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Miss Elizabeth Henderson of
Sandersville is visiting her sister,
Mrs. J. E. Hunt.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bailey and
son, E. H. Jr., spent Tuesday
with the family of Mr. W. L. D.
Rack ley.
Mr. Vernon Wooten of Atlanta
spent Saturday and Sunday with
the family of Mr. I). A. Mcßae.
He is a nephew of Mrs. Mcßae.
Before going to Atlanta Mr.
Wooten w’as Assistant Cashier of
The Commercial Bank of Uvalda.
Ml. D. A. Lanier of Atlanta is
visiting his parents, Col. and
Mrs. A. L. Lanier. He holds a
a responsible position with the*
Pennsylvania Tire & Rubber Co.,
of that city.
Miss Inez Mcßae, principal of
the High School of Trion, is home
for the summer vacation, to the
delight of many friends.
Miss Anna Morrison of Macon
spent Sunday and Monday of last
week with her parents, Mr. and ,
Mrs. J. W. Morrison.
Mr. W. W. Pierce and family
left Saturday for Toombsboro
where they will visit relatives
for a few days.
Messrs. W. E. and N. L. Spoon
er and Mr. Langley Currie and j
Miss Margaret Currie returned
Satnrdav from a visit with rela
tives in Stewart county.
E. S. Martin, President E. S. Martin, Cashier j
Statement of the Condition of
TF\e Citizens Ban^<»
Located at. Alston, Montgomery count v. Ga., lit the Close of Business I
June 80th, 1921.'
Date of Charter, Sept. 19, 1011 Began Business, Nov., 1911
Ah Called for by the Superintendent of Bunks
Tin ID Loam* and Discount* $24.275 47 Capital Bt<»k Paiil in $15,000 00
l/taiiH Hectm <1 l>y real <ht&to 21,11305 Surplus Fund 1,000 (M)
lUnking ItoUMf 2,50000 lhilivirtuMl (b-ptmitei KiiLjoet to check 0,01)7 04
Furniture an l fixture* 2<500 00 TuiimJVrtitlmti'H of dcpoHit 8,010 40
(Hl* v IN-sil I‘nt. o\v;ml 8,000 00 (’aaliiu ’ClnrU hi 17,
inn in vault hihl amount <h‘poHitO(l 1011* payable to* in this ntate 15,1KK) (Mr
vvnii appiovctl lb mi'vc Agent* 2,808 0o Hill* payable to banka in other
Profit and Loan 1M(>81) btatea • 15,(KH) 00
7\»tal $50,378 51 Total $50,378 51 |
Htatc of licuißia (-minty <■) Mont^omory.
lore im t arn* I. s. Martin, caaliior of The Citizen* bank of Alnton, who, being duly J
aworii, say that the above and lonuniug atutt iucnt ia a true condition of *aid bank a* shown ; 1
by tbe bttnk* ol tile in Mtid bank. K. 8. MARTIN,
.Sworn to and Mubacnbed bcloio mo thin titli day of July, 1031.
lv. M Johnson. J. P.
■■■--—— *■ - - -
"Oil Boy! Ai xif' iff’is ■
-Che life!!” ,
_ ♦ f
_ I LIKE TVT- job. AND EVERY once.
,T.>■ \ • * • •
' 'j BUT DAYS do oomo. !N A while.
' -V0 Vxi / ABOVE THE oitv smoke. OR MAYBE sit and thinlc.
AND BnEE2ES s!ir - BUT MOST likely.
'— THE PAPrRP on my desk.* JUST SIT.
b m&w * * * ...
—wTHEN I Clink. AND EVERY onoo.
* • » l • «
WHAT I v 11 do. IN A while I’d Hcht.
* ♦ » * •
IF I Wt r> ii i : . 1 ONE OF my Chesterfields.
. , a , »
I’D OPEN shop. -AND OH Boy.
* * * • • *
AT TWELVE o'clock. I GUESS that wouldn’t
« • > • m •
« I • • •
WITH Orr hcr:r off.
r/OULO GET old Sam. '• thorn never w-as such • ci*.
... aretto as Chesterfield for stoady
TO RU.» mo ou.. company! Just as mild and
• * ’ ’ smooth as tobaccos can be—but
s* IN HIS with a i.allow “body” that satis
* _ fies even cigar smokers. On lazy
A D DRO ur- off. days or busy ones—all the time
UNDER A frree'Mvnod tree. T\ lU " “US * satisfy*
• • smoke.
j BESIDE A babbling brook.
• • t i Have you seen the new
AND THERE Pd He. AIR-TIGHT tins cf 50? ~
• t •
"" " Ligoett & Tobacco Co.
Mrs. Charles Montgomery and
son, Elijah, of Kenbridge Virgin
ia arrived Tuesday for a visit
with friends and relatives.
Mrs. B. W. Yawn of Milan and
Mrs. J. R. Watkins of Stevens
Pottery spent part of last week
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Mcßride.
Miss Carolyn Fleming has re
turned to her home in Hawkins
ville after spending several days
in Mt. Vernon, guest of the farn-j
ily of Mr. J. Wade Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. George Smith
have returned from a visit with
relatives in Wadley.
# Rev. A. G. Brewton returned
Saturday from Rhine where he
assisted the Methodist pastor at
that place with a successful
' meeting.
Misses Thelma and Mildred
I Hunt returned to their home in
Hagan Monday of last week, as-l
ter visiting the family of their
uncle, Dr. J. E. Hunt.
Mrs. H. W. Cockfi.eld and Miss
! Jeddie Cockfieid of Lake City, S.
C., visited in Mt. Vernon last
The Woman’s Missionary So
' ciety of the Methodist church, j
j met at the Methodist parsonage 1
last Monday afternoon. After
the business session refresh
ments were served.
Miss Bertha Lee Brewton is
home for the summer vacation.
She has been teaching at the
Methodist Orphan’s Home, Ma
Mr. George Milligan of Lyons
was a visitor here Tuesday af
Miss Willie Allene Elliott has
returned home from the Sadie
'• section, where she visited the
family of her uncle, Mr. J. W.
Mrs. C. W. Marchman and
children, Sara and Taylor, of
Cuthbert are visiting the family
of Mr. W. A. Peterson.
l m ;
Highest Prices Paid
for Live Stock.
We afe constantly in the mar
; ket for cattle and hogs. Many
1 years experience qualifies us to
offer superior advantages to the
producers of this section. We
are in position to handle your
business in a most satisfactory
manner. Get our prices.
W. D. & C. W. Peterson,
9192 m Ailey, Ga
Seed Peas For Sale.
I have on hand a limited sup
ply of seed peas in good condi
tion. See me at once.
Mrs. F. E. Dennis.
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Sheriff Sale.
: Georgia—M mtgnmery County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in August, 1921, between t,he legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
All that tract or parcel of land be
; ing ip the 275th District (j. M. of
j Montgomery county, Georgia and in
jibe colored portion of the town of
Uvalda, <>a., and known ana distin
guished in the plan of said town as
I lots Nos, 4 and -I in Block No. Ten
fronting sixty-six feet each on Jeffer
son Street and running hack one
hmidredand fifty-five feet. Levied
on and will be sold as the property of
Lola and A. D. Harris to satisfy an
execution issued from .) list ice's (Jourt
of the 275th G. M. district in favor of
J. B. Brown vs Lola and A. I). Har
ris. This the sth day of July, 1921.
E. E. Burch, Sheriff'.
666 quickly relieves Constipa
tion, Biliousness, Loss of Appe
tite and Headaches due to Torpid
666 has more imitations than
any other Fever Tonic on the
market, but no one wants imita
tions. ad^
» 'I ' ——y————■■ I
: ■■ ES
Now S sElin 3 a£ the Lowest
Price Level In Tire History
- - $24.59
32x4 - - 46.30
® - - 54.90
(And Other Sizes in Proportion)
Tire repair men, who judge values best, class these tires as
having the sturdiest carcass made. Forty-seven high
grade car manufacturers use them as standard equipment.
They are the quality choice of cord users.
Thi« new low price is made possible by strictest economies
and specialized production.
Plant No. 2 was erected for the sole purpose of making
30x3] 4-inch Non-Skid fabric tires. With a daily capacity
of 16,000 tires and 20,000 tubes, this plant permits refined
production on a quantity basis. •
All materials used are the best obtainable. The quality is
uniform. It is the best fabric tire ever offered to the car
owner at any price.
Mt. Vernon and Uvalda
Receiver’s Sale.
Georjfia— Jqff Davis County.
Under and by virtue of an order granted by
Honorable.). P. Highsmith, Jujlgeof the Superior
Court of said county, which said order was grant
ed on the 29th day of June. 1921, I. as receiver of
J. M. (-after, will on the 23rd day of July, 1921,
between the legal hours of sale, at the court house
door of said county of Jeff Davis in the City of
Hazlehurst, Georgia, put up nnd expose for sale
to the highest bidder for cash, the following prop
erties of J. M. Carter, to-wit:
1. A certain tract or parcel of land lying and
being in the City of Hazlehur&t, Georgia, said
tract being a portion of lot of land number four<j
hundred and sixty [4601 in the second land dis- ;
trict of Jeff Davis County, Georgia, the same j
fronting on the right of way of the Southern |
Railway Company and lieing bounded a* follows: \
On the North by right of way of Southern Rail
way Company, on the East by lands of J. W. ,
Smith and J. D. Waters, on the West by lot on j
which is located the planing /fiiill outfit formerly j
of the Frazier-DeFoor Lumber Company, and be- 1
ing the same lands conveyed to J. H. Carr by The
Simmons Company on September the 20th, 1917,
by conveyance which is recorded in Deed Rook
number Ten, page sixty in the office of the Clerk
of the Superior Court of Jeff Davis coun’y. Geor
gia, and to which reference is made herein for the {
purpose of a more accurate description.
2. A certain tract or parcel of land lying and j
being in the City of Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis coun- :
ty, Georgia, said tratt being bounded as follows: 1
North west by right of way of the Georgia & ;
Florida Railway, on the north east by lands for-:
merly owned by J. W. Hinson, T. R. Moore and J. j
L. Girtman, now the tract hereinbefore described, j
on the east by the original land line, and on the j
south west by Curry street of said City of Hazle
hurst, Georgia, this tract being the tract on which
is located the saw mill, planing mill, and dry kiln
formerly owned by the Frazier-DeFoor Lumber
Company and being a part of original land lot i
number four hundred anil fifty nine [459] in the !
second land district of Jeff Davis county, Georgia,
with all buildings and structures located on said
tract of land, together with the planing mill, saw
mill, together wdth ail machinery, pulleys, !
shafting, belting, piping, tools, derricks, and any
and all other machinery and equipment connected
with and belonging to said saw mill, planing mill,
dry kiln and derrick, and also all the title interest,
equity, claim and demand of the said J. M. Carter
in and to all sidings ami trackage rights and side
track sites in and around said saw mill and plan
ing mill plant, together with arf? and all other
parts, and things connected with or used in the
operation of the said mill, planing mill and dry
kiln outtit.
3. All the title, interest, equity and demand of
the said.J. M. Carter in and to a certain tract of
timber lying and being in Montgomery county,
Georgia, said tract lieing on the Oconee and Dead
Rivers and being commonly known as the “A. M.
Moses Place” and containing approximately twen
ty two hundred and fifty acres, the interest of the
said J. M. Carter in and to said timbers being a i
lease on the same for saw mill purposes as evi- !
deneed by a certain lease executed ami delivered
by A. M. Moses and A. L. Moses to J. M. Carter .
on the 27th day of October, 1920. to which refer
ence is herein made for all necessary purposes; f
also all logs located on said tract of land cut by
saidJ. M. Carter under said lease for saw mil!
4. Eighty three piles of lumber approximating i
ninety thousand feet the same consisting ©f pop- ,
lar, gum. oak. cypress, maple, ash. elm, the same
lieing located on or around the mill site of the ]
saw mill and planing mill of the said J. M. Carter
on the Georgia Florida Railway in Hazlehurst,
5. Three timber wagons and chains, thirteen '
sets of wagon harness, one pile of cypress boards*
located on the right of way of the Georgia &
Florida Railway at Charlotte. Georgia, the same !
containing approximately eight thousand feet, one .
pile of logs approximating one-half carload loca
ted on the right of way of Georgia & Florida Rail
way at Charlotte. Ga.. one pile of logs approxi
mating one car load located on the mill site of the
saw mill and planing mill of the said J. M. Carter ;
at Hazlehurst, Georgia. N
All the logs and lumber above described being - x
cumbersome will be delivered to the purchaser at
the present location of the same as above located. I
Said sale will be for cash and the successful ,
bidder will lx? required to deposit ten per cent of [
his bid and the successful bidder will not receive j
possession of the property until after the sale has j
been confirmed by the court.
Said sale will be made by me as permanent re- I
ceiver. 1 having been appointed permanent recelv- |
er by tqe Judge of the Superior Court of Jeff Da
vis county under an order granted on the 4th day
of June, 1921, in a certain cause pending in the
Superior Court of said county of Jeff Davis in
which the Jeff Davis Ranking Company is plain
tiff and J w. Carter is defendant.
This 12th day of July, 1921.
D. L. Evans, Receiver.
Notice to Public. *
Mcßae & Co. will continue to
operate their ginnery at Mount
Vernon through the 1921 season.
Mr. J. A. Mcßride will be in
charge, and we assure the public
the same good service will be
given as in the past years.
Mcßae & Co.,
, Mt, Vernon. 1
Willie T. McArthur, President J. B. Brown, Cashier
(Branch of The Mount Vernon Bank)
Located ar. Uvalda, Montgomery county, (ia., at the Close of Busi ■
ness June 80th, 1921.
Date of Charter, Dec. 21st, 1900 Began Business, Aug. 28rd, 1915
As Called for by the Superintendent of Banks.
Time loans and discounts $29,567 02
Demand loans 3,070 00
Loans secured bv real
estate 27,613 37
United States and State
of Georgia bonds 6,350 00
Banking house, 2.670 00
Furniture and fixtures, \ 1,022 70
Sash in Vault and amount, <
Deposited with approved
Reserve Agents 3,958 29
Due from other banks in
this state 5,998 91
Due from other banks in
other states 411 87
Other checks and cash items 114 00
Overdrafts 28 25
Total, SBO,BIO 41
STA'IE OE GEORGlA—Montgomery County.
It, lore iifcr.mi, !. 15. Brown, Cashier of The Commercial Bank, vho being duly sworn,
says that the above and foregoing statement isa true condition of said Bank, as shown by the
books of file in said Bank. J. li. BROWN.
iSwoni to and subscribed before me this Bth day of July, 1921.
It. L. O’Neal, Notary I’ublie, State at Large, Ga.
—s -• -tJ&r e* fftt • *
for This Brush
ip^ r We’ll give you
jjjgp§U! |j can of
Clear and eight li M 3 ‘ jLi
bcaotiful colors j ' m -i jjj
I Vie want you to know how easily you can
protect your
Floors, Furniture and Woodwork
Come :n to our afore wdh this advertisement pay us for the brush,
the esn of KYANIZE is yours without charge.
Choice of Eight Colors or Clear Vsrnieh.
Jus* try KYANIZE once and you’ll always use this easy working,
! waterproof, herd-drying varnish to beautify your home.
Csac to our Scar* Today far year FREE Cos
: Capital stock paid in, $15,000 00
' Undivided profits 11,991 82
Due to Banks in this State 12,000 00
Individual deposits subject
to check, 19,302 55
Demand certificates of
deposit x \ 150 00
Time certificates of deposit 22,332 32
Cashier’s checks 33 72
Total, ~ SBO,BIO 41