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r\or\tgorr\ery r\or\itor.
Entered at the Postoffice .. Mt. Vernon, Ga. as Hecond-Class Mail Matter.
It B. FOLSOM. Editor and Owner. si.S® * Year, in Advance.
or Lors! advertisements mu-; -lily be paid in advance, at the leftal rate, and ae the law
direct*; and must he in hand not lat> • than Wednesday morning of the Brut week of insertion
Mount Vernon. Ga.. Thursday Morning, March 31, 1921.
A headline in one of I' e weekly
papers refers to an *l. tto aid
the boys of Egypt. T! se boys
are probably descend of the
crowd that treated I s boys
pretty roughly sort • it • -. 'ids
of year’s ago. Hut i ,it may
not be too late toi j j ' ; dden
Coal prices are dov» n. Natural
ly—with summer in sight. Blan
kets and overcoats will doubtless
follow suit. Nothing but summer
rigging and fixments appeal to
us now —and this includes straw
hats, seersucker breeches, fishing
tackle, and a straight path to the
Notice how much stress is put
on the capacity of a blind tiger
still when one is captured? A
little more stress, in tt. form of
stripes, should be put i the own
er or operator, whetbt r big or
little. Little tigers g< rw rally
grow into big ones, and all sizes
are dangerous.
Still a little chilly, hut not
enough to endanger the peach
crop according to the weather
man. There is something wrong
with a weather man who puts
bad mouth on peaches at this
season of the year. Houston
county peach growers have prob
ably keut the frost beacons burn
U. S. Senator Thomas Watson
and Governor-elect Th mas W.
Hardwick have accepted an in
vitation to speak at Union City
July 4th, and the sf at-large
has been invited. I'n ision for
the feast includes 10,0(10 i it fish,
to be fattened for the event, to
say nothing of 1000 urn io fried
chickens. Pretty t< mpting occa
Recent census figures indicate
a remarkable increase in the fe
male population of Georgia. In
crease in numbers, in greater
proportion to the men, and with
enlarged political powers, just
about puts the gentlemen in the
minority. However, a modest,
meek-eyed man may be of sonu
service to his country, if he is
given the opportunity. Ordinari
ly our sympathies are still with
In the death of John Burroughs
America has lost one of its best
known and most lovable charac
ters. He was a naturalist, rich
in experience and super-gifted in
his profession. It was his art to
catch the warble of the birds and
behold the inner beauties of na
ture and transmit them to his
fellowmen. He was nature’s
friend, and in return nature
seems to have endowed him with
gifts and years in which to prac
tice them,* both for himself and
for his fellowmen.
From Atlanta comes an inquiry
for cowpeas, to be sold by the
farmers to fill a large order from
outside the state—just what state
it is not stated. At first blush
this sounds good to the farmer,
provided he had plenty of peas
and the price offered was satis
factory. But looking at the prop
osition from another angle, it
would appear that the farmer
who has peas on hand should
first reserve for his own use an
ample supply for this year’s crop.
As a matter of fact, hundreds of
Southern farmers annually buy
seed peas, when it would have
cost them but little to have saved
them. The farmer, of course,
has right to sell as much of his
product as he chooses, and this is
merely a suggestion that he keep
for his use such products as he
really aeeds. t
Uncle Sam and John Bull have
| lately been discussing the dis
armament question —just casually
-and not definitely enough for
either to take the initiative.
They are both probably too mod
est to do anything rash.
Should Give Attention
Spraying Peach Trees.
Press Bulletin No. 94 of the
Georgia Experiment Station
j pointed out the danger to the
peach crop from brown rot spores
: produced by the fungus living in
mummied fruits and twig cank
ers on the trees.
Examination of peach twigs
collected at Fort Valley March
18th showed that some of the
blossoms had been attacked by
the brown rot fungus. These
blossoms were brown and shrivel
ed, and the calyces showed no
indication of separating from the
fruit, while the calyces of healthy
blossoms had cracked preparatory
to being shed. Tufts of brown
rot spores had developed on the
calyces of some of the blighted
In an old peach orchard at the
Georgia Experiment Station,
examination disclosed as many
as three or four blighted blos
soms on twigs twelve to eighteen
inches long. These blighted
blossoms were also producing
numerous brown rot spores.
The finding of brown-rot blos
som-blight on peach trees at
about the same time as at widely
separated places as Fort Valley
and Griffin indicates that blos
som blight is widespread this
spring, and that brown rot has
already begun to reduce Georgia’s
peach crop for this season.
The fact that the calyces or
"shucks” on healthy fruits in
two sections of the state are
cracked and shedding indicates
that it is time to begin spraying.
Growers should begin the fight
on both brown rot and curculio
at once by putting on a combined
spray which includes both an in
secticide and a fungicide.
The first summer spray at the 1
Georgia Experiment Station is
being peach trees March 21st, in !
the form of self-boiled lime sul- 1
phur and arsenate of lead. By i
coating the healthy fruits and 1
leaves with this combined spray
they will be protected from at- ;
tacks by the numerous brown J
rot spores, and from curculio.
In order to save this year’s
peach crop, growers thruout the j
state south of Atlanta should !
arrange to spray their peach
trees at once.
J. A. McClintock,
Physiologist. <
Sheriff Sale. '
Georgia- Montgomery County.
Will Ik* sold before the court house door in Mt. t
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Apr., 1921, between l
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for 1
caah, certain property, of which the following is a 1
complete description: j
All of that muff or parcel of land 1
-Hunted, lying and being in the 275th 5
District U.M.of Montgomery coun- i
ty. Georgia, bounded on the north by '
lands belonging to Henry Reid; oil '
the cast by lands belonging to Wiley i
Sharpe; on tlie south by lands be
longing to Harold Gibbs and on the
west by lands belonging to Walter H.
and J. Ji'tT McArthur and containing (
three (8) acres of land, more or less; >
and being tlie same tract of land con- i
voyed to Arrena Ashford by Sam 1
Ashford by warranty deed dated Au- *
cost Sth. 1918. as shown by the record i
of said deed in Hook No. 21. folio 068 j
of the records of Deeds of Montgom- j
cry county, Georgia, said land levied 1
on to satisfy the within tax execu- 1
1 ion issued by H. C. Davis, tax col - j
lector against the said Arrena Ash- 1
lord for state and county taxes for j
the year 1910, and found in the pos- ,
session of tlie defendant. This the
Ist day of March, 1921.
E. E. Burch, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia- Montgomery County.
Will Ik? sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tueiday in April, 1921, be- 1
t wet n the leira) hours of sale, to the highest bidder 1
for cash, certain property, of which the following J
is a complete description:
Fifty acres of land, to be carved from the south
east comer of a tract of IS6 acres located in the
h'o4th G. M. district of said county, end bounded
north and west by lands of W. H. Smith, south by
lands of Jim N'clendon and on the west by lands
of A. B. Hutcheson. Levied on and will be sold
as the property of W. H. Smith to satisfy a tax i
tfa issued by H. C. Davis, tax collector, vs W. H. I
Smith, for state and county taxes for the year i
l l .O'. Written notice of levy in terms of the 1
• law. This the Bth day of March. 1921. i
1 E. E. Burch, Sheriff. J
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be aold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in April, 1921, between
the lefta! hours of sale, to the highest bidder for ;
ceah. certain property, of which the followinglia a
complete description:
Lot No. 4 in Block No. 4, fronting 66 feet on
Moses street and running back 155 feet to an
alley: also Lot No. 7 in Block No. 4, fronting
66 feet on Broad street and extending hack
155 feet to an alley, in the Town of Uvalda,
and in the 275th G M. district of said county.
Levied on and will be sold as the property of
Jas. M. Davis to sati-fy a tax fi fa issued by
H. C. Davis, tax collector, vs Jas. tt. Davis,,
for state and county taxes for the year 1920.
Written notice of levy given. This the Bth
day of March, 1921. ' E. E. Burch, .Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in April, 1921, between
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following is a
complete description:
Thirty acres of iaml carved from the south
west corner of a tract of 200 acres located iA
the 1567th G. M- district of said county and
bounded on the north and east bv the remain
der of said tract of 200 acres of D. C. Morris,
on the south by lands of 8. D. Morris and
Ben Morris and on the west side by lands of
Ben Morris. KaiJ described tract levied on
and will be sold as the property of D. C. Mor
ris to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by H. C. Davis,
tax collector, vs D. C. Morris, for state and
county taxes for the year 1920. Written no
tice given of levy. Tiiis the Sth day of March,
1921. E. E. Burch, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in April, 1921, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
Twenty acres of land more or less,
situate, lying and being in the 1781st
district (4. M. of said county and
state, and bounded as follows: North
by lands of Toney Phillips and Hob
Collins, east by lands of Ruthie
Adams, west by Lucy Phillips and
south by lands of Mary J. Blocker.
Levied on and will be sold as the
property of Catharine Mosley to
satisfy a flfa issued by H. C. Davis,
tax collector, vs Catharine Mosley,
for state and county taxes for the
year 1920. Levy made and returned
to me by H . W. Higgerstaff, special
bailiff, and written notice given.
This the Ist day of March, 1921.
E. E. Burch, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia.—Montgomery County.
Will be Bold before the court house door in
Mount Vernon on the first Tuesday in April,
1921, between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, certain property, of
hwich the following is a complete description:
Fifty acres of land carved from the northern
part ot a tract of 224 acres located in the 275t1i
G. M. district of said county, bounded on the
west by lands of Lizzie and Emma Morris and
Darien and Dublin public road, on the soutli
by the remainder of said tract of 224 acres of
A. M. Moses, bounded east by Lambert’s
Creek, and on the north by latidß of Mrs.
Alary E. Foskey, being the place on which J.
F, Mills now resides. Levied on and will be
sold as tiie property of A. M. Moses to satissy
a tax tifa in favor of H. C. Davis, tax collector,
vs A. M. Moses, for state and county taxes tor
the year 1920. Written notice of levy given.
Tiiis the Sth day of March, 1921.
E. E. Burch, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in April, 1921, between
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain propsrty, of which the following is a
complete description:
Thirty acres carved front the northwest
corner of a tract of 149- 9-10 acres located in
the 1567th G. M. district of said county hound
ed on the north by lands of Mrs. C. L All
mond and Braxton Smith, east and soutli by
the remainder of said above described tract of
Mrs, Effio Smith, on the west by lands of
Mrs. C. L. Allmond. Levied on and will be
sold as the property of E. D. Smith, agent,
for state aud county taxes for tile year 1920.
Written notice of levy given. This the Bth
day of March, 1921. E. E. llnrch. Sheriff'.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in April, 1921, between
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following is a
complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying
and being in the 16915 t (9. M. district of suit!
county aud bounded on the north bv lands of
Leader & Bosausky, east by lands of J. H.
Williamson, south by lands of Carson Naval
Stores Co. and on the west by lands of D. H.
Phillips. Said tract containing one hundred
acres. Levied on and will be sold as the
property of Mrs. J. A. Memory to satisfy a tax
fi fa in favor of H. C. Davis, lax collector, vs
J. A. Memory, agent, for state and county
taxes for the year 1920. Written notice of
levy given in terms of the law. This the Btli
day of March, 1921.
E. E. Burch, Sheriff'.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia- Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in April. 1921, be
tween the letral hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following:
is a complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land situated, lyinpr
and being in the 275th district G. M. of said coun
ty containing thirty-five and 4-5 acres, more or
less, and hounded on the north by a branch, east
by Eliza Gray, south by 1. Q. Coleman (the Darien
and Dublin public road being the line) and west
by J. A. Hall, and being the tract on which the
dwelling and other buildings of said D. Q. Cole
man are located. Levied on and will be sold as
the property of D. Q. Coleman to satisfy a tax fifa
issued by H. C. Davis, tax collector, vs D. Q. Cole
man for state and county taxes for the year 1920.
Written notice given. This the Bth day of March,
1921. E. E. Burch, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in April, 1921, between
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following is a
complete description:
Seventy-five acres of land, tobecarved from the
northeast corner of a tract of 200 acres in the
1781st G. M. district of said county, bounded on
the north by lands of Mrs. Almedia Davis and J.
C. Williamson, east by J. H. Williamson* south
and west by the remainder of the 200 acre tract of
Mrs. Sadie Williamson. Levied on and will be
sold as the property of Mrs. Sadie Williamson to
satisfy a tax fi fa issued by H. C. Davis, tax col
lector, vs Mrs. Sadie Williamson, for state and
county taxes for the year 1920. Written notice of
levy given as required by law. This the Sth day
of March, 1921.
E. E. Burch, Sheriff.
Building Material.
Best grades of Rough Lumber,
Framing, Sills, etc., cut on short
notice. Mill six miles north of
ML Vernon. See or phone
Jas. VV. Adams,
1113tf Mt. Vernon, Ga.
hear from owner of farm or good
land for sale for fall delivery.
L. Jones, Box 551, Olney, 111.
j Petition for Removal Disabilities, j
! Georgia—Montgomery County.
To whom it may concern :
Lee Price hereby gives notice I
that at the May term of superior i
court of said county, to be held ]
on the first Monday in May, 1921. j
he will apply to said court by pe- ,
tition to lie relieved of Lia disa- !
jbilities placed upon him by the j
| verdict of the jury in the case of |
Lee Price vb E. <J. Price, in a auit j
for divorce by Lee Price against !
E. C. Price, tried at the August i
term, IDIB, of said court, wheu a
total divorce waß granted between l
the parties, and petitioner. I-ee ]
Price, was left under the disability ]
of not being allowed to marry i
again, and Lee Price publishes j
this notice as required by law. ij
This the 7th day of March, 1921. I
Lee Price. ; ]
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before thecmirt house ]
door in Mt. Vernon on the first,Tues- j
day in April. 1921,-between the legal :
hours of sale, to the highest bidder j 1
for cash, certain property, of which I j
the following is a complete descrip j i
All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying ! |
and being in the 275th G. M. district ol said j !
county, containing 10! 1-4 acres more or less j |
bounded north by lands of Mrs. Elizi Gray i
and A. J. Moseley, on the soutli and west by j
lands of I. Q. Coleman and on the east by I
lands of A. J. Mosley, the same being the j
land conveyed to Alice Whipple by I. Q. I
Coleman under warranty deed recorded in ]
Deed book 19, page 417 of the records of the i
clerk’s office of said county, to .which refer- |
ence is made for more detailed description, i
Levied on and will be sold as the property of i
Mrs. Alice Whipple to satisfy a tax li fa issued j
by H. C. Davis, tax collector, for her state and
county taxes for the year 1920. Written no
tice of levy given: This the Bth day of ,1/areb,
1921. E. E. Burch, Sheriff.
Year’s Support.
Georgia Montgomery County.
The appraisers appointed upon
the application of J. M. Phillips,
administrator of Mrs. Mary Ann
Blount, late of said county de- I
ceased, for a twelve months sup-j ,
port ont of the estate ot O. P. i
Blount, having filed their return, ij
persons concerned are hereby cited ! <
to show cause, if auy they have,! ]
at the next regular April term of
this court why said application
should not be granted. This the
7th duy of March, 1921.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary
Highest Prices Paid »
for Live Stock.
We are constantly in the mar
ket for cattle and hogs. Many
years experience qualifies us to
offer superior advantages to the j i
producers of this section. We <
are in position to handle yourji
business in a most satisfactory
manner. Get our prices. 1
W. D. & C. W. Peterson,
9192 m Ailey, Ga
Civil Engineers and
Surveyors }
Dublin and Mt. Vernon
' .'«" I I
There ere snore i —» 3 JO.CCO Ford cars in daily service throughout the J I
world, and iui • eig.-y j:. r cent of these are Ford Touring Cars. There are many f I
reasons for this, u. _ ■1 ~ c; which is the simplicity in the design of the car, f
so easy to u 1 : like ---he it i easy to operate, and mighty inexpensive, f f
compared to other r.oi or err:. The maintenance expense is low, and it has won i j
an unparalleled reputation for sci tisfcicuory c err ice curing the past sixteer years. 1 I
On the farm, in the city, for business end for family pleasure, it is the car of the
r op’e, and the demand is increasing every day. Let us f I
... lave year order promptly if you want one. We can supply * ; f
! you with most everything la motor ccr accessories, and we '
I GSgjltr.i' " ; F- r."-'ure you : ermine "'or 1 Parts and skilled workmen in our
V/- 5 - reoair service. ~e fair v;lth your car and it will give you
' 1 . full value.
i‘ P. J. McNatt 1
> *▼▼▼▼▼▼ rV*TTYir¥WTTTTTTTTT« tmfTTTTimmTTmTTTy?
> ' «
As reported to the State Bank Examiner at the close *
t of business June 30, 1920. J
l :
f> 4
Loans and Investments 321,658.60 2
l Rank Bldg, and'Fixtures 18,000.00 2
t Cash due from Banks and 2
► F. S t Govt. Securities 73,303.06 2
\ Total 412,961.66 \
l Capital Stock 25,000.00 \
► Surplus and Profits 39,047.96 \
* Dividends due 24.00 \
► Total Deposits 348,889.70 «
t Total 412,961.66 :
► *
► - *
E 2
5* 4
N. L. GILL IS, Sr.. President. J. E. Hall, V.-President and Cashier 4
J. B. O CONNER, Vice-President. I, H. Hall, Jr., Assistant Cashier
Depository for United States, State of Georgia, Treutlen 2
%. County and City of Soperton. J
a* 4
Statement of the Condition of
The Citizens Bank,
Located at Alston, Ga., at the Close of Business March 28, 1921:
J’iiiie Loans 147,423 04 Capital Stock Paid in SIS,OOO 00
B inds) and stocks owned Dy the Surplus Fund 1,000 03
listitlc 900 00 Individual deposits subject to check
Banking house 2,500 00 Time Certificates 3,640 40
Furniture and fixtures 2,500 00 Cashier’s checks 269 69
Cush in vault and amount Bills payable, including time certifl
deposited in banks 4,078 91 cates rep. bor. money 30,000 00
Profit and Loss 6 37
Total * $57,408 32 Total $57,4.08 82
State of Georgia—County of Montgomery.
Before me came E S. Marlin, cashier of The Citizens Bank of Alston, who, being duly
sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank as shown
by the books of file in said Bank. E. 8. MARTIN.
.Sworn to and subscribed before me this 28th day of .March, 1921.
H. U. Mcßride, If. P. M. C., Ga.
Monumental Work.
We carry a complete line of
monuments. Please call at yards
and inspect designs, get esti
mates, etc.
Vidplia Monument Co.,
ts Vidalia, Ga.
Cypress Shingles.
I have on hand an unlimited t
number of hand-drawn number
one cypress shingles for sale. See
me at once. A. B. Hutcheson,
1016tf Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Farm Loans
LoaDs on Improved Farm Lands
in Montgomery and Wheeler
Couuties. Interest rate 6 per ct.
Reasonable commission. I can
handle good propositions for col
ored people owning farm lands.
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Wire Fencing.
Carload American Wire Fence
just received. Standard sizes.
Mt. Vernon Mercantile Co.,
Mt. Vernon, Ga.