Newspaper Page Text
T?\e lAoritgorrx&ry r\or\ilor.
Kn <tp(l *1 tti« l'«i in Mr. Vernon. Oa. as Second-Class Mail Matter.
H. H FOLSOM, Editor and Owacr. s>.s° ® Year, in Advance.
l.rcHl a lvi rtir : i i ith iably b*- |»anl in advance, at the leK&l rate, and aa the law
,1 r, m s ; ,i,ii..i t, i, i n.d later than Wedneaday morning of the first week of inaertioo
Mount Vernon. Ga.. Thursday Morning, November 25, 1920.
One recipe for accident, pre
vention: Keep your pun pointed
either straight up or straight
down, and use nothing but the
ramrod while hunting.
Greece is to have another elec
tion on the president Nov. 28.
Sounds like Georgia, except in
Georgia they have everything
else but elections on Sunday.
The recent wholesale victory
o f the Republican party may be
correctly termed “voluminous,”
but to the Democrats it must have
seemed somewhat ominous, with
a double echo.
Harding will not stop in Mexico
en route home. The fishing is
not good down there- not for a
president-elect. A man who can
not handle a tarpon off the
Topis coast has no business in
Mexico at this stage of the game.
Gasoline drops a cent a gallon,
but the big dealers consolingly
remark that it will not happen
again soon. One way to even
up witj? John D. is to walk more
freely. The ordinary bipedic,
ball-and-socket geared machine
would run very well without gas,
if it were not out of fashion.
Japanese students are debating
the question: “Shall Japan fight
America?” Better decide the
question in favor of the negative,
and let cherry blossoms bloom
undisturbed in Nippon’s Isle,
where the little yellow men are
getting along very well under
their own vines and fig hushes.
We are no doubt in a disguised
and beclouded stage of price re
duction, but we are at a loss to
comprehend certain, phases of the
changing scene. For instance,
the farmer is accepting from
seventy-live cents to a dollar a
bushel for his corn, with no great
demand at such figures; in many
cases he is forced to do it. The
merchant is accepting #4.80 per
bushel for Western ground grits,
with a strong demand, limited
only by the inability of the aver
age individual to pay. This ob
servation is taken right here in
Montgomery county, and in Mt.
Vernon, every day. Fresh meal
is equally high, in proportion, and
almost impossible to got. The
corn crop was good—worlds of it
made—but still in the hands of
the farmer. Verilv there is fixed
a great gulf between the pro
ducer and the consumer. The
balance of the chapter is too well
understood for detailed exemplifi
Following the dismissal of Rev.
Cecil R. Phillips in the recent
session of tin South Georgia Con
ference in Moultrie, the same
was announced in one of the
daily papers,, in headline form,
“For Supporting Watson and
Hardwick, Minister is Expelled
from Church.” This is a slight
over-statement of the case, as
the actual grounds for his dis
mission, as stated in the formal
charge, is that he was “not
adapted to the work.” What
ever the facts in the case, we do
not profess to know, but it is
quite clear that the Methodist
church, or any other Protestant
church, would not consider a
minister ineligible for the work
of the ministry simply because
he supported Mr. Watson and
Mr. Hardwick. This is a free
country, and a citizen who is
qualified to vote is allowed to
cast his ballot for whomsoever
he pleases, regardless of church
affiliations, as far as simple
support is concerned. The head
line referred to is one thing and
the text of the matter is very
A news item says Harding
spent a quiet Sabbath. No won
der: he was out on the ocean
during a calm, with no opportu
nity for the pap-suckers to get at
him. He will doubtless long for
other seasons of calm within the
next year.
Thank goodness, our appetite
is not so high-strung that Thanks
giving turkey is an absolute
necessity on our board. Further
more, there are many days in
the year when we cannot afford
chicken and ham. It is certainly
unwise for a gentleman to allow
his taste to get too far above his
means. It may be sublime, but
far from practical.
The Metter Advertiser has just
celebrated its eighth anniversary
and the Savannah Press its
*wenty-ninth. Many papers, both
daily and weekly, have lived
longer without attaining that de
gree of excellence characteristic
of either the Press or the Adver
tiser. The Press proudly boasts
of grand-children, and it is hoped
that the Advertiser will also
reach this happy period of ex
Tax Collector’s 3rd
and Last Round.
I will be at the following places
on the dates named for the pur
pose of collecting state and coun
ty taxes for the year 1920:
Charlotte, Dec. 13, 9 to 11 a. m.
Uvaida, Dec. 13, 12 m. to 3 p. m.
Sharpe Spur. Dec. 14, 9 to 11 a. m.
Alston, Dec. 14, 12 m. to 3 p. m.
Higgston, Dec. 15, 9 to 12 m.
Ailey, Dec. 15, 1 to 3 p. m.
Tiger, D< c. 16, 10 to 11 a. m.
Kibbee, Dec. 16, 12 m to 3 p. m.
Tarry town, Dec. 17, 9a. m. to 3
p. m.
Mt. Vernon, Dec. 18 and 20,
when books will close.
Yours very truly.
H. C. Davis, T. C. M. C.
Trustee’s Sale of Real Estate.
State of Georiri*« a Montgomery County.
Under und byTvirtue of the powers contained
in that certain deed to secure debt, made, execu
te! and delivered by Mrs. Josie Johnson to Realty
Saving:* and Trust Company (a corporation under
the luwh of (><Hiriria) on the 16th day of May, 1917,
and recorded on May 24th 1917 in deed book No. 24,
putte* 197 and 198 of the Clerk's office Montgom
ery county. Ga.. and in accordance with the ap
pointment of the undersigned as Trustee, in pur
* nance of the powers contained in said deed to se
cure debt, the undersigned and Sole Trustee, will
Nell before th*- court house door of Montgomery
county, Ga.. at Mt. Vernon, in said county, on the
first Tuesday in December, 1920, that buing the 7th
day of said month, between the legal hours of
sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following
described real estate to-wit:
All those cei tain lots or parcels of land, situate,
lying and being in the Town of Uvaida, and in
275th District G. M. Montgomery county, Georgia,
and more particularly descril>ed as follows: All of
lot of land number two, (2) and forty-one (41) feet
off the east side of lot number three (3) said forty
one (411 foot adjoining said lot No. 2, all of aaid
property located in block No. 24 and fronting on
Myrtle street a distance of one hundred and seven
(107) feet, and extending back north along Warren
street a distance of one hundred and fifty five
(155) feet to an alley, as shown by said map of the
town of Uvaida as recorded in deed book No. 10,
page 228, Clerk's office superior court of Montgom
ery county, Georgia, and being same property
conveyed by R. L*. O'Neal to B. F. Wolfe on July
22nd. 1911 and recorded in deed book No. 16, page
134 Clerk’s office said county, and conveyed by B.
F. Wolfe to Mrs. Josie Johnson.
The sale of the above described property is to be
had for the purpose of paying the indebtedness
secured by said deed to secure debt, the amount
now due and owing to said Realty Savings 4 Trust
Company being the sum of Thirteen Hundred,
Sixteen Dollars and Forty Three cents (91816.43)
principal, and fifty two and 60-100 dollar* ($52.60)
interest to November Ist. 1920, and also to pay all
costa and expenses of this pro ceding including
fees for Trustee as well as all other items secured
by said deed to secure debt,
TurchnsA r paying for titles and Revenue Stamps.
J. Wade Johnson. Sole Trustee.
Trustee Sale of Real Estate.
State of Georgia, Montgomery County.
Under anti by virtue of the powers contained in
that certain deed to secure debt, made, executed
and delivered by Eugene M. Rackley. to Realty
Savings & Trust t ompany. a corporation under
the laws of the State of Georgia, on the Bth day of
J one, 1917, and recorded on June 16th, 1917, in
de* d book number twenty-four. 24. pages 207 and
2HK. and in accordance with the appointment of
the undersigned as Trustee, in pursuance of the
powers contained in said deed to secure debUthe
undersigned, as sole Trustee, will sell before the
court house door of Montgomery county. Ga., at
Mt. Vernon, in said county, on the first Tuesday
in December. 19*u, uiai being the 7th day of said
month, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, the following described
real estate, to-wit:
All that certain tract or parcel of land, situate,
lying ami being in the city of Mt. Vernon, and in
»* 43rd Dist, G. M. Montgomery county, Geotgia,
and known on the map of said city as a portion of
lot No. 6. and more fully described by metes and
bounds as follows: Beginning twenty-five and
otuwhatf. 26 1-2, feet north of the southeast corner
of said lot No. 6, being the corner of Railroad
Avenue and Church St. and running thence west
vs Ui\il> a distance of 160 feet at right angles to
Fine St. thence northwardly akmg Fine street a
distance of twenty two, 22. feet, thence east wan) •
ly hi right angles a distance of one hundred and
fifty. 15b. feet to Railroad Avenue; thence south
wardly along Railroad Avenue a distance of twen- j
t>-t wo. 22. feet to point of beginning, the prop
erty hereby conveyed to Fugene 11. Kacklay by
W L D. Rackley by died dated January’ 22nd
1917. recorded in Dead book No. 23. page 122.
Clerk's Office Superior court of Montgomery
1 *unty, Georg’*, and on which is located a two
story brick building.
The sale of the above described property is te be
had for the purpose of paying the indebtedness
secured by said deed to secure debt, the amount
now due and owing to said Realty Savings 4
Trust Company, being the sum of Fight Hundred
Ninety Four Dollars and Eleven cents. $894.11,
principal and forty. $40.00. dollars interest, and
also to pay all costs and expenses of this proceeed
mg including fees for Trustee, as well as all other
tems secured by said deei to secure debt.
Purchaser paying for titles and Revenue Stamps,
J ■ Wade Johnson. Sole Trustee.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
To whom it may concern :
Notice is hereby given that C.
W. Skipper, as administrator of
Vera C. Skipper, deceased, hav
ing applied to me bv petition for
leave to sell two lots ot land in
the Town of Ailey. Ga., being
Lota Nos. 3 and 4 in Block No. 11
as shown by a plat of said Town
of Alley; and that an order was
made thereon at the Nov. term,
1920, for citation, and that cita
tion issue; all the heirs at law
and the creditors of the said Vera
C. Skipper, deceased, will take
notice that I will puss upon said
application at the * December
term, 1920, of the court of ordi
nary of said county; and that un
less cause is shown to the con
trary, at, said time, said leave
will be granted. This the Ist day
of November, 1920.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia- Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of an order
granted by the Court of Ordinary
ot said county, will be sold on the
first Tuesday in December, 1920,
before the court house door in
said county, to the highest bidder
for cash, between the legal hours
of sale, the following described
property to wit:
One hundred and seventy-five
acres of land situate, lying and
being in the 1781st district G. M.
of said county and state and
bounded north by lands of P’rank
Darby, east by lands of Mrs. J.
K. Morris, south by lands of J.
D. Taylor west by lands of M.
Wilkes and E. Willis. To be sold
as the property of the estate of
Louvenia Palmer, deceased, for
distributors among heirs.
B. F. Palmer, Adr.,
Estate of Louvenia Palmer.
Georgia Montgomery County.
To all whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that J.
W. Stephens, as administrator of
W. H. H. Stephens, deceased,
haying applied to me by petition
to Bell 284 acres of land more or
less in thb Kibbee-Tiger district
of said county, of said deceased ;
and that an order was made there
on at the November term, 1920,
tor citation, and that citation
issue; all the heir* at law and the
creditors of the said VV. H. H.
Stephens, deceased, will take no
tice that I will pass upon said ap
plication at the December term.
1920, ot the coqrt of ordinary of
said comity ; and that miles cause
is shown to thq contrary, at said
time, said leave will be granted.
This the Ist day of November,
1920. J. C. McAllister,
State of Georgia—Montgomery
Mrs. Teresa Hall, administra
trix of Mrs. Leacy Williamson,
deceased, represents to the court
in her petition, duly filed and en
tered on record, that she has fully
administered said estate. This is
therefore to cite all persons con
cerned, creditors, to show gause,
if any they can, why said admin
istratrix should not be discharged
from her admistrat ion and receive
letters of dismission on the first
Monday in December, 1920.
J C. McA,liister,
Ordinary of Montgomery
Comity, Georgia.
Georgia—Montgomery Comity.
To whom it mav concern:
A. West, of said state,
having in proper form applied to
me for permanent letters of ad
ministration on theestateof Mrs.
I D. W est, late of said county,
deceased, this is to cite a!l and
singular the creditors and heirs of
Mrs. I. D. West to be and appear
at the December t*rm of court,
1920, and show cause, if any they
can, why permanent letters of ud
miuistratien should not be grant
ed. Witness my hand and official
signature this the Ist day of No
vember, 1920.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary.
For Sale.
Two used cars—a Ford and «
Maxwell Touring—in good condi
tion. Also two good farm mules.
W. G. Williamson.
1028tf Alston, Ga.
Brick Work.
All classes Brick and Cement
W’ork. Estimates furnished.
Write C. M. Morrison,
10284 Glenwood, Ga. !
(winter shoes!
1 Anticipating a Strong Demand for the Popular Brands and
(Styles of Shoes this Season, we have placed in Stock a Line S
which we feel sure will please the people, both in Quality.
You are (‘specially invited to see our Newest Footwear.
Groceries, Hardware, Farm Tools |
Wire Fencing, Notions I
$ t Mt. Vernon, Qa. ’ 1
i i
Highest Prices Paid
for Live Stock.
We are constantly in the mar- 1
ket for cattle and hogs. Many!
years experience qualifies us to
offer superior advantages to the
producers of this section. We
are in position to handle your
business in a most satisfactory
manner. Get our prices.
W. D. & C. W. Peterson,
9192 m Ailey, Ga
Farm Loans
Loans on Improved Farm Lands
in Montgomery and Wheeler j
Counties. Interest rate 6 per ct.
Reasonable commission. I can
handle good propositions for col
ored people owning farm lands.
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Monumental Work.
We carry a complete line of
monuments. Please cal'at yards
and inspect designs, get esti
mates. etc.
Vidalia Monument Co.,
ts Vidalia, Ga.
w ire Fencing.
Carload American Wire Fence
just received. Standard sizes.
Mt. Vernon Mercantile Co., j
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Cypress Shingles.
I have on hand an unlimited
number of hand-drawn number
one cypress shingles for sale. See
me at once. A. B. Hutcheson,
1016tf Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Fred M. Harris
Attorney at Law
Attv at Law,
Mt Vernon, Georgia
jj Save the Peanuts |
j|jj * X jj|j
|j During the season I will be prepared
to pay the Highest Market Price for j|
Spanish Peanuts. Must be properly f§
j|j cured and well matured, in order to |jj
command best prices. See me. j|
■ £?
H. V. THOMPSON, Ailey, Ga. j
\ At 5 to 6 per cent, in Amounts of §IOOO |
Ito §IOO,OOO, ou Five to Ten A"ears time. I
| I represent one of the largest Life Insurance i
Comps nies, with Unlimited Capital, and can
close loans on short order.
\W. J. WALLACE, Soperton, Ga. |
' i.ii ii , „ 1,-,,, | i