The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, March 31, 1921, Image 8
2? MR. FARMER, WHICH WILL YOU FEED THIS YEAR? IT IS NOW/TIME, .FOR YOU TO DECIDE | THIS OR THIS OR THIS 1 KNOW HIM. HE BELONGS TO THE SPECIES OF PEST WHICH MANY I HIGH ULTIMUS--179291 FARMERS HAVE BEEN SUPPORTING FOR YEARS—BOLL WEEVILS KING’S CREATOR-183581 gi And Which Will Fatten Your Bank Account? I A remedy Cor present conditions has been found, and it is easily within the grasp of the farmer and stock-raiser. | They realize, and (he public realizes, that by placing on the market sufficient new commodities, for which there is ready I sale, losses lor the past year can be offset. The farmer is the man to produce this commodity, and in doing this he settles 1 the problem, not only for himself, but for the consuming public. Therefore, he must grow the most profitable crop or § commodity—a crop that can he grown twice a year, from the same acreage and at the least expense. ‘ i Pure-bred hogs answer the question. There is nothing that equals it, in staple or food crops. The hog, of the 1 piopei l'| e, is a money-maker, beyond doubt. Come to see us and get details and approved plans for entering this fl profitable, and in fact, necessary industry, from which ready money is always available. §j j Richmond & McArthur I I AI LEY, GA. j LO_C A LS.j Rev. W. M. Blitch, pastor of the Methodist church in Vidalia, was among friends here one af ternoon last week. Mr. W. A. Smith, for the past year a resident of Ailey, has moved his family to Mt \ rnon. They are occupying the Hi*. s residence. Mr. Smith is engaged in the ice and fish business. Mr. W. C. Mcßae, after having been quite ill for the past ten days, is materially improved. Mr. N. Durham Cobb spent I Sunday and Monday in Milledge ville, Macon and other points in Central Georgia. Mrs. Spurgeon Bush of Dublin Bj)ent part of last week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. MeCrimmon. Mr. C. C. Wooten of Macon was here a few days ago. He is proprietor of the Wooten Marble i Co. of that city and e joys an extensive patronage. He is a grand-son of the late A. L. Adams of this county and is con nected with other prominent Montgomery county families. Mr. W. T. Hadden of Wheeler j county was a visitor here this this morning. Mrs. W. T. Stuckey of Glen wood came over Monday evening j to visit her mother. Mrs. R. F. Mcßae, for a few hours. Messrs. Clifford and Marvin Mcßride of Alston were business! visitors to Mt. Vernon this morn ing. Members of the Mt. Vernon bar have been attending W heolei superior court in Alamo this week. i Post Your Lands. Open your woodland to the pub lie and soon there will not be a ' stick of wood or timber on it ; Put the public on notice by post ing up printed notices. Get the | printed notices at The Monitor office, 10 cents each. Elaborate Program for Parent-Teacher Meeting. The regular meeting of the Mt. Vernon-Ailey Parent-Teacher Association will be held April oth. The subject is Psychology of Music and Art. The following program will be rendered: Community Music as a Social Force—Mrs. Wilt. Discussion: What Music Has Meant to Me—Mrs. M. B. Cal houn, Mrs. J. E. Hunt, Miss Lila : Riddle. Methods of Teaching Art Knowledge to Children —Mrs. Lessie Fox. Vocal Duet Mrs. Calhoun and Mrs. Hunt. The Value of School Room Decoration, Furniture Grounds, etc. —Miss Kennedy. I’iano Solo Miss Lila Riddle. The Value of the Study of Ex pression—Miss Burkhalter. y 'C I Sim'GTH SERVICE-SAV WOf Gil let tee Mileage is Guaranteed: Fabric, 6000 miles Cord, 8000 miles FORD PARTS l ull Line of {Staple and Famy Groceries, Soft Drinks, etc. H. C. DAVIS Mt. Vernon. Ga 1 MONTGOMERY MONITOR—THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1951. Tax Receiver’s Third Round. r I will be at the following points 1 on the dates named for the pur ’ pose of receiving state and coun-, ty taxes for the year 1921: ; Tarrytown, April 16, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. j I Tiger>Bridge. Apr. 18, 9 to 12 m. Kibbee, April 18, 1 to 4 p. m. ' Higgston, April. 19, 9 2p. m. . | McGregor, April 19, 3 to 4 p. m. l ; Longpond, April 20, 9 to 12 m. | Uvalda, Apr. 20, 1 to 4 p. m. 'Sharpe Spur, Apr. 21, 9 to 12 m. Alston. Apr. 21. 1 to 4 p. m. Ailey. Apr. 22, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. i Mt. Vernon, Apr. 23, 9 to 4 p. m. [ At Mt. Vernon all during court j | week when books will close, ! May 7. 1 . G. W. Coleman, T. R. M.C. Divorce Notice. Kate Scott vs Will Scott. Peti ! turn for Divorce in Montgomery Superior Court, May 'Perm, 1921. j To the Defendant. Will Scott: I The plaintiff, Kate Scott, hav | ing filed her petition for divorce against Will Scott, and it being made to appear that Will Scott is not a resident of said county, and I also that he does not reside with- J in the state, and an order having J been made for service on him by | publication, this is, therefore, to ) notify you, Will Scott, to be and [ appear at the next term of Mont- i gomery superior court, to be held ! j on the first Monday in May, 1921. i then and there to answer said j ! complaint. Witness the Honor able Eschol Graham, Judge of the i Superior Court. This the 22d dav j of March, 1921. J. E. Mcßae, Clerk. Sheriff Sale. Georgia— Montgomery County. , Will be sold before the court house door in Mount • Vernon on the first Tuesday in April, 1921. be- ! tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a full and complete description: Fifty acres of land, carved from the eastern j side of a tract of 150 acres in the 1668th G. M. dis- j trict of said county, bounded north by lands of D. O. Calhoun, oast by lands of J. D. Phillip’s estate south by lands of Elira Pitts and other lands of W. A. McLendon and on the west by lands of W. A. McLendon, being It he 50 acres described in I Deed book 22. page 53$ in Clerk’s office of said county, to which references made for more ac- I curate description. Levied on and will be sold as J the property of W. A. McLendon to satisfy a tax , fifa issued by H. C. Davis, tax collector, vs W. A. j * McLendon, for state and county taxes for the year I j 1990. Notice of levy given. This the Sth day of * j March. 16S1. E. E. Burch, Sheriff, j«: Official Bankruptcy Sale. Sale of stock of general merchandise and store fixtur es, consisting of dry goods, | notions, shoes, hardware, groceries, store fixtures, notes and accounts at Alston, i I Montgomery county, Geor gia, the same being the stock of W. H. Chance, bankrupt, j Under and by virtue of an or-1 der of the Hon. A. H. MacDonell,) Refer e in Bankruptcy, entered March 2lst, 1921, I will otter the above stock and fixtures for sale at Alston, Montgomery County, Georgia, on Monday April 4th, 1921 at eleven (11) o’clock a. m , at the store where located, at pub lic sale, at winch time and place bids will be received. Bale to be for cash to the highest bidder, ’ subject, to the confirmation of the Court. The successful bidder to deposit ten per cent, of his bid, balance to be paid on confirma-j tion. The said sale will stand for confirmation before the Referee j at his office, Mendel Building, Savannah, Ga., on Tuesday, April j sth, 1921, at noon. Said sale to ! be free from liens, valid liens to j attach to the proceeds. The stock of goods, etc., may i j be examined on application to the ! undersigned. March 21st, 1921. D. C. Patillo, Trustee, Vidalia, Georgia. _ Sheriff Sale. G*oritia— Montgomery County. I Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday ; in April, 1921. between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for j cash, certain property, of which the following is a j complete description: Thirty acres of land in the 275th G. M. district < of said county, carved from the southwest corner I of a 100 acre tract bounded north and east by i j other lands of O. J. Whipple, south by lands of D. j Q. Coleman and Alice Whipple and on the west by • lands of I. Q. and D. Q. Coleman. Levied on and f ! will be sold as the property of O. J. Whipple to ; satisfy a tax fi fa issued by H. C. Davis, tax col lector, vs O. J. Whipple, for state and county taxes for the year 1920. Written notice given ( defendant. This the Sth day of March. 1921. E. E. Burch, Sheriff. j Seed Cane for Sale. ( 25,000 red seed cane. See ,<. I. C. S. Berner. Rt. 1. Mt. Vernon, Ga. ! S Seed Peanuts. No. 1 Spanish Peanuts, sacked, 4 cents per lb. See C. G. Thompson, i 3174 Ailey, Ga. " Colored Organization Will Meet April 9th. The colored citizens of Mont gomery county organized a Pa i rent-Teacher Association at the I last monthly meeting of the | teachers and parents, March 12. The next meeting will be held : at the Mt. Vernon High and In dustrial School Saturday Aynl 9, iat 11 o’clock a. m. Every one ! interested in our schools is invi j ted to attend t . s m ■ ' r • as | this will be rhe last of its kind during this school term. Ttaeh ! ers and parents please be s nt. Prof. D. S. Wells, Pres., Miss A. M. Hamilton, Secy. | COFFINS, CASKETS, AND CEMENT VAULTS I Ample Provision for Hearse Service | and Prompt Attention to all Calls « 1 H. V. THOMPSON | I ajle:y, ga. i|i Standard Tires $7,000 STOCK TO SELECT FROM This is the season of the year to refit your car with Tires for service. I have the kind that saves the motorist tire expense, both on original purchase and upkeep. This large stock was bought at low figures, and will be sold accordingly. The wise man buys both for economy and service. You are wise. P. di. Me N ATT Uvalda and Mt. Vernon Sheriff Sale. ; Georgia—Montgomery County. ■ j Will be sold before the court house I door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues : day in April, 1921, between the legal | hours of sale, to the highest bidder 1 | for cash, certain property, of which , the following is a complete descrip : tion: .Six bales of short staple cotton, now under barn on the farm of c. J. Phillips in the Kibbee-Tiger G. M. , district of said county and state. Said cotton levied on will be sold as thy property of C. J. Phillips to sat isfy a execution issued from the City Court of Soperton in favor of Dennis Beasley. Written notice of levy given terms of the la\v. This the Bth 1 day of March. 1921. E. E. Burch. Sheriff. D. R. Jackson, A tty. for Plff.