The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, November 25, 1920, Image 5

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Thrift and Economy Will
Put Country on Sound
Foundation. i
Two years ago on the 11th of
November the Armistice which
ended the 2 world war went into
effect and 'the guns which had
cost the lives„of 'nearly ten mil
lion men ceased firing.
Since profound chang
es have come over the world and
its people. New times are usher
ed in and new conditions prevail.
The very foundation of Gbvern
ment’have been shaken and all
human institutions have been put
to the test.
Out of war the world went in
to speculation, extravagance and
all, manner of follies. Now at
last the world has recovered its
senses. The'; smoke 'of the war
has clearedfcway, the passions it
engendered* have cooled a little
and we begin to see in its true
perspective the greatest catastro
phe of all time.
It is clear to us now that the
frightful destruction of war can
not enrich the world. We cannot
create" wealth by. destroying it.
There were 1 many who thought
the war had'ushered in a period
of unprecedented prosperity. We
now are undeceived. We realize
that the world has lost half its
working capital and no alchemy
of speculation, no legerdemain of
statistics, can hide this moment
ous fact. The bubble of specula
tion has burst; the mania for
prodigal spending has run its
It took this bitter experience to
bring the world to its senses.
Humanity has just awakened
from its delirum —a kind of brain
fever that resulted from the sur
gical operation which cut off ten
million men. There never was
a surgical operation like that.
Never a fever raged so fiercely
as the one that seized the writh
ing body of the race and swept
the whole world into folly.
Now the fever is gone and tl e
body of humanity is deeply de
pressed. Presently it will begin
to gain strength. The one tbirg
that will aid recuperation and
hasten the recovery of strength
is the old-fashioned virtue of in
dustry, accompanied by another,
The Government’s propaganda
on Thrift became tiresome to ti e
prodigals, but now they would
lay its truth to heart. They have
personally proven the fact that
there is no sure road to wealth,
comfort or independence, for an
individual or a Nation, but by in
dustry and economy. It is sig
nificant of a return to sanity that
the sales of Thrift, and Savings
Stamps increased 44 per cent in
It is a good idea to make Armis
tice Day a milestone which will
mark the beginning of a new era
of Thrift. It is that which will
restore prosperity and make life
worth living.
Card of Thanks.
To those who ministered to us
during the recent illness and
d ath of our little daughter,-
Elizabeth,' we wish to extend our
heartfelt appreciation, assuring
each and all that their kindness
and aid will ever be remembered.
Mr. and Mrs. Ts B. Hughes,
Mt. Vernon.
Seed Oats for Sale.
Supply of high grade Fulghum
seed oats. Thoroughly cleaned
and free from grass seeds and
weeds. See me at once.
J. M. D. McGregor,
107tf Ailey, Ga.
Seed for Sale.
Abruzzi Rye in 2 k bu. sapks,
Fulghum Oats, $1.30.
Texas Rust Proof Oats, sl.lO
Red and Yellow Onion Sets,
$3 00. Dan, Browning,
Helena. Ga.
Dr. W. M. Moses
Has Moved to Vidalia.
Dr. W. M. Moses, who has been
practicing medicine in Uvalda for
the past several years, is moving
to Vidalia, where he will continue
his practice. Dr. Moses is one
of the prominent physicians of
this sectiop and is highly skilled
in his profession. He has had
two or more years experience in
hospital work and has been prac
ticing his profession for several
years at his old home town of
Uvalda. He will be cordially re
ceived in this city and we are
sure his skill and experience will
.command a wide" and successful
practice for him here. He and
his family will be welcomed as
citizens of Vidalia —Vidalia Ad
Card of Thanks.
to express our sin-
ciation to all those who so kindly
assisted,“us in our recent great
s.irrow in the tragic death of our
husband, Ssonjand brother.
Mrs. M. H. Mclntyre,
G. W. Mclntyre and Family.
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
vttraotive Long Term Farm Loans
or the best companies doing bus
nesfl in Georgia, with lowest rates
if interest and the moat liberal
erms of payments.
I have several years experience
n the loan business, am located
at the county site and believe that
1 am in position to give you the
iiest terms aud as prompt service,
s any one.
[f vou need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutosheon,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Seed Oats.
Best grade of Fulghum seed
oats for sale. See at once
D. S. & W. G. Williamson.
9304 Alston, Ga.
Seed Oats for Sale.
A lot of choice Fulghum Seed
Oats for sale. Call or write
G. W. Galbraith,
1074 Sharpe Spur, Ga.
Trespass Notice.
Georgia—Montgomery Cunty.
This is to forewarn the public
against hunting, fishing, remov
ing wood or timber or in any
manner trespassing on the lands
of the undersigned, and parties
violating this rule subject them
selves to prosecution. This the
21st day of October, 1920.
W. T. McArthur,
Duncan McArthur,
Parks McAllister.
! ilresrteirf
GiSlettee Mileage
is Guaranteed:
Fabric, 6000 miles
Cord, 8000 miles
Full Line of Staple
and Fancv Groceries,
Soft Drinks, etc.
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Sale of Real Estate Under Power
of Sale to'Secure Debt.
Georgia—Montgtfhiery Cotin ty.
Under and by virtue of power of sale contained
in a certain deed to secure debt, made and execu
ted by Mrs. Matt e Lou Moses to P. R. Cohen,
under date of October 20th, 1918, November 30th,
1918, indeed book No. 24. pagres 583 to 585 Clerk's
office Superior Court of Montgomery county,
Georgia, the undersigned will sell at public outcry
before the court house door of said county above
Fet out. during the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, on the first Tuesday in
Debember, 1920, being the 7th day of said month,
the following described real estate, to-wit?
All that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying
and being in the 275th district G. M. Moirgomery
county Georgia, and described as follows: Bounded
on the north by lands of W. P. Calhoun, east by
J. B. Jones, the public road from Long Pond to
Uvalda being the eastern boundary, south by Myr
rie Moses end west by J. J. Moses, a branch being
the line, containing Eight and one-c* ght. 8 1-8
acres, more or less, and t»eing same land conveyed
by Jos. W. Smith to Mrs. Mattie Lou Moses on
January 29th, 1918, recorded February 15th, 1918,
deed book No. 23, page 468, Clerk’s office of Mont
gomery county, Georgia, and known as the “Lynn
property” and on which is located a five room
dwel ing. ba*ns, etc.
For the purpose of paying an indebtedness of
Nine Hundred and Twenty Five, Dollars, $925.00,
principal,* and Thirty Seven Dollars and Sixty
Five, 1987.65] cents up until November Ist, 1920,
the total amount of principal and interest now
due being N ne Hundred and Sixty Two Dollars
and Sixty Five cents [5962.65], together with the
costs of this proceeding, including fees for com
mission to make said sale as provided in said deed
to secure debt above set out, default having been
made in the payment of the principal sums due on
July 20th and October 20th. 1920 with interest as
shown by said deed, and under the power con
tained in said security deed, when any of said
notea therein mentioned falls due and are not paid
promptly at maturity, then the whole amount of
said indebtedness matures, and the said P. R.
Cohen is authorized to collect the full amount of
principal and interest, he having by this declared
the whole sum due by reason of said default. A
full convepance will be executed to-the purchaser
by the undersigned on the date of said £ale, the
purchaser paying for titles'and Revenue Stamps.
This 2nd day of November, 1920.
P. R. Cohen, Attorney in fact for
Mrs. Mattie Lou Moses.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—M mtgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first,Tues
day in Dec., 1920, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
she following is n complete descrip
tion :
A one-sixth undivided interest in
24 1-2 acres of land situate, lying and
being in ihe 275th G. M. district of
said county and state and hounded
as follows: On the north In lands of
i*. M. Moseley, east by lands of Jim
McMillan, south hv lands of the Mt.
Vernon Bank and west, by lands of
W. T. Harris, as shown by plat of
-ante recorded in Minutes No. 10,
Page 104 of the records of superior
court of said county. Levied on and
will be sold as the property of Hardy
Hal! to satisfy an execution issued
front the Justice’s Court of the 275th
G. M. District in favor of John Jay
McArthur vs Hardy Hall. Iu pos
session of Hardy Hall and levy made
and returned to me by M. A. Peter
son, constable, and written notice of
••ame given defendant. This tile 2d
day of November, 1920.
E. E. Burch Sheriff,
M. B. Calhoun, A tty. for Pitt.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold befote the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day ill Dec., 1920, between Ihe legal
hours of sale, to the highest, bidder
for cash, certain property of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion •
All of that tract or parcel of lanct
situated, lying and being in the 275th
District G . M. of Montgomery coun
ty, Georgia, containing twenty-four
(24) acres, bounded on the northeast
oy lands of the estate of Richard
Fanner awarded to The Mount Ver
non Bank in the division of his es
tate; oil the southeast by lands of H.
Jroher; and on the northeast by
lands belonging to R. J. Waller, said
•fact of land being triangular iu
•diape, and being the same twenty
four (24) acres of laud awarded to
Easter Farmer by parritioners ap
pointed by the superior court of said
county to divide the lands of the es
tate of the said Richard Farmer, as
shown by the record of said proceed
ings in Minutes number ten (10)
folios 101-102-103 and 104 of the su
perior court of Montgomery county,
Georgia. Levied on and will he-old
as the property of Easter Farmer to
satisfy an execution issued from the
Justice's Court of the 2751 h G. M.
District in favor of John Jay Mc-
Arthur vs Easter Farmer. In possess
ion of Easter Farmer and pointed out
for levy by her. Levy made and re
turned to me by M. A. Peterson,
•unstable, and written notice of same
given in terms of the law. This the
2d day of November, 1920.
E. E. Burch, Sheriff.
M. B. Calhoun A tty. for PIH.
Post Your Lauds.
Open your woodland to the pub
lic and soon there will not be a
stick of wood or timber on it
Put the public on notice by post
ing up printed notices. Get ti e
orinted notices at The Monitor
office, 10 cents each.
Loans on improved farm
lands of Montgomery County can
be placed promptly at 5 l-2c in
terest in amounts of SI,OOO and
above, with the privilege of re
paying part of .the principal at
any interest bearing periods in
amounts of SIOO or multiples
thereof, thereby stopping the in-
I terest on amount paid. Loans
can be made for periods of 5,
or 10 years to suit the borrower,
j CommissiQns charged are reason
able, M. B. Calhoun,
Mt. Vernon, Ga,
R. E. Wakd,
1 Soper ton, Ga.
f If in Need of Money |
* *
l £
% Come to See me at Once, %
* Either Short or Long Term Loans. *
t *
* *■
* i
* l
* and can secure money on either Farm or City j*
% *
* Property within Ten Days or Less £
t *
* £
! |
| See me at once, as I have clients now for both #
* ... £
* farm and city property in this section. £
* S’
Come to see me, or phone and I will call on you. &
* t
*J. Wade Johnson!
i w
* Aft
Here’s the Ford Coupe, deservedly a very popular motor car because
of its all-round serviceability. Equipped with electric starting and
lighting system and demountable rims with 3 tires front and
rear. Large plate glass windows. Generous sized doors roomy seat,
upholstery deep and substantial. Dust-proof and water-proof. Breezy
and cheery in fine weather, cozy and dry in bad weather. All the
established Ford merits of dependability, with small cost for opera
tion and upkeep. For business and professional men who drive it
is ideal and for touring and other pleasure driving it is the one car
that delivers all expectations. The demand is large so orders should -
be left with us without delay. fV
pj. McNatt umaft - mt.vernonl
Fords are plentiful, and easy to get —if your Ord :r is placed ’ </ith me at once. No guaran
tee on the future. My exclusive territory emb aces all of Montgomery south of M. D.
& S. extept Kibbee and Tarrytown —and I am suppling it with the “Old Reliable.”
Mount Vornon YV r ood
W. A. GUYTON, Proprietor
The Best Grades of Oak and Pine
Wood, Cut to any Dimensions,
Ready for the Stove or Fireplace.
S±e me for prices. Yards near
Mt. Vernon depot
Oats For Sa!<*.
For sale, 125 bushels Selected
Fulprhum Seed Oats. Threshed
without rain. See at once
C. G. Thompson.
10284 Ailey. Ga. •
Farm Want ed.
Wanted to hear from owner of i
farm or good land for sale worth!
the price asked. L. C. Jones,j
Box 551, Olney, 111.
Case Steam
Tractor for Sale
A 12 86 H. P. Case steam trac
tor, almost new and in perfect
icondion; one small sawmill and
I planing mill outfit; lot of farm
j tool > and machinery, horses and
j mules, cattle, hrgs, etc., for
!sah. luq ;irc u: oai or office
1 lor details.