Newspaper Page Text
Appoint New County Com
missioner and Make
Georgia—Montgomery County.
To the Superior Court:
We, the Grand Jurors, chosen
and sworn for the November
Term, IS2O, of; Montgomery Su
perior Court, beg leave to submit
the following general present
Through a committee from our
body we have examined the coun
ty jail, and find same in good
sanitary condition, with excep
tion of needed repairs to the
toilets, and we recommend that
proper repairs be made at once.
We find the county chain gang
in good condition, and that the
volume of work executed com
mensurate with the expense inci
dent thereto.
We have, through a committee,
examined the dockets of the
various justices of the peace of
the county, and find them prop
erly kept.
Geo. J. Stanford is hereby an
pointed Notary Public and Ex-
Officio Jdstice of the Peace of
the 1343 d G. M. District to suc
ceed W. C. Ryals, deceased.
We hereby appoint J. R. Carr
Notary Public and Ex-Officio
Justice of the Peace of the 1567th
G. M. District to succeed Angus
McQueen, resigned.
We hereby appoint H. S. Rid
dle Notary Public and Ex-Officio
Justice of the Peace of the 1757th
G. M. District to succeed G. R.
Mason, removed from the Dis
We hereby appoint John T.
Walker a member of the Board
of Commissioners of Roads and
Revenues of Montgomery county
to succeed Dr. J. H. Dees, whose
term expires January 1, 1921.
We recommend that Miss Dollie
Murphy be placed on the pauper
list, and that she be paid S2O for
the first month and $lO per month j
We recommend that the Board ;
Commissioners of Roads and
Revenues have the justice court
houses of the several districts
repaired and placed in a tenable
We recommend that the min
utes of the Court of Ordinary
prior to the year 1875 be trans
cribed in a suitable record book
and that the same be properly
indexed and brought up to date,
the original records being in a
dilapidated condition.
We recommend that the Board |
of Commissioners of Roads and
Revenues pay the Georgia In
dustrial Home, Macon, 150 each
* for the maintenance of the Mont
' gomery county orphans in charge
of that institution.
We recommend that D. A..
Davis be put on the pauper list,
and that he be paid $lO per month.
We recommend that, jurors and
court house bailiffs be paid $3!
per day and riding bailiffs $lO
per day for actual services ren
dered, with automobile.
We recommend that the Com
missioners of Roads and Reve
nues employ a competent sur
veyor and have the entire county i
surveyed, with a view of deter- i
mining the exact acreage con- i
tained in the county, that same
be platted and properly marked
with the ownership of each piece
of farmjand or woodland, in or
der that all lands may be placed
on the tax digest and made sub
ject to taxation on the basis of
volume as well as valuation.
We recommend that the clerk
of our body be paid the sum of
* $5 for services rendered in that
We recommend the publication
of these presentments in the
Wht Mmigamt# ifSututur.
Methodist Pastor Off
to Annual Conference.
Rev A. G! Brewton, pastor of
the Mt Vernon Circuit left Mon
day evening for Moultrie, where
he attends the annual session of
the South Georgia Conference,
ff which he has been a member
for many years.
During his stay in Mt. Vernon !
te has endeared himself to the j
people, and both he and the fami-1
ly are held in the highest esteem
by the entire cnarge
Tne churches of,the circuit are j
Ailey, Glenwood. Mt Vernon and j
Long pond, the latter having been j
add«:d in supplemental form dur-j
mg the year-
For two \ears he has been on :
the work, and his return would J
no doubt be pleasing to the mem-;
. ; (
Montgomery Monitor and the
payment of $lO for same.
We have received from the
Tax Collector a report of special
taxes collected since last report, j
The same is made a part of these i
presentments, attached and mar-!
ked Exhibit A.
We find the law regarding'
registration for special taxes and
the payment thereof is being to,
a great extent overlooked. There- j
fore, parties engaged in proses-,
sions requiring special taxes are |
urged to co-operate with the!
proper officials in the payment of j
same under penalty of the law.
With the conclusion of our la
bors for the term, we desire to
extend to His Honor, Judge E.
D. Graham, a token of our esteem
and confidence. He has served
the Circuit ably and faithfully,
and in his retirement we feel j
that he carries with him the ad- j
miration and friendsnip of the ■
neople of Montgomery countv, !
who will ever remember that;
peculiar gift of wisdom and jus
tice which marked his service on
the bench.
Also, w'e desire to commend the
ability and fidelity of Hon. W. A. ;
Wooten, retiring solicitor, who, ;
;by that sterling quality and
j marked ability, as a lawyer and j
! polished gentleman, has so en- j
deared himself to our people dur- !
ing his term of office. His coun-1
sel and official labors have been
an uplift to the moral standard of
the county.
Respectfully submitted,
S. D. Morris, Foreman.
M. E. Burns. Clerk.
S. V. Hicks. J. E. Calhoun
W. B. Mathias J. I. Dixon
E. G. Wilkes Martin McQueen
B. F. Conner W. HrMason
Geo. W. Beck worth W. N. Clark
C. L. Allmond W. G. Williamson
E. J. Simons R. J. Boyd, Sr.
! A. M. Hughes, J. I. Dunn
M. C. Graham M. Morris
J. B. O’Conner C. H. Fowler
A. D. Hughes
Tax Collector’s Report.
Report of special taxes collect
ed since last report.
Chas. Mikell, cigarettes $25.00
H. G. Martin, phonographs 5.00
H. G. Martin, playing cards 10 00
fW. H. Mason Store, cigts. 25 00
H. Groher, playing cards 10 00
M. M. Martin, cigarettes 25.00
H, B. McNatt, barber shop 5.00
i Ailey Drug Co., cigarettes 25.00
Ailey Drug Co., soda fount 5.00
J. FI. Peterson, insurance 10.00
H. A. Simpson, punch boards 2.50
W. P. Calhoun, cigarettes 25 00
Yours very truly,
H. C. Davis, T. C. M. C.
This the 3rd day of Nov., 1920.
It is hereby ordered by the
Court that the within General
Presentments be received and
approved, and entered upon
minutes of the court, and that
the same be published and paid
for as recommended. This Nov.
11th, 1920.
E. D. Graham,
J S. C. O. J. C.
W. A. Wooten, Sol.-Gen.
Recorded minutes No. 10, page
232-3. Nov. 12. 1920.
J. E. Mcßae, Clerk.
Election J. P.
First Saturday .
In this issue will be seen a call
| j for an election in the several i
I districts of the county for the!
'purpose of electing a justice of;
I the peace and two bailiffs, for a
i term of four years.
The following freeholders have
been appointed to hold the elec- j
; tion on the first Saturday in De
i cember:
Tarrytown—B. F. Hamilton, H.
I H. Adams and W. L. Calhoun.
Kibbee-Tiger—S. S. Calhoun,
j John D. Taylor and H. B. Braddy.
| Ailey—M. H: Darley, J. M. C.
I Truett and W. J. Peterson,
j Mt. Vernon—G. J. Stanford,
;S. Z. Salter and J. H. Martin.
Longpond (at Alston)--K. M.
j Johnson, Fred Daniels and Jas.
’ W. Sharpe.
Higgston—B. A. Conner, C. L
Allmond and Angus McQueen.
The law provides that such an
election shall be held on the first.
: Saturday in December every four
! years.
I ||
| Miss Lucy Barrett spent the
| week-end with her brother, Rev.
iL. S. Barrett. He accompanied
j her to her home in Macon Sunday
i evening.
Rev. G. F. Tyner spent Sunday
in Forsyth, Ga.
Vidalia High vs 8.-P. I.
The 8.-P. I. basbet ball team
had its first try-out last Monday
on Vidalia court. It was a close,
hard fought, interesting game.
First one side was ahead and
i then the other. When time was
i called on the last quarter the
| score was 13 to 13. An extra
i five minutes were given to work
I off the tie, which Vidalia suc
ceeded in doing by making the
score 14 to 13.
The 8.-P. I. team is. Fred Mc-
Swain, captain and forward;
William Peterson, forward; Vi
: vian Stubbs, center; Francis
| Brevvton, guard; Rubert Hogan,
guard; Baxton Morris, Olin
Burkhalter, Leroy Williams, subs.
j Miss Dolores Auza and Mary
| Carpenter, have returned to
I school after spending a week at
! their homes in Savannah. Their
cousin. Miss Carri belle Bright
well, came with them and has
enrolled in the school work.
Report on Cotton
Ginned to Nov. 1.
From Mr. W. C. Langford, col
lector of cotton statistics of Mont
gomery county, it is learned that j
there were ginned in this county
prior to November Ist 3027 hales
of upland cotton, as compared
with 4392 bales ginned to the |
same date last year. This shows
a difference of 1365 bales,!
During the fall the ginning re-;
ports seemed to indicate that |
| there had been made in Mont
-1 gomerg county about half as
much cotton as last year, but as
the season advanced it appears
that far over half as much cotton
had been ginned up to November
11st, the figures showing 69 per j
cent, as much.
!! :
i Notice of Election.
| Georgia—Montgomery County.
| ! Under Sec. 115 of the Code,
there is hereby called an election
in each Militia District in said
eounty, on the 4t.h day of Decem-
I ber, 1920, for the purpose of
1 electing a justice of the peace
and two bailiffs in each district,
for terms of four years each.
Said election will be held at the
[ usual place of holding justice
court in each of the several dis
tricts, and according to such
rules as obtain in holding elec
tions. This the 15th day of No
, vember, 1920.
J. C. McAllister,
, Ordinary.
For a Union
A Union Thanksgiving service
! will be held in the auditorium of
! the college Thursday morning at
;11 o’clock. It is to he an inter
town as well as an interdenomi
national meeting, the citizens of
Ailey and Mt. Vernon joining in
! it. It is to be largely a praise
and thanksgiving service, no set
program and no sermon. The
ministers of the community will
take part, but no one of them will j
preach. The special feature will
be much music under the leader- j
ship Mrs. Tyler and her orches-,
tra. Thanksgiving Day is the
time to show ones patriotism and
as we are all Americans there j
will be a full turn out from both j
towns, each striving to show how \
much more American it is than |
the other. Brewton-Park'-r is
tlie place and 11 a. m. Thanks
giving Day, Nov. 25th is the
time. We are.all expected and
we always do what we are ex
pected to do. So count the crowd.
Oak Grove Dots.
Special Correspondence.
Miss Viola McDougald of Sa
vannah is visiting friends and
relatives in this section.
Messrs. L. Youngblood and
Mason Graham of Vidalia visited
at Mr. J. A. Reynolds' Sunday.
Miss Sudie Graham was the
i guest of Miss Annie Reynolds
Mr. Will Hughes and Misses
Estelle Milligan and Viola Mc-
Dougald were out riding Sunday
1 afternoon.
Mr. J. A. Reynolds and sons,
George and Felton, were in Ailey
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Love and
children of Cedar Crossing were
visiting at the home of Mr. H. D.
Leggett Sunday.
Mr Arthur Register and sis
ters, Julia and Fronie, were the
guests of Miss Annie Reynolds
Sunday afternoon.
Miss Viola McDougald was
the guest of Miss Estelle Milligan
Saturday night and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Woodard and
children sp- rit Sunday at the
home of her parents, Mr. and ;
Mis. P. E. Register.
Miss Annie Reynolds spent
Friday night with Miss Sudie
; Graham.
i Mr. Arthur Rpgister was in Vi
; dalia on business Monday.
; The Oak Grove school is pro
gressing nicely. We have about
i 52 on roll now.
j Mrs. A. J. Graham and daugh
ter. Sudie, visited Mrs. J. A.
;R vnolds Wednesday afternoon.
There was a large crowd out to
I the ordination sermon at Oak
Grove church Wednesday night, :
! Nov. 10. The deacons ordained
i were Bros. J. A. Reynolds, H. j
M. Thompson, C. W. Peterson.
Bro. G. F. Tyner preached the
|ordination sermon, Dr. L. S.
Barrett acted as chairman of the
j presbytery, Rev. W. BjjjJgffider
wood offered up the prayer, Bro.
Barrett gave the charge and Bro. i
McDaniel, pastor of the church, j
acted as spokesman of the church, i
We feel like we have started out j
to do great things for the Master.
May God help each one of them
to do their part.
City Tax Notice.
I will collect city taxes in my
office on Nov. 20 27. and on Dec ;
4-11-18. December 20th is the 1
last day to pay- Fifas will be
issued on Dec. 21, 1920.
E. M. Rack le v,
T, C. Town of Mt. Vernon.
Little Elizabeth Hughes
~7£T "Died Last Saturday.
■ Mt-' Vernon has been saddened
by the death of little Elizabeth
Hughes, the eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. T B Hughes She
was stricken about three weeks
ago with a form of erysipelas,!
caused by a bruised foot, and
her condition soon grow beyond
the skill of medical aid-
After ha ving been sick for sev
eral days she was taken to the
j Vidalia Hospital, where every
effort was made to bring reiief,
but to no avail She died Satur
day afternoon. The little form
i was laid to rest, in the family lot
' iri the McGregor cemetery Sun- j
day afternoon, the funeral ser
vice being conducted by Rev. A
G Brewton, assisted by Dr J
! C Brewton and attended by a
large body of sorrowing relatives
and friends.
Elizabeth was between three
and four years of age, and by a
j wonderful charm had endeared
herself to a large circle of friends
She was unusually bright and
;cheerful and was the idol of her;
i neighborhood
However tender in years, she:
had filled a place in the hearts of |
her parents far beyond earthly;
treasure, and even to those who I
have seen her baby fingers press
ed against the pane or heard her .
happy glee, she will ever he
missed. To her the invitation
was given, and she went to the
Master who said “suffer the little
children to come unto me 1 , and
forbid them not; for such is the
kingdom of Heaven ”
The eaglet’s wings are made
strong by flight, angels’ wings
by purity; and even the babe, inj
angelic form, werids its flight to
the Glory World on pinions seem
ing swifter than those which 1
have known of the strife ar d
trial of a world leave Thev
are unfettered oy sin, and with
sublime ’ grace they soar ALoye
and rest forever.
\ j
Criminal Cases
Last Week.
. i
The following is a list of the
criminal cases disposed of in hii
perior court, here last week:
State vs Jim Manor, mis., guil
ty ; s4l or 6 mos.
Will Adams, mis.; S6O or 6 mos.
Shell Stewart, gaming; S4O or
4 mos,
C T. Staley, assault and bat
tery; SIOO or 6 months.
Chapel Smitn, mis.; $75 or 6
J. L. Cason, mis.; not guilty.
Will Ruffin, mis.; not. guilty.
Shop Jones, mis,; SSO or 3 mo. !
Lee Thomas, mis.; s2oor3oda.
Bud Hilbun, mis.; not guilty.
Joe Newsome, mis.; not guilty,
Steve Ellison, mis,; 6 mos.
Otho Mcßae, bigamy; 9 mos.
( hariey Sibert. mis.; SSO or 3
(TV S.
Tom Joyce, assault with intent
P murder; nol pros.
Geo. Peter-on, Jr., mis.; SSO ( r
3 mos.
Sallie Flagg, mis.; not guilty.
J. It. Freeman; nol pros, *
N, P. Denton; not guilty.
Will Harvard, mis.; 9 mos,
! Charley DavD; $75 arid 4 mos.
I with imprisonment sentence sus ’
Will Mitchell, $75 and 4 mos.
with imprisonment .sentence sus
Card of Thanks.
There were so many who were
ever thoughtful and so con side - t
! at“ of us during Dr. Hunt’s illness
j that it will just be impossible to
j write each one personally: so wi
1 take this means of expressing to
I each one our sincere thanks and
j grateful appreciation for the
| many kindri' gses shown and
1 assistance rendered.
Dr. and Mrs. Hunt.
Mr. John YV. Mclntyre has
{again supplied The Monitor fami
ly with a lot of Porta Rica yam
{potatoes. They are a very fine
•grade, and the amount sent in is
far more than a mere sample
Conflicting Rumors Follow
Examination of Dead
Man’s Body. '
Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 16., Macon
Telegraph Bureau. —An atmos
phere of some mystery was today
thrown about the Fred D. Shep
ard poison case, when Dr. Edgar
Everhart, chemist, who conduct
ed the analysis to determine
whether or not Shepard had been
poisoned, made the comment that
news stories printed in and sent
out from Atlanta last night were
i “wild cat.”
When Dr. Everhart completed
his analysis of the stomach and
I made hss report Saturday to Dr.
Brown of Macon he was instruc
ted, he says, not to further dis
cuss the case at all. Yesterday
j Solicitor General Charles Garrett
and an Atlanta detectiue were in
conference with Dr, Everhart,
and at that time Mr. Garrett said
he expects further developments
Friday of this week, when the
coroner’s jury will be reconvened
in Fort. Valley, but to make any
| statement at this time would
I frustrate investigations the State
is now pushing.
This morning a newspaper
story makes the statement that
| Dr. Everhart found no poison in
! Mr. Shepard’s stomach, and that
Dr. Everhart describes as a “wild
i cat newspaper story.” The fact
l hat. Dr. Everhart has been direc
ted to go to Fort Valley Friday
for the inquest, and the further
informrtion that Dr. John Funk",
pathologist, also has been called
upon to attend the inquest, and
that both these gentlemen will
testify, is taken to mean that
there have been developments
from the stomach analysis whch
the State considers important.
It. is understood that, as a matter
of fact, some form of poison was
found in the process of the analy
sis, hut them is a question wheth
er was if information resulting
from something Mr. Shepard l ad
eaten, or whether it was adminis
tered. The entire matter, it is
understood, will be clarified one
i way or the other when the coro
•er re-opens the case Friday.
Ft m other sources it is learned
! that, the State will most likely
have a corisid Table interest in
lat l ast or.e angle of the Shep
i' d case, and *hat developments
j along that line will be forthcom
ing at some early date- A ques
, uon has, it is understood, oeen
! rn’ c: w l as to th° tpy returns and
payments on the large estate,
land it is not at all improvable
; that the claim of citizenship in
tlie 3tam of California, said to
he made in connection with the
■ Sh l pal'd-nroporties, will be care
fully investigated by the State
I of Georgia*
| The estate, it, is understood, is
a very considerable one and. if
reports are well founded, the
nrn-. clive inquiry will be next
jin importance only to the matter
of the Jim Smith and the J. B.
White estates.
SerAices at McGregor
and at Hack Branch.
The pastor will preach at the
McGregor cmrcb
i ti"xt Sunday morning, Nov. 21,
and at Hack Branch that after
noon at 4 o’clock. Thanksgiving
night he will give an llustrated
lecture on Washington City at the
McGr go- church. This will be a
patriotic discourse and mrny of
th" fin -.t buildings in the city
will be shown by the use of the
hvreoptii .n Everybody invited,
iAs tne entertainment is for the
benefit of the church the admis
sion will be by ticket. Adult
20 cents and children 15 cents.
Notice to Patrons.
Patrons who have failed <0 set
tle for long distance calls, after
having oeen seen by our collec
tor, will please make no further
demand 1 - for long distance calls
on credit bests We are forced
to s rtie for long d stance ealts
Mt. Verr.on "rleohoneCo,
Sunfoid Bros , Mgr*.
NO. 30.