The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, January 20, 1921, Image 7
WET FST BRING COUGHS HNS COLDS Until entirely rid of a cough or cold, look out They are a source of danger. Just a few doses of Pp-ru-na HJJ 9 B raff A Two generations have known taken soon after exposure or or p B |w u 9 iTg JH PE-KU-NA and its astonish first manifestation of trouble 9 9 II ■ 9 IVH ing success in the relief of will usually break a cold or " ™ *» 9 H 9 catarrhal diseases. The pro dissipate in a hurry the most per medicine to have on hand persistent cough. TtaWlil KfiSWO CnUtgEßCJßeiatdjf lor everyday ills. TABLETS OR LIQUID 1 SOLD EVERYWHERE KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE SI & e/ore Irrr\7o SPOONFULS of JACOBS’ Wk I LIVER SALT in a glass of hot !\ V ater before breakfast, keeps the r liver and kidneys active and the system foijagT f* WT K c'.eai — makes i>ou feel fit for a real 9 At your druggist's —generous bottles, 35c and 75c \ J9fl ® SEEDS THAT SUCCEED Bolgiano’s 1921 Catalog Sent free to all who ask for it. Bigger and better than ever, with beautiful colored covers and full of illustrations. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER To all who send 10c with their request for the catalog, we will send also one packet each of Bolgiano't Scarlet Globe Radish, Early Fortune Cucumber, New Stone To mato, Bolgiano’.H Feathcrbloom Asters, Bol ffiano’s Giant Flowered Zinnias, Capitol Waved Spencer Sweet Peas. A VALUABLE COUPON Sent you with this first order will be ac cepted as 25c cash payment when returned with any future order of SI.OO or more. F. W. BOLGIANO & CO., Washington, D. C. 1018 B St., N. W. The Nation’s Capital BARK OF TREE NOT WOOD Scientist Corrects an Impression Which Has Long Been More or Less Widely Held. Bark on trees and shrubs corre sponds with the skin on animals. But it isn’t wood, according to one scien tist, and it isn’t formed as wood is >rmed. It covers the wood, and it is * generally an easy matter to separate the bark from the wood. Hemp and jute and flax are all bark —the outside covering of certain vegetable growths. Bark is composed of three layers of tissue. The inside layer conducts food to the plant, and under a magnifying glass is seen to be made up of tiny fibers. Then there is the “green zone,” as it is called, and this also is fibrous and helps feed the plant. The out side layer is cork, and is really dead. That is, these cork cells develop and die immediately, so one really sees only a dead tree when he looks at the bark. The cork of commerce is the bark of a certain kind of tropical tree, but the outer layer of bark of all trees is technically known as cork, and the little cells going to make it up are called cork. Every man pays for what he gets— either in scorn or self-respect. Yes, Jimmy, the middle aisle is the most satisfactory bridal path. .......... • .......... I ... .. r~ . .... ——a——— Boil lour Postum fully fifteen minutes whenyou use Postom Cereal Then there results a drink of de licious flavor which many prefer to coffee. Postum is more eco nomical and healthful than coffee Another form, Instant Postum, is made by adding hot water to a teaspoonful in the cup. The drink, may be made strong or mild to suit individual taste GROCERS EVERYWHERE SELL BOTE KINDS Made by Postum Cereal Co. Inc., Battle Greek,Mich. IsllPPij \ fiJr' 0 I | By praising men and flattering wom -1 en one can acquire many fair weather r friends. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who are in a "run down” condt* tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are In good health. This fact proves that while Catarrh is a local disease, it is greatly influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE is a Tonic and Blood Purifier, and acts through the blood upon the mucous surfaces of the body, thus reducing the inflammation and restoring normal conditions. All druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Why He Stayed. Lieutenant Governor Channing Cox of Massachusetts, discussing the high cost of living in France, said the other day: “In Paris, you know, a good pair of shoes fetched SSO, and a good meal about as much. “Well, a young lawyer started on a i brief vacation trip to Paris in June, j and he long overstayed his time. On 1 his return in late September a friend who knew he was none too flush, said to him: “ ‘Why did you remain so long in Paris, Jim?’ “ ‘My friends kept me there,’ Jim answered. “‘Your friends? Why, Jim. I didn’t know you had any friends in Paris.’ “‘I haven’t. My friends are all in < Oshkosh, and they refused to lend me any money.’ ” Just to Impress Him. A Jpw in Russia was ordered twenty strokes with the knout. The whipping man was also a Jew, so the other was able to “square” the affair for 20,000 roubles. It was arranged that the one should merely crack Ills whip while ttie other screamed. This was done nineteen times —but the twentieth stroke was genuine. “Why did you do that?” cried the victim. i “To let you realize what a hargain you have got.” the other said. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR, MT. VERNON, GEORGIA. PARCEL POST DELIVERS EGGS TO DOOR OF CITY CONSUMERS One Big Advantage of the Parcel Post Is That One Package or Many May Be Sent. If the rural delivery is at your door, the city market is there for your small produce, say specialists of the United States Department of Agriculture. At present many producers are neglect ing entirely this marketing medium or are not utilizing it to the extent they might. Wider use of the parcel post for marketing eggs is particularly ad visable for the small producer who can easily and advantageously build up a direct trade with the city. When more produce is marketed directly from the farm to the city there will he less complaint on the part of the producer that the prices he must sell for are too low, and less on the part of the consumer that the prices lie pays are too high. Sell Only First-Class Eggs. It is preferable to produce infertile eggs for market/ as fertile eggs de teriorate rapidly in warm weather and are the cause of much loss. The eggs should he gathered at least once a day and stored in a well-ventilated place, where they can be kept as cool as pos sible. As washing removes the muci laginous coating of eggs and opens the. pores of the shell, it should not be practiced in the case of eggs intended for high-class trade. Soiled eggs should be used at home or disposed of otherwise than to a parcel-post cus tomer. If there is any doubt concerning the freshness or quality of the eggs, they should be candled, so that all eggs showing any defect may be held at home, say poultry specialists of the United States Department of Agricul ture. For parcel-post shipment it is . essential that uniform containers nnd I a uniform pack should be used, as oth | erwise the packages will not wear ! well, nor will they look attractive and i appeal to the fancy trade. Further | more, the containers should be stout and durable, so as to make it wortli while to return them as “empties” for subsequent use. According to post office regulations, eggs will be accepted for local deliv- COMPOST HEAP MADE FROM GARDEN WASTE Organic Rubbish of All Kinds Especially Suitable. Start by Laying Down Bed of Stable Manure and Alternating With Refuse Matter—Especially Val uable for Hotbeds. Garden waste, decayed vegetables, dead vines, weeds, and the organic rubbish that collects about the place during a busy summer may be cleaned up and put to work again through the agency of a compost heap, say spe cialists of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture. Start the heap by laying down a bed of stable ma nure which has not been burned or heated. The size of the plot will vary with the amount of refusfe to be used; for ordinary uses, if the bed is made eight feet long by six feet wide and two feet deep it will servo the pur pose. Over the manure spread a two foot layer of refuse and cover with anoth r layer of manure. This last layer need tie only a foot in thickness. If it is desired to add to the heap from time to time the top layer may he opened and the new material emp tied into the hole thus made. This is convenient for the suburban home where there is no animal to consume the kitchen waste. In the spring the heap is well mixed with a fork and tlie compost Is ready to he spread on the garden plot. The heating manure will effectively destroy any weed seed present and will also break down the structure of most of the materials that have been thrown upon the pile. The process may be continued Indefi nitely by simply adding enough ma nure to insure heating. Compost is' especially valuable for use In hotbeds and cold frames. GIVE BIRDS CONSIDERATION Little Songsters Are Friends of Farm er and Should Be Looked After in Winter. Birds as friends of agriculture are entitled to consideration from the 'armers. When the snows come the birds find it difficult to make a liv ing. Crumbs and suet placed out doors may save bird lives. cry when they are so packed in a basket or other container ns to pre vent damage to other mail matter. Eggs to he sent beyond the local olfico are accepted for mailing, regardless of distance/ when each egg Is wrapped separately and surrounded with ex celsior, cotton or other suitable mate rial and packed in a strong container made of double-faced, corrugated pasteboard, metal, wood or other suit able material and wrapped so that nothing can escape from the package. All such parcels must he labeled “Eggs.” Eggs in parcels weighing mox-e than 20 pounds are accepted for mailing to offices in the first and sec ond zones when packed in crates, boxes, buckets or other containers having tight bottoms to prevent the escape of anything from the package and so constructed as properly to pro tect the contents. Such packages must be marked “Eggs—This Side Up” and must be transported outside of mail sacks or boxes. It is advisable that square block tis sue paper, which comes in packages of 500 sheets each, soft, wrapping paper, or newspaper should he used around each egg, as otherwise there is n dan ger of breakage in handling. Average hens’ eggs will weigli about two ounces apiece, or between two and three pounds a dozen, when properly packed for mailing in a carton. Most parcels containing a dozen eggs will exceed two pounds, but will not roncli three; therefore the postnge on them will be 7 cents within the first and second zones, or 150-mile limit. A parcel containing two dozen eggs will add, perhaps, 2 cents to the postage, though sometimes only 1 cent, depend ing on the character of the container and wrapper. Ship Large-Size Packages. The larger the parcel, within the size and weight limits, the cheaper Is the postage, as the first pound of every package costs 5 cents within the first nnd second zones, while each addition al pound, up to 50, costs hut 1 cent. * -i— —4- WEEDS ARE INJURIOUS Weeds are Injurious to man in the following ways: 1. They crowd out the growing crop. 2. They consume the moisture necessary for a crop. 8. They consume the mineral or other food elements essential to a crop. 4. They pull down a crop. 5. They are injurious because they harbor insects. 6. They are injurious because they har bor parasitic fungi. 7. • They prevent the proper cultivation of she soil. 8. They may cause conditions which breed diseases. 9. They may poison the soil. 10. They stop drains. 11. They poison animals and man.—Prof. L. H. I’amrael, lowa State Col lege. 4* ■■ * URGE TESTING OF SEED CORN Even When Carefully Selected and Stored It Should Be Tested Be fore Planting. Even where seed corn has been carefully gathered and stored It should be thoroughly tested in the spring before planting. The best way to do this is to make a seed corn test ing box and test 100 ears separately. Each kernel that is tested must he perfect, and not injured at the tip when It Is removed from the ear. Hand-shelling will give much fewer in jured tips than machine shelling, and should he used with ail seed corn. If three or more kernels out of ten from any one ear fall to grow It will be wise to test every ear In the entire supply of seed. If the 100 tested ears show no poor ones, further testing of the supply Is unnecessary. PROPER CLUTCH LUBRICATION Truck Operator Will Do Well to Uae Oil Recommended by Manu facturer of Vehicle. One rule the truck operator will be well advised to cling to as regards the lubrication of the disk clutch, and that is always to use the brand of oil recommended by the maker of the vehicle. The truck clutch shoulders a heavy burden at best and absolutely correct lubrication is essential to es fioient operation of continued serv ice. a.^MKJspiOTnnii KmMWet Contents 15Pluld Drachd Ij £1 ■% I II || I ffl {jQQQjJSSjj] J For Infants and Children. §|§ STirfripii Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria BifIIIALCOHOL-3 PERCENT. I A1 g U IS! I by Rc^ula- J J % PI Bears t* lo //fir I® Signature / B*.2Wj i Cheerfulnessandßcsttoto'® # IV Ali fefv 1 neither Oplmn.Morphinenoti Q r /l\ IH . E SMBi .J Mineral. KotNAHCOTK UI (iMIT iLgliMr A r Use ißglgr For Over iOISJ Tliir, » Tears iggcmw Exact Copy of Wrapper. the centaur company, new York city. l Their Use. The Artful Fabulist. “Courtroom (loots ought to bo made “Do you export people to believe all on a liberal scule.” this tominyrot about dumb a.iimnls en “ Why so?” gaging in Intelligent conversation?" “Because they are Intended to be “No,” replied Aesop. “But you can’t open to conviction.” get people Interested when you offer to tell them simple facts. The only way Constipation generally Indlrsli*s disordered ... 0,./>i,pa tlioli* vlucere niwl unfitvlfloil stomach, liver and bowels. Wright's Indian 10 lire IIUII SIIKIH 1111(1 unUIVldeU Vegetable puia restore regularity without attention Is (o make believe you aro griping. Adv. __ going to tell ’em a whopper.” • Be just yourself, and you will never be unjust to your friends. Just ®°- “That rich florist lias a burrel of The balance of trade Is not always money.” a political platform scale. “Yes; a regular flower barrel.” [iKuTTh^Tc^ldWith CASCARA Ej QUININE FOR AND Colds, Coughs ~OM\ V La Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippe in 3 days—Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the head—Cascara ia best Tonic Laxative—No Opiate in Hill’s. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Now t.lien; Is a new ailment for the doctors to combat: undereating. WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND SWAMP-BOOT For many years druggists baTe watched with much interest the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medi cine. It is a physician’s prescription. Swamp-Root is a strengthening medi cine. It heips the kidneys, liver and blad der do the work nature intended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood the test of years. It is sold by all druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other kidney medicine has so many friends. Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.—Adv. A dozen men may make a club, but one woman can make a home. Dealer! everywhere sell Overalls, Jumoen and Uniforms made of Stifel’e Indigo Cloth. We sre makers of the cloth only.f J. L. STIFEL & SONS. Indigo Dyers and Printers Wheeling. W Va. 260 Church Street. New York J ! (iKKAT FUN PROIiI CINO NOVKI.TY—M» Hpookendyke. Price 26c postpaid. J. C. KELLER, E. B. 81, HO. CHICAGO. ILL. . Agent h Wanted—Make Rood money coiling 1 hosiery for men, women, children direct from t mill to wearer. Full information. Economy Hoaiery Mills, to ox 02, Chattanooga, Term. Neat Appearing Woman who will serve as seamstress, odd times for their community, flood easy money. Htamp for particulars. I Inventor Improved Garment* Doyleetown, Pa. 1 SPECIAL FOR WHOLE FAMILY. Write for picture description of late style Invented t shirt. women can adopt. STOVER KHATZ, . DOYLBHTOWN, PA. AO ENTS WANTED—MAKE HOOD MONEY Helling hoaiery ffir men, women afid thlldren. . Direct from mill to wearer. Write for full Information KCONOMY HOSIERY MILLS, - P. O. Box 02, Chattanooga, Tenn. ' LOOK! At TOMOIUI.K I'AINTKKS: Remove paint 1 hr.; wash off with hose. Formula sl. , K. Armstrong, 208 Monroe, Camden, Ark. mam: *i to sm ri;u 1101 it sii vki-i.mno r RAZORS.' Big demand for expert#. Keep your own In perfect condition. My illus , I trated booklet, result of 20 years’ experience, ' leaches you to hone ami strop correctly; 600 I postpaid. No stamps It. 11. BAUCH, 704 , Holt Ave., MACON, OA. MFN fcoarantue to teach you the Barber Trade; L scholar* complete In 4 weekn; income while I learning; we own snoph; paring positions gnaran ieed. JacksonvilleHurbcrtJollegc, Jackson vi lie, Fl*. I HOSI PROOF < A Hit AO L PLANTS. Htate Inspected. 40c hundred, $1.60 for 600, $2.60 I thousand, prepaid Special prices dealers, j Strawb’ry plants, $1 100, $4.60 600, $8 1.000. Prepaid. Murray Plant Farm, Selma, Ala.