The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, March 31, 1921, Image 5
A PROFIT IN HAY MAKING Farmers Can Own Modern Machinery on Co-opera tive Plan. While we 'are seeking relief from overproduction of cotton and tobacco, let’s also seek relief from the underproduction of hay. We have just seen five wagons in a row hauling Western hay to Southern farms! Never has there been so invit ing an opportunity for growing an adequate supply of hay for all home needs as now. A surplus is needed. Good prices are paid for good hay. Our standards of hay have too long been based up on the standards of other sec tions. We do not realize that we can produce in kind, quality,, and quantity better hays than the North and West have been selling us at high prices. Hay-making invites co-opera tion, especially in harvesting and baling on the small farm. Mow ing machines, hay rakes, and hay presses may or may not be economically owned by the in dividual small farmer, but they may be very profitably owned by a group of farmers and be of all the service to each farmer that they would be if he were sole owner. A co-operatively owned baler should also mean co-opera tive mowing, raking, cocking, and hauling as well as baling, and when there is a surplus of hay, co-operative marketing. A hay press costs now about $125. Can the small farmer af ford to pav this much? Yes, he can. He can afford to pay for a press if he has the hay to be pressed. The cost of baling hay is balanced by the saving in storage space for the home sup ply and by the saving in cost of hauling and shipping marketed hay. A hay press with good care should last ten or more years. A $125 press will cost you $12.50 per year. Os course you can afford it. But this is not the plan we want you to follow. Suppose you join with four of your neighbors and jointly own and operate the press. Then the $125 press will cost you only $25 for its use *for ten years. This makes your press cost you $2.50 per year, plus upkeep and repairs, and by being progressive and by saving four-fifths of the cost for each co-operator, you at the same time remove one of the obstacles that has been in the way of produc ing your own hay. Is this worth thinking about?— Progressive Farmer. Cotton Seed. Three hundred bushels Toole’s Improved Cotton Seed Black Root Resistant. $1 per bushel. C. F. Ferrell, 317tf Mt. Vernon, Ga. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be snld before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in April, 1921, between the letral hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete description: One hundred and twenty-five acres of land in the 1654th G. M. district of said county, carved from the northern portion of an 828 acre tract owned by Jacob Beck worth, bounded north by Cypress Creek and lands of John Beck worth, east by lands of Geo. Beckworth and Warnock Bros and south by other lands of Jacob Beckworth. iLevied on and will be sold as the property of Ja cob Beckworth to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by H. C. Davis, tax collector, vb Jacob Beckworth. for gtate and county taxes for the year 1920. Written notice of levy given in terms of the law. This the Bth day of March, 1921. E. E. Burch, Sheriff. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in April, 1921. be tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidd-r for cash, certain property, of which the following Is a complete description: Fifteen acres of land to be carved from the southwest corner of a tract containing 50 acres, located in the 1757th G. M. district of said county, and bounded on the north and east by lands of Young Wright, south by lands of the estate of Ben Home and west by lands of J. M. D. Mc- Gregor. Levied on ond will be sold as the prop erty of Young Wright to satisfy a tax fifa issued by H. C. Davis, tax collebtor, vs Young Wright, for state and county taxes for the year 1920. Written notice of levy given in terms of the law. This the Bth day of March, 1921. E. E. Burch, Sheriff. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in Apr., 1921, beeween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property of which the following is a complete description: One hundred acres of land located in ths 1781st G. M. district of said county, carved from the northern portion of a tract of 168 acres owned by J. H. Williamson and bounded north by lands of Mrs. J. A. Memory, east by J. H. Williamson, south by J. H. Williamson, west by Mrs. J. A. Memory. Levied on as the property of J. H. Williamson to satisfy a tax fl fa issued by H. C. Davis, tax collector, vs J. H. Williamson, for state and aounty taxes for the year 1920. Written notice of levy given in terms of the law. This the Bth day of March, 1921. E. E. Burch, Sheriff. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house door In Mt. Vernon on the first Tues day iu April, 1921, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property of which the following is a complete descrip tion • One black mare mule, named Kate, weighing about 1000 pounds and about 10 years old; also one bay mare mule, named Per, about 12 years ola and weighing about 1000 pounds; also one top buggy, black body and red running gear, of the Columbus make. Levy made and transferred to the sheriff’s office by I. J. Davis, ex sheriff, to satisfy an execution issued by the superior court of said county in favor of The Vidalia Chemical Co. vs J. A. Cal houn. To be sold as property of J. A. Calhoun. Written notice of levy given in terms of the law. This the Ist day of March, 1921. E. E. Burch, Sheriff. W. M. Lewis, Atty. for Piffs. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in April, 1921, between the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for v cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete description: Fifty acres of land carved’ifrom the soutewest corner of a 260 3-10 acre tract in the 1781st G. m. district of said county, and hounded on the north by lands of W. T. Palmer, on the east by lands of W. T. Palmer and on the south and west by lands of Carson Naval Stores Co. Levied on and will be sold as the property of W. T. Palmer to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by H. C. Davis, tax collector, vs W. T. Palmer, for state and county taxes for the year 1920. Written notice of levy given in Lerms of the la £. This the Bth day of March, 1921. E. E. Burch, Sheriff. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery Coucty. Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in April, 1921, be tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete description. Eight and one-quarter acres of land more or less, located in the 275th G. M. district of said county, and bounded north by lands of W. P. Calhoun, east by J. B. Jones, south by Myrtle Moses and west by J. J. Moses, and known as the Lynn place. Levied on and will be sold as the property of Mrs. Mattie Lou Moses to satisfy a tax fifa issued by H. C. Davis, tax collector, vs Mrs. Mattie Lou Moses, for state and county taxes lor the year 1920. Written notice of levy given in terms of the law. This the Bth clay of March, 1921. E. E. Burch, Sheriff. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in April, 1921, between the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete description: All of that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the 275th District G. M. of Montgomery coun ty. Georgia, containing twenty-four (24) acres, bounded on the northeast by lands of the estate of Richard Farmer awarded to the Mount Ver non Bank in the division of his es tate; on the southeast by lands of H. Groher; and on the northeast by lands belonging to R. J. Waller, said tract of land being triangular in shape, and being the same twenty four (24) acres of land awarded to Easter Farmer by partitioned ap pointed by the superior court of said county to divide the lands of the es tate of the said Richard Fanner, as shown by the record of said proceed ings in Minutes number ten (10) folios 101-102-103 and 104 of the su perior court of Montgomery county, Georgia. Levied on and will be sold as the property of Easter Farmer to satisfy a fifa issued from the justice’s court of the 275th G. M. district of said county in favor of John Jay Mc- Arthur vs Easter Farmer, R. L. O’Neal, transferee. Pointed out for levy by plaintiff and written notice given in terms of the law. This the Bth day of March, 1921. E. E. Burch, Sheriff. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in April, 1921, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete description: Fifty acres of land carved from the south-east corner of a 250 acre tract in the 1757th G. M. dis trict of said county, and bounded on the north and west by lands of Mrs. Lula Turner, east by lands of Angus Morris et al., and south by lands of T. A. Peterson. Levied on and will be sold as the property of Mrs. Lula Turner to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by H. C. Davis, tax collector, vs Mrs. Lula Turner, for state and county taxes for the year 1920. Written notice of levy given in terms of the law. This the Bth day of March, 1921. E. E. Burch, Sheriff. LOANS ON FARM I LANDS. I Loans on improved farm lands of Montgomery County can be placed promptly at 5 l-2c in terest in amounts of SI,OOO and i above, with the privilege of re paying part of the principal at any interest bearing periods in amounts of SIOO or multiples thereof, thereby stopping the in ; terest on amount paid. Loans ! can be made for periods of 5, > or 10 years to suit the borrower. J Commissions charged are reason s able. M. B. Calhoun, ; Mt. Vernon, Ga, R. E. Ward, Soper ton, Ga. Seed Cane for Sale. 25,000 red seed cane. See I. C. S. Berner, 1 Rt. 1. Mt. Vernon, Ga. t Seed Peanuts. No. 1 Spanish Peanuts, sacked, ; 4 cents per lb. See 1 C. G. Thompson, 3174 Ailey, Ga. MONTGOMERY MONITOR—THURSDAY, MARCH 81, 1921. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be sold betore the court bouse door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues day in April, 1921, between the legal hours ot sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete descrip tion ; All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the 1757th G. M. district of said county and slate, containing twenty-three acres more or less, and bounded as follows: North by lands of Snooks & Co., east by lands of A. R. Hutcheson, south by Savannah public road and west by lands of Mrs. Hianca Isdale. Levied on and will be sold as the property of Mrs. I. M. Cooper to satisfy a iifa issued from the Justice Court of the 175711 iG. M. district in favor of H. H. Johnson vs Mrs. 1. M. Cooper. Levy made and returned to me bv W. A. Smith, constable, and written notice of levy given in terms of tile law. This the Ist day of March. 1921. E. FL Burch,Sheriff. Fred M. Harris, Atty. for PltL LOT FOR SALE. Residence lot, located in best part of Mtj Vernon, Inquire at Monitor of fice. Ice! Ice! Ice! Will supply Ailey and Mt. Ver non with ice, wholesale retail, during season. Calls answered promptly. W. A. SMITH, 2l7tf Ailey, Ga. To the Farmers of This Section: In order to assist the farmers of this section in the readjust ment of prices, we will pay cash for all country produce,' also, cattle and hogs. If you have anything for sale from eggs to cotton see us. J. Wade & Henry A Johnson, Mount Vernon, Ga. Plant Sweet Potatoes. We will be in the market for about 7000 bushels of Porto Rico potatoes this fall. It is time to begin preparing for this crop. For draws bed nothing but pure seed potatoes, free from disease, and treated with corrosive sub limate to kill all disease germs. If you buy draws, get them from reliable growers only. Don’t overlook the potato crop. It will give you a greater cash return per acre than cotton. It is sure and cotton is not. W. A. Peterson & Co., Mt. Vernon, Ga. Case Oil Tractor for Sale One kerosene Case Tractor, 15- 27 horse power. Also Disc Plow and Harrow. Fine outfiit for progressive farmer. For infor mation, inquire at Monitor office. Trespass Notice. This is to warn all persons against removing wood or timber of any kind from lands ot the un dersigned. This land has been fully posted, and from this date trespassers will have to answer to the sheriff of Montgomery county. Dec. 16, 1920. Mrs. H. B. Folsom. Heavy Machinery We have added to our plant a Heavy Welding. Machine Now prepared to do any form of Welding, Brazing or Cutting. It will suprise you to know the machinery and castings you can save by our welding. Come in and talk it over with us. HICKS BROTHERS Mt. Vernon, Ga. f If in Need of Money I t * i *• * * * £ t Come to See me at Once, f * * * Either Short or Long Term Loans. % # «- | | * MONEY IN BANK FOR SHORT TERM LOANS I J # * * * jjjj and can secure money on either Farm or City * * * J Property within Ten Days or Less # i | f IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY f * l * * See me at once, as I have clients now for both J & # #- * farm and city property in this section. * * Come to see me, or phone and I will call on you. £ t * mm-m-m* —m, t * fJ. Wade Johnson! * * I MT. VERNON I * * #** ** ********************* * **-*.* **-*•*,•** For Long Term Farm Loans, SEE A. B. HUTCHESON. I am negotiating some very attractive Long Term Farm Loauß for the best companies doing bus iness m Georgia, with lowest rates of interest and the most liberal terms of payments. I have several years experience in the loan business, am located at the county site and believe that j I am in position to give you the best terms and as prompt services as any one. ' If vou need a loan see me before application. A. B. Hutcsheon, Mt. Vernon, Ga. Mount Vernon Wood Yard W. A. GUYTON, Proprietor The Best Grades of Oak and Pine Wood, Cut to any Dimensions. Ready for the Stove or Fireplace. PROnPT DELIVERY AND FULL HEASURE, See me for prices. Yards near Mt. Vernon depot Dr. Elton S. Osborne specialty: EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT 19 Jones Street, East Savannah, Ga. Fred M. Harris Attorney at Law MT. VERNON, GA. M. B. CALHOUN Atty at Law, Mt Vernon, Georgia LOT FOR SALE. Very desir able residence lot in Mt. Vernon.. Apply at Monitor office. i —rTTTTTnmmaeflr,- ~ii MONEY TO LOAN ON MONTGOMERY |j | COUNTY FARMS. | At sto 6 per cent, in Amounts of SIOOO ! to SIOO,OOO, on Five to Ten Years time. I represent one of the largest Life Insurance ; ii 1 Companies, with Unlimited Capital, and can close loans on short order. CALL OR WRITE j|j W. J. WALLACE, \ Soperton, Ga. | COFFINS, CASKETS, FUNERAL SUPPLIES j We Carry at all Times a Full ; ijl and Complete Line of Coffins, Caskets j and Funeral Supplies, including Metallic j Lined and all Metal Caskets. I FREE HEARSE SERVICE We Bay Strict Attention to All Details I j| SUMNER & SAMMONS I : Phone No. 25. ’ SOPERTON, GA. jj •fvvTvvvvfvf?vfTfyvvm?vv*mvfvvfvvvfvmmTVTm» [farm loans! ► ON 2 J < X Improved Treutlen, Montgomery and \ ► 4 ► Toombs County Lands : QUICK ACTION ATTRACTIVE TERMS < j GILLIS & HALL . ► SOPERTON, GA. 2 )► 4 • AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaa •