Newspaper Page Text
XP\e /Yontgonqery /Monitor. 1
Entered »t the Postoffice in Mt. Vernon. On. as Second-Clans Mail Matter.
H. B. folsom. Editor and Owner. $1.50 • Year, in Advance, j
-T " * ~ * I
ndvertiHcment* must invariably be paid ih advance, at the legal rate, and an the law
d.recta; and must be in band nut later than Wednesday morning of the first week of insertion
Mount Vernon, Ga.. Thursday Morning, December 30, 1920.
When, 0 When, will this holi- j
day spirit wear off? In order to
make our wail understood, we
refer to the loafing spirit, and
not that variety being transported
in fruit jars.
The Chicago woman who is
putting on a campaign against
the cigarette, begins with Presi
dent-elect Harding, who is a pa
tron of the habit. She evidently
believes at beginning at the top
The fact that there is in hand
enough unspunned cotton to last
the world two years should make
some impression on the farmer
who is not yet convinced that it
is unprofitable to grow too much
of the staple another year.
There will be held in Atlanta
February 8 and 9 a grand suffrage
conclave. Do not know whether
the ladies are making arrange
ments for 1922 or 1924. Suffice
it to say that the ways and means
committees will carry full mem
bership. '
t 7 .*
President Wilson celebrated
his sixty-fourth birthday Tues
day. For the past half a dozen
years his life has been fraught
with more responsibilities and
perplexities of a national nature
than have ever fallen to the lot
of any man.
The new year will not bring
anything better, unless you go
out after it. This idea that good
things come to men who wait is
a snare and a delusion. Be up
and doing, with a heart for any
t isk. It is diligence that moves
obstacles and gets a man some
where in life and achievement.
The anniversary number of the
Christian Index is a most credit
able number. It is a centennial
issue, and covers the work of the
Baptist church in Georgia for the
past hundred years or more. The
Index is the organ of that de
nomination in Georgia and is
owned by the church. No mem
ber of the Baptist church should
be without a copy of the special
number of the Index.
Road and bridge building in the
Twelfth district is being pushed
uteadily, and within another year
facilities for rapid and comfort
able travel in this section of the
state will be up to the most pro
gressive standard. For the work
completed and under way a mil
lion and a-half dollars will be
spent. The federal government
is paying half of the cost of con
The holiday season has not
been without its round of acci
dents and fatalities, most of them
of the preventable kind guns
that were thought to have been
unloaded, automobiles that were
thought to be self steering, liquor
that was thought* to be harmless,
and fire that was supposed to
burn without producing pain and
death. All this may be included
in the fatalities of life, but the
idea of precaution is still feebly
The Duroc Jersey sale by Rich- j
mond & McArthur January 7th
will be the largest ever held in ;
this section. This sale of thor
oughbred hogs should prove an j
inspiration to the farmers and
stockraisers. Something like $20,-
000 worth of high-grade stock
offered in a sale was never before
heard of in Montgomery county, |
and the success of this stock farm ;
is a tribute to the foresight and j
energy of the promoters. Stock j
from this farm has gone to every I
part of the United States. 1
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be Hold before the court house
door In Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day ill Jan., 1921, between the legal
bourn of Hale, to the highest bidder
for canh, certain property of which
the following in a complete descrip
tion •
Five acres wf land nituate. lying
and being in the Higgnton District
(I. M. of naid county and ntate and
bounded an folio wh: On the north
and east by landn of Allen JuHtin,
on the houtii by landn of W. O. Foun
tain and on the went by landn of Wilt
Mcintonh, the name being five acren
carved from the notitii went corner of
a tract of il7 acren bought by Allen
.liiHtin from I. H. Linder. Levied
on and will he Hold an the property
of Allen JuHtin to natinfy a tax fi fa
issued by H. C. Davis vs Allen Jus
tin, for .ntate and county taxes for
tile year 1918, Levy made and re
turned to me by I, C. 8. Berner,
special bailiff, and written notice of
levy given defendant an required by
law. Thin the 7th day of December,
1920. E. JK. Burch, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
’Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will he sold before the court house
door In Me. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Jan., 1921, between the legal
hours of sal#, to tile highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
tiie following is a complete descrip
tion :
Twenty-five acren of land nituate,
lying and being in file Kibbee-Tiger
district O. M. of said county and
state, being 25 acres carved from rite
south-east corner of a 200 acre* tract
owned by the entate of Margaret
Moseley, and bounded as follows;
Nortii by lands of the estate of Mar
garet Moseley, east, by Henry Mos
ley, south by lands of G. W. Blocker,
and west by landn of Tener Mosley.
Levied on and will be sold an the
property of the estate of Margaret
Mosley. Manning Mosley, agent, to
satisfy a tax flfa issued by H. C.
Davis, tax collector, for state and
county taxes for the year litlii Levy
made and returned to me by I. C. H.
Berner, special bailiff, and written
notice of levy given in terms of the
law. This the 7th day og December,
1920. E. K. Burch, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will tie sold before the court house
(loot in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Jan., 1921, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
All that lot or parcel of land situ
ate, lying and being in the 275th G.
M. district of said county and in the
Town of Uvalda. the same being Lot
No. it in Block No. 7, fronting 33 feet
on Main street and running hack 100
feet to an alley, being the same
property deeded by J. J. Moses to
\V. M. Flanders. Levied on and will
lie sold as tee property ot W. M.
Flanders to satisfy a fl fa issued by
H. C. Davis, tax collector, vs W. M
Flanders, for state and county taxes
for tne year 1019. Levy made and
returned to me I. O. 8. Berner, spe
cial bailiff, and written notice of levy
given in terms of t tie law. This the
7th day of December. 1920.
E. E. Dutch, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will he sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Jan., 1921, between the legal
hours ot sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following Is a complete descrip
tion :
One certain lot or parcel of land
situate lying anil being in tlie Town
of Kibbee, Ga.. In the Kibbee-Tiger
G. M. district of said county und
state, containing 100 feet front on
Sheron street and running back in a
westerly direction 160 feet and
hounded as follows: North by lands
of W. 11. Adams, east by Slieron
street, south by lands of W. It.
Adams and went by lands of tiie M.
1), & S. Railroad. Levied on and
will be sold as the property of Sidney
Register and J. W. Register to satis
fy a fl fa issued from tiie superior
court of said county in favor of
James Hester vn Sidney Register
and J. W. Register. Pointed out for
levy by attorney for plaintiff and
written notice given in terms of the
law, This the Bth day of December.
ISi*2o. E. E. Burch. Sheriff.
M. B. Calhoun, Atfy. for Plff.
Divorce Notice.
Clem Cooper vs Martha J. Cooper.
Petition for the removal of dis
abilities, in the Superior Court
j of Montgomery County, Ga., Feb.,
Term, 1921.
To Mrs. Martha J. Cooper:
Vou are hereby notified that an
application has been filed in the
Superior Court of said county, for
the removal of the disabilities of
said Clem Cooper the applicant,
| the same to be heard in said court
the first Monday tu Feb. 1921.
That the same is based on the
petition for divorce filed against
5-aid applicant, Dec. 6tb, 1919, to
> the Feb. term, 1920 of said court.
This the 2nd day ot Dec., 1920.
Cleat Cooper,
• Applicant.
| Georgia—Montgomery County.
To whom it may concern:
M. C. Morris of said state hav
ing in proper form applied to me
for permanent letters of admims- j
I traticn on the estate of James j
! Morris, late of said county, de-1
ceased, this is to cite all and sin- J
gnlar the creditors and heirs of
James Morris to be and uppear at 1
tiie January term of court, 1921, j
and show cause, if any the can,
why permanent letters of admin- J
lstration should not be granted ;
Witness my official signature this
the Olh day of Dec., 1920.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary
Georgia—Montgomery County.
To Whom it May Concern:
Mrs. M. H. Mclntyre having in
proper form applied to me for
letters of administration upon the
estate of M. H. Mclntyre, lute of
said county, deceased; this is to
cite all and singular the next of
kin and creditors of the said M
H. Mclntyre to be and appear at
the January term of court, 1921,
and show cause, if any they can,
why permanent letters of admin
istration should not be granted.
Witness my official signature this
6th day of December, 1920.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary,
Georgia Montgomery County.
The appraisers appointed on the
application of Sarah J. Horne,
widow of Ben Horne, deceased,
for valuation and setting apart a
year’s support for herself and
three minor children out of the
estate of Ben Horne, deceased,
having filed their return, this is
to cite all parties at interest that,
eaid application will be heard at
my office on the first Monday in
January, 1921. This the oth day
of December, 1920.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of an order
grauted by the Court of Ordinary
ot said county, will be sold on the
first Tuesday in January, 1921,
before the court house door in
naid county, to the highest bidder
for cash, between the legal hours
of sale, the following described
property to wit:
Two lots of land situate, lying
and being in the Town of Ailey,
Ga., being Lots Nos fi and 4 in
Block No. 11, as shown hy plat of
said town. Sold as the property
of the estate of Mrs. Vera Skip
per, for settlement of debts.
C, W. Skipper,
Ads. Vera Skipper.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Georgia -Montgomery County.
All parties having demands
against the estates of Oscar Ruis
and Mattie Ruis, late of said
county, deceased, are hereby
notified to present them properly
attested; and all parties indebted
to said estates are hereby notified
to make immediate payment to
the undersigned. This the 6th
day of December, 1920.
C. C. Warnock,
Sale of Real Estate Under Power
of Sale in Deed, to Secure Debt.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of power of »ale contained
in a certain deed to secure debt, made and execu
ted by D. Quince Coleman to P. H. Cohen on Ist
day of December. 1919, and recorded on Bth day
of December, 1919. in deed book No. 25, page 217
of the Clerk's Office Superior Court of Montgom
ery County, Georgia, the undersigned will sell at
public outcry before the court house door of said
county above set out. during the legal hours of
sale, to the highest bidder for cash, on the first
Tuesday in January, 1921, being the 4th day there
of. the following described re;»l estate, to-wit:
All those certain tracts or parcels of land, situ
ate, lying, and being in 275th Dist. G. M. Montgom
ery County, Georgia, and better described as fol
TRACT No. 1: ContainingThlrty five and four
fifths (31 4-6) acres, more or less, bounded north
by a branch; east by lands of Eliza Gray, south by
I. Q. Coleman. [Darien and Dublin public road
being the line] and west by J. A. Hall and being
the tract on w hich the dwelling of said D. Q. Cole
man ie located.
TRACT No. 2: Containing one hundred, one and
one-quarter [ 101 1-4] acres, more or less, less forty
five 145] acres in south east corner, sold by said
D. Q. Coleman to W nipple, leaving a balance of
Fifty-six and one-quarter 156 1-4] acres, the entire
tract bounded north by I. Q. Coleman, east by
Alice Whipple, south and west by I. Q. Coleman,
as will more fully appear by reference to a plat of
the same made by S. B. Morris, county surveyor
Montgomery county, Ga., on February sth, 1915.
recorded in deed book No. 22. page 132 Clerk's of
fice Montgomery County. Ga
TRACT No. 3: Containing Three Hundred,
Eighty Nine and One Half [389 1-2] acres, more or
lees, bounded north by lands of 1. Q. Coleman,
east hy Mrs. .Alice Whipple [being the eastern
half of the tractl south by Altainaha river, ard
weet by I. Q. Cbleman, and being the west half of
a tract containing seven hundred and seventy nine
1779] acres, conveyed by 1 Q. Coleman to Mrs.
Alice Whipple and D. Q. Coleman, and the west
half above described being conveyed by Mrs.
Alice Whipple to D. Q. Coleman and known as
the Asa Travis surveys.
For the purpose of paying an indebtedness of
Twenty Five Hundred Dollars 152500.00 j principal
and the sum of one hundred and seventeen and
38-100 [5117.33] Dollars interest up to December
Ist, 1920. the total amount of principal and in
terest now being the sum of twenty six hundred,
seventeen and 33-100 [52817.33J dollars, with in
terest on said sum from December Ist, 1920 until
paid, together with the coets of this proceeding,
including fee* for commissioner, as provided in
said deed to secure debt above set out, default
having been made in the payment of the principal
and interest notes maturing on November Ist.
19C0 as shown by said deed, and under the powers !
contained in the deefl to secure debt, when any j
of said notes therein mentioned falls due and are ;
not paid promptly at maturity then the whole j
amount of sard indebtedness matures, and said .
grantee is authorised to collect the full amount or [
principal and interest, he having declared by this J
proceeding the whole sum due by rees.m of such
A full conveyance will be executed by the un
cereigned to the purchaser on date of sale, pur-j
chaser paying for titles and revenue stamps.
This 7th day es December. 1920.
P. R. Cohen. Attorney in fact
for D. Quiace Coleman. 1
I Anticipating a Strong Demand for the Popular Brands and 0
Styles of Shoes this Season, we have placed in Stock a Line
which we feel sure will please the people, both in Quality. 0
You are especially invited to see our Newest Footwear. ||
Groceries, Hardware, Farm Tools \ j
Wire Fencing, Notions o
Mt. Vernon, Ga. \
Service by Publication.
Mrs. Ida J. McAllister vs W. D.
McAllister. Petition for Divorce
Montgomery Superior Court,
February Term, 1921.
To the Defendant, W. D. McAllis
ter; —
The plaintiff, M.s. Ida J. Mc-
Allister, having filed her petition
for divorce against W. D. McAl
lister, returnable to the February
term, 1921, of said court, aud it
being made to appear that the
said W. D. McAllister is not a ■
resident of said countv, and also
thut he does not reside in said
state, and an order having been
made for service on him by publi- j
cation, this is therefore to notify !
you, W. D. McAllister, to be and
appear at the February term,
1921, of Montgomery Superior
Court, to be held on first Monday
in February, 1921, then and there
to answer this complaint.
Witness the Honorable E. I).
Graham, Judge of the Superior
Court. This Bth day of Nov, 1920.
J. E. Mcßae, Clerk.
Trespass Notice.
This is to warn all persons
against removing wood or timber
of any kind from lands ot the un
dersigned. This land has been
tully posted, and from this date
trespassers will have to answer to
the sheriff of Montgomery couuty.
Dec. 16, 1920.
Mrs. H. B. Folsom.
Farm Loans
Loans on Improved Farm Lands
in Montgomery and Wheeler
Counties. Interest rate 6 per ct.
Reasonable commission. I can
handle good propositions for col
ored people owning farm lauds.
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Cypress Shingles.
I have on hand an unlimited
number of hand-drawn number
one cypress shingles for sale. See
me at once. A. B. Hutcheson,
1016tf Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Statement of the Condition of
Citizens Bar^k,
Located at Alston, Ga., at the Close of Business Dec. 15, 1920:
Time Loans $47,456 11
Bonds and storks owned ot the
Bank ion 00
Banking house 2,500 00
Furniture an l fixtures 2,500 00
; Cash in vault and amount
deposited in banka 9,576 20
Clearing House 457 00
To tal $62,588.31
1 State of Georgia—County of Montgomery.
Before me c-ame E S. Martin, cashier of The Citizens Bank of Alston, who, being duly
sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank as shown
by the books of tile in said Bank. E. S. MARTIN.
A'wuru to and subscribed befoie uie this 20th day of Dec., 1920.
H G. Mcßride, N. P. M. C„ Ga.
! :
(Branch of The Mount Vernon Bank)
j Located ar Uvalda. Ga., at the Close of Business Dec. Jsfh, 1920.
Demand loans $ 3,652 00
Time loans 66,207 87
Bonds and Stocks owned by
the Bank 6.150 00
Banking house, 2.730 00
Furniture and fixtures, 1,142 70
Cash in Vault and amount
deposited in banks 16,213 67
Cash items 73 95
Overdrafts 9 40
Total, $86,179 59
BTAIE OF GEORGlA—Montgomery County.
Before me came I. B. Brown, Cashier of The Commercial Bank, *ho being duly sworn,
says tha* the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, us shown by tiie
books of file in said Bank. J. B. BROWN,
Sworn to aud subscribed before me this 21st day of Dec., 1920.
R. L. O’Neal, Notary Public, State at Large, Uvalda, M. C., Ga.
My Commission Expires April 22,1921.
T /Yount Vernon Bank,
Located at Mt . Vernon. Ga., at the Close of Business Dec. 15th, 1920:
Resources: |
Demand loans $ 13.564 10 !
Time loans 131,186 45 j
Overdrafts 12 14 j
Bonds aud stock owned be
the Bank * 16.1X10 00 i
Hanking house 4,615 60
Furniture and fixtures 1.499 96
Gash in yaulr and amount
deposited iu banks 39.558 52 1
l’. S. Treas. Certificates 55,000 00 j
Advanced on U. 8. Bonds 586 85 j
Capital Commercial
Hank, Uvalda, Ga. 15,000 00
Total $277,023 62 ;
SI ATE OF GEORGIA—Con my of Montgomery,
Before me c.mie W. A. Peterson, Cashier of The Mt. Vernon Bank, who being duly sworn
says that the above and foregoing statement is a trus condition of aaid Bank, as miowu by
the books of file in aaid bank W. A. PETERSOaV.
Sworn >o and sabaciibed before me this 21st day of Dec.. 1920.
- h L Wilt, C. X. P. M. C. Ga.
Capital Stock Paid in $15,000 00
Undi ided pr tits, less current
ex. int. and taxes paid 1,165 04
Individual deposits subject to check 12,955 12
Time Certificates 2,941 81
Cashier's checks 626 34
Bills payable, including time certifi
cates rep bor. money 30,000 00
Total $62,588 Sf
i Capital stock paid in, $16,000 00
Undivided profits, less cur
ex’s.. int. and taxes pd. 11,732 76
> Individual deposits subject
i to check. 31,846’.2
i Demand certificates 150 00
Time certificates 27,002 43
Cashier's checks 448 18
Total, $86,179 69
' Liabilities:
Capital stock paid in $15,000 00
. Surplus fund, 25,000 00
I Undivided Profit, less Cur.
Exp., Int. and Taxes Paid 3,730 08
i Individual deposits subject
to check 115,824 77
Savings deposits 23,123 45
I Time certificates 63.835 00
! Cashier's Checks 3,000 10
Bills payable, including
| time cer. rep. bor. money 12,500 00
I Surplus set aside as cap. o!
Com. Bank, Uvalda 15,000 00
jCash Long 10 22
Total $277,023 62