Newspaper Page Text
Ig a dull, constant backache slowing
you up? Are you tired and achy—tor
tured with sharp, stabbing pains? Do
you find it impossible to De happy or
enjoy your work? Then, look to your
kidneys! When they Weaken, the sys
tem becomes overloaded with uric acid
and backache, sharp pains, headaches,
dizzy spells and urinary disorders nat
urally follow. Help your kidneys with
Doan’s Kidney Pills. Doan's have
brought new health to thousands.
A Georgia Case
M r s. J. H.
Smith, E. 3rd St.,
Jackson, Ga.,
Wv soys: "I had an
tinff P ainsP ' n the
Ura-AMr. fii err >all of my back.
i\L-&rg My kidneys were
J disordered and
/ VVy nervous spells
SKirnKmlKt came over me
f and I seemed all
•IZZL unstrung. Black
uPtsSy W* specks floated be
fore my eyes,
blurring my sight. I got a box of
Doan's Kidney Pills and they entirely
cured me.”
Get Doan’s at Any Store, 60c a Bos
DOAN’S ■y.l’lV
A fool talks; a wise man speaks.
Cuticura Comforts Baby's Skin
When red, rough and itching with hot
baths of Cuticura Soap and touches of
Cuticura Ointment. Also make use
now and then of that exquisitely scent
ed dusting powder, Cuticura Talcum,
one of the indispensable Cuticura
Toilet Trio.
Don’t pick a quarrel before it’s ripe.
Children’s Laughter a Pleasing Sound
J _ Altoona, Pa. —“I am writ
-1 |I 111 to tell you what Lydia E.
II 111 Pinkham’s Vegetable Com-
II j—ill pound has done for me. We
II PH§:i 111111 l had six children die almost at
IS B|gß|L i Hi 111111 l birth. From one hour to nine
|| 111 |i||l|l teen days is all they have
II iiiil" & I 111 sfiSlil *' Before my next one
I! * IS! illiifl was born I took a dozen bot-
II : ' ' ■ 111111 l tles of your Ve E etal>le Com
’ *"" x P oun d, and I can say that it is
*llllll ,il " greatest medicine on
UiU earth, for this baby is now
* ?• i|| four months old, and a
| TH healthier baby you would not
Bjwfl Wm. 1 want. I am sending you a
1 llllp'W. , | " • picture of her. Everybody
I W A " says ‘That is a very healthy
1 IIP ' - . looking baby. ’ You have my
| ftp •'* consent to show these few
lines to anybody.”—Mrs.
jj C. W. Benz, 131 3rd Avenue,
Altoona, Pa.
Mrs. Janssen’s experience of interest to childless wives.
Millston, Wis.—“l want to give you a word of praise for your wonderful
medicine. We are fond of children, and for a considerable time after we
were married I feared I would not have any. I began taking Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound, and it strengthened me sol now have a nice,
strong, healthy baby girl. I suffered very little at childbirth, and I give all
the credit to your medicine, and shall always recommend it highly. —Mrs.
H. H. Janssen, Millston, Wia.
Mrs. Held ©f Marinette, adds her testimonial for Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. She says:
Marinette, Wis.—“l was in a nervous condition and very irregular. My
doctor advised an operation. My husband brought me one of your booklets
and asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. It overcame
my weakness so that I now have a healthy baby girl after having been mar
ried nine years. lam glad to recommend your medicine, and you may use my
letter as a testimonial.”—Mrs. H. B. Held, 330 Jefferson St., Marinette, Wis.
There are many, many such homes that were once childless, and are now
blessed with healthy, happy children Decause Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound has restored the mother to a strong and healthy condition, as it
acts as a natural restorative for ailments as indicated by backache, irregu
larities, displacements, weakness and nervousness.
Women everywhere should remember that .most of the commoner ailments
of women are not the surgical ones—they are not caused by serious displace
ments or growths, although the symptoms may be the same, and that is why
so many apparently 6erious ailments readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound, as it acts as a natural restorative. It can be taken
with perfect safety and often prevents serious troubles.
Therefore if you know of any woman who is suffering and has b-eeu unable
to secure relief and is regretfully looking forward to a childless old age, ask
her to try Lydia E. Pinkbam’s Vegetable Compound, as it has brought health
and happiness into so many homes onee darkened by illness and despair.
Lydia EL Pinkham’s Private Text-Book upon “Ailments
Peculiar to Women” will be sent to you free upon request. Write
to The Lydia £. Pinkltam Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts.
This book contains valuable information.
Stop Suffering! Take This Seven-Day f
Guaranteed Money Back if It Fails to Cure
A Positive Specific for Adults and Children
Antiplacma contains no alcohol, narcotics, mercury
quinine or arsenic. Made from balsams and gums.
Our records show that every physician who has once
tried Antiplasma orders in bulk
Remarkable tests and public dem
onstrations made in Southern
States last summer show no
malaria cases we could not
If your druggist doesn’t sell it. mail $2.00 to the Vino Medical Co..
200 West Houston St.. New York. N Y., and one bottle containing com
plete seven-day cure will be immediately sent you postpaid.
Antiplasma is Malaria Insurance at a cost of $2 per year
You Don’t Need to Sicken, Gripe
or Salivate Yourself to
Start Liver.
You’re bilious, sluggish, constipated.
You feel headachy, your stomach may
be sour, your breath bad, your skin
sallow and you believe you need vile,
dangerous calomel to start liver and
Here’s my guarantee! Ask your drug
gist for a bottle of Dodson’s Liver
Tone and take a spoonful tonight. If it
doesn’t start your liver and straighten
you right up better than calomel and
without griping or making you sick I
want you to go back to the store and
get your money.
Take calomel today and tomorrow
you will feel weak and sick and nau
seated. Don’t lose a day. Take a
spoonful of harmless, vegetable Dod
son’s Liver Tone tonight and wake up
feeling splendid. It is perfectly harm
less, so give it to your children any
time. It can’t salivate.
Why Librarians Laugh.
“Father wants me to get ‘Twenty
Thousand Legs Under the Sea.’ ” s&id
a youngster at the librarian’s desk.
Possibly he thought it was a Revere
beach story.—Boston Transcript.
Union Contends That Board’s Subse
quent Action Was In Violation
Os Board’s Direction
Chicago.—Notification that the Penn
sylvania railroad would continue nego
tiations of rules in its own way was
served on the railroad labor board at
the conclusion of charges brought by
the Federated Shop Crafts that the
Pennsylvania had failed to comply
with the board’s orders.
Charging failure of the road to en
ter conference with the Pennsylvania
system federation, the unions protest
ed that the road’s subsequent election
of committees to negotiate rules, dis
regarding the union committees, was
in violation of the board’s direction of
April 14, to each road to negotiate its
own rules, with its own employees, N.
P. Goode, president of the Pennsyl
vania federation, told of the union
methods of representation and detail
ed the shop crafts vote for representa
After attacking the board’s decisions
in several instances, E. T. White, as
sistant to the vice president, declared
the policy of the road in allowing the
employees to select their representa
tives by a ballot of all employees had
been a success and the road proposed
to continue such methods.
Several speakers for the Pennsyl
vania declared the action of the noard
in July, 1920, continuing the national
agreements, promulgated by the Unit
ed States railroad administration, was
illegal. E. H. Seneff, solicitor for the
road, declared the national agreements
were continued in effect by the roads
only because the rules were interwoven
with the wage question.
J. T. Wallis, chief of motive power,
detailed the open shop policy of the
’Pennsylvania road and declared that
federal control had entrenched the
unions in the railroads of the coun
Mr. Goode exhibited ballots to show
that employees were practically unan
imous for the system federation. He
declared that, despite this vote, the
road refused to recognize the union
committee. The company also held
an election of committeemen, through
which rules were subsequently agreed
upon and put in operation, according
to Pennsylvania representatives.
At the Altoona, Pa., shops the com
pany employees are now under the new
rules, L. E. Peterman, blacksmith in
tlie shops, testified. He said there was
no likelihood of a strike.
The Pennnsylvania case is the first
big dispute which the board has been
called upon to entangle as a result
of its order referring the whole rules
controversy to the roads for negotia
Meanwhile, failure to negotiate an
entire set of rules to replace the na
tional agreements has flooded the
hoard with disputes. How it will dis
pose of them has not yet been de
cided. The national agreements rules
continue in effect until the corut o
versy is settled, except where new
rules have been agreed upon to re
place the federal control rules.
Sultana Sets Style; Wears Nose Jewel
New York.— The princess Fatima,
sultana of Kabul, who has arrived
here from San Francisco on the way
to England, with her three sons, ex
pects to visit Washington soon to pay
her respects to President Harding.
An immense sapprire, set in the left
side of her nose, has attracted atten
tion ait the hotel where she is staying.
The sultana is a first cousin of the
Emir of Afghanistan. She has been
giving her sons education by travel
since last spring.
President Approves School Boy’s Jury
Washington. President Harding
has approved the finding of the school
boys’ jury which decided the owls
in the White House grounds may live.
Interest in the subject was widespread
among nature-loving children all over
the country, hundreds of whom sub
mitted briefs to the American Forest
ry association, which arranged the
German Count Acquits Two Generals
Leipsic, Germany. Generals von
Schack and von Kruska were acquit
ted recently by the German supreme
court whic his trying persons accused
by the allies of war crimes. They
were charged with having caused,
either deliberately of through negli
gence, an epidemic of typhus among
war prisoners in the camp at Mied
erawehren, near Cassel. Three thou
sand French prisoners are said to
have died from the disease or from
the effects of ill treatment and bru
No Celluloid Collars For Po^'ceme.i
Chicago.—The celluloid coiior was
banished from the Chicago police
force recently in an edict, by Chief
Fitzmorris, who declared the Chicago
police must be the best dressed in
the world. A well-dressed man does
not wear a celluloid collar, the chief
said. “With the preieni salaries the
members of the department are get
ting,” Chief Fitzmorris said, “they
can afford to look neat. I am tired
of seeing an otherwise spick-and-span
policeman with a celluloid collar
oreimri his neck.”
* For
Special Care or Baby.
tzc That Baby should have a bed of its own all are agreed. Yet it
o'* j Thereby Promoting DiQcsu . g more reasona bi e for an infant to sleep with grown-ups than to use
t»~ j Cheerfulness and Rcstbon a man » s medicine in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of
nchhcr Opium, Merp c that same infant. Either practice is to be shunned. Neither would
t~ Mineral. be tolerated by specialists in children’s diseases,
jji'-f j £ec^eof
1 '< \ prepared with even greater care than Baby’s food,
1 A Baby’s stomach when in good health is too often disarranged
. > by improper food. Could you for a moment, then, think of giving
ijxfftii! I to your ailing child anything but a medicine especially prepared
j for Infants and Children ? Don’t be deceived.
S —TTfor Make a mental note of this: —It is important, Mothers, that
A helpfuln'riiarrhoea. you should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of
jo. o, -fonstipakonaim your Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that
I and LossoF SLEEP ! the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily
lU| ! resulting thercfronrinltrf aIW T prepared for grown-ups.
Bears the Signatureof^^^^^
Exact Copy of Wrapper. the centaur company, new york city.
Not Only For
tiTjnJERSMITHv Chills and Fever
if Chill Tonic * But a Fine General Tonic
Ward* Off Malaria and Restores Strength. Try It
■i ii. ■■■ - .... ■ .i ■ If not Bold by your drujrrlst. writs Arthur Peter & Co.. Louisville. Ky. 11 '
Many a so-willed truthful man is
merely a diplomatic liar.
Name “Bayer” on Genuine
Beware! Unless you see the name
’‘Bayer” on package or on tablets you
are not getting genuine Aspirin pre
scribed by physicians for twenty-one
years and proved safe by millions.
Take Aspirin only as told in the Bayer
package for Colds, Headache, Neural
gia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache,
Lumbago, and for Pain. Handy tin
boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of As
pirin cost few cents. Druggists also
sell larger packages. Aspirin is the
trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid.
His Advice.
A young woman was on a motoring
trip, when the smell of smoke became
perceptible. The man at the road
side garage told them it was a hot
box. “It’ll take me about 20 minutes
to fix it,” he said.
The owner stood watching him a
minute as he got to work; then she
said: “By the way, while you’re about
it, I wish you’d grind the valves, take
up a foot brake and till all the grease
cups. You’ll have to work lively. I’ll
give you just half an hour.”
The man crawled from under the
car and stood up. “As long as you’re
in such a hurry, miss,” he said grimly,
“I reekon you’d bettor git your horn
jacked up and run a new car under
It.” —Ladies’ Home Journal.
Value of Education.
The most important thing one can
acquire in school is not the informa
tion gained, hut the habit of study es
tuWished. With a mind trained to
study one has the ability to work at
the solution of the problems which
come up iri life. Education gives? one
comprehension while lack of training
causes bewilderment.
>1 Gift from
Nature’s Storehouse
The delicious, crisp granules
of the wheat and barley food
Grape-Nuts |
contain all the natural up-build
ing values of the grains, including
mineral salts so essential to health.
A food eoually well suited to the
requirements of young and old.
“There’s a Reason for Grape Ruts \
Sold by grocers everywhere
It’s a touching farewell when a man
gives you the tips of his fingers in
stead of a vigorous handshake.
Apply Vacher-Balm, It. relieves at once.
Keep it handy for any other pain.
Buy it locally. K. W. Vacher, Inc.,
New Orleans.
Pessimists and optimists are their
own reward.
And using their feet more than ever before.
For all these workers the frequent use of
Allen’s Foot=Ease, the antiseptic, healing
powder to be shaken into the shoes and
sprinkled in the foot-bath, increases their
efficiency and insures needed physical coin
fort. Alien’s Foot - Ease takes tfie Friction
from the Shoe, keeps the shoe from rub
bing and the stockings from wearing, fresh
ens the feet, and prevents tired, aching
and blistered feet. Women everywhere are
constant users of Allen’s Foot Ease. Don’t
get foot sore, get Allen’s Foot Ease.
More than One Million five hundred
thousand pounds of Powder for the Feet
were used by our Army and Navy during
the war. Sold everywhere.
New Preservative Said to Be the Most
Effective That Has Been Put
on the Market.
A new preservative which is ex
pected to surpass other compounds
used for similar purposes, and which
it is claimed the life of wooden poles
info which it is Introduced will fa
prolonged by anywhere from seven so
twelve years, is being used. The fluid
is composed of three constituents, one
of higli penetrating quality, such as
zinc, magnesium or cnlcium-chloride
solution or a sugar solution, and a
second of high antiseptic value, such
as sublimate, plenol or cresol. The
third and most important element is
one of long-continued effect, consist
ing of a slowly soluble antiseptic or
slowly decomposing metal powder.
This constituent in combination with
a granular substance, such as pow
dered glass, is used to protect the
wood in the vicinity of the puncture
through which the ottier preservatives
are introduced. —Popular Meclnfnics
H isn’t much consolation to the
homely woman to know that every
mirror has a silver lining.
of 20 and 10 acres, Cleared, Fenced and
all Ready to Plant. Fine for Early I’ota/-
, toes and trucking. 2 and 3 crops a year;
j only 30 miles from Jacksonville the great
marketing and shipping center. Good
Schools. Churches arid Stores. Thorough In
vestigation invited. Send for our literature
and easy terms of payment.
Green Cove Springs, Florida
Skin Tortured Babies Sleep
Mothers Rest
After Cuticura
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c.Talcum 25c.
on Strike
20 Years
Eatonic Settled ttt
“Entonic is wonderful,” says C. W.
Burton. “I laid been u sufferer from
[ stomach trouble for 20 years and now,
I am well.” t
Eatonie gets right after the cause of
stomach troubles |>y taking up and
carrying out the acidity and gases and
of course, when the cause is removed,
the sufferer gets well. If you hav*
sourness, belching, Indigestion, food
repenting or any other stomach
trouble, take Eatonlc tablets uftar
each meal and find relief. Big bo*
costs only u trifle with your druggist’*
! guarantee- _____
_ sealed in by toasting
PATENTED; enormoun demand, vc Urns.
Bend 26c for house number and full agency
proposition H METZ EL. 622 South Cl intom
Writ- f.,r FitKK Wrrkly Bulletin Md leara
how you may save $ $. Tipton, L. Brooklyn
Baltimore, Md.
Women's Pure Silk Hosiery
They are knit In good full size* of ten hi rand*
o t pure Japan thread fdlk, with a pure dy«w
1 fasMoned e-am in the back. The Hizes arc
; fi% to 10Vi». the colors black, white, navy
i and cordovan. One pair $1.66, three pairs
$4 76, nix pairs $9.30, fine dozen SIB.OO. This
' hosiery is less than retail prices. the former
prices were four dollars a pair. Bend ns
j money, pay the postman on arrival. Kirch
ner Bosse. 6 Herman S» . Roxbury. Mass.
WAIST style book sent FREE to any address.
Brings Fashlon-dom to your door. Writs
today Lfnliardt'a, flight stown, New Jersey.
Make and Sell rararnount Yeust Wafers.
Rig demand all homey, restaurant*, drug
stores Enormous Fro Ht. Write for Free
Sample, particulars Heck, Forest ville. Cons.
FORD to Kell Ford Oil Gauge* Sella ot
night Satisfaction guaranteed Send |! 2*
for sample. Rox 382, Clearwater, Florida.
W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO >3 -1321.