Newspaper Page Text
Third Quarterly Report Commissioners Roads
and Revenues, for Year 1920
Disbursements. Warrant Numbers From 41 to 273 Inclusive.
August 3, 1920.
R J Boyd, camp supplies $ 22 05
S T Simons, camp supplies 10 75
W P Calhoun, two pr. lines • 150
L E Stanford, camp supplies 20 38
B J McGahee, camp supplies 22 05
D E Palmer, work on road 19 50
Mt. Vernon Merc. Co., camp supplies 656 64
A L Lanier, use of stump puller 5 00
W D Wiggins, guard 40 00
W M Trull, guard 40 00
W E Goff, guard 50 00
Barney Gay, guard 48 00
A C McNeeley, machinist 55 00
C F Ferrell, warden 100 00
C F Ferrell, gas and oil 40 00
Will Mincey, nofi-res. witness 11 84
W J Whitlock, non-res. witness 4 20
Adams & Wheeler, gas for truck 4 62
Susan Grimsley, pauper 5 00
G W Kelley, pauper 10 00
Lem Taylor, pauper 10 00
O K Morgan, pauper 10 00
Hassie Bryant, pauper 5 00
Dave Swinney, pauper 10 00
Joe Lewis, pauper 6 00
F Lee Mcßae, farm supplies 21 63
Mt. Vernon Merc Co., farm supplies 28 40
R W Anderson, lumber 27 19
J M D McGregor, lumber 13 45
L N Thompson, lumber 26 65
James Moone, work on bridge 10 00
Geo. W. Block & Co., lumber 42 07
Garrett & Slack engineering fee 99 25
Southern Bridge Co., bridge 1687 25
Tom Taylor, non-res. witness 8 08
Will Kirby, filling vat 3 50
H C Davis, supplies for jail 1 50
J C McAllister, lunacy trial 20 50
F M Mcßae, filling vat 2 50
J E Mcßae, 2 certificates 3 00
Elbert Sharpe, non-res. witness 6 76
C H Fowler, lumber & work on vat 2 00
B Smith, hauling water for vat 2 00
S C McGahee, hinges & nails 1 00
Marshall & Bruce Co., records, etc., 104 95
E E Burch, board of prisoners, etc. 127 70
W D Ricks, services, July 100 00
Otto Taylor, non-res. witness 4 12
Wilson Taylor, non-res. witness 4 12
Bill Gillis, filling vat 2 50
J A Curl, filling vat 2 50
J A Morris, putting up wire fence 18 00
F Dees, services, July 100 00
J A Hall, filling vat 4 00
E E Burch, 5 gal. K. oil 1 35
W L Chance non-res. witness 4 28
Burroughs Adding Machine Co., services 520
r W C McAllister, stenographer 30 00
L C Underwosd, county atty. 12 50
Dr J E Hunt, county physician 25 00
M D Hughes, county treasurer 8 33
A B Hutcheson, clerk and pur. agt. 66 66
R S McLendon, janitor 40 00
M Bridges, ferryman 15 00
E E Sharpe, non-res. witness 7 00
A L Wheeler, holding election 8 00
W W Frost, holding election 8 00
Angus McQueen, holding election 8 00
K M Johnson, holding election 8 00
A D Hughes, holding election 8 00
W C Ryals, holding election 8 00
L Williamson, holding election 8 00
Wilev Wilkes, non-res. witness 9 52
J M Moxley. farm supplies .28 59
Sea Island Cotton Gin Co., repairs 5 00
Omer Burch, riding bailiff 45 00
Henry Carpenter, riding bailiff 40 00
Hobson Wells, riding bailiff 20 00
Will Ricks, riding bailiff 5 00
John Goff, court bailiff 9 00
J W Hughes, court bailiff 12 00
E E Burch, court bailiff 20 00
J E Mcßae, services 20 00
John A Morris, services 12 00
The Mt Vernon Bank, car of hay 420 62
J E Mcßae, services \ 1 50
J C McAllister, vital statistics 12 50
J R Carr, vital statistics 50
A L Wheeler, vital statistics 2 50
August 18.
L Williamson, vital statistics 1 00
August 27.
W C McAllister, court stenographer 45 00
September 27.
J S Sharpe, work on road 10 00
L E Stanford, camp supplies 6 25
R J Boyd, camp supplies 34 07
Bonney Gay, guard 50 00
W E Goff, guard 55 00
W M Trull, guard 40 00
A C McNeeley, guard 52 00
J E Crawford, guard 55 00
C F Ferrell, warden - 100 00
C F Ferrell, gas & oil 40 00
W D Wiggins, guard 5 00
Champion Supply Co., camp supplies 138 60
Hicks Bros. Garage, repair work 96 44
D O Connell, work on road 20 00
C L Jones, camp supplies 1 00
* A I Move, work on road 15 00
H H Johnson, repairs 39 ;>0
Mr Vernon Merc. Co., camp supplies 634 56
S T Simons, camn supplies (fish) 4 00
W B Cadle, repairs 1 90
H V Thompson, lumber 204 52
The S« ig Co., disinfectant, etc. 9o 63
The Mills Printing Co., office supplies 58 2o
Mt Ver Drug Co., camp sup. (medicine) 955
Seed Oats for Sale.
Supply of high grade Fulghum
seed oats. Thoroughly cleaned
and free from grass seeds and
weeds. See me at once.
J. M. D. McGregor,
107 ts Ailey, Ga.
Post Your Lands.
Open your woodland to the pub- j
I lie and soon there will not be a
stick of wood or timber on it
Put the public on notice by post
ing up printed notices. Get the
printed notices at The Monitor
I office, 10 cents each.
Foote & Davies Co., office supplies 50 68
Marshall & Bruce Co., office supplies 3 61
Marshall & Bruce Co., office supplies 54
J C McAllister, vital statistics 10 50
J R Carr, vital statistics 2 00
L A Williams, vital statistics 3 00
A L Wheeler, vital statistics 25
B A Conner, revising jury 6 00
G W Coleman, revising jury 6 00
J D Taylor, revising jury 6 00
j S V Hjcks, revising jury 600
J M D McGregor, revising jury 6 00
W A Johnson, revising jury 6 00!
Miss Minnie Abt, copy work for revisors 5 00
J E Mcßae, services 58 78
F Dees, salary, cattle inspector 100 00
J A Hail, filling vat 15 00
Floyd Calhoun, cattle inspector 50 00
E S Martin, agt., fire insurance policy 200 00
W A Peterson, agt., fire insurance policy 400 00
E E Burch, sheriff 84 00
E E Burch, having jail blankets washed 9 40
W D Ricks, cattle inspector 30 76
Floyd Stoker, cattle inspector 19 32
C N Adams, cattle inspector 50 00
Susan Grimsley, pauper 8 00
G W Kelley, pauper 10 00
Lem Taylor, pauper 10 00
O K Morgan, pauper 10 00
Hassie Bryant, pauper, 5 00
Dave Swinney, pauper 10 00
Joe Lewis, pauper 10 00
Jim Burns, pauper 10 00
Mrs. Lola Morrison, meals for jury 23 50
L C Underwood, atty 12 50
J E Hunt, physician 25 00
A B Hutcheson, clerk & pur. agt. 66 66
M D Hughes, treasurer 8 33
R S McLendon, janitor 40 00
M Bridges, ferryman 15 00
September 18
A C McNeeley, guard 29 00
September 27.
Mrs Lessie Fox, money borrowed 1000 00
$3420 34
October 5.
R M Rogers, work on road 11 00
W J & T A Peterson, camp supplies 17 90
R T Landrum, camp supplies 59 30
Geo L Hughes, camp supplies 49 75
E H Hayes, work on road 8 00
Chas McGahee. work on road machine 3 50
E T Simons, camp supplies 126 00
Ailey Hardware Co., camp supplies 44 93
A J Dickey, work on road 42 25
W L D Rackley, eamp supplies (syrup) 30 00
Lewis Sharpe, camp supplies 59 40
S Z Salter, work on road 160 00
S A McDaniel, work on road, wagon, etc 59 05
Mason Hardware Co., camp supplies 12 00
H H Johnson, repair work 18 25
Mt Vernon Merc. Co., camp supplies 913 56
J A Memory, work on road 9 50
The D A Mcßae Store, camp supplies 44 10
E McLeod, repairs on seed house 5 00
C H Calhoun, work on road with team 12 00
Bonney Gay, guard 50 00
W M Trull, guard 40 00
W E Goff, guard 55 00
J E Crawford, guard 72 50
R T Landrum, guard 12 00
C F Ferrell, warden 100 00
C F Ferrell, gas & oil 40 00
Susan Grimsley, pauper 8 00
G W Kelley, pauper 10 00
Lem Taylor, pauper 10 00
O K Morgan, pauper 10 00
Hassie Bryant, pauper 5 00
Dave Swinney, pauper 10 00
Joe Lewis, pauper 10 00
Jim Burns, pauper 10 00
The D A Mcßae Store, 5 well pulleys 3 75
Mt Vernon Merc Co., farm supplies 14 39
The D A Mcßae Store, farm supplies 2 21
Ailey Hardware Co., 3 hay forks 4 50
J M Moxley, work on farm, building, etc. 17 50
Wiley Taylor, work on farm bldg., etc 3 00
J H Dees, 3rd auarter salary 43 00
C H Calhoun, 3rd quarter salary 43 00
A B Hutcheson, 3rd quarter salary 43 00
Dr. J E Hunt, county physician 25 00
L C Underwood, county atty. 12 50
M D Hughes, county treasurer 8 33
A B Hutcheson, clerk & pur. agt. 66 66
R S McLendon, janitor 40 00
M Bridges, ferryman 15 00
M C Sharpe, filling vat 3 75
M E Burns, cattle inspector 80 85
Hobson Wells, filling vat 2 50
Joe Bell, filling vat 5 00
T B Adams, filling vat 3 00
Lewis Hamilton, filling vat 2 50
Henry McCall, filling vat 3 00
The D A Mcßae Store, jail supplies 4 55
E Wilkes, filling vat 2 50
F Dees, cattle inspector (salary) 100 00
J C McAllister, lunacy trial 19 00
A F Curl, filling vat 2 50
J C McAllister, vital statistics 15 50
J R Carr, vital statistics 50
A L Wheeler, vital statistics 25
L Williamson, vital statistics 11 00
E E Burch, sheriff, services, etc. 153 90
Sou Bridge Co., bridge, material & labor 3162 44
Soperton Hardware Co., camp supplies 70 10
J M Moxley, camp supplies 19 10
Fiovd Calhoun, work, 5 days 19 25
C N Adams, salary, cattle inspector 100 00
Total for quarter $15283.54
Milch Cows for Sale.
Two cows, with calves two
weeks old. Jersey and Holstein
mixed. Good milkers. Ages, 5
and 7 years. Prices reasonable
See at once D M Currie,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
s If in Need of Money |
■5 £
#I w
* 1
$L W
| Come to See me at Once, %
: * t
* Either Short or Long Term Loans. *
t *■
;S f
1 1 f
! # *
;} *
# and can secure money on either Farm or City
* Property within Ten Days or Less #
3f -
| |
# *
5 |
J See me at once, as I have clients now for both %
| *
* farm and city property in this section. *
* Come to see me, or phone and 1 will call on you. £
* *
•jji &
% i
jJ. Wade Johnson f
For Long Term Farm'
I uin negotiating some very
attractive Lung Term Farm Loans
for the heat companies doing bus
mean in Georgia, with lowest rates |
of interest and the meet liberal
term* of payments.
I have severul years experience j
in tin- loan bnainess, am located i
at the county site and believe that
I am in position to give you the
best terms and as prompt services
as any one.
If vou need a loan see me before
A. B. Hutcsheon,
Mt. Vernon, Ga
To the Farmers of
This Section:
In order to assist the farmers
of this section in the readjust
ment of prices, we will pay cash j
for all country produce, also, |
cattle and hogs.
If you have anything for sale
from eggs to cotton see us.
J. Wade & Henry A. Johnson,
Mount Vei non, Ga :
Case Steam
Tractor for Sale
A 12 36 H. P. Case steam trac
tor, almost new and in perfect
condion; one small sawmill and
planing mill outfit; lot of farm
tools and machinery, horses and
mules, cattle, hogs, etc., for
isale. Inquire at Mohitor office
for details.
____ i
Fred M. Harris
Attorney at Law
Atty at Law,
Ut Vernon, Georgia
wit wen-el
At 5 to 6 per tent, in Amounts of $10( 0
to SIOO,OOO, on Five to Tep Yt-in» time.
I represent one of the largest Life Insurance
Companies, with Unlimited Capital, and can
close loans on short order.
W. J. WALLACE, Soperton, Ga. i
i| *We Carry at all Times a Full 1
jiji and Complete Line of Coffins, Caskets |
; and Funeral Supplies, including Metallic f
Lined and all Metal Caskets.
1 We Pay Strict Attention to All Details 1
Phone No. 25. SOPER I ON, GA. j:
vvmvmvmvrrvvmnn * TfvvnnTvr»fVfwmmfv«
l ON «
> ,
l Ini] roved Treutlen, Montgomery and <
S Toombs County Lands