Newspaper Page Text
5 Bell-ans
lot water
>ure Relief
The next time
you buy calomel
ask for
The purified and refined
calomel tablets that are
nausealess, safe and sure.
Medicinal virtues retain
ed and improved. Sold
only in sealed packages.
Price 35c.
Life is a burden when the body
is racked with pain. Everything
worries and the victim becomes
despondent and downhearted. To
bring back the sunshine take
Th» national remedy of Holland for over
200 years; it is an enemy of all pains re
sulting from kidney, liver and uric acid
troubles. All druggists, three size 3.
Look for tko name Gold Medal on every box
end accept no imitation
Harmless, purely vegetable,. Infants* and I
Children’s Regulator, formula on every label. 9
Guaranteed non-narcotic, non-alcoholic.
The Infants’ nnd Children’s Regulator B
Children arrow healthy and free H
from colic, diarrhoea, flatulency, MjjjMtea Cm
constipation and other trouble if M
griven it at teething: time. SEER!? B
Safe.pleasant—alwayabringrsre- ten
markable and gratifying results. H
Teamster’s Life Saved
"Peterson Ointment Co., Inc. I had a
very severe sore on my leg for years. 1
am a teamster. I tried all medicines and
salves, but without success. I tried doc
tors, hut they failed to cure me. I couldn’t
sleep for many nights from pain. Doctors
said I could not live for more than two
years. Finally Peterson's Ointment was
recommended to me and by its use the
sore was entirely healed. Thankfully
yours. William Haase. West Park, Ohio,
care P. G. Reitz, Box 199.”
Peterson says: “I am proud of the
above letter and have hundreds of others
that tell of wonderful cures of Eczema,
Piles and Skin Diseases.”
Peterson’s Ointment Is €0 cents a box.
Mail orders filled by Peterson Ointment
Co., Buffalo.
Men—We Teach You Barber Trade. Paying
positions guaranteed: income while learning;
4 weeks’course. We own shops. (White only.)
Jacksonville Barber Co!.. Jacksonville. Fla
, Unusual Opportunity to join company organ
ized by former officers Army. Navy. Geolog
ical Survey, U. S. Treasury. Profits unlim
ited. Add. 540 Munsey Bldg.. Wash'ton.D.C.
Feel in Mean?
Headache? Nausea? Dizziness? Bilious
ness 1 ? Constipation? Lazy and good for
nothing most of the time? What you
need is a shaking-up of your “innards”
and a gingering -up all over. The thing
that’ll fix you up is:
An old doctor’s prescription; in use for
68 years. Enlivens your Liver, purifies
and enriches your Blood. Regulates
your Bowels and is a fine family TONIC.
Get a bottle from your drug store and
you’ll soon be
Feelin* Fine!,
Weakness, Pains and Other Trou
bles Had Discouraged This
Arkansas Lady.—She Took
Cardui, Found It Helpful.
Got Well!
Harrisburg, Ark. —After serious
symptoms had become apparent, Mrs,
Belle Wilkerson, of Route 1, this place,
says she “got worse and worse.”
“I wasn’t able to stand on my feet
and had to go to bed,” she explains.
The . . . grew worse, find for about
three weeks nothing seemed to do me
any good. I grew so weak and nervous
and could not sleep. I began to have
pain in the lower part of my body, and
all across my back. There was a great
deal of soreness and pain in my left
side ... I just gave up, for I suffered
so. I grow discouraged and thought
I was not going to get well.
“My head not only ached, but would
feel so light and dizzy ... I decided
then I would take Cardui, as I read
of how many women it had benefited,
and some whose case was like mine.
When I began Cardui. just after a
few doses, I noticed a change. I slept
better at night . . . nnd felt like I
could eat something. I got up nnd
began to do the work in the house
and yard, and after three or four
bottles of Cardui I was well.”
If you suffer from disorders pecu
liar to women, take Cardui —the
Woman’s Tonic.
It should help you, like others.
Observe decorum even in your sport.
—Latin Proverb.
For many years druggists have watched
with much interest the remarkable record
maintained by Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver and bladder medi
It is a. physician’s prescription.
Swamp-Root is a strengthening medi
cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and bid
der do the work nature intended they
should do.
Swamp-Root has stood the test of years
It is sold by all druggists on its merit
and it should help you. No other kidney
medicine has so many friends.
Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start
treatment at once.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. —Adv.
A dwarf threatens Hercules.
Cuticura for Pimply Faces.
To remove pimples and blackheads
smear them with Cuticura Ointment.
Wash off in five minutes with Cuti
cura Soap and hot water. Once clear
keep your skin clear by using them for
daily toilet purposes. Don’t fail to in
clude Cuticura Tulcum. —Adv.
Blushing of virtue’s color.
Bad Stomach
Sends Her to Bed
for 10 Months
Eatonic Gets Her Up !
“Over a year ago,” says Mrs. Dora
Williams, “I took to bed and for 10
months did not think I would live.
Eatonic helped me so much I am now
up and able to work. I recommend it
highly ior stomach trouble.”
Eatonic helps people to get well by
taking up and carrying out the excess
acidity and gases that put the stomach
out of order. If you have indigestion,
sourness, heartburn, belching, food re
peating, or other stomach distress, take
an Eatonic after each meal. Big box
costs only a trifle with your druggist’s
Brief News Items Gathered Here and
There From All Sections
Os The State
Atlanta. —With the state education
al institutions now lacing their most
serious crisis in many years on ac
count of the failure of the last legis
lature to provide sufficient funds to
meet current expenses. Gov. Hugh M.
Dorsey has been asked by represen
tives of the University of Georgia, the
state agricultural college, state nor
mal school anil Georgia School of
Technology to call an extra session
of the legislature at an early date to
provide means to meet the situation,
and the chief executive now has the
matter under serious consideration.
Appearing before the governor at
Athens, recently, where he went in
the interest of the “Advertising Geor
gia" campaign, representatives of the
institutions based their petition for
an extra session on the grounds that
funds provided by the last legislature
were wholly insufficient and unless
some provision is soon made the state
normal school and possibly one of the
others will have to close their doors
before April.
In replying to the request of the
committee, the governor stated the
calling of an extraordinary sessicli
of the legislature was a very im
portant matter, as well as expensive,
but he realized the situation confront
ing the educational institutions, and
would take it under consideration.
The leaders of both houses will be
called into a conference with the
governor, he said, and if it was de
cided to hold the extra session he
would include other important con
constructive matters, some of which
were killed during the last session of
the legislature.
Ccorgia Tech will be practically
bankrupt after January 1, and it is to
provide for the period after this date
that the campaign has been institut
ed to raise $125,000 which is needed
to finish the term. Tuition fees will
finance the school during the first
three months.
Clas For Deaf At Oakland
Atlanta.— One of the , most un
; usual classes in the Atlanta public
I schols is the Atlanta School for deaf
I children, which is being conducted at
! the Oakland City school. The class is
for children who are too deaf to be
taught by ordinary methods. Several
more children can he accommodated, j
it was announced. For several years
the class was conducted at the Ash
by Street school, but when the school
converted in to a colored school the
class for children with bad hearing
was transferred to Oakland City. The
class room is well equipped with kin- j
dergarten material, and various helps
for teaching the children how to read
the lips and acquire the use of signs
and finger spelling.
Big Liabilities Shown In Report
Athens. —An excess of approximately
$432,000 in liabilities over assets was \
disclosed in the auditors’ report on j
the financial condition of John Welch, i
local cotton factor, who last month I
was said to be in financial difficulties j
as a result of breaks in the cotton
market. The auditors have been at
work on his books for several weeks
and presented their report, at a meet
ing of about fifty creditors and at
torneys representing creditors held at
the Welch warehouse. The auditors’
report showed liabilities of approxi
mately $832,000, represented by notes i
outstanding on loans and warehouse j
receipts outstanding for cotton. The
assets in cotton and money in the
bank and other assets were approxi
mately by four hundred thousand dol
Boost Georgia, Urates Governor.
Savannah. —"The Advertise Geor- '
£ia” movement was formally and most
auspiciously launched here at a meet- I
ing of prominent representatives of
the city and city’s trade organizations
of the several counties of the first
congressional district and several oth
er visitors of the state, when Gov
ernor Hugh Dorsey spoke to the con
ference, telling of the origin, devel
opment and plans, scope and purposes
to place Georgia before the world. J
Savannah and the first district re- ,
sponded cordially and enthusiastically
and this "zone” wil be found in the
front rank of the forces of the state, I
lined up for the progressive enter- ’
Huge Attendance For University.
Athens. —When the books closed on
the thidr day of registration, 406 i
Btudents had enrolled. The increased
enrollment and the inability of the ;
university to employ more instructors :
because of the failure of the legisla- i
ture to provide additional mainten- '
ance funds, has resulted in a ruling
limiting more rigidly the number of
hours a student may take per week.
The dormitories are already filled and
are being made to accommdate 50 per
cent more than the normal number.
Atlanta Remains Second Coolest City
Atlanta. —Highest temperature, 86
degrees. Importance will hardly bo at
tached to this, until it is said that me
teorological observations registered at
7 a. m., local time Thursday, I6th in
stant, recorded Atlanta’s highest tern
: perafure during the past twenty-four
hours as being 86 degrees, und the
lowest 68. The general opinion is that
the atmosphere around SKlantu is be
ing terribly over-heated. A crimp
may bo put into this opinion when
it is learned that Atlanta remains
the second coolest city in the south
east despite the fact that its tem
perature registered high. Look at
Birmingham sweltering tinder 90 de
grees. Charleston doing the same
thing, with St. Louis, Memphis and
Mobile hitting between 90 and 94. At
lanta is cool and doesn't know it. C.
H. von Herrmann, gazer into the me
teorological crystal sphere, is opti
mistic as to the future. He is a
friend of the farmer and everybody
in general and revels in the oppor
tunity of passing out favorable wenth
,er predictions, and he believes that
a lengthy continuation of the present
weather will be beneficial to this part
of the country. His predictions are be
ing carried out to the letter and fair
and warm weather continues to prei!
vail throughout the cotton belt.
23 Crap Shooters Arersted
Atlanta. —Read ’em and weop, then|
weep some more. So they did, when'
Atlanta detectives made a sensation-1
ai raid on what is said to have been
one of the most elaborately equipped
gambling dens ever molested l>y the
law's strong arm in this city, when
they forced an entrance to a room
on Central avenue, arrested twenty-,
three men and confiscated roulette
wheels and a mass of other gambling:
! paraphernalia. The room had so been;
( fitted out that entrance could hardly
have been gained except through the
regular way. Peep holes had been
placed in all doors which were bolt-j
ed from the inside and locked with 1
heavy locks. The place had been un-j
der the notice of officers of the de
tective department for some time and,
they had made detail plans for
ing its capture.
i Convicted Os Murder In Griffin Cour,
Griffin. —Whit Bailey, who was!
j charged with the murder of Lonniij
] Mays at a negro frolic near Griffin]
I cii May 8, 1920, was found guilty olj
j jnurder by a jury in Spulding supc-j
j rior court. He will draw the extreme!
j penalty in such cases as the jury fail]
; ed to recommend him to the mercy
of the court. This case makes the)
fourth murder case tried in Spulding|
superior court this year, with two otii-j
ers now pending. The negro, Lonniej
Masy, was killed at a negro frolic in
' Cabin district. Whit Bailey, the ac-j
[ cused, had some words with one Floya
j Harris during the progress of thij
dance and proceeded to use his pis-j
! tol, but in shooting at Harris the bul
let flew wide of the mark and struck"
i Lonnie Mays in a vital place, from
which wound she later dien.
Cane Growers And Syrup Dealers
Cairo. —A mass meeting of cans
growers and syrup dealers of Georgia,
Alabama and Florida will be held at!
j Cairo at an early date for the pur*
: pose of devising ways and means to
: prevent a break in the prices of Geor-!
gia cane syrup this season. Those
well posted see indications that point!
to a serious break in prices for syrup]
and it is to prevent this that the meet-1
ing is called. Other matters of great
, importance to the cane industry are
:to be considered at this meeting,
I among them being the Mosaic disease.
! In connection with this matter, it has
! been planned to have Doctor Bran
dois or other representatives from the
department of agriculture, present to
discuss the disease and its 1 eradica
tion. I'his is one of the most import
ant movements for south Georgia and
north Florida that ba« been launched
in some time, and it is hoped that all
sections will respond with large dele
gations of farmers and business men.
New Committee Takes Office In Bibb
Macon. —Macon’s memorial auditori- j
um commission created by act of the
recent legislature was formally organ- |
ized with B. J. Dasher, chairman; Dr. j
W. G. Lee, vice chairman; T. J. Car- |
ling, treasurer, and Guy E. Paines, sec
retary. The first act o£ the commis
sion was to vote to retain the sitp
which the temporary structure now
stands on, as the site for the perma
nent auditorium.
Lucy Cobb Opens.
Athens. —With opening of the Luc. i
Cobb Institute under the direction of j
Miss Mildred Rutherford, for the 1920- j
1921 season, all Athens educational
institutions have begun the year’s
work. The State Normal opened, im
mediately followed by the university
and State College of Agriculture. More
that 2,00 students from Georgia and
other southern states are in Athens
now for a year’s college work.
Progressives To Put Out Ticket
Macon. —There is a possibility that
the Progressive party In Georgia will
put out a full state ticket for the No
vein her election. Harry Stillwell Ed
wards, Georgia author, is already i
candidate for the United States senatt
on the Progressive ticket. A« a re
suit of the encouragement Mr. Ed
wards has received, the proposal t<
put out a candidate for governor am
other state officers is now receivinj
1b He RecomtnenJis^i^l
—two spoonfuls of JACOBS’ LIVER 1
SALT in hot water, taken before breakfast. ■ i
He KN its value as a iiatural safe and I
Atk your druggist. Generous
I ALCOHOLIC excesses. ;
p (pill Tonic
Sold for 50 years for Malaria and as a
General Tonic. Helps build you up.
If Not Sold by Your Druggist, Write ARTHUR PETER & CO., Louisville, Ky,
In One Laundry.
First Wall Street Lamb —llow were
pou cleaned out?
Second—By wash sales.
“Cold In the Head”
(s an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh.
Those subject to frequent “colds In tlie
head" will llnd that the use of HALL’S
CATARRH MEDICINE will build up the
bystem, cleanse the Blood and render
them less llablo to colds. Repeated at
tacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to
Chronic Catarrh.
taken Internally and acts through the
Blood on tlie Mucous Surfaces of the Sya
'.em, thus reducing the Inflammation and
•estorlng normal conditions.
All Druggists. Circulars free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Giving Him Every Opportunity.
“We’re going to move to Ohio.”
“What’s (he idea?”
“Want to give my young son a
chance to become president some day.”
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTOUIA, that famous old remedy
for’infants uud children, and see thut it
Signature of
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria
This Time It Really Seems That He
Has Cooked Sister Evelina’s
Goose for Good.
Some things do fall out awkwardly,
don’t they?
One evening the fair Evelina was ex
pecting her latest admirer to call and
her mother hadn’t come back from
shopping. So, while Evelina slipped
upstairs to don her best blouse and
some powder on her nose, the young
brother was left on guard.
The expected visitor arrived, and
was ushered into the parlor by Wil
liam Edward, who promptly began lo
ask questions, as small boys always do.
“Mr. Slowcombe,” he said, “what’s a
“A popinjay, my hoy,” repeated the
young man, thinking hard. “Why—-er
—lt’s a rare bird.”
“Are you a bird, Mr. Slowcombe?”
“Os course not! Ha, Ha!” squirmed
his victim.
"Well, that’s funny!" mused Wil
liam Edward. “Last night, after you'd
gone, mti said you were a jay, and
father said there was no doubt about
that, but there didn’t seem much pop
pin’ the question about you. And now
you say you’re not a bird at all!”
“So you graduated from a barber
college. What is your college yell?”
“Cut his lip, cut his jaw, leave
his face. Raw, raw, raw!”—Florida
■ Comes already sweetened
Its own sugar is developed in the
baking. It solves your sugar prob- i
lem among ready-to-eat cereals.
I Order a package from y
the grocer. rSSS® ?g
Its flavor appeals and ~?=g£L %
) there is no waste, jglg* g
LPostum Cereal Co,lnc„Batt!e Creek ”3jT r '
Your Opportunity!
Act Quickly!
Sell Ventallte Hhutle Rcgulatoro for
UHt* with ©very window shade. Clear
$1.60 per Hhade. Hell 10 to 25 rlally.
liltfh class agents wanted In every
community. Send $2, bills or Money
Order, for Rumple fixture, literature
and nffont’R proportion. Stock of 100
fixtures Hceurea exclusive agency In
any town up to 5,000 pop. Other cities
according to sUe. Act now.
Ventallte Hhiule Regulator Co.
1803 Arcade 111 dir. Nt. Louis, Mo.
Clear Baby’s Skin
With Cuticura ;
Soap and Talcum
So«p 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, T.lcnm 2Sc. |
Spark Plugs m
Genuine “Tipco" Blue Bonnot Plug*
—absolutely positive. Never failing
white hot spark. Sent prepaid on re
ceipt of price, 4 for $3.80. Discount
for quantity. Send your order today.
Os Course Congregation Could Got!
Away, But He Had the Minister
in Tight Place.
There was bad blood between the
parish clerk and the minister of a cer
tain country church. Neither of them
ever missed a chunee ol’ getting a hit
of his own hack.
One Sunday the clerk Had a special
Invitation out to church with a friend
after the evening service, whereupon
he asked (lie minister If he would
mind keeping Ills sermon short.
It was too good a chance to miss.
The minister took a few deep breath*,
and preached for one hour and a quar
ter by the clock.
By this time the old clerk’s wrath
was at boiling point. He hardly wait
ed for the preacher to resume Ids
Seat before springing up and announc
ing loudly:
“Psalm one hundred and nineteen.
Fro’ end t’ end. He’s preached a#
evening, and we’ll sing all neet!"—
London Answers.
Seeking a Variation.
“Did you know people are talking
about Ihe wav you misquoted tl>«
piece of poetry you Introduced In
your speech?"
“I did It on purpose,” replied Sena
tor Sorghum. “I thought It would
he desirable to do something, however
slight, to shift the argument.”