling cost if not entirely satisfactory.
Everyone should enjoy its benefits. Frts
qucntly the first tablet gives relief.