Newspaper Page Text
Held Conference to Discuss
Prohibition Status in
* I
Hon. Jesse E. Mercer, prohibi
tion enforcement officer, spent a
few hours in Mt. Vernon yester
day. While here he had occasion
to hold a conference with a num
ber of citizens and county officers !
relative to the situation in Mont-,
gomery county.
He gave a very comprehensive
survey of conditions as he has 1
found them in Georgia and cited
a number of counties in the
where the citizeens are deter- j
mined to make their sections
free from blind tiger liquor. In 1
fact, the natural deduction is: If,
the people want liquor put out, it:
can be done. No matter what i
machinery the state and Federal
government may have in effect, ]
if the people of a community sit
down and invite blind tiger liquor
operations, with the consequent
evils, they get it.
It is quite probable that the
citizens of' Montgomery county
will find it necessary to take some
action, looking to a betterment
of conditions in this section. If
they want liquor, say nothing: if
they want liauor put out, it is
only necessary to say yes, and
out it goes.
Mr. Mercer promises substan
tial co-operation of the Federal
Entertained in Honor
of Miss McArthur.
A delightful affair of yesterday
afternoon was the boat ride with
which Mr. H. Mercer Jordan en
tertained in honor of Miss Erin
McArthur of McGregor, Ga., the
attractive guest of Miss Melva
Register. The trip was made on
Mr. Jordan’s boat, the “Con
Those invited for this pleasant
outing were, besides Miss Me- j
Arthur and Miss Register. Miss j
Thelma Bland of Vidalia, Ga., j
Miss Annie Laurie Connor, Miss
Rosalie Dana, Miss Gertrude Jor
dan, Miss Mildred Register, Mrs.
W. E. Guerard, Mrs. John E.
Register, Mr. Walter Mercer,
Mr. PSter Battey, Mr. Burton
Hays, Judge Hugh Gannon, Mr.
Jo Withington and Mr. J. E.
Register, Jr.
Miss McArthur is leaving by
motor this afternoon for her
home in McGregor and was ac- 1
companied by Miss Register,
Miss Jordan, Miss Bland, Mr.
Jordan and Mr. J. E. Register, J
Jr., who will be her guests for
the week-end—Savannah Press,
Died in Waycross;
Buried Sharpe Spur.
The remains of Mrs. Homer
Sammons, who died at home in
Waycross, were buried in the
Galbraith cemetery near Sharpe
Spur Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Sammons was a daughter
of Mr. H. A. (Bob) Garrett of
Toombs county, but who for sev
eral years resided near Sharpe
Spur in this county, and where
the family had a large number
of friends.
Mrs. Sammons leaves a hus
band and several little children.
They had been residing in Way
cross for several years.
Card of Appreciation.
We wish to express our thanks
to the good and thoughtful peo
ple of our community and else
where in the county who gave
such evidence of sympathy and
aid during the illness and death
of our wife and mother.
Very gratefully.
J. G. Morris and Family.
fMmttgflnwrg Mmxtar.
Longpond Dots.
Special Correspondence
Miss Belle McAllister was called
to Tennille last week on account
of the illness of her sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs and chil
dren of Uvalda visited relatives
; here Sunday.
Miss Cassie Williamson is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. A. M. Hugh-
I es, in Mt. Vernon.
Miss Pearl Williamson is visit
ing relatives near Baxley.
Mr. J. S. Williamson and son
are visiting friends at Graham
this week.
Miss Nellie Johnson of Vidalia
spent the week end with home-1
folks here.
Miss Jane Ethlyn Johnson of
Uvalda visited relatives here Sun-j
We were very glad to have
Mr. and Mrs. Hern of Mississippi
with us at Sunday school last
Rev. J. H. Oliver will fill his
appointment here next Sunday
morning at 11:00 o’clock and that
night at 8:00 o’clock. Everybody
Mr. Jacob Browning.
Mr. Jacob Browning died at
his home near Spring Hill recent
ly, and was laid To rest yester
day at the Clements cemetery by |
his Masonic brethren. A suitable
tribute gwas paid to his memory
by Rev. C. C. Hines.
He was one of Stonewall Jack
son’s men and followed his gal
lant leader while he led the
armies. He joined the church in
his young manhood and was j
such ’til the end. He suffered
long and severely. His end was
peace.—Telfair Enterprise.
M. //. Mclntyre-
Takes His Life.
As a result of despondency j
caused by ill health, Mr. M. H. j
Mclntyre on last Thursday after
nooa fired a pistol bullet through
his head, and death came in a
short while.
For several years he had re
sided in Vidalia, where he en- ■
gaged in business, but recently <
removed to his former home in
this county a few miles from
Ailey. It appears that early in
the afternoon some of his broth
ers had gone over to butcher a
hog for the unfortunate man, ;
and while they were engaged in
I the work in the outer yard he
; fired the fatal shot in his room.
They rushed to his aid but too j
late to be of any benefit.
He was the eldest son of Mr. 1
Geo. W. Mclntyre, and about
fifty years of age. He leaves a
wife and two children, besides
j his father, five brothers and one]
. sister. The brothers are J. W. !
Mclntyre of Mt. Vernon and A.
H., A. P., Rid and Bruce Mc-
Intyre of the Sadie section. The
!only sister is Mrs. S. J. Elliott of j
j Mt. Vernon.
Mr. Mclntyre was a member of
the Vidalia Presbyterian church.
Remains were buried in Vidalia
Friday afternoon and the funeral
service was conducted by Rev.
R. B. Anderson of the Vidalia
Presbyterian church.
Notice to Patrons.
I Patrons who have failed to set
tle for long distance calls, after
having been seen by our collec
tor, will please make no further
demands for long distance calls
on credit basis We are forced
to settle for long distance calls
Mt- Vernon Telephone Co,
Stanford Bros , Mgrs
Appear at Brewton-Parker
Evening of Thursday, Dec. 2.
The St. Claire Sisters, a ladies’ quar
tet, give a varied program, which
combines orchestral, vocal and special
novelty features. Audiences which
have heard file Military Girls or the
American Girls will find the same
brightness 'and sparkle which makes
these two companies so well remem
bered. The St. Claire Sisters have al
ready appeared on one of the Redpath
Chautauqua circuits with decided suc
cess. The personnel of this company
is as follows: Ella St. Claire, soprano,
piano, mandolin, banjo; Mary St.
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| Public School Notes 1
0 ——
U ®m®®>m®/®m®mwamm ®m®m®%®. M
First Grade—Helen Snooks,
Martha Wright. Stella Will Pal
mer, David Mcßae.
Second and Third Grade—Nelle
Burch, Katherine Snooks, Jeff
Mcßae, Carter Peterson. Eliza
beth Frizzelle. Thomas Calhoun.
Highest Marks in Examination.
Arithmetic—4th, Dorothy Es-,
py, 100; sth, Ruth McCrimmon,
Annette Odom, 100. oth, Schalah J
Stephens, 92. 7th, Bob Peterson,
Beverly Salter, Tommie McMil
lan, Elizabeth Calhoun, 100.
Geography—4th, Nina Salter,
Lucille Conn, Dorothy Espy, j
Louise Currie, 100. sth, John!
McGregor, 98. 6th, Schalah Ste
phens, 98. 7th, J. WadeJohn
sod, 95.
Spelling—4th, Dorothy Espy,
Nina Salter, 100. sth, Ruth Mc-
Crimmon, Annette Odom, 100,
6th, Ernestine Underwood, Em
mett Stanford, Ruth Mason,
Johnnie Mclntyre, Rosa Daniels,
Cora Conn, Margaret Salter, Ve
ra Graham, Herbert Burch, Scha
lah Stephens, Barnie Price, 100.
7th, Elizabeth Calhoun, 99.
Reading—4th, Dorothy Espy,
99. sth, Cora Conn, 96.
English—4th, Louise Currie,
95. sth, Ruth McCrimmon, 97. j
6th, Rosa Daniels, 94. 7th, Eliza- 1
beth Calhoun, 99.
History—7th, Marguerite John
son. 99. 6th, Schalah Stephens,
96. 7th, Felton Pierce. Edgar
Geiger, Beverly Saiter, 96.
Hygiene—6th, Ernestine Un
derwood, Margaret Salter, 96.
7th, Beverly Salter, Charlie Pe
terson, 96.
Literature—7th, Charlie Peter
son, Elizabeth Calhoun, 98.
The children who are planning
to go to the second grade at
Christmas time are becoming
more interested in their work
each day. We shall miss these
little yeople very much, but Miss
Yournans will be glad for such
an addition to her class.
We have begun an Indian sand
table, the boys cutting sticks to
build wigwams, the girls dress
ing the dolls, cutting out animals
and a eanoe from colored papers,
i We are planning to have it com
pleted by Thursday afternoon.
Our Thanksgiving song is to
be given as sort of a Pilgrim drill,
all of the children taking part.
The second and third grade
only have nine tardy marks for
last week. Quite a number have
been aosent on account of sick
ness and bad weather.
The fifth grade has been busy
with examinations for the past
week. Some have done well,
Claire, second soprano, ryader, piano,
mandolin, banjo; Velma St. Claire,
first alto, violin, piano, mandolin, ban
jo ; Lillian St. Claire, contralto, vio
lin, mandolin, banjo. The features of
the St. Claire Sisters’ program are:
Mandolin quartet, ladies’ vocal quar
tet, violin solos and duets, readings,
orchestral music of violins, mandolins,
piano; vocal solos, duos and trios;
planologues; banjo orchestra of vio
lin, two banjos, piano, especially effec
tive for popular music; piano solos
and duets; humorous songs with ac
tion; banjo quartet. . ...
others have not. I hope the pa
rents see the papers which are
returned to the children after
they are graded.
We are beginning a new reader.
Some of the children are improv
ing in reading.
Examinetions are over and we
are hard at work again trying to
make our seventh grade the ban
ner grade.
We would like excuses for ab
sences or tardiness. A special
report must be made to the coun
ty for absence of children be
tween ages of eight and fourteen,
giving number of days aria causes.
A club of some kind is needed
to hr ng teachers and paren’s in
closer touch. We are thinking of
such. Let us hear from you pa
rents in regard to this, and per
haps such an organization can be
m tde _
Will Serve Oysters
At Mt.’Vernon Hotel.
They will Deserved in all styles
of the culinary art at the Mt. Ver
non Hotel tomorrow evening, and
the public is invited to attend the
The hotel has only recently
been opened, under the manage
ment of Mrs. T. H. Johnson, and
in this occasion the people of the
town and surrounding section
will have an opportunity of visit
ing the new place and enjoying a
social occasion of benefit to the
hotel and the town.
The feast will be on from 6 to
Bp. m., at SI.OO per guest. Let
the people of the town respond
in this get-together affair tomor
row evening, Friday, 26th.
Apples of Good Quality
Find Ready Market.
Most markets can always find
use for a good quality apple, no
matter what its shape or the col
or of, its skin may be. It is prob
ably unreasonable to say that
one market will take only certain
: varieties while another will take
other varieties. Conditions are
always changing preferences.
For instance, due to prices, there
was, in a certain year, a notice
ably increased demand for box
packed fruit in some cities known
as barreled-apple markets. The
certainty of securing uniformly
sized, highly finished fruit at ex
tremely low prices was the ’ only
reason given for this condition,
say fruit specialists of the United
States Department of Agricul
i ture. *
Oak Grove Dots.
Special Correspondence.
Messrs. C. W. and W. D. Pe
terson were in Vidalia Monday on
Miss Sudie Graham is visiting
relatives in Dublin.
Mr. Ira Landrum and brother
and sister. Jennie,'of Tarrytown
visited at the home of their un
cle, Mr. W. M. Branch, Sunday.
Mr. Will Hughes of Alston
called on Miss Estelle Milligan
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. M. A. Peterson visited
Mrs. J. A. Reynolds Saturday
Misses Elvira, Ethel and Avis
; Woodard were the guests of
Misses Annie and Ida Belle Reyn
olds Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Gibbs and
children spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. P. E. Register.
Quite a large crowd has been
attending the cane grinding at
Mr. Peterson’s for the past week.
Mr. D. S. O’Brien and son,
Herbert, made a business trip to
Vidalia Monday.
Miss Viola McDougald was the
of Miss Annie Reynolds
Sunday night.
Little Miss Bessie Wood was
the guest of little Misses Ida
Belle and Clyde Reynolds Sunday.
The G. C. & M. A. Literary
society will meet next Friday
afternoon and the following pro
gram will be rendered:
Bible Reading—Annie Reynolds.
Prayer—By School.
Song—By School.
Rtcitation—Julia Register.
Recitation —Randolph Giaham.
Story Reading—Delma Gillis.
Recitation—Herschel O’Brien.
Song -By School. *
Recitation —Vitus O'Brien.
Recitation —Phillip Warren.
Conversation —Annie and Julia.
Recitation —lda Belle Reynolds.
Story Telling—Gladys Leggett.
Song —By School.
Recitation—Ethleen O’Brien.
Recitation —Ethel Woodard.
Song—By School.
This is to be our Thanksgiving
program. Everybody invited to
come and be with us.
Mrs. Morris
Died Sunday.
Mrs. John G. Morris died at an
early hour Sunday morning at
her hom jat Sharpe Spur, af'er
having been ill the greater part
of the year.
Mrs. Morris was a daughter of
I the late Mr. and Mrs. S. W.
Burch of this county. She and
Mr. Morris were married March
31, 1887. Os this uriioi there
were six children, all of whom
survive the mother, the first
member of a large and happy
family to pass beyond. The sons
are Messrs. Walter, Albert and
| Guy Morris; the daughters are
Mrs. Eudell McDaniel, Miss Lu-
Jcileand Miss Pauline Morris, all
of Sharpe Spur, excel t th<- for
| mer, Walter R. M rris, who is
! teaching at Sylvester.
Mrs. Morris was fif'y-eight
; years of age, a member of tht
i Baptist church, and a devoted
.Christian mo’her, whose life and
i love have contributed ever to the
happiness of husband and chil
dren, kindred and friends.
Remains were interred in the
McGregor cemetery at Mt. Ver
non Monday noon, the exercises
being conducted by Dr. J. C.
Brewton of the Baptist church.
LOST KEYS—Two r>ngs. One
was lost Oct. 31, and o’her Nov
17- Contain Yale keys and one
switch key. Finder please re
turn to H. W. Coctfield, Mt.
i Vernoa.
Rev. A. G. Brewton Returns
to Work Mt. Vernon
Rev. A. G. Brewton of the Mt.
Vernon Circuit returned Tuesday
morning from Moultrie, where
he attended the recent session of
the South Georgia Conference.
Montgomery county friends will
be pleased to learn that he is re
turned to the work for the in
coming year.
The appointments for the Mc-
Rae district are as follows.
J. M. Outler, presiding elder;
Alamo Circuit, E. P. Drake; Al
tamaha Circuit, W. D. McGregor;
Baxley, L. A. Brown; Baxley
Circuit, J. M. Hancock; Cedar
Grove Circuit, W. E. Kinchen;
Center Circuit, 0. H. Rhodes;
Chauncey Circuit, I. K. Cham
bers; Claxton, S. A. Harn; Cobb
town Circuit, C. J. Malleite;
Daisy Circuit, Edgar A. Martin;
Eastman, J. H. Mather; Glenn
ville Circuit, L. B. McMichaei;
Graham Circuit, 0. S. Smith;
Hagan Circuit, J. E. Channell;
Hazlehurst, H. L. Pearson; Hel
ena and Scotland, I. L. Llewellyn;
Jacksonville Circuit, L. E. Brady;
Lumber City, E. E. Gardner;
Lyons and Collins. Jason Shirah;
Mcßae. N. T. PafFord; Mt. V* -
non Circuit, A. G. Brewton; Pem
broke, Moses Regster; Reids
ville and Shiloh, R. F. Denn.ts;
Rhine Circuit, W. W. Hill; Suj
rency Circuit, C. A. Morrison;
Uvaldaand Alston, B. C. Priekett;
Vidalia, W. M. Blitch; West
Green Circuit, C. B Ray; South
Georgia College President, J. D.
Smith; Professor. G. N. Rainey.
The following reference to oth
er ministers and fields they occu
py is of interest to Montgomery
county people:
L. A. Hill, Savannah Trinity.
L. W. Colson, Waynesboro.
C. M. Meeks, Cuthbert.
C. E. Cook, Ellaville.
K. H. McGregor, Midland Ct.
C. M. Ledbetter, Hawkinsulle.
J. M. Glenn, Dublin Firsr.
J. E. Sampley, Dublin. Cen.
W. L. Wright, Louisville.
E L Wninwripht, Soperton Ct.
J. N. Hudson, Macon 2d Sr.
Bascom Anthonv. Macon Vine.
L. L. Barr, Nashville.
H. C. FJwing, Poolan Ct.
W H. Budd. Tifton.
J. E. Barnhill, Broxton.
* J. T. Budd. Newi igton Ct.
H. C. Brewton, Norman Part.
Next year’s session of
South Georgia Conference will be
held in Tifton.
Kemp School.
Special Con «»pr>u<leuce.
The farmers in this section are
busy grinding cane. Among tht-m
a-e Messrs. Sol Williams, G. W.
C ilernan and J. B. Canady.
Mrs. Hubert Boyd visited our
sc 'tool last Friday morning.
Mr. Cliff Collins made a busi
ness trio to Lyons Friday.
Messrs. G. I. Radford, Charlie
Mo ris and G. W. Coleman visi
ted our school Monday morning.
We were very glad to have them
with us.
Mr. H. C. Goff snent a while
vith us last Wednesday morning.
Mr. A. Calhoun made a busf
o ,-ss trip to Mt. Vernon Saturday
Mr, and Mrs. David Brown
umounce the birth of a girl last
Thursday morning.
City Tax Notice.
I will collect city taxes in my
price on Nov. 20-27. and on Dec.
tll -18. December 20th is the
1 o dav ro pay. Fifas will be
is don D sc. 21, 1920.
E. M. Rackley,
T. C. Town A Mt. Vernon,
NO. 31.