Newspaper Page Text
Ijl Hot wa^er
IS-*2__r±^ : i Sure Relief
For Sale— White Spotted Poland China Hogs.
Boars. Bred and open Gilts. Booking orders
for weanling pigs May Ist delivery. al| car
rying some blood of Paul No. 20. the largest
hog of the breed. * Can furnish unrelated
pigs. Satisfaction guaranteed. GEO. K.
BRICATOR. Yru are always rite with a copy
of RAY-O-LITE Price $3.00. Bell Service
Co.. Spingarn Bldg., Jersey City, N. J.
Bix —I have a capital idea.
Dix—You can’t use tuy capital.—
Boston Transcript.
| Name “Bayer” on Genuine
Take Aspirin only as told in each
package of genuine Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin. Then you will be following
the directions and dosage worked out
by physicians during 21 years, and
proved safe by millions. Take no
chances with substitutes. If you see
the Bayer Cross on tablets, you can
take them without fear for Colds,
Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism.
Earache. Toothache, Lumbago and
for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve
tablets cost few cents. Druggists also
sell larger packages. Aspirin is the
trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid.—
His Method.
“Why do you encourage your boy to
send liis verses to the magazines? Do
you want him to he a poet?”
“No; merely want him to get the
conceit knocked out of them.”
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never
Suspect It
Applicants for Insurance Often
Judging from reports from druggists
Who are constantly in direct touch with
the public, there is one preparation that
has been very successful in overcoming
these conditions. The mild and healing
influence of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is
soon realized. It stands the highest for
its remarkable record of success.
An examining physician for one of the
prominent Life Insurance Companies, in
an interview on the subject, made the as
tonishing statement that one reason why
so many applicants for insurance are re
jected is because kidney trouble is so
common to the American people, and the
large majority of those whose applica
tions are declined do not even suspect
that they have the disease. It is on sale
at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes,
medium and large.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bUtle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper.—Adv.
Youthful Skeptic.
They had hare for dinner, and very
proudly mother told little Ada that it
had been shot by father.
“Really!” said the little angel. “And
wlio held it while daddy shot it,
mummy?"—Edinburgh Scotsman.
If you have never used Vacher-Balm.
you don’t know how quickly and pleas
antly a cold in the head, or soreness
anywhere can be relieved by this harm
less remedy.
Ask your druggist or send for a free
sample, to E. W. Vacher, inc., New Or
leans, La.
Avoid imitations. Nothing is “just
as good.”—Adv.
An Improved Method.
An American inventor has devised
a scheme for lassoing enemy subma
rines. This is a decided improvement
on the method of just sticking a pin
into them as they whizz by.—London
Indigestion produce* disagreeable and
Sometimes alarming symptoms. Wright’*
Indian Vegetable Pill* stimulate the diges
tive processes to function naturally.—Adv.
Well, Well!
“Great excitement at the country
“Over what?”
“A countryman tried to Join.”
Contact with a too-sharp man dulls
one’s confidence in humanity.
is annoying and harmful. Relieve throat
irritation, tickling and get rid of coughs,
colds and hoarseness at once by taking
W. N. U. ( ATLANTA. NO. 1-1921
(By rev. P. B. FITZWATER. D. D.,
Teacher of English Bible in the Moody
Bible -Institute of Chicago.)
1920. Western Newspaper Union.)
the child and the kingdom.
LESSON TEXT—Matt 18:1-14.
GOLDEN TEXT—Whosoever therefore
shall humble himself as this little child,
the same shall be greatest In the king
dom of heaven.—Matt 18:4.
Luke 9:36-48; 17:1-2.
PRIMARY TOPIC-God’s Care for Little
JUNIOR TOPIC—God s Care for Us.
—Responsibility for the Younger and
—Our Responsibility for Childhood.
I. The Greatest in the Kingdom of
Heaven (vv. 1-4).
1. The disciples’ question (v. 1).
The promise given to Peter in connec
tion with the announcement of his pur
pose to build the church, and the pay
ing of tribute with the money in the
fish's mouth, provoked jealousy on the
part of the other disciples. The trans
figuration scene revealed the divine
person and the program of the king
dom. Seeing that the kingdom was to
come to realization, despite the trag
edy of the cross, the disciples thought
it best to have settled the place of
rank in the kingdom. Their behavior
betrayed their sad state of heart. In
stead of entering into sympathy with
Jesus in the dark hour of his passion,
they were supremely concerned with
the dignities to be conferred upon
2. Jesus’ answer (vv. 2-4). He taught
them concretely by placing a little
child in their midst. (1) Condition of
entrance into kingdom (v. 3). He
showed them that the great question
which concerned them is as to wheth
er they are really in the kingdom.
Their behavior revealed the fact
that they needed conversion before
they could enter into the kingdom.
Before they could even see, much less
enter into the kingdom, they must be
born from above (John 3:3, 5). En
trance into the kingdom is infinitely
more important than rank therein.
(2) Whosoever possesses childlike hu
mility is the greatest (v. 4). The
child is dependent, lowly, and modest.
Those who have been born again—con
verted, have these characteristics. The
principle which determines rank in the
kingdom is lowliness of heart. In the
kingdom we rise by sinking. The way
is down. The more one realizes his
own unworthiness, the more worthy
he is of the divine favor and trust.
11. The Lord's Identification With
His Believing Ones (vv. 5-9).
1. Receiving the believer in Christ’s
name is receiving Christ (v. 5).
Through conversion we become God’s
children, and so completely is our life
interwoven with His that He regards
treatment of us as treatment of Him
self. Those who welcome into fellow
ship the lowly believer welcome Christ
If this were fully realized it would
sanctify our relationship with believ
ers in Christ. Reception of believers
includes all forms of sympathy and
aief. To do this in Christ’s name is to
open our hearts to receive Him.
2. The awful peril of causing a be
liever to stumble (vv. 6-9). To stum
ble means to give occasion for a moral
fall. The particular reference was to
the carnality and selfishness which
was expressing itself in their conten
tion for pre-eminence. Such spirit
and behavior would stifle the tender
life of a babe in Christ. Their be
havior was not only seif-injury, but a
stumbling block to others. Every
Christian should solemnly inquire as
to whether his life would help or hin
der his fellow-believers. Am I helping
someone to a higher level, or am I
pulling him down to a lower? To so
sin against Christ’s own is to meet a
sure and awful fate. His doom will
be worse than drowning in the sea
with a millstone around his neck; it
will be eternal fire (v. 8).
111. Believers Are Especially Cared
For by the Heavenly Father (vv. 10-14).
1. They are under angelic guardian
ship (v. 10). So precious is the be
liever in God’s sight that angelic mes
sengers have access to the very throne
of God, even beholding his face. So
high is the honor bestowed upon be
lievers that the highest angels are sent
to guard them.
2. The Son came especially to save
such from their lost condition (vv.
11-14). The Heavenly Father does not
will that any one of these should per
ish. They are the objects of the Fa
ther’s seeking love. The salvation of
the humble believer has been secured
by the incarnation and the sacrifice of
the Good Shepherd. Since God sets
such value upon even the lowest be
liever, we should be most careful in
our manner of life before them and In
our treatment of them.
Worship and Culture.
Worship and culture, of necessity,
go hand In hand. There can be no
such thing as true culture apart from
the religion of our dear Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ. The fundament
al principles of true culture are en
shrined forever in the Sermon on tfce
Mount, the ten beatitudes of the Lord
Jesus. Society, apart from the Foun
tain-head of Grace, can display to the
world nothing better than a refine
ment which is, at best, a veneer. —
Rev. Henry Lowndes Drew.
'••'W '
SEWING that is more of a joy than
a task, occupies the time of the
home seamstress in January and Feb
ruary, for she is engaged with the
diminutive and ever amusing gar
ments for her little ones. The de
signers of this year’s models merit
more than usual thanks, for they have
made most unusual and pretty dresses
and rompers, as a guide for those who
want to give their children the advan
tage of the best styles. Besides fa
miliar cotton goods, they have used
linen in colors, pongee, dark taffetas,
and have combined contrasting colors.
Rompers are among those present
in every diminutive wardrobe. Quite
often they are as pretentious as the
little affairs shown above, which seem
equally well adapted to girls or boys
up to tlie age of four. They are clev
erly cut in one piece of sturdy cotton
goods, or coarse linen, have a plait in
the center of the front and back, and
are slashed about the waist'to allow
Things That Spell Distinction
I. Ji§ fimWm - *'*>*
■ yffl& «»Wf * l>t r
CHRISTMAS time brought out gar
nishments innumerable for the
dress and for the homes of ladies fair
—all these personal niceties that wom
en are never too old or too young to
enjoy and appreciate.
Beginning with neckwear, there were
many collar and cuff sets, some of
them in new styles, but made as they
have been of fine nets, sheer fabrics
and lace. Among the new things
there were cuffs with “bib” collars to
match, as shown in the illustration
above, In which fine batiste, with tiny
tucks, Venice lace and narrow Val lace
edging, are combined In a beautiful
set. This particular collar has a round
neck. It was not more popular than
straight collars with narrow vestees
and cuffs to match, made of similar
materials. Fine net pieces embroid
ered with flowers in the “lazy-dalsy”
stitch, bordered with narrow cluny
insertion and finished with an edging
of the same lace, were among the love
liest sets and they are easy to make —
this kind of embroidery goes quickly
and is very effective.
a belt of the goods or a sash of rib
bon to slip through. The rounj) neck
and short sleeves are scalloped at the
edges, but they might be bound with
tnpe or lawn. Few seamstresses can
resist the temptation to put a little
simple embroidery or stitching on sueli
small garments.
Instead of rompers, some small
girls maintain tlie freedom of their
sex by wearing blouses to match
frocks or aprons. The latter are too
brief as to length to hamper them any.
There are a good many sleeveless
frocks and rompers in the new dis
plays, a few with long sleeves, hut
more than either of these, are those
made with short sleeves that hardly
reach the elbow. Little flowers and
miniature fruits are favorite motifs
for embroidery on tlie dressier gar
ments and small ties of wool ending
in bails, or of narrow ribbon, and
amusing, make-believe buttons, delight
the hearts of their wearers.
| There are some very handsome high*
[ necked pieces in which a high collar
; of tucked net, with filet or other lace
i insets, edged with narrow cluny are
joined to long vestees of net with a
plaited frill of luce down the center,
finished off with flat crochet buttons.
; They are usually made of deep cream- I
I colored net and lace and much nd
! mired by older women. All the best
accessories of this kind are hand
In handkerchiefs the holidajs
brought to notice very dainty ones of
j plain or crossbar linen witli very nar
row' herns. They were bordered with
frills of fine net; sometimes this frill
had an edge whipped with colored
For Evening Gowns.
Iridescent mauve net I*
much used so- evening gowr
Ipi Contents 15 Fluid Draohn CASTORIA
For Infants and Children.
r ACTHDU Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
M. I
® ears the //\xF
Signature //jr
Cheerfulnessandtejgjg /(\ At/
I A 1/
&• a JfV In
fsgs~__ U. r» .1
(jßiafiffiffls- /v /if* Use
ra. \jr pgr Over
m Facsimile Si^rt^, 0 *
111 JZS?- Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper. thc ccntaun company, ncw yonk city.
Two spoonfuls of JACOBS LIVER I
ip f breakfast (jives you vim and energy for I
K-JffilfaßllMSto I
j ||
WK.. V.. tfMTEKWWs “ T „„.
Feel Shaky I 1 \HILL IONIC You Up.
For Malarial Fevers and a General Tonic
It not sold by your druggist, write ARTHUR PETER & CO., LOUISVILLE, KY.
Just So. The live o’clock ten would lie even
“He’s got that other fellow on the more popular with women If it were
hip.” marked down to 4:, r >7.
“Yes; hip-notlzed.”
Watch Cuticura Improve Your Skin.
Hall’s Catarrh Medicine 0,1 rlsl,1 « utstl retiring neatly smear
Those who are In a "run down" condl- *be face with < utleura Ointment,
tlon will notice that Catarrh bothers Wash off Ointment 111 five minutes
them much more than when they are In w .,. Cmiiurii Soau and Imt water It
good health. This fact proves that while *‘"'l ", "
Catarrh Is a local disease, it Is greatly is wonderful sometimes what Cuticura
Influenced by constitutional conditions. w lll do for poor eomplexlmts, dandruff,
Tonic and Ulood Purifier, and acts through It* mug and red l(;.«gh hands. Adv.
the blood upon the mucous surfaces ol
the body, thus reducing the Inflammation
and restoring normal conditions. I tiilh moves mountains; though It
All druggists. Circulars free. may have had to wait until steam
F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo. Ohio. sllovels w ,.„. mv. tito.l.
“What is a Idling remark?” Why Suffer With Rheumatism
“I suppose it is the kind you throw Wl "‘" ls Permanent relief w1th
.,,,,11. » In your reacli? II matters not what
In n persons teem. „ . . , , , .
form you have, what you have tried
or how long standing. It’s gtmrao-
If your eyes Amart or feel scalded, Roman , ~.1.1,1,, t,.n ih.uj.
Bye Balaam applied upon suing to bed la ,( *. ~ "1111111 till days.
Just the thing to relieve them.—Adv. MONK V HACK without question or
quibble. Address M, Hex 147, Little
Smoke Up. Rock, Ark. —Adv.
“Why do you call your new cigar
the Spark Plug?” On life's highway almost everybody
“Perfect Ignition.” Is willing to take the rich man's dust.
f Kill That Cold With
Colds, Coughs La Grippe
Neglected Colds are Dangerous
Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze.
Breaks up a cold in 24 hours—Relieves
Grippe in 3 days—Excellent for Headache
Quinine in this form does not affect the head—Cascara is best Tonic
Laxative—No Opiate in Hill’s.
. Mgf&H Ja vA . H« I aseXH ■» 1 <eßk jH sZflSgjn W 1•» i •**
djTVf'M SDk ■