The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, July 01, 1920, Image 4
TP\e F[or\lgorr\&ry I*\or\ilor. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. OFFICIAL ORGAN MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Entered at the PoKtofflce in Mt. Vernon. Oa. as Second-Clans Mail Matter. H. B. FOLSOM. Editor *nd Owner. sl.s° a Year, in Advance. i»l ■■lvertim-mc :it* must invariably bo paid in advance, at the legal rate, and an Hie law ■Ur ct“; and mint be in hand nut later than Wednesday morning of the first week of insertion ’ ' " ' ” • " r Mount Vernon, Ga.. Thursday Morning, July 1, 1920. W . The Allies demand that Ger-j many disarm herself. The Allies should have looked after such I details a year and a-half ago, ; when they had the joh in hand. If freight congestion prevents the moving of every known arti cle of merchandise or utility, what in the thunder are they hauling? A Macon blind man recently shot his wife dead as she con- j fabbed with two men who had j been habitual callers. He was \ shooting by sound, and did not miss the mark very far. Savannah’s gain in population j during the past ten years has 1 been over 27 per cent., the' Forest City now having 82,0(57. Savannah is the oldest city in the, state, but in growth and com mercial development is as vigor ous as a lad of sixteen. Vidalia is developing into a great tobacco market, record prices having been established there last season. Thirf year’s crop in Toombs county will doubt less be up to a high standard, and Vidalia will maintain her supremacy as a market for this section of the state. Tobacco is profitable in this part of the state, and is fast becoming a money cron for farmers who formerly planted cotton. Again the Georgia legislature is about to renounce woman’s' suffrage, and it appears that the mooted question will not be settled on Georgia soil. This is the second time Georgia has gone on record with opposition to the movement. Possibly the Georgia delegation to San Francisco may throw sumo light op the subject, after having seen the political prowess and feminine charm of the numerous lady delegates. I The full result of the 1920 federal census wull be awaited with interest. Most of the cities show increase. In Montgomery county for several years it was customary to cut off the territory faster than the population could increase. But. thanks to present c uulitions, one more cut would get it all- unless it is found necessary to make further coun ties out of its half a dozen militia districts. There has been introduced in this session of the Georgia legis lature a bill increasing. the sal aries of the judges of the superi or courts of the state. The Geor gia Bar Association recently went on record as favoring the rotation system of judges and their ap pointment by the governor in concurrence with the state senate. . This is a good plan, and if adop- j ted would relieve the bench of politics. The idea of placing solicitors-general on a fee basis is also gaining considerable strength in Georgia. Profiteering may be almost j universal, with little chance of j curbing it in years, but as far as J Georgia is concerned some action could be taken by the Assembly. The Fair Price Commissioner isi laying great stress on the impor tance of rent reduction. This applies particularly to the cities, of course. Authorities should have the power to inquire into the amount of capital investecPin rented property and taxes paid the state. Then, on the basis of investment should taxes be paid and rentals demanded. If a man . demands over ten percent above i investment, upkeepand necessary j incidentals, there is something; wrong. < It is stated that a large number j of colored citizens of Oklahoma are desirous of locating a colony | .in southern Mexico. Let them go if they choose, but it will not j be long before they will realize that methods of making a living in Mexico are different from any-1 thing they have ever experienced. j The Mexican fights for a living, and seems to exist. In the South j the negro fights work, and he, too, has always made a living. But their methods are not at all alike. TTYYYTYYYYffVYffYYfYYYfYY• ► 4 ► Georgia State 2 Press Expressions. •AAAAAAAAiIAAAAAAAAAAiAAAA The Oregon State Medical As sociation expresses the opinion that much of what was called appendicitis in recent years were nothing more than plain old stomachache in varying degrees of intensity.-Southeast Geor gian. , A Ivondoti writer says hens can i be cured of the habit of eating eggs by filing the tip of the beak gently until near the quick. This makes the beak for a time too tender for breaking the shell, and the habit is lost. But in America we have an even simpler and much better method. We eat the hen.—Eastman Times- Journal. Every time wages are raised • the consumer has to pay the raise The manufacturer or dealer is in no wise affected for he raises the price in accordance with the wages paid. Swainsboro Forest- Blade. The Georgia Legislature met in Atlanta on Wednesday of this week. Let us hope that instead of spending their time devising ways in which more money can Ibe saueezed out of the people, they will reduce their appropria tions. Vidalia Advance. McAdoo says that he will not allow the use of his name as a candidate at the San Francisco convention and some of the lead ers out there say they are going to nominate him anyway. We want to state right here that if Mr. McAdoo is nominated he will accept, but there is only a slim chance for him to be nominated. —Springfield Herald. Hon. Geo. B. Davis of Dublin, the South Georgia candidate for attorney general of the-State spent some time among friends in Candler county several days ago. Mr.* Davis lias a strong following in this county, where he worked when a young man, and it is predicted that he will j carry this part of Georgia.— Advertiser. The Republican party lost much j of its influence in Georgia when ; it seated the Atlanta negro as a, delegate to the national conven- i tion and elected him as a national, committeeman. They rubbed his j wool the wrong way to suit the ! feelings of white Georgians.— j i Soperton News. Smartness is a cloak for ig norance and the smartest man is one who can keep the public j down from knowing he doesn’t' know.—But lei Herald. Notice ot Local Legislation. Notice is hereby given thatj there will be introduced in the present session of the General j Assembly of Georgia a bill en titled an Act to Amend an Ac! (Incorporating the Town of Als ton, Montgomery county, Ga., and for other purposes. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR —THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1920 Stray Hog*. Year-old Hampshire gilt: un marked; two or three black spots on list around body; left place May 8. Any information leading to recovery suitably rewarded. J. Carl Adams, 5204 Rt. 1, Mt. Vernon, Ga. I Peas for Sale. Field Peas, Iron, Brabham and Mixed peas for sale. Peas are very scarce this season so get | your supply while they last. J. Wade Johnson, 212tf Mount Vernon, Ga. LOANS ON FARM LANDS. Loans on improved farm lands of Montgomery County can be placed promptly at 5 l-2c in terest in amounts of SI,OOO and above, with the privilege of re paying part of the principal at any interest bearing periods in amounts of SIOO or multiples theredf, thereby stopping the in terest on amount paid. Loans can be made for* periods of 57, or 10 years to suit the borrower. Commissions charged are reason able. M. B. Calhoun, Mt. Vernon, Ga, R. E. Ward, • Soperton, Ga. | KEEP COOL. Wholesale and retail Ice. Am prepared to supply Ailey and Mt. Vernon. Telephone Mastn's j Ailey. Also Fresh Fish at all times. W. A. Smith, 5134 Ailey, Ga. I Fred M. Harris . Attorney at Law j MT. VERNON, GA. M. B. CALHOUN A tty at Law, ■Mt Vernon, Georgia • mmTTTmffTTfmTTTTT • TTVTTTTTTTT fTTTTTTTTTTTTT • [farm LOANS: I ™ | l Improved Treutlen, Montgomery and 3 ► f ► Toombs County Lands « ► QUICK ACTION ATTRACTIVE TERMS J l GILLIS & HALL' J . < ► SOPERTON, QA. 3, « AAAAAAAA.AAAAAAAA A A A AAAAAA 4A*AAA*IA*AAAAAAAiAAAiAAi.A * ’ CHALMERSj The Car Superb i No ordinary terms can describe the most ■; M• | , j| excellent character ot the Chalmers ear. ;|j j! No fortune required to enjoy the luxury ij jjj and benefit of ownership. See the car. ij jj D. A. MCRAE Mt. Vernon, Ga. j ; j! AUTHORIZED AGENT FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY ,5 i • : MONEY TO LOAN ON MONTGOMERY |l COUNTY FARMS. At 5 to (J per cent, in Amounts of SIOOO i to SIOO,OOO, on Five to Ten Years time, j: 1 represent one of the largest Life Insurance Companies, with Unlimited Capital, and can close loans on short order. CALL OR WRITE W. J. WALLACE, Soperton, Ga. ij — - ■ - - I Cypress Shingles. I have on hand an unlimited number of hand-drawn number one cypress shingles for sale. See :me at once. A. B. Hutcheson, 11016tf Mt. Vernon, da. , | SPRING SHOES j % NOW IN ORDER % % A VERY STRONG LINE TO | % SELECT FROM I * * * * *£ * Anticipating a Strong Demand for the Popular Brands and J Styles of Shoes this Season, we have placed in Stock a Line # * * * which we feel sure will please the people, both in Quality. vr You are especially invited to see our Newest Footwear. * */ # k |M| * * £ | NEW LINE OF MEN’S HATS AND OVERALLS * -=fc ' % ' & j|£- Groceries, Hardware, Farm Tools * J J | Wire Fencing, Notions * # #■ # m mi, Mai „ | |„ , M m j m I ! j MT. VERNON MERCANTILE CO. f % Mt. Vernon, Qa. % & & \Y ire Fencing. Carload American Wire Fence just received. Standard sizes. Mt. Vernon Mercantile Co„ i Mt. Vernon, Ga. ' SSSSVSS9SSSSSS9SS?iSSS3SSS3SS9GSSSm SSC «ssssSsSSSs«s PJ BUILDING HATERIALI WE HAVE A FULL LINE IN STOCK I | Lumber, Lime, Cement, Brick, Lath I Plaster, Shingles, Windows I Doors and Frames | I: In fact, everything used in building. If you are going I t to bu Id, get our prices. They are right, and we can & |; make prompt deliveries. | I JOHN T. RAGAN & CO. I I VIEiALIf, GA. | BtfSSSSSSSS sssssssa mztm smsm msm I Duroc Jerseys 8 (Registered Stock) j| 1 IS FOR SALE, A FEW | | || CHOICE YOUNG 1 I | | BOARS. • I | Sf I ALSO A LIMITED | | I. I NUMBER GILTS. I | 1 THE PUBLIC CQR- 1 I || DIALLY INVITED I I I I I TO INSPECT OUR 1 | I STOCK. | Richmond & McArthur 1 AI LEY. GEORGIA |