The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, July 01, 1920, Image 5
FERTILIZERS FOR PEACH TREES | Acid Phosphate has Tenden cy to Make Fruit Ripen Earlier. In the spring of 1913 a block of Mayflower peach trees were set at the Georgia Experiment Sta-1 tion, and divided into six plats ol j eight trees each. From 1913 to 1949, inclusive, the plats were fertilized as follows. Plat 1, received 6 lbs of acid phosphate per tree; plat 2, re ceived 12 lbs. of acid phosphate ; per tree, plat 3, received, no fer - 1 tilizer; plat 4, received 6 lbs. of j acid phosphate and 2 lbs of mu- j riate of potash per tree; plat 5, received 6 lbs. of acid phosphate and 2 lbs. of muriate of potash per tree; plat 5, received 6 lbs. acid phosphate, 4 lbs. nitrate of soda and 2 lbs. of muriate of potash per tree; plat 6, received 6 lbs. acid phssphate and 4 lbs. nitrate of soda per tree. In the spring of 1920 all fer tilizers and spraying were with held so as to determine the in fluence of the fertilizers on the date of ripening of the fruit and its susceptibility to the brown rot. The crop was harvested June 3rd. The fruit of plats 1 and 2, fertilized with acid phos phate alone, and that of plat 1, receiving no fertilizer, was con siderably riper than the fruit of the other plats. The fruit on plats 5 and 6, re ceiving nitrate of soda in the fertitlizer mixtures, was the la test in ripening of the whole series of plats. The plats ripen ing fruit earliest showed the highest per centage of brown rot infection. However, ripe fruit being more susceptible to brown rot than green fruit, we vvouid expect a greater percentage of brown rot on the fruit of the trees showing the greatest de gree of ripeness. From the data in hand it would seem that acid phosphate has a slight tendency to hasten the ripening of peaches, while nitrate of soda has a decided tendency toward retarding the ripening period. H. P. Stuckey, Director. Citat iou. Georgia—Montgomery Countv. To whom it may concern : Notice is hereby given that C. C. Warnock, as administrator of Oscar Kuis and Mattie Ruis, de ceased, having applied to me by petition for leave to sell 33 1-3 acres ot land of said deceased in said county, aud that an order was made thereon at the June term, 1920, for citation, and that citation issue; all the heirs at law and creditors of the said deceased will Jtake notice that 1 will puss upon said application at the July term, 19k0, of the court of ordina ry; and that unless cause is shown to the contrary, at said time, said leave will be granted. This 7tb day of June, 1920. J. C. McAllister, Ordinary. Notice of Election. Georgia— Montgomery County. Under the statute provided and requirements fulfilled, an election is hereby called for snid county on the first Wednesday (7th) in July, 1920, on the question of Fence or No Fence. Election will fie held in each Militia district in the county, and those qualified to vote in the geueral election may exercise this right July 7 Tho-• in favor of fence will cast, ballots having written or printed thereon “For Fence;” those against fence will cast ballots haying written or printed thereon “Against Fence.” By order of the Court of Ordinary, this the 7tb day of June, 1920. J. C. McAllister, Ordinary Wanted. Full time Life Insurance Sales man. Would consider part-time if applicant is interested beyond monetary standpoint. Free trip to California first part of next; year if qualified. Strictly first class Company and one of the strongest in the world. Agents must be of the same calibre. Answer X YZ. Monitor office, giving three references, occupa tion, age, etc. [ ! Road Notice. Georgia—Montgomery County. To all Whom it May Concern: Take notice that S. P. Mills. ;C. D. Williams. Green Smith, E v i G. Pol left, Warren White and; i others have applied for an order ! ] seeking the discontinuance of that i certain public rood leading from j Cedar Grove to the Soperton and i Mt. Vernon public road, fur tlie j reason t hat same is of little or no | utility, and is unnecessarily ex pensive to keep up by the county. Now, if no good cause be shown |to the contrary, by persons inter jested m the matter, the order will be granted by the Board of I Commissioners of Hoads aud Kev jeuues ol‘ said county on the 6th day of July, 1920, discontinuing said described public road. This the sth day of June, 1920. Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues. J. H. Dees, Chin. A. B. Hutcheson, Clerk.' Highest Prices Paid for Live Stock. We are constantly in the mar ket for cattle and hogs. Many years experience qualifies us to offer superior advantages to the producers of this section. We are in position to handle your business in a most satisfactory manner. Get our prices. W. I). & C. W. Peterson, 9192 m Ailey, Ga Notice of Local Legislation. Georgia—Montgomery County. Notice is hereby given that there will be introduced in the approaching General Assembly of Georgia a bill amending an Act creating four terms of Superior Court for said county annually, and creating in lieu thereof two terms annually of one week each. June 17, 120. L<\st Auto Tug. Tag No. 36579, lost from car between Mason’s mill and home about June 1. Finder please no tify ’ H. W. Connell, Ailey, Ga. ' to Wear Out f|»| Lowest in If Mileage Cost p rT\HE next time you need I a new tire or new tube, X try a GILLETTE.Tires and tubes made the new im- WE ' proved way—the Gillette Eg I Chilled Rubber Process. Watch M and see which tire or tube gives H you the greatest service value. n teste of this kind—the only depend ble method of determining merit— Uiette Tires and l übes are invariably the laet to wear out— mileage jt \ fit JVT enedbycon- y fvjjs 1 «wr version into ' r C - ■> v ,,- r " - -i/v jr Utr’lm ‘ GiSlettee Mileage is Guaranteed:. Fabric,- 6000 miles Cord, BQPO miles Solid, -10,000 miles H. C. DAVIS * Mt. Vernon, Ga , ! MONTGOMERY MONITOR—THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1920. - ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. To the People of Montgomery County: I respectfully ask the honor of representing Montgomery county in the lower house of the General Assembly of Georgia, 1921-1922, hereby announcing my candidacy, subject to provisions of the State Democratic Executive Committee and 'rules of the Democratic Exe cutive Committee of Montgomery county. Very truly, Horace B. Folsom. January 22, 1920. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce my candi dacy for the office of representa tive of Montgomery County in the next General Assembly of Georgia in the State primary election to be held on September Bth, 1920, subject to the rules and regulations prescribed by the proper authorities of the demo cratic party. W. H. Sharpe. FOR SOLICITOR GENERAL OCONEE CIRCUIT. I hereby announce my candi dacy for the office of Solicitor General of the Oconee Judicial Circuit. Should I be elected to this office I promise to discharge its duties fairly, fearlessly, honestly and to the best of my ability. M. B. Calhoun. Mount, Vernon, Ga. For Solicitor-General. Hawkinsville, Ga.. May 18, 1920. To of the Oconee Circuit: In response to the solicitation of the citizens of my county and friends throughout thee rcuit, and in obedience to a long cherished ambition. I an nounce my candidacy for the office of solicitor general, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. If honored with this high position. 1 shall perform the duties of this public trust with ihe same fidelity 1 have given the private interests of my clients during a practice covering a period of more than twenty years. 1 will be tleeply grateful for your support. Respectfully, M. H. Boyer. FOR JUDGE OCONEE JUDI CIAL CIRCUIT. To the Voters of The Oconee Circuit: For seven years I have served you as Solicitor-General. During which time you have had an op portunity to judge my fitness for public office. I now desire to serve you as Judge of our Circuit. I, therefore, subject to the Demo cratic Primary, hereby announce my candidacy for that high office. If you elect me, I promise to be as fair and fearless in the dis charge of its duties as I have al ways tried to he as Solicitor- General. Your vote and endorse ment will be duly appreciated. W. A. Wooten. For Judge Oconee Judicial Circuit: To the People of the Oconee Circuit: Yielding to solicitation from all parts of the circuit, and after carefully considering same, 1 am a candidate for judge. In making this announce ment, 1 am not unmindful of the great responsi bilities of the office, and how difficult it is for any lawyer to measure to its full duties. 1 believe a judge should be honest, fair, fearless and capable. All, whether rich or poor, high or low, ought to stand in fact, as well as in theory, equal before the law. So believing, should 1 be honored with the position, I shall have no pets or court favor ites but will endeavor to know and to do my duty. The office belongs to you, the people. I shall ap preciate your consideration, support and influe ee. Eschol Graham. For Judge Oconee Judicial Circuit: To the Voters of the Oronae Judicial Circuit: i hereby announce n.y candidacy lor Judge of the Superior Courts of the Oconee Judicial Circuit, subject to the rules and regulations of the Demo cratic primary. In so announcing, lam aware of the respenni bill tie* of the trust, and, in the event of my aspirations meeting with your sanction and approval, I pledge you to exercise every effort towards a xaitnful, fair and impartial discharge of the duties of the office. Assuring you that. 1 will bo profoundly grateful for any favorable con sideration shown me, 1 am. Respectfully yours, J. H. Roberts. FOR CONGRESS. To the People of the 12th Con gressional District: I am a candidate for Congress from the 12th Congressional Dis trict of Georgia, under such rules and regulations as our party may prescribe in the Democratic Pri mary to be held Sept. 8, 1920. Membership in Congress is a post of honor and service. In a period of transition and disturbance its importance cannot be over esti mated. The efficient and prompt adjustment of the problems of the nations is very • vital to the general welfare. Believing in the old ‘‘Democratic Principles” of economy and faithful service, I respectfully solicit youi sup i port. Roscoe Peacock. I,Obi Cow. Strayed from my place about April 25th, 1920, one medium size Jersey cow; short crumpled horns; unmarked; pale red color. Information leading to recovery suitably rewarded. Notify Mrs J. R. Foskey, 634 Rt. 1. Uvalda, Ga. | If in Need of Money § ;!0 Come to See me At Once, p 1 1 Either Short or Long Term Loans. jj 1 MONEY IN BANK FOR SHORT TERM LOANS | | p and can secure money on either farm or city P property within ten days or less. I IF YOU WAF3T TO SELL YOBS PROPERTY I See me at once, as 1 have clients now for both g| farm and city property in this section. come to see me, or phone and I will call on you. E |J.- Wade Johnson | | MT. VERNON | THE UNIVERSAL CAR During all the years the Ford Model T One Ton Truck has been on the mar ket, we have never had one complaint of rear axle trouble. We have had no complaints of motor trouble. As the motor and the rear axle are the vital funda mentals in a motor truck, we have the right to conclude that the Ford One Ton Truck has not only met the demands of business, but has done so in a satisfactory and economic way. There is no other evidence so convincing as that which comes from long practical experience. Ford One Ton Trucks are serving along all industrial and commercial lines. You will find them everywhere. If these statements were not facts, the demand for the Ford One Ton Truck would not be as large as it is, because people are not buying trucks which do not give service. Coupled with the dependability of the Ford One Ton Truck in all classes of usage, comes the economy in operation and maintenance. On the farm, in factory delivery, for the merchant, manufacturer, and contractor, in these days of modern business methods, this worm-driven One Ton Ford Truck has become an actual necessity. Come in and talk it over. P J McNatt • ( p ( ; IjJAUM A vi llwnotr ■ piu [ U valda. fr pi Fords are plentiful, and easy to get —if your order is placed with me at once. No guaran tee on the future. My exclusive territory embraces all of Montgomery south ol M. D* & S. Ry. except Kibbee and Tarrytown —and l am suppling it with the “Old Reliable.” Mount Vernon Wood Yard W. A. GUYTON, Proprietor The Best Grades of Oak arid Pine Wood, Cut to any* Dimensions. Ready for the Stove or Fireplace. PROnPT DELIVERY AND FULL nEASUREj See me for prices. Yards near Mt. Vernon depot Building Material. i Best grades of Rough Lumber, Framing, Sills, etc., cut on short .. notice. Mill six miles north of Mt. Vernon. See or phone .Jas. W. Adams, 1113tf Mt. Vernon, Ga. j A safe investment —$1.50 in the county paper. I Hegisterod Duroc. For Sale, 13-Mos. Old Duroc Boar; weighs 250 lbs. Grand-sire ; sold for $20,000. Also 2 younger j boars, of same strain, weighing 1 about 60 lbs. See at once T. B. Conner, 422 Mt. Vernon. Two Fords in A 1 shape for [sale cheap at Hicks Bros. Garage.