Newspaper Page Text
I JLL ■ ■■■■ ■■■■■
Georgia—Montgomery County.
To whom it may concern:
M. C. Morris <>f said state hav
ng in proper form applied to me
for permanent letters of adminis
tration on the estate of Jallies
M orris, lute of said county, de
ceased, this is to cite all and sin
gular the creditors and heirs of
James Morris to be and appear at
the January term of court, 1921,
and show cause, if any the can,
why permanent letters of admin
istration should 'not be granted
Witness my official signature this
the oth day of Dec., 1920.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary ;
’ Citation.
Georgia Montgomery County.
To Whom it May Concern :
Mrs. M. H. Mclntyre having in
proper form applied to me for!
'letters of administration upon the!
estate of M. H. Mclntyre, late of
S said county, deceased ; this is to
cite all and singular the next of
kin and creditors of the said M.
H. Mclntyre to he and appear at
the January term of court, 1921,
and show cause, if any they can,
wl\y permanent letters of admin
istration should not be granted
Witness my official signature this!
,6th day of December, 1920.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary,
' Citation.
Georgia —Montgomery County.
The appraisers appointed on the j
application of Sarah J. Horne, j
widow of Ben Horne, deceased, i
for valuation and setting apart a
year’s support for herself and
three minor children out of the
estate of Ben Horne, deceased,
having filed their return, this is
to cite all parties at jnterest that
said application will be heard at
my office on the first Monday in
January, 1921. This the Gth day
of December, 1920 '
J. C. McAllister, Ordiuary.
Sale of Real Estate Under Power
of Sale in Deed to Secure Debt. ,
Georgria—Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of power of sale contained j
in a certain deed to secure debt, made and execu
ted by D. Quince Coleman to P. R.
day of December, 1919, and recorded on Bth day
of December, 1919. in deed book No. 25, page 217
of the Clerk's Office Superior Court of Montgom
ery Co nty, Georgria. the undersigned will tell at
public outcry before the court house door of said
county above set out, during: the legral hours of
sale, to the highest bidder for cash, on the first
Tuesday in January, 1921, being the 4th day there
of, the following described real estate, to-wit:
All those certain tracts or parcels of land* situ
ate, lying, and being in 275th Dist. G. M. Montgom
ery County, Georgia, and better described as fol
TRACT No. 1: Containing Thirty five and four
fifths (35 4-5) acrrs, more or less, bounded north
by a branch; east by lands of Eliza Gray, south by
I. Q. Coleman. [Darien and Dublin public road
being the line] and west by J. A. Hall and being
the tract on which the dwelling of said D. Q. Cole
man is located.
TRACT No. 2: Containing one hundred, one and
one-ouarter [lOl 1-4 J acres, more or less, less forty
five [4s] acres in south east corner, sold by said
D. Q. Coleman to Wnipple, leaving abidance of
Fifty-six and one-quarter [56 l-4]aeres, the entire
tract bounded north by I. Q. Coleman, east by
Alice Whipple, south and west by 1. Q. Coleman,
as will more fully appear by reference to a plat of
the same made by S. B. Morris, county surveyor
Montgomery county. Ga., on February 6th, 1915,
recorded in deed book No. 22, page 132 Clerk’s of
fice Montgomery County, Ga.
TRACT No. 8: Containing Three Hundred.
Eighty Nine and One Half [389 1-2] acres, more or
less, bounded north by lands of 1. Q. Coleman,
east by Mrs. Alice Whipple [being the eastern
half of the tract] south by Altamaha river, and
west by I. Q. Coleman, and being tjie west half of
a tract containing seven hundred and seventy nine
[779] acres, conveyed by I Q. Coleman to Mrs.
Alice Whipple and D. Q. Coleman, and the west
half above described being conveyed by Mrs.
Alice Whipple to D. Q. Coleman and known as
the Asa Travis surveys.
For the purpose of paying an indebtedness of
Twenty Five Hundred Dollars [52500.00] principal
and the sum of one hundred and seventeen and
33-100 [5117.33] Dollars interest up to December
Ist, 1920, the total amount of principal and in
terest now being the sum of twenty six hundred,
seventeen and 33-100 [52617.33] dollars, with in
terest on said sum from December Ist, 1920 until
pdd, together with the costs oi this proceeding,
including fees for commissioner, as provided in
said deed to secure debt above set out, default
having been made in the payment of the principal
and interest notes maturing on November Ist,
1920 as shown by said deed, ard under the powers
contained in the deed to secure debt, when any
of said notes therein mentioned falls due and are
not paid promptly at maturity then the whole
amount of said indebtedness matures, and said
grantee is authorized to collect the full amount or
principal and interest, he having declared by this
proceeding the whole sum du i by reason of such
A full conveyance will be executed by the un
dersigned to the purchaser on date of sale, pur
chaser paying for titles and revenue sUtmps.
This 7th day of December, 1920.
P. R. Cohen, Attorney in fact
for D. Quince Coleman.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be eold befote the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Jan., 1921, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion *
Five acres »f land situate, lying
and heimr in the Higgston District
G. M. of said county and state and
bounded as follows: On the north
and east by lauds of Allen Justin,
on the south by lands of W. (i. Foun
tain and on the west by lands of Wilt
Mclntosh, the same being five acres
carved from the southwest corner of
a tract ofil7 acres bought, by Allen
Justin from I. H. Linder. Levied
on and will be sold as the property
of Allen Justin to satisfy a tax fi fa
issued by H. C. Davis vs Allen Jus
tin, for state and for
the vear 1918, Levy made and re
turned to tne by I. C. H. Herner,
special bailiff, and written notice of
levy given defendant as required by
law. This the 7th day of December,
U«u. E. E. Burch, Sheriff.
Divorce Notice.
Clem Cooper vs Martha J. Cooper.
Petition for the removal of dis
abilities, in the Superior Court
of Montgomery County, Ga., Feb.,!
Term, 1921.
To Mrs Martha J. Cooper:
You are hereby notified that an
application has been filed in the
Superior Court of said county, for
the removal of lhe disabilities of
said Clem Cooper the applicant,!
the same to be heard in said court i
the first Monday in Feb. 1921.
That tin* sa me is based on the j
petition for divorce filed against j
said applicant, Dec. sth, 1919, to i
1 the Feb. term, 1920 of said court.
This the 2bil day ot Dec., 1920.
Clem Copper,
Applicant. j
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house \
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues- j
day in Jan.. 1921, between the legal!
i hours of sale, to the highest bidder j
for cash, certain property, of which j
! the following is a complete descrip-
I tion:
Twenty-five acres of land situate,
; lying and being in the Kibbee-Tiger
district G. M. of said county and!
j stale, being 25 acres carved from the i
1 south-east corner of a-200 acre tract
! owned by the esta-e of Margaret)
Moseley, and bounded as follows::
j North by lands of the estate of Mar- 1
garet Moseley, east by Henry Mos- |
I ley, south by lands of G. W.Blocker,
j and west by lands of Teuer Mosley, j
! Levied on and will be sold as the |
property of the estate of Margaret j
! Mosley, Manning Mosley, agent, to ;
! satisfy a tax fifa issued by H. C. j
Day is, tax collector, for state and I
! county taxes for the year 1919 Levy |
! made and returned to me by I. (J. S.
Berner, special bailiff, and written |
notice of levy given in terms of the |
law. This the 7th day og December, I
1920. E. E. Burch, Sheriff. j
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
All parties having demands
against the estates of Oscar Ruis
and Mattie Ruis, late of said
county, deceased, are hereby
notified to present them properly !
' attested; and all parties indebted
to said estates are hereby notified
ito make immediate payment to;
the undersigned. This the 6th j
day of December, 1920.
C. C. Warnock,
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house ,
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues- !
day in Jan., 1921, between the legal I
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete desorip-•
Ail that, lot or parcel of land situ
ate, lying and being in the 275th G.
M. district of said county and in the
Town of Uvalda, the same being Lot
No. 6 in Block No. 7, fronting 33 feet
on Main street and running back 100
feet to an alley, being the same
property deeded by J. J. Moses to
VV. M Flanders. Levied on and will I
lie sold as fee property ot W. M.
Flanders to satisfy afi fa issued by
H. C. Davis, lax collector, vs VV. M
Flanders, for state and county taxes
for me year 1919. Levy made and
returned to me l. (’. S. Berner, spe
cial bailiff, and written notice of levy
.given ill terms of the law. This the
7th day of December, 1920.
E. E. Burch, Sheriff.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of tin order
granted by the Court of Ordinary
oksaiti county, will be sold on the
first. Tuesday in January, 1921,
before the court house door in
said county, to'the highest bidder
for cash, between the legal hours
of sale, the following described
property to wit:
Two lots of land situate, lying
and being in the Town of Ailey, \
Ga., being Lots Nos 8 and 4in
Block No. 11, ns shown by plat of j
said town. Sold as the property!
of the estate of Mrs. Vera Skip
per, for settlement of debts.
C, W. Skipper,
Ads. Vera Skipper.
Farm Loans
Loans on Improved Farm Lands
in Montgomery and Wheeler
Counties. Interest rate 6 p’br ct.
Reasonable commission. I can
handle good propositions for col
ored people owning farm lands.
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Wire Fencing.
Carload American Wire Fence
! just received. Standard sizes.
Mt. Vernon Mercantile Co.,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Trespass Notice.
B Georgia-Montgomery County.
: $ This is to forewarn all parties
against hunting, fishing, remov
ing wood or timber or in any!
| manner trespassing on the lands \
of the undersigned, and viola-!
itions of this order are subject to!
prosecution. This the 2d day of
December, 1920.
L. C. Mcßae,
Mrs. Florence McArthur.
Seed for Sale.
i *
Supply of High-Grade Bancroft
Seed Oats for right fig
ures. J J. Brack,
1118tf Mt. Vernon, Ga.
| Highest Prices Paid
| for Live Stock. ;
We are constantly in the mar
ket for cattle and hogs. Many
years experience qualifies us to
offer superior advantages to the
producers of this section. We
are in position to handle * your
business in a most satisfactory
manner. Get our prices.
W. D. & C. W. Peterson,
19192 m Ailey, Ga
! “
For Long Term Farm
I am negotiating some very
! attractive Long Term Farm Loans
for the best companies doing bus
iness m Georgia, with lowest rates
of interest and the most liberal
terms of payments. i
I have several years experience
in the loan business, am located
at the county site and believe that
I I am in posit ion to give you the
| best terms and as prompt services
as any one.
If vou need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutcsheon,
Mt. Vernon, Ga
I have on hand an unlimited
number of hand-drawn number
one cypress shingles for sale. See
me at once. A. B. Hutcheson,
1016tf Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Fred M. Harris
Attorney at Law
At tv at Law,
Mt Vernon, Georgia
Dr. Elton S. Osborne
19 Jones Street, East
Savannah, Ga.
Farm Wanted.
Wanted to hear from owner of ;
farm or good land for sale reason
able. L. Jones, Box 551, Olney, j
j 111.
Case Steam
Tractor for Sale
A 12-36 H. P. Case steam trac- j
tor,"almost new and in perfect
condion; one small, sawmill and
planing mill outfit; lot of farm :
tools and machinery, horses and
mules, cattle, hogs, etc., for
sale. Inquire at Monitor office
for details.
Monumental Work.
We carry a complete line of
monuments. Please call at yards
, and inspect designs, get esti
mates, etc.
Vidalia Monument Co.,
, ts ' Vidalia, Ga.
We have added to
j our plant a Heavy
Welding Machine.!
Now prepared to do
any form of Welding,|i
Brazing or Cutting, j
It will suprise you to j
know the machinery ;
and eastings you can
save by .our welding. ]
Come in and talk it
> 1
over with us.
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Seed Oats.
Best grade of Fulghum seed!!
oats for sale. See at once
D. S. & W. G. Williamson, :
9304 Alston, Ga.
Milch Cows for Side.
Two cows, with calves two
weeks old. Jersey and Holstein
mixed. Good milkers. Ages, 5
and 7 years. Prices reasonable- i
See at once D. M Currie,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Exchange Notice.
To encourage the planting of
oats in this section until further
notice we will exchange bright, i
clean, genuine Fulghum oats for
other country produce. This will
enable you to acquire the best
oats for this section without the ;
actual cash and afford you mar
ket for your other produce.
J. Wade & Henry A. Johnson,
Mount Vernon, Ga.
Mount Vernon Wood
W. A. GUYTON, Proprietor 1
The Best Grades of Oak and Pine .
Wood, Cut to any Dimensions.
Ready for the Stove or Fireplace, i
See tre for prices. Yards near j
Mt. Vernon depot
Trespass Notice.
Georgia—Montgomery Cunty.
This is to forewarn the public
against hunting, fishing, remov
ing wood or timber or in any
manner trespassing on the lands
of the undersigned, and parties
violating this rule subject them
selves to prosecution. This the
21st day of October, 1920.
W. T. McArthur,
Duncan McArthur,
Parks McAllister.
Ixians on improved farm
lands of Montgomery County can
be placed promptly at 5 l-2c in
terest in amounts of SI,OOO and
above, with the privilege of re-
I paying part of the principal at
any interest bearing periods in
amounts of SIOO or multiples
thereof, thereby stopping the in
| terest on amount paid. Loans
i can be made for periods of 5,
or 10 years to suit the borrower.
Commissions charged are reason
able. M. B. Calhoun,
Mt. Vernon, Ga,
R. E. Ward,
Soperton, Ga.
I ' For Sale.
Two used cars—a Ford and a
Maxwell Tourjng—in good condi
tion. Also two good farm mules.
W. G. Williamson.
1028tf Alston, Ga. 1
.■j'S.i&s&sz * 0 M*m» r, i
At 5 to (J per cent, in Amounts of SIOOO 1
to SIOO,OOO, on Five to Ten Years time. I
I represent one of the largest Life Insurance
| Companies, with Unlimited Capital, and can J:
| close leans on short (^der.
|W. J. WALLACE, Soperton, Ga. i
V.V |
We Carry at all Times a Full J
;|l and Complete Line of Coffins, Caskets I
I and Funeral Supplies, including Metallic |
Lined and all Metal Caskets.
is We Pay Strict Attention to All Details f
j|| Phone No. 25. SOPERTON, GA. |
We have no favorites. Whether in Fords< n
Tractors, Ford Cars or Trucks or Supplies
for Them or Service in General, all patrons
are served with equal and uniform courtesy
—a square deal to all. Flay the game with
us; you can get w hat you want when you
want it. We are in business to serve you.
Utralda .and Mt. Vernon
• ffT7fTTTTtTVTTWT7tVTTfTI * f»VVT»»»m»Um»mm* •
t on :
► Improved Treutlen, Jloiitgornery and \
t Toombs County‘Lands <
Gillettee Mileage
is Guaranteed:
.. i
Fabric, 6000 miles:
Coro, 8000 miles!
Full Line of Staple* j
and Fancy Groceries,!
Soft Drinks, etc. !
Mt. Vernon, Ga. j
Post Your Lauds.
Open your woodland ?o the r üb
le and soon there will not be a
stick of wood or timber on IN
I'ut the public on notice by j ost
ing up printed notices. Get the
printed notices at The Monitor
office, 10 cents each.
Buiidin# Material.
ti“st grades of Rough Lumber,
: Framing, Sills, etc., eut on short
j mtic*. Mill six miles north of
Mr, Vernon. See <>r rihone
Jas. W. Adams,
llldtf Mt. Vernon, Ga.
To the Farmers of
i »•
This Section:
In o der to assist* the farmers
of this section in the rradius -
meat of prices, we will pay cash
for all country produce, also,
1 cattle and hogs.
If you ive mvrbing for sale
from eggs to cotton see us.
J. VVaLijS (i i hENRY A. . OHN SON,
idooi.t \ einoa, Ja.
NO. 36.