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Dr. 0. D. Rackley has returned
to Atlanta, where he resumes his
studies in the Atlanta-Southern
Dental College.
Mr. Homer Daniel spent a part
of the week with his mother,
Mrs. D. W. Folsom. He is an
electrical engineer, and leaves
shortly for St. Louis, where he
has accepted a position. He is
a graduate of Georgia Tech.
BATTEY & CO., The Large
and Reliable Cotton Factors of
Savannah, Ga., offer a service
that combines long and success- 1
ful experience, expert salesman
ship and financial soundness.
Dr. C. A. Heckles of Scott and
Mr. L. H. Reynolds of Adrian
were visitors to Mt. Vernon on
COTTON shipped to BATTEY
& CO., The Proficient Cotton
Factors of Savannah, Ga., yields
satisfaction as is evidenced by
the large volume of business en
trusted to them. Isn’t it to your
interest to try them? Do it now
and be convinced.
Lost Mule. 1
Strayed from my place Oct. A 1
one large black horse mule. Hit
knees slightly sprung. Liberal
reward for information leading
to recovery. Notify
C. L. Mcßride,
Rt. 2. Bx. 25, Vidalia, Ga.
Trespass Notice.
This is to forewarn the public J
against hunting with dog organ, !
removing timber or wood of any j
kind, fishing, hunting, or in any
manner trespassing on the lands
of the undersigned; and parties
violating this order will be prose
cuted to the extent of the law.
This the 6th day of October, 1921.
C. H. Wright,
Mt. Vernon, Ga. !
- i
1 am selling pecan trees for
Mr. W. C. Jones, Cairo, Ga. See
me before you buy.
H. L. Wilt,
Mt. Vernon.
The Fair Pre-eminent in Exclusive Features
Representing the top-notch tnrf performers of
the world.
With the most daring Dirt Track Drivers and
the Fastest Cars in the World.
Every Itig and Novel Free Act worth while.
On their first trip to the South will brine the
greatest Rggrc atton of mldv,. > attractions and
amusement devices the show world af' rds,
v hi’h. combined with permanent
attractions, will make the greatest Midwuv at
any Fair in the World!
Wonderful pyrotechnic program prepared and
* fired by special artists.
ShletfUm'h"’* 250 ’! ® C “? OL DAY 15c t 0 a " attendin 9 » Public or private senool when accompanied by
rTm STR| k pLIN h SeCMtary AtUnta* 6 tr ** * M tCaCh * r *' Wr,t * <or Fr#e Premlum List or Special Information to
H. G. HASTINGS. Pres, R, M. STRIPLIN, Sec. '
.. -W --»jf mhiw - f-.i.MfcWHr, tnlMßlianr iHmY fli 'MI nw Mh Him I 5 ■
Miss Frances Watt left a few
days ago for Clearwater, Fla.,
where she will reside. For a
number of years she has resided
in Mt. Vernon with her sister,
Mrs. JC. A. Mason. She is a
lovable young lady, and friends |
in this section regret her depart
A full supply of Flower Bulbs
at Oconee Pharmacy, Mt. Ver-
Rub-My-Tism is a powerfu
andseptic. Cures infected cuts,
old sores, tetter, etc. ad.
We are proud of the confidence
doctors, druggists and the public
have in 6G6 Chill and Fever Tonic.
COTTON —Ample storage ca
pacity at reaeonable rates and
liberal advances on consignments
in any quantity, for prompt sale
or to be held, offered by BATTEY
& CO., The Substantial Cotton
Factors of Savannah.
GGG has more imitations than
any other Fever Tonic on the
market, but no one wants imita
tions. ad
Three Inseparables
Cue for mildness.VlßGlNlA
One for mellowness. BURLEY
One for aroma.TURKISH
The Rr.cst trbaccos perfectly
aged and blended
(*. - , j .'Ac' . Vtiu...r.i.. tAfjfue 4 \. Cj
w 111 Niwymmu
Through co-operation with the Southern Cattle
men’s Association and the Southern Swine
Growers’ Association, the Southeastern Fair
will again feature the National Hog and Cattle
Show, assuring the greatest assembly of pure
bred Cattle and Swine ever exhibited in the
United States.
Which created so much attention last year
from all parts of the world, will again he an
exclusive feature of the Southeastern Fair.
Boys’ and Girls’ Club exhibits will be staged
on a greater scale than ever before.
A comprehensive display of War and Navy Fea
Food For the Bees at
Different" Seasons.
The important thing with the
bee-keeper is to have lots of bees
in the hives when the big flow of
nectar comes. With us it is in
April with the blooming of pop
lar. Maple and alder fill the hives
in February with young bees.
These live about fifty days in the
busy hours of spring, soon wear
ing themselves out with the work
that they are doing then. If
i there were not a constant supply
of young hatched out to take
their place, the hives would be al
most empty by the middle of A
pril. But as maple begins to fail
turnips, mustard and collards
get ready to go and they
furnish something to keep activi
ty among the insects that we are
considering. J ust as maple stops
blooming the fruit trees begin.
Peach comes first and then pear
and wild plums. Dewberries al
so are in bloom in March and late
February. They are followed by
black-berries and haw, china and
holly berries. Some of these are
in bloom several weeks and the
i gap between maple and poplar is
, well filled. We bon’t get any ex
tra honey to fill the hives from
these plants, Upt. just enough to
. answer the needs of the bees in
rearing their young. They con
sume great quantities of food at
such times and make no gain un
til some flower comes that has
extra large quantities of nectar.
These yielders in Montgomery
county are poplar and gallberry
every Spring, and Mexican clover
and velvet beans in the late sum
mer and fall. Sometimes we get
that extra which is what the bee
keeper takes for his share from
other flowers than these but not
regularly. Tupelo gum is a fine
plant for honey, but we have it
in sufficient, quantities only in a
few locations in the county. It
takes acres upon acres of any
to count with the bees. A few
thousand flowers are not enough
for their activities. Lots of
flowers and favorable weather
afe what count with them.
F. M. Baldwin.
Sued Oats.
W r e have on hand a limited sup
of select Fulgham seed oats.
Conner-Dixon Grocery Co.
Mt. Vernon.
Citati >n.
Georgia —Montgomery County.
The appraisers appointed on the
application of Martha Williams,
the widow of A. W. Williams,
deceased, for valuation and set
ting apart a year’s support fort
herself and one minor child out
of the estate of A. W. Williams ;
!of said county deceased, having;
' filed their return, this is to cite all j
parties at interest that said appli
cation will be heard at my office
on the first Monday in November,
1921, This the 8d day of Oct.,
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Nov..; 1921, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
! for casli, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
All of lots number two (2) and
number (1) in block number eight
each of said lots fronting 100 feet on
Station Street and extending hack
two hundred feet in the town of
Charlotte, Ga. Also lots numbers
five and six in block number eight,
said lots fronting on Krooks Avenue
100 feet and running back from said
avenue 200 feet, also lot number one
in block number six, said lot front
ing on the right-of-way of G. <fc F.
Ry., 50 feet and extending back from
said right of way 100 feet along Sta
tion Avenue; also the south one-half
of lots numbers five and six in block
number 18. and being 100 by 100 feet.
All of said property being in the
town of|Charlot.te, and in the 275rh
(i. M. District of Montgomery coun
ty, Ga., and being the same property
conveyed to W E. Adams by D S.
Mosley Sept. 22d, 1913, as shown by
deed recorded in deed book Xu. 19,
page 459 of the records of the clerk
office of superior court, of Montgom
ery county, Ga. Levied on and will
be sold as the property of W. E.
Adams to satisfy an execution issued
from the superior court of said coun
ty in lavor of South Georgia Fertili
zer Co., vs \V. E. Adams, L. S.
. Adams and J. R. Adams. In posses
sion of w. E. Adams and written no
tice of levy given *in terms of the
law. This the 4th day of October.
1921. E. E. Burch, Sheriff
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will he sold before the court house
doot in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Nov., 1921, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest biddet
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
All that certain tract, lot or parcel
of land situate, lying and being in
. the 1781st District. G. Xf. Montgom
ery county, Georgia, bounded as fol
• lows: On the north by lands of W.
R. Adams, on the east by lands of C.
M. Adams, on the south by lands of
Mrs. Margie Johnson and on the
west by lands of James O’Conner,
and containing sixty-five and one
half (65 1-2) acres, more or less, and
being the same land conveyed to
Mrs. Lucinda Williams b>* warranty
deed dated July 24,1899 and to which
reference is hereby made for more
reference and to plot of the same, a
will appear in Deed Book “FF” page
63 of the records of Montgomery
county. Ga , in the office of the Clerk
of the superior Court of Montgomery
county. Ga. Levied on and will be
sold as the property of Mrs. Lucinda
Williams to satisfy an execution is
sued from t lie superior court of said
county in favor of Bank of .Superton
vs Lucinda Williams and J- B.
O’Conner. In possession of Lucin
da Williams and written notice of
levy given in terms of the law. This
the4ih day of October, 1921.
E. E. Burch, Sheriff.
Administrator’s Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
By virtue of an order hereto
fore granted by the ordinary of
said county 1 will sell on the first
Tuesday in November, 1921 be
fore the court, house m said coun
ty between the legal hours of sale
to the best and highest bidder for
cash, the following described
property of the estate of W. H
Stephens, deceased, to-wit:
All that certain tract of laud
situated and being in the lTSlst
district. G. M. of said county,
bounded on the north by lands
of Mrs. Eliza A. Stephens; east
by lands of O. 0. Hamilton ; south
by lands of Mason and Braddy
and J. Palmer and others and
west bv lands of E S. Adams,
containing two hundred and thir
ty-four (234) acres, more or less,
the same being the old home
place of the deceased.
Said property is sold for the
purpose of paving debts and for
distribution among the heirs at
law. This the Ist day of Oct.,
1921. J. W. Stephens.
W. M. Lewis, Attorney.
Rough Lumber.
Parties desiring to contract for
rough or dressed lumber, fram-!
ing, etc., for local delivery, see
or write W. A. Johnson, or write
Box 217, Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Rub-My-Tism is a great pain
killer. Relieves pain and sore
ness, Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Sprains, &e.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
To all whom it may concern:
Ernest Williams of said state
having in proper form applied to
me for letters of administration
|on the estate of A W. Williams,
late of said cotinfv deceased, this
is to cite all and singular the
I creditors and tiieiss of A. W. Wil
i liams to be and appear at the I
November tern: of court, 1921,
laud show cause. ’.f any they can,
why letters of administration
should not be gran fed. Witness
my official signature this 3d day j
of October, 1921.
J. C. McA I lister,
For best results, ship your cot- 1
ton to The John Flannery Com- 1
pany, Savannah, Ga. Liberal
advances made on consignments.
t Oil Improved Montgomery, Treutlen and 1
t Wheeler County Improved Farm Lauds <
► J
t A. B. Hutcheson
► s
concern in do^
KhMSS|B ATex^rime—
i ■■■■■ i •<
' . n *
Send the Children Here.
We’re glad to have’em come. We keep a
mighty good line of school supplies for their
benefit. Pencils, pens, penholders, tablets., ink;
candy, ice cream and soda, too.
We like to serve the children for two reasons—
first, we like’em; second, they’ll be oyr big
customers in a few years.
We’re building for the future. That’s why we’re so
careful to give you absolutely dependable goods.
That’s why we like to sell Dr. Miles Medicines.
We know they’re reliable. We know you’ll get
your money back if they don’t benefit yon. ij
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in Mr. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Nov., 1921, between the legal
hours ot sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
One certain bay horse mule, about
(eight years old, weighing about one
thousand pounds, named Frank. Also
one bltjck mare mule, weighing about
twelve hundred pounds, about seven
years old and named Mary. Said
| property is levied on and will be sold
|as tlie property of Eliza Fountain to
satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued by the
j clerk of the superior court of Mont
| gornory county in favor of G. \V.
j Brown vs Eliza Fountain. Bond ta
! ken for above property, now in po
ssession of defendant. Written no
tice of levy given in terms of the
law. Tliis the 4th day of October,
1921. E E. Burch, Sheriff.