The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, December 09, 1920, Image 4

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    r\or\tgorr\&ry /Yory^or.
Entered at the Po'.ioftler in ML Vernon. Ga. as Second-Class Mail Matter.
H. B. FOLSOM. Lditor and Owner. sl-5° a Year, In Advance.
«#-Legal ft<l veil!•" mi nt, nui-t invariably !»• paid in advance, at tbe legal rate, and aa the law
d recta; and miia! lie m ham! m I iter than Wednesday morning of the tlrat week of insertion
Mount Vernon, Ga.. Thursday Morning, December 9, 1920.
No harm to mention that the
tax collector is running notice of
his third and last round. The j
law does not require him to per-!
ambulate around the county af
ter December 20. Better see him
before that date with a little
Some of the South American i
countries have been freely insist-®
ing on the United States joining'
the league of Nations. Mexico
will soon be admitted, and she j
too will be hunching Uncle Sam
in the short ribs about the matter. 1
Having had war on her hands in
one form or another for over
three hundred years, Mexico may j
yet develop some appreciation of;
Commissioner of Agriculture .1.
J. Brown sounded a discordant
note when he appealed to Gover
nor Dorsey to call an extra ses
sion of the State Assembly to
pass a stay bill for the state of
Georgia, in which all debts would
be declared void and luncollect
able. Such a fool measure would
only add turmoil and strife to an
already annoying condition and
reflect on the financial dignity of
the state. When Mr. Brown’s
hook was hauled in there was
nothing attached but the bait
cut bait at that. When a man
misses the mark this far, it is
A Serious Disease of
Cabbage and Collards.
The so-called. “Black leg” di
sease of cabbage has been re
ported from several localities in
Georgia during the last few years;
and it is orobably to be found to
some extent all over the state.
It has been known in Europe for
more than 50 years, but was not
noted in the United States until
1910. Since that time it has
spread until now it is known to
occur in every important cabbage
growing region of the country.
The disease is produced by a
fungus, Phoma lingam (Tode.)
Desmaz, which seems to be
carried over from year to year
and from place to place almost
entirely on the cabbage seed.
When infested seed are sown the
stems of the young plants are
attacked near the surface of the
soil and the plants are killed out
right or else become pale in color
and grow oil very slowly. At
the tirtio the plants are ready to
set in the field tin 1 diseased
plants may be detected by this
pale color and stunted appear
ance; and. in many cases, exami
nation of the stem near the sur
face of the soil will show grayish
shrunken patches with the small
dot-like, black fruiting bodies of
the fungous scattered over their
surface. Later these spots turn
black and continue to enlarge
until the stem is so decayed and
weakened that the plant topples
over or else wills \x bile standing.
In one field under observation
of the writer, every plant in tin
field was infected and more than
90 per cent died before maturity.
. Apparently no variety of cab
bage, cauliflower, or collard is
immune to the disease; and at
tempts to select restraint strains
have so far, been unsuccessful.
Seed treatment may greatly re
duce the damage and is the onl\
remedy which has proven at all
Soak the seed four hours in
water and allow the excess w ater
to drain off, then dip for ten®
minutes into a corrosive sublimate
solution (1 part corrosive sub
limate to 500 parts of water), and
after draining the seed should be
planted at once.
Where plants are grown for
sale the seed should always be
treated unless they are known to
be free from disease.
In the field the fungus does not
live very long free in the soil,
but may live for months on old
cabbage stalks. Such diseased
stalks and refuse should be re
moved, if cabbage are to be
planted in or near the same field
the following year.
B. B. Higgins, Botanist.
Tax Collector’s 3rd
and Last ltound.
I will be at the following places
on the dates named for the pur
pose of collecting state and coun
ty taxes for the year 1920:
Gharlotte, Dec. 13, 9 to 11 a. m.
Uvalda, Dec. 13, 12 m. to 3 p. m.
Sharpe Spur. Dec. 14, 9 to 11 a. m.
Alston, Dec. 14, 12 m. to 3 p. m.
Higgston, Dec. 15, 9 to 12 m.
Aiiey, Dec. 15, 1 to 3 p. m.
Tiger, Dec. 16, 10 to 11 a. m.
Kibbee, Dec. 16, 12 m to 3 p. m.
Tarrytown, Dec. 17, 9a. m. to 3
p. m.
Mt. Vernon, Dec. 18 and 20,
when books will close.
Yours very truly,
H. C. Davis. T. C. M. C.
Sale of Real Estate Under Power
of Sale in Deed to Secure Debt.
Georgia Montgomery (k>unty.
Under and by virtue of power of tale contained
in a certain fi**«*<l to secure debt, made and execu
ted by I). Quince (Wdeman to P. R. Cohen on lat
•lay of December. 1919, and recorded on Bth day
of December, 1919. in deed book No. 26, pave 217
of the Clerk ’h Office Superior (knart of Montgom
ery (lounty, Georgia, the underpinned will tell at
public outcry before the court home door of aald
county above net out, during the legal houra of
nale. to the higheat bidder for caah, on the flrat
Tuesday in January, 1921, being the 4th day there
of, the following described real eatate, to-wit:
All those certain tract* or parcels of land, aitu
;itc, lying, and being in 27f»th Diet. G. M. Montgom
ery County, Georgia, and better described aa fol
TRACT No. 1: Containing Thirty five and four
fiftha (36 4 f»; acres, more or leas, bounded north
by a branch. east by lands of Eliza Gray, south by
I Q. Coleman, [Darien and Dublin public road
being the line| and west by J. A. Hall and being
the tract on which the dwelling of aald D. Q. Cole
man in located.
TRACT No. 2: Containing one hundred, one and
one-uuarter f 1<»1 1-4] acres, more or leas, leas forty
live 14. f >] acres in sout h cast corner, sold by said
D. Q. Coleman to Wnipple. leaving a italance of
Fifty-nix and one-quarter [G6 1-4] acres, the entire
tract iKMindet north by I. Q Coleman, east by
Alice Whipple, south and west by 1. Q. Coleman,
,»h will more fully appear by reference to a plat of
the name made by S. H. Morris, county surveyor
Montgomery county, Ga., on February 6th, 1916,
recorded in deed book No. 22, page 182 Clerk's of
fice Montgomery County, Ga.
TRACT No 3: Containing Three Hundred,
Eighty Nine and One Half [389 1-2] acres, more or
less, iMtundod north by land* of 1. Q. Coleman,
east by Mrs. Alice Whipple [being the eastern
half of the tract] south by Altamaha river, and
west by 1. Q. Coleman, and being the west half of
a tract containing seven hundred and seventy nine
[779] acres, conveyed by I Q. Coleman to Mrs.
Alice Whipple and D. Q. Coleman, and the west
half above described being conveyed by lira.
Alice Whipple to D. Q. Coltman and known aa
the Ahm Travis surveys.
For the purpose of paying an indebtedness of
Twenty Five Hundred Dollars [52600.00] principal
at.«l the sum of one hundred and seventeen and
(3-100 I $117.331 Dollars interest up to December
lnt, 1920, the total amount of principal and in
terest now t>eing the sum of twenty six hundred,
seven teen and 33-100 [52617.33] dollars, with in
terest on said sum from December Ist, 1920 until
paid, together with the costa of this proceeding,
including fees for commissioner, as provided in
said deed to secure debt above set out, default
having been made in the payment of the principal
and interest notes maturing on November Ist,
1920 us shown by said deed, and under the powers
contained in the deed to secure debt, when any
of said notes therein mentioned falls due and are
not paid promptly at maturity then the whole
amount of said indebtedness matures, and said
. is uut horized to collect the full amount or
pi inclpal and interest, he having declared by this
proceeding the whole sum due by reason of such
A full conveyance will be executed the un
lt-r»lgned to the purchaser on date of sale, pur
chaser paying for titles and revenue stamps.
This 7th da) of December. 1920.
P. K. Cohen, Attorney in fact
for D. Quince Coleman.
Service by Publication.
Mrs. Ida J. McAllister vs W. D
McAllister. Petition for Divorce
Montgomery Superior Court,
February Term, 1921.
To the Defendant, \V. D. McAllis
ter; —
The plaintiff, Mrs. Ida J. Mc-
Allister, having filed her petition
for divorce against W. 1) McAl
lister, returnable to the February
term, 1921, of said court, and it
being made to appear that the
said \V. D. McAllister is not a
resident of said countv, and also
that he does not reside in said
state, and an order having been
made for servics on him bv publi
cation. this is therefore to notify
.on, \Y. I). McAllister, to be and
tppear at the February term.
1921, of Montgomery Superior
Court, to be held on first Monday
n February, 1921, then and there
o answer this complaint.
Witness the Honorable E. D
iraham, Judge of the Superior
ourt. This Bth day of Nov, 1920
J. E. Mcßae, Clerk.
Sheriff Sale.
Jeorgia—Montgomery County.
Will he sold hofoie the court house
loor in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
lay in Jan., 1921, between the legal
lours of sale, to the highest bidder
; or cash, certain property of which
lie following is a complete descrip-
I ion*
Fixe acres of land situate, lying
ind being in the Higgston District
L M. of said county and state and
•ouiided as follows: On the north
itul east by lands of Allen Justin,
-a tin south by lands of W. (J. Foun
.-tin and on the west by lands of Wilt
Mclntosh, the same being five acres
.lived from the southwest corner ol
i iraci of IIT acres bought by Allen
his!in from I. H. Linder. Levied
m and will be sold aa the property
>f Alien Justin to satisfy a tax tl fa
issued by H. C. Davis vs Allen Jus
in. tor state and county taxes for
In j ear 1018, Levy made and re
in) lied to me by I. C. S. Herner,
special bailiff, and written notice of
evy gi\ eii defendant as required by
laxx’. Tins the 7th day of December,
• I'j‘AL E. E. Burch, Sheriff.
Post Your Lands.
Open your woodland to the pub
lic and soon there will not be a
stick of wood or timber on it
Put the public on notice by post- j
ing up printed notices. Get the
printed notices at The Monitor
office, 10 cents each.
Georgia Montgomery County. j
The appraisers appointed on the
application of Sarah J. Horne, j
widow of Ben Horne, deceased,
for valuation and setting apart a
year’s support for herself and
three minor children out of the
estate of Ben Horne, deceased,
having filed their return, this is
to cite all parties at interest that
said application will he heard at
my office on the first Monday in
January, 1921. This the 6th dav
of December, 1920.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will lie sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Jan., 1921, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
One certain lot or parcel of land
situate lying and being in the Toxvn
of Kibbee, Ga.. in the Kibbee-Tiger
G. M. district of said county mid
state, containing 1(H) feet, front on
Sberon street and running back in a
westerly direction 150 feet and
bounded as follows: North by lands
of W. It. Adams, east, by Sberon
street, south by lands of W. R.
Adams and xvest by lands of the M.
D. <fc 8. Railroad. Levied on anil
will be sold as the property of Sidney
Register and J. W Register to satis
fy a fl fa issued from tfie superior
court of said county in favor of
James Hester vs Sidney Register
and J. W. Register. Pointed out for
levy by attorney for plaintiff and
written notice given in terms of the
laxv. This tlie Htb day of December.
1920. FL E. Burch. Sheriff.
M. B. Calhoun, Atty. for Pllf.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will lie sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first. Tues
day in Jail., 1921, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
tile following is a complete descrip
Twenty-five acres of land situate,
lying and being in tbe Kibbee-Tiger
district G. M. of said county and
1 state, being 25 acres carved from the
south-east corner of a 200 acre tract
owned by the estate of Margaret
Moseley, and bounded as follows:
North by lands of the estate of Mar
garet Moseley, east by Henry Mos
ley, south by lands of G. W. Blocker,
and xvest by lands of Teller Mosley.
Levied on and xvill be sold as the
property of the estate of Margaret
Mosley, Manning Mosley, agent, to
satisfy a tax fifa issued by H. (J.
Davis, tax collector, for slate and
county taxes for the year 1919 Levy
made and returned to me by I. C. 8.
Berner, special bailiff, and xvritten
notice of levy given in terms of the
laxv. This the 7th day og December,
1920. E. E. Burch, Sheriff.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
All parties having demands
against the estates of Oscar Ruis
and Mattie Ruis, late of” said
county, deceased, are hereby
notified to present them properly
attested; and all parties indebted
to said estates are hereby notified
to make immediate payment to
the undersigned. This the 6th
day of December, 1920.
C. C. Warnock,
Georgia— Montgomery County.
To Whom it May Concern:
Mrs. M. H. Mclntyre having in
proper form applied to me for
letters of administration upon the
••state of M. H. Mclntyre, late of
said county, deceased; this is to
cite all and singular the next of
kin and creditors of thesaidM
H. Mclntyre to be and appear at
the January term of court, 1921.
mid show cause, if any they can,
why permanent letters of admin
istration should not be grai-ted
Witness mv official signature this
6th day of December, 1920.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Under and by nrtuewf an order i
granted by the Court of Ordinary
ot said county, will be sold on the
first Tuesday in January, 1921,
before the court house door in
-aid county, to the highest bidder
for cash, between the legal hours
•if sale, the following described
property to wit:
Two lots of land situate, lying
and being in the Town of Alley,
Ga., being Lots Nos 8 and 4in
Block No. 11, as shown by plat of
said town. Sold as the property
of the estate ot Mrs. Vera Skip
per, for settlement of debts.
C. W. Skipper,
Ads. Vera Skipper. I
I Anticipating a Strong Demand for the Popular Brands and £ 5
Styles of Shoes this Season, we have placed in Stock a Line ||
which we feel sure will please the people, both in Quality. D
You are especially invited to see our Newest Footwear. >
<* '
Groceries, Hardware, Farm Fools 1
Wire Fencing, Notions eg
Alt. Vernon, Qa.
Highest Prices Paid
for Live Stock.
We are constantly in the mar
ket for cattle and hogs. Many
years experience qualifies us to
offer superior advantages to the
producers of this section. We
are in position to handle yoiir
business in a most satisfactory
manner. Get our prices.
W. D. & C. W. Peterson,
9192 m Ailey, Ga
Farm Loans
Loans on Improved Farm Lands
in Montgomery and Wheeler
Counties. Interest rate 6 per ct.
Reasonable commission. I can
handle good propositions for col
ored people owning farm lands.
Mt. Vernon, Qa.
Monumental Work.
We carry a complete line of
monuments. Please call at yards
and inspect designs, get esti
mates, etc.
Vidalia Monument Co.,
ts Vidalia. Ga.
Wire Fencing.
Carload American Wire Fence
just received. Standard sizes.
Mt. Vernon Mercantile Co.,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Cypress Shingles.
I have on hand an unlimited
number of hand-drawn number
one cypress shingles for sale. See .
me at once. A. B. Hutcheson,
1016tf Mt. Vernon, Ga. j
Fred M. Harris
Attorney at Law
A tty at Law,
Mt. Vernon, Georgia
I Save the Peanuts 1
I During the season 1 will be prepared §
to pay the Highest Market Price for ||
Spanish Peanuts. Must be properly ||
cured and well matured, in order to «
command best prices. See me. jj|
IH. V. THOMPSON, Ailey, Ga.
' _______
j|: At o to 6 per cent, in Amounts of SIOOO
\ to SIOO,OOO, on Five to Ten Years time. l|
I represent one of the largest Life Insurance
’5 Companies, with Unlimited Capital, and can :|
| close loans on short order. if
:f :|i
jW. J. WALLACE, Scperton, Ga. |