Newspaper Page Text
Statistics Show That Country
Also Has Luxuries of
the City.
Washington, Sept. 5. —Farm
life in Georgia now has attract
ions that never were dreamed of
in the pioneer days. A report
just issued by the federal census
bureau, based on the statistics
collected in the 1920 census, fur
nishes something of an idea of
the extent to which modern fa
cilities and conveniencies have
been installed on Georgia farms, j
These facilities and convenien
cies have been developed to a
point where it may be said that
in many instances they have
made living in the country as
agreeable and pleasant as in the j
It would surprise many city
dwellers to learn that 5,826 farms
in Georgia are equipped with
either electric light or gas illu
mination, also that on 2,612
farms water is piped into the
In Georgia 15.2 per cent, of
the farmers own automobiles,
ranging from flivvers to “palaces
on wheels.” Over 10 per cent,
of all Georgia farms have tele
There are 310,732 farms in
Georgia, according to the census
bureau, and of these 47,172 or
15'.2 per cent., report automo
biles as part of the farm equip
ment. The number of automo
biles on these 47,173 farms is
49,841. Os the total number of
frrms 2,913, or 9 per cent., have
motor trucks and 2,083, or 7 per
cent., have tractors for use in
the daily work on the farm.
The total number of motor trucks
owned on'farms in Georgia is
3,145 and the total number of
taactors is 2,252.
Church Wedding in
Glen wood Yesterday.
A marriage of interest to many
friends in this section was that
of Miss Anna Hogan of Glen
wood and Mr. Thomas Nixon of
Quincey, Fla., solemnized at the
Methodist church in Glenwood
yesterday afternoon at five
Preceding the ceremony, which
was read by Rev. A. G. Brew ton,
pa; tor of the church, vocal solos
were rendered by Miss Bertha
Lee Brewton of Mt. Vernon. The
party entered to the strains of
Mendelssohn’s wedding march,
followed by Venetian Love Song, j
A coterie of attendants made it;
a beautiful church wedding of
full form. The wedding party
left the church to the strains of
Lohegrin’s march. Prof. E. H.
McNeill of Macon rendered the
instrumental music.
After, the ceremony there was
held an informal reception at the
home of the bride. Later the;
happy couple left for Quincey, ;
Fla., where they will make their
home. The bride is a daughter
of Mrs, Clara B. Hogan of Glen
wood, and is admired by a large
circle of friends. The groom is
a prominent business man of
Public School Notice.
The public schools of the coun
ty will open Oct. 10th and run
for a period of seven months as
usual. Please let the trustees of
the various schools have every
thing ip readiness for the open
ing. Remember that the com
pulsory attendance law requires
all children between the ages
of eight and fourteen to be
gin at the opening of the term,
and to continue in attendance for
six months regularly.
T. B. Conner, C.’ S. S.
Hontgomm? iMnnitnr.
Oak Grove Dots.
Special Correspondence.
Rev. C. E. McDaniel filled his
regular appointment here Satur
day and Sunday and a large
crowd attended both services.
Messrs. D. O’Brien and J. T.
Walker were visitors to Baxley
Saturday last.
Quite a good many from Oak
Grove attended the S. S. Conven
tion at Longpond Sunday.
Mrs. J. A. Reynolds was the
spend-the-day guest of Mrs. D.
O’Brien Saturday of last week.
Mr. J. T. Walker went to Den
ton one day last week to see his
father, who is in ill health.
The young people of this sec
tion have been enjoying them
selves very much for the past|
few weeks at peanut boilings, j
We have had several and each
one has been enjoyed very much
by all attending.
Quite a large crowd attended
B. Y. P. U. Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Peterson of
Savannah have been visiting rel
atives here for the past few
Mrs. Make Downie was the
guest of Mrs. Jim Wells Tuesday !
Everybody invited to come to
Sunday School and B. Y. P. U.
Sunday and prayer meeting Wed
nesday night.
Kiwanis Club
Catfish Supper.
i *
The Vidalia Kiwanis Club en-1
tertained with a fishfry at the |
brick yard near Mt. Vernon last
Thursday evening, and the occa
sion was a most enjoyable one,
both to the members and the in
vited guests.
For the success of the occasion
full credit is given Mr. M. L. Mc-
Lemore, a former citizen of Mt. j
Vernon, but for the past two
years numbered among the prom
inent business and society men
of Vidalia. In this particular
feat he seems to have covered
himself with glory, and if there
are higher ranks to which he
could attain, no doubt his club
will see that he receives the hon
orary degrees in full and munifi
cent form.
For several days prior to the
event all the fishermen along the
Oconee river had beep engaged
in capturing catfish for the sup
per, and these were served in
Yhe most appropriate styles of
| the art. The preparation of the
supper seems to have been in
trusted to the skill of Mr. E. G.
Smith of this place, and he, too,
was given an ovation for the
masterly manner in which the
feast was prepared.
Forty or more members of the
Vidalia club were present, to
gether with a nnmber of invited
! guests from / other points, and
the occasion was one of good fel
lowship, long tcy be remembered
! by those present.
Among those present from this
section were Mr. W. T. McAr
thur of McGregor, T. A. Peter
son and W. T. McArthur, Jr., of
Ailey, Dr. J. E. Hunt, D. A. Mc-
Rae, W. A. Peterson, E. G.
Smith and H. B. Folsom of Mt.
The Vidalia Kiwanis Club is
one of the most progressive in
this part of the state, and many
movements looking to the pro
gress of the town have been fos
tered by the club.
Young steers for beef cattle.
Phone or see L. S. Barrett,
Brewton-Parker Institute,
I Mt. Vernon.
Committees Appointed
Montgomery County Fair.
The officers and a number of the directors of the • Montgomery
County Fair Association met in Mt. Vernon Tuesday for the pur
pose of furthering the plans for the county fair, which will be. held
in the late fall. Many matters of importance were discussed, but
chief among the day’s deliberations was the appointment of com
mittees for the several departments.
There will be two general classes of exhibits—farm products
and ladies work. However, under each head, there will be a dozen
or more departments. Under the head of farm products will be
included live stock and kindred subjects. Under the head of ladies
work will be included fancy work, preserved fruits, domestic art,
etc. This will be properly arranged by the several committees,
and will be stated in detail in the premium list, which will be short
ly issued.
Advisory committees for the two chief departments have also
been appointed. It will be the duty of the advisory committees to
aid in the general promotion of the plan and encourage the offer of
exhibits and see that they are brought in.
The committees have been appointed from the several sections
of the county, not with a view of favoritism to any individual or
community, but to make it truly a county enterprise, in which every
citizen is asked to take an active part. As the work of organiza
tion progresses, other committees will be necessary, as there re
mains many details to be worked out.
Entertainment Committee.
' Mrs. E. O. Dickson. Mrs. D. A. Mcßae. Mrs. S. V. Hicks, Mrs.
C. W. Fox, Mrs. M. B. Calhoun, W. W. Pierce, Dr. Jas. F. Currie,
L. C. Underwood, Dr. J. E. Hunt, M. B. Calhoun.
Ladies’ Department —Advisory Committee.
Mrs. Claude Wright, Chairman, Miss Florence Adams, Mrs.
Frank Mcßae, Mrs. F. B. Mcßride, Mrs. C. W. Fox, Mrs. T. B.
Hughes, Mrs. J. E. Horne, Mrs. J. W. Adams, Mrs. J. Wade John
son, Mrs. I. C. Conn. Mrs. C. A. Rackley, Mrs. C. C. McAllister.
Mrs. Frances Dennis, Mrs. H. C. Davis, Mrs. S. Z. Salter, Miss
Belle McAllister, Mrs. W. A. Johnson, Mrs. E. J. Wells, Sr., Mrs.
H. V. Rogers. Mrs. J. E. Mcßae, Mrs. W. A. Peterson, Mrs. A. G.
Hicks. Mrs. W. C. Mcßae, Mrs. G. L. Hughes. MrSs E. M. Rackley,
Mrs. A. L. Lanier—Mt. Vernon post office. Mrs. T. A. Peterson,
Mrs. S. L. Morris, Mrs. Make Morris, Mrs. J. M. D. McGregor,
Miss Eula Sharpe' Mrs. W. T. McArthur, Jr., Miss Ruth Langford,
Mrs. B. R. Snooks, Miss Lila Riddle, Mrs. James Peterson —Ailey
post office. Mrs. W. G. Williamson, Mrs. Clifford Mcßride, Mrs.
W. T. Mcßride—Alston post office. Mrs. Etta Mobley. Mrs. W. M.
Moses. Mrs. Make Downie, Mrs. J. T. Walker. Mrs. E. J. Wells.
Jr., Mrs. H. G. Martin—Uvalda post office. Mrs. B. A. Conner,
Mrs. L. V. Mitchell —Higgston post office. Mrs. A. L. Hamilton,
Mrs. B. F. Palmer, Mrs. Hughey Braddy, Mrs. C. L Allmond.
Mrs. S. J. Clark, Mrs. Roy Peterson -Vidalia post office, Rt. 1. Mrs.
H. H. Gordon. McGregor, Ga. Mrs. W. B. Cadle, Mrs. A,. L.
Wheeler, Mrs. L. E. Stanford—Tarry town post office.
Farm Products —Advisory Committee.
J. A. Stacy, E. McLeod, T. B Conner, H. J. Fountain, J W.
Mclntyre, M, L. Mcßae, J. I. Fountain, DeWitt Calhoun, E. T.
Moses, Clifford Mcßride, W. G. Williamson, J. M. Downie, W. G.
McDonald, J. T. Walker, J. Wade Johnson, R. F. Mcßride, A. D.
Hughes, N. A. Hughes, M. E. Burns, Hugh Peterson, J. M. D. Mc-
Gregor, M. H. Darley, S. L. Morris, Make Morris, B. A. Comjer
Mack O’Neal, H. V Rogers, J. Q. Palmer, C. S. Pal
mer, Carl Adams, A. L. Wheeler, J. B. O’Conner, J. E. Horne,
C. H. Wright, Wiley Taylor, Lester Canady, F. Lee Mcßae, G. W.
Hamilton, IVL P. Moseley, J. H. McArthur, Jr., H. A Johnson. C.
A. Rackley, C.. C. McAliister, Jr., Jesse Morris, Hughey Braddv,
Arthur Hamilton, B. F. Palmer. M. Wilkos, A. J. Dickev. J. I.
Dixon, J. D. Taylor, A. P. Mclntyre, J. A. Memory, G. W. Blocker,
A. L. Lanier. E. J. Wells, C. L. Allmond, G. L. Hughes, J. Cook
Conner, H. V. Thompson, C. W. Peterson, J. J. McAllister, W. O.
Sharpe, J. H. Williamson. Joe B. Johnson, W. L. Calhoun, W. W.
Frost, J. C. McAllister, H. J. Wright, J. N. Stevens.
Finance Committee.
D. A. Mcßae, T. A. Peterson. J. B. Brown, W. A. Peterson,
B. A. Conner, J. T. Warnock, F. M. Harris.
Premium List Committee.
A. B. Hutcheson, Mrs. F. Lee Mcßae, W. A. Peterson, Mrs.
H. B. Folsom. Mrs. Claude Wright, H. B. Folsom, Mrs. I). A. Mc-
Rae, Mrs. C. B. Cummings, Mrs. H. L. Wilt.
Advertising Committee.
H. B. Folsom, P. J. McNatt, Herman Mcßride, C. A. Mason,
Dr. E. M. Rackley,_Troy Mason.
Longpond Dots.
Special Correßpondence
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. McAllister!
and little son, Henry Grady, 1
spent the week end with rela
tives here.
Miss Velma McArthur is visit
ing relatives in Vidalia.
Mrs. T. M. Bush'hnd daughter
of Dublin are visiting relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Goff and
children visited relatives near
Alston Sunday last.
Mrs. C. C. McAllister, Jr., and
son visited relatives at Hazle
hnrst la?t week.
Mr. John A. Williamson has
i returned to his home after spend
! ing quite a while with relatives
Rev. A. G. Brewton will begin
i revival services at the Methodist
i church here next Sunday.
| —~~ ‘
Mrs. S. B. McNeely and child-
I ren of near Adrian were the
I week end guests of her sister,
I Mrs. W. W. Pierce.
Treutlen County Man
is Injured by Car.
Mr. D. S. Barnhill, a prominent
farmer and business man of the
Rosemont section of Treutlen
county, (formerly Montgomery) I
suffered a painful accident a few
days ago, when he was jammed
against a tree by his automobile.
Mr. Barnhill, it appears, had
gone to the swamp, and on leav- j
ing the car it was not thrown out
of gear. On starling the car in
gear it was impossible to get out
of the way, and in this manner,
he was severely injured. I
He was hot able to extricate j
himself from the car, and had
help not arrived immediately, it
is quite probable that his injuries
would have been more serious.
He was given attention by Dr.
T. C. Thompson of Vidalia.
Hough Lumber.
Parties desiring to contract for
rough or dressed lumber, fram
ing, etc., for local delivery, see
or write W. A. Johnson, or write
Box 117, Mt. Vernon, Ga.
; Special Correspondence.
Sunday school, Sunday, and
Epworth League Sunday night
were well attended.
Messrs. Fred and Dan Cordon '
of Vidalia were among friends;
and relatives here Sunday, and I
we were glad to have them in j
our church choir.
Miss Allie Adams of Hazle
hurst spent the week end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S.
Misses Beulah and Willie "Mon
is of near Smyrna attended our
Sunday School Sunday afternohn.
Mr. Robert Adams and Miss
Cleo Bickum were out walking
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. H. B. Montford of near
Glenwood spent the week end
with his sister, Mrs. W. E.
Messrs. John M. and Clayton
Davis of Johnson’s Corner were
the week end guests of home
Mr. and Mrs. Chap Johnson
and children of Rockledge were
the week end guests of friends
and relatives in this vicinity.
Misses Tommie and Clara Mc-
Coy made a short trip to Uvalda
Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Reid were in
town a short while Saturday af
Mr. Hilton Keene of Macon is
visiting relatives here.
Miss Johnnie Lou Craft and
Misses Volium and Martha Mul
lis of Uvalda were welcome visi
tors to our Sunday School Sun
day afternoon.
Mr. Crosby Williams of Soper
ton was the guest of Miss Tom
mie Keene Sunday afternoon.
Messrs. Rufus Durden and
Mason Graham of Uvalda attend
ed League Sunday night.
Mr. Polie Gibbs of Uvalda at
tended our debate Saturday
Mr. Robert Adams and Miss
Minnie Lee Purcell attended the
League Slinday night.
Let’s not forget the debate Sat
urday night, Sunaay afternoon,
and Epworth League Sunday
night. Everybody is extended a
cordial invitation to attend them
Hester New
Game Warden .
Mr. James Hester has recently
been appointed game warden of
Montgomery county, and has en
tered actively upon his duties.
Mr. Hester is well fitted for
the place, having had many
years experience as an arresting
officer while serving as sheriff,
and being familiar with the na
ture of the work. He is especial
ly anxious to have the law ob
served. and to this end will use
diligent effort.
He calls upon the public to
co-operate with him in this re- j
spect, and asks that the lovers of
the sport become familiar with
the law relative to hunting and
! fishing on the lands of another i
i without permission, and that the
open seasons be observed to the
j letter.
| For some years there seems to
I have been a laxity in observance
iof the game law in this section,
! and as a result a vast amount of
game has been killed out of sea
son contrary to law.
Law abiding citizens who wish
to hunt should see Warden Hes
ter, procure the proper license
] and follow the law to the letter.
' This will protect the game and
: fish to the extent that it may be
preserved to the good of the pub
j lie and not be sacrificed for the
benefit of a few who have little
or no regard for law and order.
High and Local School Will .
Commence Same Date
as Usual.
The school work for Ailey and
Mt. Vernon school and The
Brewton-Parker fhstitute as a
: high school will begin next Tues
day morning at 9:15 o’clock.
The opening was scheduled for
the 30th of August originally:
but after considering the
tion and the conditions carefully,
the authorities decided to post
pone the opening for the Fall
Term until Tuesday, the 13th of
The outlook is brighter by a
good large per cent, than it was
two weeks ago. The interest in
the school has been of a fine na
ture for all the season, even
though it seemed that depressed
condition of finances would keep
many away who were anxious to
attend. The correspondence of
the president is now showing
more definiteness than at any
time for months. The teachers
are to bring students with them,
and are writing about the indica
ted desire of others to come if
possible. There has been excel
lent work done on the field in
canvassing, and the fruits of this
will be reaped for some time to
come. It is taking much talk
and writing to let the people ov
er this territory understand that
! this institution is to be continued
on a first class basis, and that
those who patronize it will re
cieve educational and other bene
fits of only a high class; but there
are many who are looking to
Brewton-Parker as, a school of
such excellent quality that they
want to attend here without
needing to have their attention
called to its worth.
A matter of interest to the
friends of the school is the fact
that one of the faculty was re
cently offered a position in one of
the leading colleges in Georgia;
but would not accept it. as the
position on Brewton-Parker’s
faculty had already been accept
ed for the year.
It is the wish that as many as
possible of the people of the com
munity be present next Tuesday
at the opening exercises. The
hour for the opening will be 9: 1 5.
The teachers will be in the reci
tation rooms before that hour for
the purpose of discussing and ar
ranging with any student the
course of study. The Grammar
School teachers will meet their
pupils also before going to the
President Barrett asks that any
of the citizens who can well do
so, meet the trains with cars, es
pecially on Monday, and assist in
bringing up any incoming stu
Revenuers Busy in Pulaski.
Hawkinsville, Ga., Sept. 4. —
Revenue officers are hot on the
trail of the whiskey-makers in
1 Pulaski county, in the last week
Rogers and English of the reve
i nue force and Royal of the coun
ty, found five stills running full
blast, three of the stills being on
Cedar Creek and two near Big
Indian Swamp.
Piano Tuning.
! . This is to notify my customers
in and around Mt. Vernon that I
will be at the home of Mrs. Lola
Morrison for several days. If in
need of piano tuning please noti
fy me. I will go out of town on
job if conveyance is furnished.
■ This will be your last chance to
have your piano tuned by me, as
I am going out of business.
! j Respectfully,
Leo Lesinsky.
NO. 22.
. !