Newspaper Page Text
Wfc '"*•«. PE-RU-NA[
“ * began using NO using five boxes be- 3
PE-RU-NA Tablets RETURN I lieve lam cured as “
»>' 1 three years ago for OF there has been no S
•’ '' gill catarrh of the head I THE I return of the dis- g
BS and nose. Was un- DISEASE ease in two years.” 5
S Mr. Fraik Piriif able to do anything. IN Fifty years of use-g
Omit. Bax IS. I saw a decided TWO fulness is the best g
5 Nikruka improvement after YEARS guarantee of Po-ru- S
Man one box and after na merit.
Tablets or liquid Sold Everywhere E
©DISTEMPER AMONG HORSES successfully treated with
Spohn’s Distemper Compound
With th- approach of winter horses are again more liable to
contract contagious disease —DISTEMPER, INFLUENZA.
COUGHS and COLDS. As a preventive against these, an occa
sional dose of “SrOHN'S" is marvelously effective. As a rem
edy for cases already suffering, "SrOHN'S” is equally effective.
Give it as a preventive. Don’t wait. 60 cents and $1.20 per bottle
at drug stores.
41 ' ~ |SAPOLIO|
Finds countless uses in the
kitchen. It cleans cutlery,
kettles, tins, porcelain, china,
earthenware, linoleum, oil
cloth, refrigerators, tile, marble,
inst shelves and floors. See that
the name SAPOLIO is on
every package.
Sole Manufacturers
~ "" * New York U. S. A.
You Can Always Tell Him —He Knows
His Home City Like the Prover
bial Book.
The man who was born in New York
and had lived there all his days gave
a satisfied chuckle. “Yes, I know the,
old town as few know it. It’s going
to be a great pleasure for me to take
you around, old man. This, of course,
is Grant’s tomb. Ha, ha!”
The westerner looked his surprise.
“I laugh because it’s so cominon
piacc—so shopworn, so to speak. But
while you’re my guest you shall miss
nothing from the usual to the most
uncommon ... by George.”
“What is it?”
“Look —that big purple machine,
with all tlie people. Looks iike a del
egation of visiting Elks ... or
. . . what in the name of time can
such a big, clumsy—”
“New York city sightseeing bus!”
yelled the man with the ballyhoo.
“Takes you anywhere you want to go
to see the sights.”—Judge.
Secret Revealed.
Innumerable years yielded up a se
cret at the statehouse today. When a
janitor washed the transom in one of
the rooms occupied by Ora Davies,
state treasurer, it was disclosed that
one of the glass windows was of clear
instead of opaque glass. The accumu
lation of dust of years had given the
glass a frosted effect. Mr. Davies said
he would leave the glass clear and not
cover the transom as lias become a
fad among some of the officials of the
new administration.
“I’ll take a chance on anyone com
ing along with a periscope,” said Mr.
Davies. —Indianapolis News.
Clothes do not make the man, they
only make opinion about him.
Are you stepping on the brake
or the accelerator?
The food you eat does make a difference.
Heavy, starchy foods often do slow down
body and mind —often steal the energy that be
longs to the day’s work. Grape-Nuts is a go
ahead food. It contains the perfected nourishment
of Nature’s best grains. It includes all those
elements needed to nourish body and brain. It
is easy to digest. It gives energy without taking
How about your breakfast or lunch does
it give, or take?
Grape-Nuts is sweet, crisp, delightful to
the taste, and is an ideal source of power for a
busy and difficult day.
“There’s a Reason’ 5 for GRAPE-NUTS
Man Who Had Been There Knew
There Would Be Only One Dis
tinctive College Color.
They were talking of their absent
sons, and the fact that each of the
fathers had a boy in a different college
did not prevent them from amicably
discussing their prospects.
“It won’t be long,” said one of the
fathers, “before the athletic season
opens, and then I think we'll hear
something from the Orange and Blue.”
“Yes,” said another, “and there’ll be
some shouting done by the Blue and
“Os course,” said the third father,
“and as my hoy has gone to Prince
ton, I’ll have to put in a word for the
Black and Orange; but it doesn’t make
such a great ileal of difference. The
boys are bound to come under the
same colors in the end.”
“No,” said one.
“Can’t be arranged,” said the other.
“Oh, yes, it can !”
“To which colors do you refer?”
“Black and Blue.” —Philadelphia
Real Ground for Complaint.
“Very bad form, I call it, to ring one
up during church hours.”
“Probably she knows you don’t go to
“Very likely; but she might have
the decency to assume that I do.”—
A Student’s Wish.
“History repeats itself.”
“Well, I wish arithmetic would sum
itself up.”
Natural Query.
Crabshaw —Wc can’t afford a car.
Mrs. Crabshaw —Why, the house
isn’t mortgaged, is it?
Brief News Items Gathered Here And
There From All Sections Os
The State
Atlanta.—Further progress in the
general business revival throughout
the country, especially in the South, is
expected to follow the simultaneous
announcements recently of reductions
in rediscount rates on all classes of
paper by the Atlanta Federal Reserve
bank and six other similar institu
The rate in the sixth federal re
serve district was fixed at 5 1/2 per
cent, a reduction of one-half per cent,
at a recent meeting of the directors
i of the Atlanta hank, and following its
approval by the reserve board in
Washington, it went into effect im
mediately. This reduction followed a
drop from 7 to 6 per cent last May.
Federal reserve banks at Chicago,
St. Louis and Kansas City made pub
lic reductions of 1 per cent at the
same time the Atlanta announcement
was made, while similar institutions
at New York, Philadelphia, Richmond
and San Francisco made decreases
of one-half per cent.
"We made our city in the rdiscount
rate,’’ said Governor M. B. Wellborn,
of the Atlanta Federal Reserve bank,
recently,” in order to improve and as-,
sist. the business and agricultural in
terests of this district.
"Th period of marketing crops is
not nearly finished, and it is our de
sire to accommodate tlie farmers in
disposing of their products. We feel
that we have taken an important step
in this direction, through making a
reduction in our rates. The cost of
orderly marketing has been lessened.
Burglar Gets Heirloom At Residence
Atlanta. —The home of T. T. Wil
liams, was entered and robbed
and several articles of value and a
small sum of money, were taken.
Among the missing articles was an
open-face Howard watch in a gold
case, prized highly by Mr. Williams as
a family heirloom. It was given him
by his uncle, Toulman Taylor, who
had received it from his mother on
his twenty-first birthday. Inside the
case appears this inscription; "To
Toulman from his mother on his 21st
birthday, July 21, 1878.” Attached to
the watch was a gold fob from the
Druid Hills Golf club.
Woman Is Injured In Auto Accident
Atlanta. —Atlanta’s average of one
or more serious automobile accidents
a day was continued with Mrs. Ethel
Lefkoff in the role of the victim.
Alighting from a street car and walk
ing around the back of the car, she
was struck by the automobile of J. S.
Poole. Her collar bone was broken
and several of her ribs were broken.
She was taken to St. Joseph’s Infirm
ary for treatment. No case was made
against the driver of the automobile.
Flag Is Presented Fort Valley School
Fort Valley.—The Governor Truet
len chapter, Daughters of the Amer
ican Revolution, presented the Fort
Valley school a flag of the Stars and
Stripes to fly from tlie school building
at the presentation exercises taking
place recently. The flag was formally
presented by Mrs. W. B. Smith, regent
of the chapter, and appropriate words
were spoken by Miss Gladys Slappey.
Sycamore Suffers Destructive Fire
Sycamore.—Six of Sycamore’s best
business houses, together with Ray’s
rooming house and Henderson’s pea
nut warehouse, were destroyed by a
fire which raged for more than three
hours. The blaze started in a millin
ery establishment and made rapid
headway, as the wind was very iiigh.
The Ashbura fire department lent
material aid. and the whole male pop
ulation of that town came in cars to
lend what aid they could. At one
time it was thought that the whole
of one side of Sycamore was doomed.
The loss is estimated at $200,000 or
Have Unique Way Os Saving Potatoes
Thomasville. —The Messrs. Neel, of
this city, who among their other en
terprises, grow a large crop of sweet
potatoes, have a rather novel way of
curing and storing them for the win
ter. The potatoes are put in crates
and then stored in the basement un
der their chain of stores, where the
heat from the furnace dries to pota
toes out as effectively as in a storing
house, in the spring the potatoes are
shipped off to market where they com
mand good prices. Wagons are busy
this week in hauling the potatoes and
storing them for the drying-out pro
cess, which has proved successful for
years past.
Commissioners Against Asylum
Atlanta. —The Fulton county commis
sioners put .themselves on record as
being opposed to the establishment of
a "miniature asylum” in Fulton county
to take care of lunatics after the in
formation had been given to the com
missioners by Claude Mason of the
ordinary's office, that the asylum at
Miiledgeville is filled to capacity. Mr.
Mason said that'it is now impossible
to get any more patients into the asy
lum from Fulton county unless some
are brought tick and taken care of
3y the couLty,
Vast Amount Os Bridge And Trestle
Work Necessitated Expending
Much Time And Money
Eastman. —Work is rapidly nearing
completion on the public road, lead
ing from Eastman to Abbeville, which
will connect ■» ith the bridge recently
constructed over the Ocmulgee river,
just east of Abbeville.
By reason of the fact that several
miles of the Dodge county end of the
road lies through a dense swamp, it
has been necessary to expend a great
deal of time and money on this coun
ty’s portion of the highway. A vast
amount of bridge and trestle work
was required to span the swamps and
streams on the eastern side of the
river. In addition, a practically new
road, of highway dimensions, has been
When finished, tlie new highway
will afford another avenue of traffic,
between the western and eastern sec
tions of the state and between the
northeast and Florida. As soon as
completed, much of the automobile
tourist traffic from the eastern states
to the Florida resorts will no doubt
move over that route.
2 Former Governors Appear In Court
Atlanta. —Two former governors of
Georgia were present in Judge John
T. Pendleton’s division of the Fulton
superior court. John M. Slaton and
Hugh M. Dorsey, formerly chief exec
utives of the state and now attorneys
practicing at the Atlanta bar. sat wait
ing for their cases to lie called. They
were not pitted against each other.
They were merely present in the in
terest of their respective clients. “This
is the first time I have ever seen two
. former governors in this court at tho
same time,” said a deputy sheriff.
Dodge County Hogs Win Fair Prizes
Eastman. —The junior yearling herd
of black Poland-Ohina hogs, carried by
R. F. Buchanan, of this county, to the
Southeastern fair in Atlanta, brought;
back practically all of the premiums,
offered by the fair management for;
hogs of that type and breed. The
hogs were entered against tlie strong
est kind of competition, famous herds;
from many states, both north and
south, being on exhibition at the same
time, and much satisfaction is felt'
over the splendid showing made by;
the exhibit from Dodge county, evi
dencing in a forcible manner;
that this fully capable of!
producing stock the equal of any in
the whole country.
Service To Pacific From Savannah
Savannah. —A regular passenger
service between Savannah and the
Pacific coast will be started within:
the next few months by the Atlantic,
Gulf and Pacific Steamship company,
it is announced. Four additional;
steamers, purchased from the ship-;
ping board, have been added to the
company’s fleet.
Community Work In Thomasville
Thomasville. —The community work
in Thomasville will be carried on dur
ing the winter months but the prog
rams will be more in the interest of
the grown-ups than for the children.
As the children are in school they will
not be able to attend meetings and
their plays on the school grounds arO
under supervision.
Bank Os Sparta Cases Are Delayed
Sparta. —In a formal statement
made to the people of Hancock coun
ty, which will appear in the current
issue of the local papers over the
signature of Judge James B. Parks,
of the Ocmulgee circuit, the Septem
ber adjourned term of Hancock super
ior court that was to be convened No
vember 7, will be further continued
until December 5.
Women To Raise SIO,OOO For Georgia
Columbus. —Columbus women have
determined to raise SIO,OOO for tho
University of Georgia. Twenty-eight
local organizations met in joint ses
sion recently, mapped out plans and
after going over the situation and
hearing an address by O. S. Swift,
who explained the great million dollar
memorial fund, they announced that
a fund of ten thousand dollars would
be raised here.
Dodge County Demonstrator Resigns
Eastman. R. P. Howard, county
agent, has resigned his position, to
take charge of the large farm of A.
P. Petway, located about nine miles
east of the city, and the county is now
without the services of a demonstra
Eastman Business Men Plan Markets
Eastman. —Active steps are being
taken by the business men of East
man to provide a better market and
complete facilities for the handling
of Dodge, county farm products. Due
to the fact that the county’s cotton
crop this year is only about one-fifth
jof normal, the keen arrangement
whereby the farmers may dispose of
their commodities other than cotton
is being forcibly experienced.
Damage Suits Against Roof Concern
Atlanta. —Suits for damages aggre
gating sixty thousand dollars have
been filed in tho city court of Atlanta
against the United Roofing and Sup
| ply company, operating here, by
j Miss Rita Brock and Miss N. L. Vin
-11 son, who allege that they sustained se
.! vere injuries when struck by a truck
| owned by the defendant company at
; the corner of Forsyth and Marietta
' streets, October 28, The plaintiffs al
i lege that they were walking along Ma
i rietta street in an easterly direction
, when they were run dovt by the truck.
Growing Children Often Need
Gude’s Pepto-Mangan.
Some children grow too quickly—it
saps their strength. They lapse into
careless, desultory lmblts, or develop a
shrinking attitude* Their faces look
The WOod becomes overtaxed by too
rapid growth; and poisons from the
system take the place of strength-giv- !
ing red corpuscles in the blood. Red |
corpuscles are those little red particles ]
that swim In blood and give it its color.
Gradually that child loses interest in
Its play.
Poor blood needs the building that
the iron in Glide’s Pepto-Mangan gives
to weakened blood. Glide's Pepto-Man
gan enriches the blood by increasing
the number of red corpuscles, and re
stores the blood by driving out the poi
sons. When the revived blood gets to
work, the appetite becomes what a I
growing child's should be. Your drug- ;
gist has Glide’s Pepto-Mangan in liquid ;
or tablet form. The name “Glide’s i
Pepto-Mangan" is on every package.
Little Hess —Paddy, I've been play
ing I was mamma.
Father —Is that so? What did you
do. dear?
Little Hess —I bought you a nice
present and hud it charged to you.
Stops Hair Coming Out;
Thickens. Beautifies.
35 cents buys a bottle of “Dander
ine” at any drug store. After one ap
plication you can not find a particle
of dandruff or a falling hair. Besides,
every hair shows new life, vigor, bright- I
ness, more color and abundance.I—Advertisement. 1 —Ad-
A Real Yachtsman.
Commodore —Wlmt kind of a yachts
man is our new member?
Fleet Captain —The kind that sets
his absent pennant when he dives |
overboard for a swim.
The Remedy With a Record of Fifty-
Five Years of Surpassing Excellence.
Ail who suffer with nervous dyspep
sia, sour stomach, constipation, indi
gestion, torpid liver, dizziness, head
aches, coming up of food, wind on
stomach, palpitation and other indica
tions of digestive disorder, will find
Green’s August Flower an effective
and most efficient remedy. For fifty
live years this medicine has been suc
cessfully used In millions of house
holds all over the civilized world. Be
cause of its remarkable merit and
widespread popularity Green’s August
Flower can be found today wherever
medicines are sold. —Advertisement.
in Justice to Justice.
“Justice is blindfolded —but just the
same she can talk." “Yes, she does 1
sometimes peep!”—Wayside Tales.
in Z4//otxr3 in 3 Oatf9
STANDARD itmnly world over. Demand ied box I
butting Mr. Hill's pot trait and Mgnaturc.
At All Drugghtt—3o Ctntt
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Pleasant ToGive—"pleasant To Take _ ]||j|j|
Thoughtful parent* are having moat gratifying and W*R"*!!
astonishing result* by using this safe, agreeable prep- '**-•*-*''
aration which quickly stimulates baby’s digestion and regulates
bowel movements. It is a fact that babies and children like to take
The Infants 9 and Children’s Regulator
LA few drops, depending on age, adder! to each feeding keeps baby’s bowels
regular. This finest combination of vegetable ingredients promptly overcomes
diarrhoea, relieves wind colic, flatulency, constipation and other disorders —espec-
ially good at teething time.
The open published formula appears on every label —always know what you
give your baby. Mrs. Winslow s Syrup costs more to make —yet costs you no more
than ordinary baby laxatives. At All D.uggiatm
ANGLO-AMERICAN DRUG CO., 215-217 Fulton St, New York
General Selling Agent*: Harold F. Ritchie &. C0.,1nc., New York —London —Toronto
Follow, If You Take This Advice
Chattanooga, Tenn. “After four
years of suffering and misery untold,
from a trouble that seemed to baffle the
doctors, 1 became despondent, when
somehow I came into possession of Dr.
Pierce’s book, “The Medical Adviser.”
After rending it I decided 1 could be
benefited by Dr. Pierce’s Golden Med
ical Discovery and the Anuric tablets, so
1 began their use and in three weeks I
started to improve. 1 only weighed 125
lbs. when I commenced the treatment
and today I weigh 140 lbs., and am prac
tically well. I can’t give too much praise
to Dr. Pierce’s God-given remedies.”—
John A. James, 1812 Citico Ave.
You can quickly put yourself in A-l
condition by going to your druggist and
obtaining Dr. Pierce’s Family Remedies
: —tablets or liquid; or write Dr. Pierce,
president Invalids’ Hotel in Buffalo,
N. Y., for free medical advice. Get the
Medical Adviser from your neighborhood
druggist or send SI.OO to Dr. Pierce.
Death only a matter of short time.
Don’t wait until pains and aches
become incurable diseases. Avoid
painful consequences by taking
The world’s standard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles —the
National Remedy of Holland since 1696.
Three sizes, all druggists.
Look for the name Gold Medal on every box
and accept no imitation
Known as .}
“that good kind” H
c lry it—and you
will know why
zBB EfiF |H JB
sfn .f h/J (Hunt's Salve and Soap), fail in
fJI jjf the treatment of Itch, Eczema,
tL i /\ JRingworm,Tetter or other itch
ing akin diseases. Try this treat
ment nt our risk. Sold by all reliable druggists.
A. B. Richards Medicine Co., Sherman, Texas
Don’t iffnora the danger signals /
of aching eyes, red lids, blood- R 2:
•hot eyeball*. Mitchell fc^Nlalri)
F.yf Salve remove* irrita- f ** )Jt J
tion, reduces in Hamm at ion. / f T V'
Boothes pain. / / \ X
147 Waverly PI . H«w York / \ \
W Chill Tonic 5
1 Are You |
Take I
nunPQY skm
Ufi&lll si s 3 Short breathing re-
H lit ved in a few hours;
swelling reduced in a
few days; regulates the liver, kidneys, stomach
and heart; purifies the blood, strengthens the
entire system. Writ* for Free Trial Treatment.
FALL ('AHIIAGK I’LANTM, Wakefields, Flat
Dutch, Succession. Also Tomato and Beet
Plants. By Parcel Post, prepaid, satisfaction
or money back; 100-30 c, 300-76* 600-11.00,
1,000 $ 1.76. Exp., f.o I) her**, or collect post 1,000-11.30, B,ooofo/$ 1 20, 10,000^1.10.
W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 46-1921.