The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, September 23, 1920, Image 5

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Sixth Federal Reserve Bank
Answers the Inquiry of
Atlanta, Sept. 18, 1920. That
there will be no change in the
policy of the Federal Reserve
Bank for the Sixth District, in
the matter of cotton loans in
nection with the 1920 crop, is the
positive statement of Governor
M. B. Wellborn of that institu- <
tion, in a letter to Commissioner
of Agriculture, J. J. Brown.
This means, as will be clear
from Governor Wellborn’s
ment, that the Sixth Federal
Reserve Bank will, for the pres
ent season, as in the past, re
discount merchants and shippers’ j
90 days paper and farmers’ sixth
months paper, secured by cotton, j
in a basis of 80 per cent of mar-!
ket value.
The assurance given by Gover
nor Wellborn in the following
letter to Commissioner Brown, j
under date of Sept. 19, 1920, will
be very welcome to cotton pro
ducers and all interested in the
holding of cotton for a fair price:
“This is to acknowledge re
ceipt of your letter of Sept 16. j
In reply I wish to say that we
are advising our member banks
in reply to their inquiries, that
they need have no fear that the
Federal Reserve Bank will not
function properly and accomodate
its member banks in rediscount
ing their customers’ notes secur
ed by cotton, for the orderly
marketing of the cotton crop.
“We are following our custom
of the past in accepting from
member banks notes of merchants
and cotton shippers for 90 days
secured by cotton, up to 80 per
cent of its market value, insured
and properly stored, having a
maturity within six months.”
• The foregoing letter signed by
Governor Wellborn, was written
in reply to a direct inquiry from
Commissioner Brown, whose un
derstanding was that cotton loans
would be taken care ot this vear,
the same as in the past. Com
missioner Brown’s letter of in
quiry under date of September
16th, was as follows:
“I am receiving many inquir- :
ies from citizens of Georgia as to
Famous Drivers On Dirt Tracks
to Compete At Atlanta,
October 16-25-26.
The opening day of the Southeastern
Fair, October 16th, will be featured by
auto racing contests in which some of
the international champions will be
entered. It is too early to announce
the’ names of the drivers and cars
which will compete, as entries do not
close until a week before the opening.
The International Motor Contest As
sociation licensed over 200 profes
sional drivers and the Atlanta races
will be sure to attract the leaders in
the list, which includes such names as
Sig Haughdahl, dirt track champion;
Fred Horey, holder of eleven world’s
records! Louis Disbrow, R. Burr Lump
kin, Leon Duray, Dave Koetzela, Floyd
Willard, George Clark and Bill Endi
The Lakewood track is the fastest
dirt oval in the United States and
scheduled events are always watched
with the expectation that a new world
— T
' f
l ' ' '•
• tv * • •
The Main buildings of the Southeastern Fair opposite the main entrance.
Made of steel and concrete, they are the beet In the South.
Libel for Divorce.
Penrl McArthur vs Cyjus Mc-
j Petition for Divorce in Mont
gomery Superior Court, Novem
ber term, 1920:
To the defendant Cyrus McAr
thur :
The plaintiff. Pearl McArthur,
having tiled her petition tor di
vorce against Cyrus McArthur, in
this court, returnable to the No
vember term of the Superior Court
of said county, and it being made
; to appear that Cyrus McArthur is
not a resident of said county, and
also that he does not reside with
in the State, and an order having
■ been made for seryice on him,
Cyrus McArthur, by publication,
this therefore is to notify you
Cyrus McArthur, to be and ap
pear at the next term of Mont
gomery Superior Court to be held
jon the Ist Monday in November,
1920, then and there to answer
: this complaint.
Witness the Honorable E. D.
| Graham, Judge of the Superior
Court. This 16th dav of Sept.,
1920. J. E. Mcßae,
Farm for Sale.
240 acres; 85 under wire fence;
2-horse farm under cultivation;
high and dry land; fruit and
pecan trees, grapes, etc.; fish
and game of all kinds; mile of
church and school; 6-room dwell
ing and outhouses; fine stock
range; S3O an acre; terms if
necessary. Write at once
J. M. Caswell,
Willie, Ga.
the present policy of the Sixth
Federal Reserve Bank, regarding
the rediscounting of cotton paper.
Will you be so kind as to write
me if there is not any hesitation
on your bank’s part, toward re
discounting a farmers’ six months
note, or a merchant’s 3 months
note, either of which is secured
by a bonded cotton warehouse
receipt. Your prompt reply to
the foregoing question will be
very much appreciated.”
It will be interesting to note
that Governor Wellborn’s reply
is exactly in line with the Depart
ment’s prior information which
was communicated to the public
through the press of the State.
record will be set and the Southeast
ern Fair races on October 16th and the
25th and 26th will be no exception to
the rule.
Members in the State of Georgia
Invited to Camp at South
eastern Fair Oct. 16-26.
Boy Scouts of Georgia are Invited tc
camp on the Southeastern Fall
Grounds during the fair, October. 16-26,
An admission fee will be charged, but
there will be no charge for camping
ground and scouts can arrange to do
their own cooking and live very eco
nominally for the week if they desire
to stay that long.
A. A. Jameson, Boy Scout Execu
tive, announces that he will arrange
a scout program and give lessons in
scouting during the week, thereby pro
viding an opportunity tor members to
learn much about scouting. Full in
formation may be had by addressing
Mr. Jameson, Chamber of Commerce
Building, Atlanta.
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
attractive Long Term Farm Loans
for the best companies doing bus
iness m Georgia, with lowest rates
of interest and the most liberal
terms of payments.
I have several years experience
in the loan business, am located
at the county site and believe that
I am in position to give you the
best terms and as prompt services
as any one.
If vou need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutcsheon,
Mt. Vernon, Ga
Mount Vernon Wood
W. A. QUYTON, Proprietor
The Best Grades of Oak and Pine
Wood, Cut to any Dimensions.
Ready for the Stove or Fireplace.
See me for prices. Yards near
Bit. Vernon depot
Building Material.
Best grades of Rough Lumber,
Framing, Sills, etc., cut on short
notice. Mill six miles north of
Mt. Vernon. See or phone
Jas. W. Adams,
1113tf Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Dr. Elton S. Osborne
19 Jones Street, East
Savannah, Ga.
Stump Pullers.
I will sell any farmer in the
county as Good a Stump Puller as
there is on the market for Less
Money than they can be bought
elsewhere. Now is the season
to get them. Phone or write
. Uvalda, Ga.
Loans on improved farm
lands of Montgomery County can
be placed promptly at 5 l-2c in
terest in amounts of SI,OOO and
above, with the privilege of re
paying part of the principal at
any interest bearing periods in
amounts of SIOO or multiples
thereof, thereby stopping the in
terest on amount paid. Loans
can be made for periods of 57,
or 10 years to suit the borrower.
Commissions charged are reason
able. M. B. Calhoun,
Mt. Vernon, Ga,
R. E. Ward,
Soper ton, Ga.
nuveni-SERVKE* savings
Gillettee Mileage
is Guaranteed:
Fabric, 6000 miles
Coed, 8000 miles
Full Line of Staple
and Fancy Groceries,
Soft Drinks, ete.
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
j If in Need of Money f
% *•
* £
* £
* %
2 Come to See me At Once, %
* f
* Either Short or Long Term Loans. £
* f
| |
* £
* and can secure money on either farm or city +
& #■
property within ten days or less *
* 4*
,: I
* *
& 4^
* See me at once, as I have clients now for both £
* t
J farm and city property in this section. *
J come to see me, or phone and I will call on you. £
* *
* £
# 4^
|J. Wade Johnson f
* 4fr
****V********************iM< #:************
The Ford Sedan with electric and 1 ghting system and
demountable rims with tires all around, for every day in the
year has no equal as a family car. Just as popult ron the farm as it
is in the city. In fact, it fit 3 the family demands 5 n every vocation of
life. Large, roomy seats, finely upholstered, plate j lass windows make
it an open car in pleasant weather, while in n iny and inclement
weather it becomes a closed car, dust-proof and rain-proof. It is
ideal for social functions, the theatre, or parties; c 'Trying the children
to school, or for touring. It is not only comfortal <le, but really cozy,
and above all, economical in operation and
maintenance, and has all the Ford merits cf iiiiiiHifi
strength and durability. We solicit your order
for one. Come in and see it.
Fords are plentiful, and easy t o get —if your order is placed with me at once. No guaran
tee on the future. My exclusive territory embraces all of Montgomery south of M. D.
& S. Ry. except Kibbee and Tarrytown —and I am suppling it with the “Old Reliable. ’
Post Your Lands.
Open your woodland to the pub
lic and soon there will not be a
stick of wood or timber on it
Put the public on notice by post
ing up printed notices. Get the
printed notices at The Monitor
office, 10 cents each.
Some choice lots in Mt. Vernon
for sale by J. Wade Johnson, ad.
For Comfort, get a Monitor Gasoline
| Iron, the Best Made, Before Another
i Advance. Price, 85.00. Guaranteed.
Agent for Toombs and Montgomery Counties.
I. L. CHESTER, Agent, Lyons, Ga