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Atlanta, Dec. 6.—The follow
ing statement in regard to main
tenance of roads which are a part
of the state highway system was
given out today by the State
Highway Department:
“All road projects forming a
part of the state highway system
are to be taken over for mainte
nance by the State Highway De
partment. Whether such a project
was built by a combination of
county, state and federal fund,
or by a county alone, or by the
state alone, will make no differ
ence. If it is a part of the State
highway system the State High
way Department will maintain it.
“Twenty-six projects have been
completed, and eighty miles of
these have been taken over for
maintenance already. The bal
ance will be taken over shortly.
The counties where systematic
and scientific maintenance has
been already commenced are
Spaulding, Henry, Clayton, Wal
ton, Hall, Macon, Coweta, Meri
wether, Troup, Douglas, Bibb,
Jackson, Wilkes.
“It is the plan of the State
Highway Department to make
its maintenance of the state high
way system of roads a model for
the benefit of the counties in the
maintenance of their roads. As
is well known, one of the main
factors in the creation of good
roads is the factor of mainte
nance. No matter how expen
pensive construction may be, its
life is greatly shortened by the
lack of constant, systematic and
scientific maintenance.
“On sand clay roads there will
be a patrolman for three to eight
miles of road, depending upon
the particular requirements of
traffic, rainfall, topography, etc.
The patrolman will be a reliable
man who lives about the center
of his section of road. He will
be equipped with a wagon, a drag,
a dump scraper, a set of double
harness, and complete outfit of
tools. He will furnish his own
mules. His duties will consist of
the following;
“To drag the road after every
rain, to clean out culverts and
drains, to cut brush and weeds
on the right-of-way; to keep
ditches opened; to fill holes and
washes; to replace sand and clay
when necessary; to renew the
whitewash on telephone poles,
and other objects along the road;
to repair signs, etc.
“Concrete roads will be pa
troled by a gang consisting of a
foreman and four or five men.
They will cover larger sections of
road than the sand clay patro
men, as they can travel and work
faster. Each concrete repair
outfit or maintenance crew will
be equipped with a miniture con
crete mixing and pouring outfit,
a small automobile truck, and a
complete set of tools. Thev will
keep the sand clay shoulders of
the road at proper grade with
holes and washes filled, keep the
expansion joints in good repair,
fill holes with new concrete when
necessary and in general keep
the right-of-way dear and clean.
Maintenance crews on bituminous
macadam roads will be equipped
with a complete outfit for mixing
and pouring bituminous macadam.
“State highway system roads
will be easy to recognize by their
general maintenance and upkeep.
Telephone poles, tree trunks and
sign posts along the roads will be
whitewashed and renewed at fre
quent intervals to keep them
white. This will make a road
easy to follow day or night. Em
bankments and bridge approaches
will be protected by guard rails
which will be whitewashed. Cul
verts and bridge headwalls also
will be whitewashed.
“Every railroad crossing, road
intersection, steep grade and
bridge will be designated by signs
placed 300 feet distant on both
approaches. The signs will be
| IT The Scales I
I m.lwlm Unbalanced!!
I • Wm Mm ® UAL,TY m THE I
I heavy end . 1
I ft ■-Our Dry Goods Cost Sale, Besides 1
' I jL Reducing our Heavy Stock, Has Been 1
1 ftair^*\fP a Blessing to the Community. It |
1 ||h| will be Continued for a Time, and |
1 y| in Connection we will Allow i
\lf!J Hardware, Stoves!
I Mtel Furniture, House 1
lojlfc Furnishings §
Leather Goods, etc. I
Jgß jEypUp j. Conditions are still imbalanced, and we lee! fortunate {$
in being able to lend a hand in balancing things up S
by offering a magnificent stock at figures at prices in
(;keeping with the times and within the reach of all g
on the right of the road where
they will meet the driver’s eye.
Thev will be painted in red let
ters on a white back ground, as
they are intended for warnings.
“Every road intersection will
be equipped with direction signs
to aid the traveler in keeping the
right road. These signs will have
, arrows pointing in both direc
tions of the state highway and
naming the principal terminal
points in both directions. In ad
dition to these intersection signs,
the telephone poles along every
1 state highway will be stenciled
with a diamond-shaped sign with
1 black letters on a white back
ground. There will be a stencil
sign on every fifth pole.
“Systematic and scientific
1 maintenance will prolong the Ijfe
of paved roads to the maximum,
and will keep sand clay roads in
good passable condition in all
; kinds of weather. A sand clay
road if dragged after a rain soon
packs very hard so that washouts
are reduced to a minimum and
: traffic can move right along after
k a heavy rain has fallen. The
1 ' complete system of signs, desig
nations and danger signals out
-1 lined above should enable a
traveler on a state highway to
' make good traveling time either
l day or night, without any stops
i to inquire his way, and with ac
i cidents almost impossible if the
i danger warnings are observed.”
Exchange Notice.
To encourage the planting of
oats in this section until further
notice we will exchange bright,
clean, genuine Fulghum oats for
other country produce. This will
enable you to acquire the best
oats for this section without the
actual cash and afford you mar
ket for vour other produce.
J. Wade & Henry A. Johnson,
Mount Vernon, Ga.
Mount Vernon Wood
W. A. GUYTON, Proprietor
The Best Grades of Oak and Pine
Wood, Cut to any Dimensions.
Ready for the Stove or Fireplace.
See me for prices. Yards near
Mt. Vernon depot
Trespass Notice.
Georgia—Montgomery Cunty.
This is to forewarn the public
against hunting, fishing, remov
ing wood or timber or in any
manner trespassing on the lands i
of the undersigned, and parties
, violating this rule subject them-1
selves to prosecution. This the
21st day of October, 1920.
W. T. McArthur,
1 j Duncan McArthur,
Parks McAllister, j
Loans on improved farm
lands of Montgomery County can
be placed promptly at 5 l-2c in
terest. in amounts of SI,OOO and
above, with the privilege of re
paying part of the principal at
any interest bearing periods in
amounts of SIOO or mubiples
thereof, thereby stopping the in-,
terest on amount paid. Loans
can be made for periods of 5,
or 10 years to suit the borrower.
Commissions charged are reason
able. M. B. Calhoun,
Mt. Vernon, Ga,
R. E. Ward,
Soperton, Ga. i
Divorce Notice.
Clem Cooper vs Martha J Cooper.
Petition for the removal of dis
abilities, in the Superior Court
of Montgomery County, Ga., Feb.,
Term, 1921.
To Mrs. Martha J. Cooper:
You are herebv notified that an
application has been filed in the
Superior Court of said county, for
the removal of ihe disabilities of’
said Clem Cooper the applicant, I
the same to he heard in said court j
the first Monday in Feb. 1921.
That the same is based on the I
petition for divorce filed against
! said applicant, Dec sth, 3919, to
i the Feb. term. 1920 of said court, j
This the 2nd day of Dec.. 1920.1
Clem Cooper,
| Wo Carry at all Times a Full
| and Complete Line of Coffins, Caskets j
I and Funeral Supplies, including Metallic i
Lined and all Metal Caskets.
We Pay Strict Attention to All Details |
j Phone No 25. SOPERTON, GA. j
We have no favorites. Whether in Fordsou
;Tractors, Ford Cars or Trucks or Supplies
for Them or Service in General, all patrons
are served with equal and uniform courtesy
—a square deal to all. Play the game with
! us; you can get what you want when you
want it. We are in business to serve you.
P. *3. Me NATT
Uvalda and Mt. Vernon