Newspaper Page Text
Entered at tl • I'm*: !!i Mt. Vernon. (I». as Becon<t-Cla«» Mail Matter.
rt. ft. Foi M'Vt. hdtior and Owner. si-5° a Year, in Advance.
ir’i i Im paid it, advance, at the legal rate, and an the law
,j '>i I - i r than Wedneaday morning of the first week of insertion
Moti't Vernon, Ga.. Thursday Morning, October 21, 1920.
Alston School News.
By Eighth Grade Girls.
Alston public school opened
Monday, Oct. 14, 1920, with
forty-one pupils enrolled, but an
increase of twenty-four has been
The fifth, sixth, seventh and
eighth grades of our school form
ed a literary society on Friday, |
Oct. Bth Miss Davis acted as
our chairman, and the following
officers were elected:
Gladys GofT, President.
Gladys Braswell, V ice Pres.
Annie Moye, Secy.
Arthur Jones, Treasurer.
The different committees to be
elected by the president as need
ed. The society was named j
“Excelsior,” and red, white and j
blue was chosen for the colors.
The red rose w'as selected as
the society flower and “To Be
Rather Than to Seem” was
accepted as a slogan.
There will be a “Silver Tea”
given at Frederick Hotel on Fri
day night, Oct. 22. The public
is cordially invited to attend.
Give your money (silver) at the
door and enjoy its value inside.
8:00 to 11:00. The contributions
to go for improvements of our
school. Be sure to come and
bring some one.
Masonic Resolution
Tarry town Lodge.
Tarry town, Ga.,
Oct. 9th. 1920.
To the Worshipful Master, War
dens and brethren of Tarry
town lodge No. , r >2t> F. it A. M.
On March 3rd, 1920 theiniperi
• ous mandate of the dread mes
senger, death, against w hose en
trance within our circle the barred
doors and tyler's sword afford no
defense, calls upon us to mourn
the loss of our dear brother, O.
O. liuis.
He was born in this (Montgom
ery) county on the 7th day of
January, 1882. He, after having
the misfortune to lose a second
wife in former life, married Miss j
Mattie Warnoek on Jan. 10th, 1
1914, who only survived him one
day during an epidemic of flu. j
One child survives them. One
little girl, Nadine Jenette,
On July 12th, 1908 he joined
the Mt. Pisguh Baptist church,
and remained an active member
till death.
Resolved, In the death of Bro.
Ruis, we lose one of our most
regular attendants and one who
loved and cherished the cause of
Masonry, But now we commit
thee in the hands of our Heaven- i
1\ Father, who does all things
Resolved. That a copy of these ;
resolutions be sent to The Mont
gomery Monitor for publication,
a cep> t*e sent to the relatives of
the deceased and a copy bespread
on the minutis of our lodge.
W. L. Calhoun,
R. 1). Beaty,
C. C. Adams,
Dr. Kit on S. Osborne
19 Jones Street, Fast
Savannah, Ga.
Eggs and Chickens
Constantly in the market for;
chickens, eggs and country pro-;
duce. Bring to the Mt. Vernon
Hotel. Mrs. T. H. Johnson,
107 1 f Mt. Vernon.'
Notice to Bridge Contractors.
Healed proposal* will he received
iiy tin* Hoard of Commissioners of
I load - and Revenue* of Montgomery
county, Georgia, at the office of Rain
Hoard at the court houae at Mount
Vernon until 11 :oo a. m. October26th.
IH2O, for the furnl*hing of all labor.
, mat i rial, equipment and of her thing*
iieecHt-ary for the coiißtruction of re
niforced concrete culvert* and con
en te iieadwali* for pipe line*, be
tween the Oconee River Bridge and
tin* Moidgomery-Toomb* County, on what i* locally known a*
i tin* Alamo-Mount Vernon-Vldalia
Hoad, otherwise designated a* Ga.
Federal Aid Project N’o. 146, State
Aid Project. S-12-4, on Routes No. 16
and No. 80of the State Aid System.
The work will consist of the follow
ing approximate quantitie*:
1. inn.Mi cubic yards class "A”
< onctete (iii culverts-)
2. 52.32 cu. yds. class “B" concrete
(in pipe endwall*).
:i. 10H.ilcu. yd*, class “B” concrete
< in culverts)
4 47.12 cu. “C" concrete
(in culverts)
6. tilooo.o lbs. reinforcing steel [ln
I culverts j
Bid* will he submitted for the con
'd ruction of said work on the basis of
the cement for the concrete being
furnished by the State or County F.
(). H. ears at nearest railroad station,
as well as nil the basis of all such
material being furnished by the con
t factor.
Said work shall begin on or about
Hie fifteenth day of November, 1920,
and shall be completed within nine
ty working days.
Plans and specifications are on file
at the office of said Commissioners
of Hoads and Revenues, Mount Ver
non. < in., as aforesaid, and at the of
fice of the Division Engineer No. 302
Burch Building. Dublin. Ga.. and at
tin* office of W. R. Neel, State High
way Engineer, 700 Walton Building,
At laid a, Ga.
Plans can he had at $6.00 per set
and epecilleat ions can be had at SI.OO
per el at the office of the Division
Engineer, Dublin.
Said work will lie paid for as the
same progresses: to-wit:—B6peri tn'
of i in* amount due in each calci da,
1111 >t 11 1 1 will In* paid between the 10t.h
and lot li day of the succeeding month
and the remainder will tie paid with
in thirty days of tlnnl completion
and lien ptance.
Proposals must tie submitted on
regular foi ms. which will he supplied
h\ the Division Engineer, and must
lie accompanied hy a certified check
or hiddei's hood for five per cent of
t lie amount of the bid.
Bond will be required of the suc
cessful bidder as required by law.
Tlie right is reserved to reject anv
or all bids and to waive all formali
I'll is the 2Mli day of September.
1020. A. B. Hutcheson.
Clerk Commissioners of Roads
and Revenues of Montgomery
County, Georgia.
E. N. Parker, Division Engineer,
Dublin. Georgia.
Alston Garage &
Motor Co. now open
for business. Give us
ia trial. All work
guaranteed. We offer
one Saxon Roadster
Automobile for sale
at a bargain.
Alston. Georgia
Post Your Lands.
Open your woodland to the pub
lic and soon there will not be a
stick of wood or timber on it
Rut the public on notice by post
ing up printed notices. Get the
printed notices at The Monitor
office, 10 cents each.
Seed Oats.
Best grade of Fulghum seed
oats for sale. See at once
D. S. & W. G. Williamson,
9304 Alston, Ga.
Farm Wanted.
Wanted to hear from owner of
farm or good land for sale. Must
be priced right. Write
L. Jones, <
Box 551, Olney, 111. <
Seed Oats for Sale.
A lot of choice Fulghum Seed
Oats for sale. Call or write
G. W. Galbraith,
L 74 Sharpe Spur, Ga.
A Proclamation.
State of Georgia.
Executive Department.
Submitting a proponed amendment to tic: Con
stitution of Georgia to b« voted on at the general
elect.ion to be held in November. 1920, t«. amend
Paragraph 2. Section 1, Article 11, of the Constitu
tion of this State, so as to lay out and create a
new county from portion of Liberty county, to
to be known aa Long county, with the town of J
Ludowidi aa the county seat. By His Excellency,
Hugh M. Dorsey, Governor.
Whereas, the General Assembly at its session in
1920, proposed an amendment to the Constitution
of this State, aa set forth in an act approved Au
gust 14th, 1920, to-wit:
Long County, Creation of.
No. 814.
A Constitutional Amendment.
The General Assembly of the State of Georgia
hereby proposes to the qualified e actors of said \
State an amendment to Paragraph 2, Section 3,
Article 11. of the Constitution of the State of j
Georgia, aa heretofore amended, to provide for
the creation of a new county to be known as Long,
and for other purposes. Section 1. The General
Assembly of the State of Georgia proposes to the
people of Georgia an amendment to Paragraph 2,
Section 1. Article 11, of the Constitution of thi
State as heretofore amended, as follows, to-wit:
That in addition to the counties now provided for
by the Constitution, as heretofore amended, there
shall be a new county known as Long, laid out
from the County of Liberty, bounded as follows,
Beginning at a point on the Altamaha R : ve»
where the same is intersected hy the county line
between Liberty and Mclntosh Counties; thence
northeast and north along the aforesaid county
line between Mclntosh and Liberty to intersection
thereof with South Newport River: ami to the
northwest comer of Mclntosh County, at th«-
point where said Liberty and Mclntosh line is
nearest the Atlantic Coast Line Railroads main
line; thence a straight line northwestward to the
main line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad at a
point one-half mile southwest of said railroad’s !
depot at lo&mbert, Georgia (Post Office) and
Walthourville Station; thence due north a straight
line to the Walthourville and Smiley public road,
north of Lambert, Georgia, thence north westward
a straight line to a point in the Ludowici and
Hinesville public road three hundred (300) yards
north of the residence of W. H. Devereaux in the
1766th G. M. District of Liberty County; thence
northwestward a straight line to a point on the
Roderick and Hinesville public road where same
is intersected by the Walthourville public road
from the southeast; thence west along the center
of said Roderick and Hinesville public road a short
distance to where the Walthourville public road
leaves same towards the northwest; thence north
westwards along the center of said Walthourville
public road past Gem Branch Post Office, old site
to intersection thereof, with the Savannah public
road or Beards Bluff public road about one and
one-eighth [1 1-8) miles east of the Cross Roads
School House; thence west along the center of said
Savannah public road or Beards Bluff public road
to where said Walthourville public road leaves
same going northwest; thence along the center of
said Walthourville publio road to intersection of
name with the Moody Bridge public road, thence
northwards along the center of said Moody Bridge
public road to the point where same crosses the
Savannah and Southern Railroad right of way at
Strain on said railroad and to the north line of
said right of way; thence westward along the
north line of the Savannah and Southern Railroad
right of way to the first public road crossing at
Lida depot on said railroad; thence westward
along center of public road from Lida past Bear
Branch School House to forks of said public road;
and thence along the center of the northwest fork
thereof, in a northwesterly direction to where
said public road crosses the Liberty and Tattnall
County line nearby and east of Hampton School
House, thence southwards and south along the
county line between Liberty and Tattnall to the
Altamaha River and to the line between Liberty
and Wayne Counties; thence southeast along ihe
channel of said Altamaha River and along the
county line between Liberty and Wayne to point
of beginning,
The county site of said county shall be the town
of Ludowici, Georgia.
Said county shall be attached to the Ist Con
gressional District, to the Atlantic Judicial Cir
cuit and to the 2nd Senatorial District, until
changed by the General Assembly of Georgia.
Terms of Superior Court in said county shall be
held on first Mondays in March and September, in
each year, until changed by the General Assembly.
Justices of the Peace and Constables cut off into
the new county shall exercise the duties and
powers of their offices until new militia districts
are laid out in said new county as provided by law
and until their successors are elected and qualified.
The voters of said new county qualified to vote
for members of the General Assembly, under the
laws of Georgia, shall, on the first Wednesday in
December. 1920, elect an Ordinary, Clerk of Su
perior Court, Sheriff, Coroner, Tax Collector, Tax
Receiver, County Surveyor, County Treasurer,
Representative, and County School Superinten
dent who shall hold office until the next general
election for county officers shall be held in the
State of Georgia, and until their successors are
elected and qualified; said election shall be held at
the usual voting places heretofore established,
within the territory of said new' county, and shall
tie conducted in the manner now prescribed by
law for holding elections for county officers; and
the officers elected therein shall qualify, give bond
and take oath as prescribed by law, and enter
upbn the discharge of their respective duties on
the first day of January, 1921.
Sec. 2. The provisions of Sections 829 to 848, in
clusive, of the Code are hereby made applicable to
said new county; and said county, when created,
shall be a “statutory county,” and subject to all
general laws applicable to counties of this State.
Sec. 3. The county authorities of said new
county shall have the right to create a debt for
and on behalf of said county to defray the public
expenses thereof for the first year, without sub
mitting the same to a vote of the qualified voters j
Sec. 4. Said new county, when created, shall be 1
entitled to one Representative in the Lower House
of the General Assembly of Georgia, and the mem
bership of the said House shall be increased by j
one, to as to admit of representation therein for
said new county. •
Sec. 6. Whenever the constitutional amend
ment hereby proposed shall be agreed to by tw#-
thirds of the members of both Houses of the Gen
eral Assembly the same entered on their 1
Journals, with the “Yeas" and the "Nays" taken
theron. the Governor shall cause said proposed
amendment to be published in at least two news
papers in each Congressional District in this State,
for a period of two months next preceding the
next genera! election; and the Governor shall pro
vide for the submission of this proposed amend
ment to the electors of this State at the next
general election to be held therein, for their rati
fication or rejection. All persons voting in said
election in favor of said proposed amendment shall
have written or printed on their ballots the w ords,
“For the amendment to the Constitution creating
the County of Long;" and those opposed hereto
shall have written or printed on their ballots the
words. “Against the amendment to the Constitu
tion creating County of Long." The returns of
said election shall l*e made to the Secretary of
State, who shall certify the result thereof to the
Governor, and if said proposed amendment be
ratified by a majority of the voters voting in said
general election, the Governor shall issue hi a 1
proclamation to said effect.
Approved August 14. 1920.
Now, Therefore, 1, Hugh M. Dorsey, Governor
of said state, do issue this my proclamation here
by declining that the foregoing proposed amend
ment to the Constitution is submitted for ratifica
tion or rejection to the voters of the State qualified
to vote for members of the General Assembly at
the General Election to be held on Tuesday, No- !
vember 2nd. 1920,
Hugh m. Dorsey,
By the Governor: Governor.
S. G. McLendon, Secretary of State.
Citat 100.
State of Georgia—Montgomery
To All Whom it May Concern:
J. M. Phillips, Jr., of said State
and County, having applied to
me for letters of administration
de borne uou on the estate of O.
P. Blount of said county; this i
to cite all and singular the hcir.-
aud and creditors os the said (.).
P. Blount to bo and appear at the
November Term, 1920, of said
court, and show cause if any they *
can, why leiteisof administtation
de bonis non should not be grant
ed on the estate of the said O. P.
Witness mv official signature.
This Oct. 4th, 1920.
J. C. McAllister.
Ordinary of Montgomeiy
County, Geo gia.
I Anticipating a Strong Demand for the Popular Brands and
Styles of Shoes this Season, we have placed in Stock a Line
which we feel sure will please the people, both in Quality.
You are especially invited to see our Newest Footwear.
I Groceries, Hardware, Farm Tools ||
Wire Fencing, I lotions
| Mt. Vernon, Qa.
mmmtmmmmmz 00000000 0000000000 00000000
Highest Prices Paid
for Live Stock.
We are constantly in the mar
ket for cattle and hogs. Many
years experience qualifies us to
oiler superior advantages to the
producers of this section. We
are in position to handle your
business in a most satisfactory
manner. Get our prices.
W. D. & C. W. Peterson,
1 9192 m ' Ailey, Ga
Farjn Loans
j Loans on Improved Farm Lands
in Montgomery and Wheeler j
Counties. Interest rate G per ct. j
Reasonable commission. I can
handle good propositions for col
ored people owning farm lands.
/Vlt. Vernon, Ga.
Monumental Work.
We carry a complete line of
monuments. Please call at yards
and inspect designs, get esti
mates, etc.
Vidalia Monument Co.,
ts Vidalia, Ga.
Wire Fencing.
Carload American Wire Fence
jjust received. Standard sizes.
Mt. Vernon Mercantile Co.,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Cypress Shingles.
I have on hand an unlimited
1 number of hand-drawn number
, one cypress shingles for sale. See
me at once. A. B. Hutcheson,
lOIGtf Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Fred M. Harris
I Attorney at Law
Atty at Law,
Mt. Vernon, Georgia
| Save the Peanuts |
H During the season I will be prepared |
|| to pay the Highest Market Price for |
fj Spanish Peanuts. Must be properly |
cured and well matured, in order to |
command best prices. See me. |
1 I
|H. V. THOMPSON, Ailey, Ga. |
I At o to (» per cent, in Amounts of SIOOO i i
| to SIOO,OOO. on Five to Ten Years time, ij
I represent one of the largest Life Insurance
Companies, with Unlimited Capital, and can
close loans on short order.
II ji
» N 1 J J
|W. J. WALLACE, Soperton, Ga. i ;