Newspaper Page Text
Entered at the Postoffice in Mt. Vernon. Ga. as Second-Class Mail Matter.
HERMAN McBRIDE, Publisher. *'*s® a Year * in Advance.
adverttsemant* mnst invariably be paid in advance, at the legal rate, aDd an the law
direct*; and must be in band not latef thau Wednesday morning of the first week Os insertion
Mount Vernon, Ga.. Thursday Morning, October 6, 1921.
Libel for Divorce.
William Kennedy vs Mamie Ken
nedy. Petition for Divorce. In
Montgomery Superior Court,
November Term, 1921.
To the defendant. Mamie Kenne
dy: The plaintiff, William Ken
nedy, having filed his petition for
divorce against Mamie Kennedy,
in this court, returnable to this
term of the court, and it being
made to appear that Mamie Ken
nedy is not a resident of Haid
county, and also that he does not
reside within the state, and an
order having been made for ser
vice on her, Mamie Kennedy, by
publication, this, therefore, is to
notify you, Mamie Kennedy, to be
and appear at the next term of
Montgomery superior court, to be
held on the lirst Monday in No
vember, 1921, then and there to
answer said complaint. Witness
the Honorable kschol Graham,
judge of the superior court, this
the 2d day of August, 1921.
J. E. Mcßae, Clerk.
Administrator’s Sale.
<;«onria- Montaromrry County.
By virtue of nn order of the Court of Ordinary
of Montgomery County, granted upon the applica
tion of A. Weat, an administrator of the estate of
Mrs. 1. I). West, deceased, late of said county, to
aell the internal in a certain tract of land herein
after as represented by her certain bond for title,
made in her favor and given by Carson Naval
Stores Co., under date of Oct. 6th. 1917, recorded
Oct 22nd. 1917, in deed book No. 24, page 266
Clerk’s office Montgomery County, Georgia, for
the purpose of paying debts and distribution,
there will be sold before the court house door, at
public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, Ht
Mt. Vernon, Montgomery county, Ga., between
the legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in
November. 1921. as the property of said deceased,
all the interest in as represented by her bond for
title, in all that tract or parcel of land, situate,
lying and being in the 1608th District G. M. ■
Montgomery county. Ga., la-ginning at a creek or |
branch on eastern boundary of said Kibbee place j
and running in a southerly direction to a stake, i
then ce 70 1-2 degrees wen'* 11,43 chains to an iron I
pin. thence north 26 1-2 degrees west, 19.84 chains
to a stake: thence in a southwesterly direction to
a fork of the aforesaid branch or creek, thence
in a northly and northeasterly direction along said
branch to point of beginning, containing fifty 160] I
acres, more or less, bounded north by branch,cast I
and south by J. R & C. A. Beck uni, west by I).
B Palmer, and being place on which Mrs. I. D.
West resided at time of her death. The
title to said land being in and held by ('arson Na
val Stores t ompany. and to whom there remains
a balance of unpaid purchase money of $867.51 ns j
of October Ist. 1921, the interest to Ik- sold the
equity of Mrs. 1. L). West under bond for title
above set out
A full transfer of said bond will be made to
purchaser on day of said sale. This October 3rd,
1921. A. West;
Administrator estate Mrs. I. I). West,
J. Wade Johnson, Deceased.
Attorney for Administrator.
To the Farmers of
This Section:
In order to assist the farmers
of this section in the readjust
ment of prices, we will pay cash
for all country produce, also,
cattle and hogs.
If you have anything for sale
from eggs to cotton see us.
J. Wade & Henry A Johnson,
Mount Vernon, Ga.
Highest Prices Paid
for Live Stock.
We are constantly in the mar
ket for cattle and hogs. Many
years experience qualities us to
offer superior advantages to the
producers of this section. We
are in position to handle your
business in a most satisfactory
manner. Get our prices.
W. D. & C. W. Peterson,
9192 m Ailey, Ga
Public School Notice.
The public schools of the coun
ty will open Oct. 10th and run
for a period of seven months as
usual. Please let the trustees of
the various schools have every
thing in readiness for the open
ing. Remember that the com
pulsory attendance law- requires
all children between the ages!
of eight and fourteen to be
gin at the opening of the term,
and to continue in attendance for
six months regularly.
T. B. Conner, C. S. S.
I have engaged Mr. F. D. Car
penter to do horseshoeing at my
blacksmith shop in Ailey on Sat
urdays of each week. All work
promptly done.
H. V. Thompson,
Ailey, Ga. i
Registered Duroc
Registered Duroc Jersey hogs
hogs for sale; the best in the
country; will .sell or exchange
for other hogs. See me at once.
J. Wade Johnson,
Mount Vernon, Ga.
Piano for Sale.
High Grade upright Piano, at
Vidalia, for unpaid balance on
terms. Inquire owner care P. 0.
Box 211, Savannah, Ga. ad.
Cotton Money.
Cotton should not be thrown
on the market as fast as picked,
but should be sold over a period
of several months to prevent a
The Savannah Cotton Factor
age Co.. Savannah, Ga., has
money to loan on old and new
crop cotton, either for prompt
sale or to be held. They solicit
your consignments.
Mount Vernon Wood
W. A. OUYTON, Proprietor
The Best Grades of Oak and Pine
; Wood, Cut to any Dimensions.
Ready for the Stove or Fireplace.
See me for prices. Yards near
Mt. Vernon depot
Farm Loans
Loans on Improved Farm Lands
in Montgomery and Wheeler
Counties. Interest rate 0 per ct.
Reasonable commission. I can
handle good propositions for col
ored people owning farm lands.
Mt. Vernon, Ga
Trespass Notice.
This is to warn all persons
against removing wood or timber
of any kind from lands ot the un
dersigned. This land has been
fully posted, and from this date
trespassers will have to answer to
the sheriff of Montgomery county.
Dec. 10, 1920.
Mrs. H. B. Folsom
Bargains in Real Es
tate in Mt. Vernon.
Two of the best located homes
in town for sale, immediate pos
session, well located as to busi
ness and school and ample land
with each for garden. Bargain
prices and can give good terms on
either. See me at once if inter
ested. J. Wade Johnson,
Mount Vernon, Ga.
An agent to represent our
Laundry at Mt. Vernon. Our
commissions are very liberal.
White Swan Laundry.
Fitzgerald, Ga.
- W "
66G quickly relieves Constipa
tion, Biliousness, Loss of Appe-j
tite and Headaches due to Torpid :
L)r. Elton 8. Osborne
19 Jones Street, East
Savannah, Ga.
Fred M. Harris
Attorney at Law
Atty at Law,
,Ut Vernon, Georgia
But Devices for Showing the Direction
of the Wind Have B-.en in
Use for Centuries.
The origin of the weather vane 1°
unknown. One of the most ancient of
which there Is any record is that
mentioned by Vitruvius, and the ruins
of the Tower of the Winds, of which
he speaks, still stands in Athens. This
building was erected about a century
before the Christian era. He writes:
“Those who have paid most atten
tion to the winds make them eight in
number, and particularly Andronicus
Cyrrheates, who built at Athens an
octagonal tower of marble and cut on
each fare the figure of the several
winds, each looking to the quarter
from which that wind blows.
“On the tower he placed ft marble
column, on which was a Triton of
bronze holding a rod In his right hand.
And he contrived it that the figure
moved round with the wind so that
It constantly stood opposite it, and the
rod, which was above the figure,
showed In what direction the wind
Effigies of many creatures have done
duty ns vanes. Man himself has not
escaped. The female form divine even
has not been spared this indignity.
Such a sentiment as Is expressed in
the sentence, fickle as the
wind,” may have been. In the mind
of Theodosius the Great when he
erected at Constantinople, in the
Fourth century, the vane called the
“I.ady of the Winds.”
But Probably Few Persons Realize
That They Are Either Left or
Few persons, perhaps, realize that
they are so much right or left-eyed as
they are right or left-handed, remarks
the Cincinnati Enquirer.
Sit down In a chair and fix your at
tention on some object on the other
side of the room. Quickly hold your
finger up rigid In front of the object
and Instantly shut your eyes. Then,
without moving your head or your
finger, open your eyes one at a time.
If when you open your right eye you
find your finger directly In front of
the object, you are right-eyed. In that
case you will find your finger very
much to the right of the object when
you open your left eye.
If you are right-handed you will
most probably find that you are right
This is due to the fact that of the
two halves of your brain one is slightly
more developed than the other. And
the organs and limbs on that side of
your body which is controlled by the
more-developed half are able to car
ry out your wishes rndre easily and
quickly than those of the other side.
The Progress of Eve.
"But these are I’arisienne!” cried
the French archeologist when he came
upon the grpven images of the ladies
who adorned the (’retain court at least
4,000 years ago. The marvelous tombs
Just brought to light in France, though
but half the age, tench the same les
son. “The false plait of hair and the
many small articles found in the
tombs," says the reporter, “prove that
women of the First century, even
though they were only peasants, were
every whit as careful of tin Ir personal
appearance as are those of today." We
talk of the advance of woman, and It
would be Impolite to suggest that she
does not advance; hut other things ad
vance with her, and Adam and the
apple and the serpent will probably
still tie there at the end of the story
as they were at the beginning.—Lon
don Daily News.
Ther’ford’s Black-Draught Highly
Recommended by a Tennessee
Grocer for Troubles Re
sulting from Torpid
East Nashville, Tenn.— The effltv
iency of Thedford’s Black-Draught, the
genuine, herb, liver medicine, is
vouched for by Mr k W. N. Parsons, a
grocer of this city. “It is without
doubt the best liver medicine, and I
: don’t believe I could get along without
! it. I take it for sour stomach, head
ache, bad liver. Indigestion, and all
other troubles that are the result of
a torpid liver.
“I have kuown and used it for years,
and can and do highly recommend it
to every one. I won’t go to bed with
out it in the house. It will do all it
claims to do. I can’t say enough for
Many other men and women through
out the country have found Black-
Draught just as Mr Parsons describee
—valuable in regulating the liver to
Its normal functions, and in cleansing
the bowels of impurities.
Thedford’s Black-Draught liver medi
cine is the original and only genuine.
Accept no imitations or substitutes.
Always ask for Thedford’s. £.£B
For best results, ship your cot
ton to The John Flannery Com
pany, Savannah, Ga. Liberal
advances made on consignments. 1
Loans on improved farmj
lands of Montgomery County can j
be placed promptly at 5 l-2c in- j
terest in amounts of SI,OOO and i
above, with the privilege of re-;
paying part of the principal at
any interest bearing periods in;
amounts of SIOO or multiples j
thereof, thereby stepping the in- j
terest on amount paid. Loans
can be made for periods of 5,
or 10 years to suit'the borrower.
Commissions charged are reason
able. M. B. Calhoun,
Mt. Vernon, Ga,
R. E. Ward,
Soperton, Ga.
■B Accept Bg i
No Substitutes jg
1 Thedford’s §
3 Purely El
U Vegetable g
a Liver Medicine g
nm f-9 Lit?
Post Your Lands, j
Open your woodland to the pub- j
lie and soon there will not be a j
stick of wood or timber on it*!
Put the public on notice t>y post
ing up printed notices. Get the
printed notices at The Monitor
office, 10 cents each.
Ice! Ice! Ice!
Will supplv Ailey and Mt. Ver
non with ice. wholesale retail,
during season. Calls answered
217tf Ailey, Ga.
) SEE The Need of I
f| . 1
| Sllltftbl® |
| 1 1 Come tolls I 0
Stationery |
J: business or enterprise small or great—whether <;]
isl > i
> * > a peanut stand, privately owned and operated by ||
§ . $
a modest individual of limited means, or a mam- 0
moth corporation financed by extensive capital and under
I the management of trained business men—cannot success- 0
fully exists without appropriate Stationery. The business
man is judged by the stationery he uses. If he uses none, 0
he suffers the consequent losses. §
We have studied the needs of the public, and for many
years it has been our business to supply all classes with high
class stationery suited to the needs of the individual user 0
800000000000000000 «®o<So®o«
Enough to Weather
Any Storm
IT Is in time of business readjustment that the
real value of a bank foundation is shown.
Our Resources have been conserved in prosperous
days for just such a readjustment period as this
and with the added advantage of our Membership
in the Federal Reserve System we are better
equipped to serve you now than ever.
Capital $25,000.00 Surplus, $25,000 00
N* L. GILLIS, President. J. E. Hall, V.-President and Cashier
J. B. O'CONNER, Vice-President. I. H. Hall, Jr., Assistant Cashier
j At 5 to G per cent, in Amounts of SIOOO j;
to SIOO,OOO, on Five to Ten Years time, i
II represent one of the largest Life Insurance g
k Companies, with Unlimited Capital, and can
close loans on short order.
|W. J. WALLACE, Soperton, Ga. ji