Newspaper Page Text
Entered at the Poetoffice in Mt. Vernon, Ga. as Kecond-ClaM Mail Matter.
HERMAN McBRIDE, Publish r. J<-5« a Year, in Advance.
advertisement* mimt invetinbly be l>*ut in > Ivanov, at the b-t/ai rate, and an the law
dlrocta; and miiat be in hand nut later than Wednesday morning of tlie firat we»-k of iuac-rtion
Mount Vernon. Ga.. Thursday Morning, November 10, 1921.
Sale of Real Estate Under Power
of Sale in Security Deed.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of the power of sale eon-
tained in that deed to iwurc debt n.suiv and exe- .
ruled by Emma B. Sea brook to J. K. Swint, un- 1
der date of December 21st, 1900, and recorded i
December 24th, 1920. In deed book No. 25, page j
435, Clerk * office Montgomery county. Georgia, j
the undersigned will well at public outcry, before ,
the court houaedoor at Mt. Vernon, Georgia, dur
ing the legal hour* of sale. to the highest bidder
for cash, on the first Tuesday in December, 1921,
that being the sth day of a«id month, the follow- J
trig described property, to-wit:
All that certain tract or parcel of land, lying being In the 275th District G. M. Montgomery >
County, G«M>rgia, bounded on the north by land*
of estate of J. H. McArthur, east by lands of U.
A. McAllister, south by lands of J. McAllister
and west by lands of Mary McAllister, said tract
of land containing Fifteen (16) ncres, more or
Jens, being the land conveyed by deed from Hi nry
McAllister to Emma Bellamy (now Emma Sea
brook) on October 31st 1913. and recorded in deed
book No. 21. page 362. on August 31st, 1915.
For the purpose of paying an indebtedness of
One Hundred and Eighty Five and 20-100 ($185.20) i
Dollars, principal, and the sum of one dollar and !
forty rents interest to December Ist, 1921, the
total amount due km of December Ist, 1921, being ,
$196.60. together with the costs of this proceeding,
including attorneys fee* as providl'd for in said ,
deed above set out, default having been made in
the payment of the principal note due November j
Ist, 1921, as set out in said deed and under the ,
power therein contained, when any of said debt
matures and is not paid, then the holder of said
notes and security deed i* authorized to proceed
t«i collect the same, tin* said J. K. Swint having by
this procedure declared the sum due by reason of
aaid default.
A complete conveyance will In* made on day of
sale to purchaser said purchaser paying for title*
and Revenue Stamps.
This 6th day of November, 1921.
J. U. Swint.
Attorney in fact for Emma B. Sea brook.
J. Wade Johnson, Attorney
for J. K Swint.
Sale of Real Estate Under Power
of Sale to Secure Debt.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of a power of sale contain
ed in a certain deed to secure debt, made and exe
cuted by B. A Smith to I*. K. Cohen under dnti
of Janurary 1, 1920, recorded in Deed Book 26, page .
2W» and 261 in Office of the Clerk of the Superior
Court of Montgomery (Viunty, Georgia. the under
signed will sell at public outcry, before the Court
House door of said County above set out. during
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, on the First Tuesday in December 1921.
same being the 6th day of sai l month, the follow
ing described real estate, to wit:
All that certain tract or parcel of land situate
lying and ladng in the 1767th (formerly 1343rd)
District G M. of Montgomery County, Georgia,
and bettor described as follows: Bound' d on North
by Savannah Hoad; East by Louinvilie Public
Road, South by lands of Charlie Fountain, and
West by lands of N. A. Adams, containing Sixty
Nine and Forty Three One Hundiedtlni ncreu
more or less, a* shown by plat of same recorded in
Deed Book number 17, page 24. (’Jerk’s Offici
Montgomery County; Georgia ami known u
tracts Twelve and Thirteen on said map.
For the purpose of pitying an Indebtedness of
Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollar*, principal, and
Forty Dollars and Twenty Fourte-ts as inter. <i
to the 6th day of December 1921, the total amount
of principal and Interest l»cing now due, the sum
of Seven Hundred anil Ninety Dollars and Twen
ty Four cents, together with the costs of this pro
c«Nsling. Including fees for commissioner to make
said sab* as provided in Haiti deed to Neeuro debt
abov" set out, default having been nmdc in the
payment of principal and interest due October Ist
1921, us shown in said deed to secure debt, and un
der the jaiwer contained In said deed to secure
debt, when any of said notes therein mentioned
fall due. and art* not paid promptly at maturity,
then the whole amount of said indebtedness falls
due, and the said I*. R. Cohen is authorized to col
lect the full amount of principal and interest, he
having by this declare I the whole sum due by rea
son of said default. A full conveyance will be ex
ecuted to the purchaser by the undersigned on
thedate of said sale, the purchase! paying for ti
tles and Revenue Stamps.
This 7th day of November 1921.
P H. Cohen, Attorney in fact for
B. A, Smith.
Fred M. Harris, Attorney,
Official Bankruptcy
Salt 4 .
Sale of Stock of Goods,
store fixtures and furniture of
BANKRUPT, at Mouut
Vernon, Ga., on Friday, No
vember 11th, 1921, consisting
of hardware, furuiture and
other articles.
Under an order of the Hon. A.
H. MacDonell, referee in bank
ruptcy, entered Nov. Ist, 1921,
1 will sell at public sale the above
property at the place of business
of Union Grocery Go., at Mount
Vernon, Ga., on November 11th, j
1921, between the legal hours of
Sale to be free of all liens. ]
valid liens to attach to proceeds, j
for cash, subject to confirmation
by the Court. Sale will stand for
confirmation before the referee
at his office, Mendel Building,
Savannah, Ga., on Saturday,
Nov. 12th, 1921* at 12 o’clock,
Stock of goods may be examin-j
ed on application to the under- 1
M. B. Galhoun. Trustee,
Mount Vernon, Ga.
Nov. Ist, 1921.
Trespass Notice.
This is to forewarn the public
against hunting with gun or dog,
removing wood or timber of any
kind, fishing, or in any manner
trespassing on the lands of the
undersigned. Violations of this
rule will be prosecuted according
to law. This the 3rd day of No-;
vember, 1921.
L N. Thompson,
Mrs. Jennie Hughes,
(Individually and as guardian of!
Alice and Ethel Thompson.)
Official Bankruptcy Sale.
Sale of mules, wagons, oxen,
ox wagons, motor truck, automo
biles, rough pine lumber, sawn
hickory lumber, boiler and en
gines and other personal proper
ty of G. V. Mason, bankrupt, at
Mount Vernon, Georgia, on Fri
day, November 11th, 1921.
Under an order of the Honor
able A. H. MacDonell, Referee
in Bankruptcy, entered Novem
ber Ist, 1921, I will sell at public
sale the below described proper
ty before the court house door at
Mount Vernon, Georgia on No
vember 11th, 1921, between the
legal hours of sale, to-wit:
Five head of mules; ten head
lof oxen; two two horse wagons;
three ox carts, one Maxwell auto
I truck; one old Ford touring car;
one old Briscoe touring car; one
boiler and two engines; a lot of
rough pine lumber and about
13,000 feet of sawn hickory lum
Sale to be free of liens, valid
liens to attach to the proceeds of
the sale, and said sale to be for
cash, subject to the confirmation
of the court. Sale will stand for
confirmation before the referee
at his office, Mendel building,
Savannah, Georgia, on Saturday,
November 12th, 1921, at 12
o’clock noon.
Said boiler and engines and
lumber will not be brought to
place of sale but will be sold at
their present locations, and pros
pective purchasers may examine
the same at said locations, to-wit:
Boiler and engines on F. Lee
Mcßae place north of Bear Creek:
sawn hickory lumber at Mason
Mill near old brick yard on S. A.
L. Ry., betweeh Mount Vernon
and river and sawn pine rough
lumber at Mount Vernon depot.
Ten per cent, of bid to be de
posited with Trustee on day of
sale and palance of purchase
price paid on confirmation by the
November Ist. 1921.
M. B. Calhoun, Trustee,
Mount Vernon, Georgia.
Finds countless uses in the
l\ kitchen. It cleans cutlery,
Wd ■■■■ 8 kettles, tins, porcelain, china,
j earthenware, linoleum, oil
cloth, refrigerators, tile, marble, ,
Fr-v ilWJjfr shelves and floors. See that ‘
I m | name SAPOLIO is on
l every package.
- | Soic ManufacturerM
New York U. S. A.
I look like new
On Improved Montgomery, Treutlen and 3
Wheeler County Improved Farm Lands 3
► 41
t A. B. Hutc?\eson <
? :
We Carry at all Times a Full
if and Complete Line of Coffins, Caskets
and Funeral Supplies, including Metallic |
Lined and all Metal Caskets.
I it
% 1 |
| We Pay Strict Attention to All Details |
li f
L Phone'No. 25. SOPERTON. GA. |
Ting is to notify all and sundry
that final settlement with the un
dersigned contractors will be!
trade on or about four (4) I
weeks from date for materials
furnished and labor employed j
in the construction of re- 1
inforced concrete and steel bridge j
over the Oconee River, known as,
Federal Aid Project No. 8 in Mont
gomery-Wheeler Counties, located
on State Route No. 30. Full set
tlement has been made for all
labor and materials used in the
construction of said bridge.
This is to notify all persons that
any claims for non payment of la
bor and materials must be pres
ented to the engineers, Garret <fe
Slunk, Montgomery, Ala., or
to the Board of County Commis
sioners of Montgomery, or to the
Board of County Commissioners
of Wheeler County, on or before
the final settlement.
This Oct. 20, 1921.
C. T. Dawkins Construction Co.
Hawkinsville, Ga.
» 1
Alabama Lady Was Sick For Three
Years, Suffering Pain, Nervous
and Depressed—Read Her
Own Story of Recovery.
Paint Rock, Ala. —Mrs. C. M. Stegall,
of near here, recently related the fol
lowing interesting account of her re
covery: “I was in a weakened con
dition. I was sick three years in bed,
suffering a great deal of pain, weak,
nervous, depressed. I was so weak,
I couldn’t walk across the floor; Just
had to lay and my little ones do the
work. I was almost dead. I tried
every thing I heard of, and a number of
doctors. Still I didn’t get any relief.
I couldn’t eat, and slept poorly. I
believe If I hadn’t heard of and taken
Cardul I would have died. I bought
clx bottles, after a neighbor told me
what it did for her.
“I began to eat and sleep, began to
gain my strength and am now well
and strong. I haven’t had any trou
ble since ... I sure can testify to the
good that Cardui did me. I don’t
think there is a better tonic made
and I believe it saved my life.’’
For over 40 years, thousands of wo
men have used Cardui successfully,
in the treatment of many womanly
If you suffer as these women did,
take Cardui. It may help you, too.
At all druggists. E 85
7 ■ n
I • \ "\ + -v* ;
=*» V ) ) \>x
2a L \ J f V M
4mr { v 'W7
■ ~■■■■ 1 i ' «fT r 1 r
i§ ■ | i
% 1 j j I
How M&riy Object* La i n.z Pfc&re Beifin Witls ike Letter “€ /?
The above picture contain:, a nu-eher >•} acts besirning v.!. the letter “C.” Just take a good
lr>ok at the picture—there a’e all sort:, of things that ’.egin with the letter “C”—like cow, caif, I
cap, etc. Nothing is hidden; you don't Lave to turn the picture up; Lie down. Make a iist of all the 9
objects in the picture, the names of which begin with the letter "C.” Have the whole family join I
m see who can'find the most. Don't mi -; nr v F .ft . u cash prizes will be awarded for the fifteen B
best lists of words submitted lie answer having the largest and nearest correct lint of vi.dblc ■
objects shown in this picture starting with the letter “C” will be awarded fi-st prize: second best, R
second prize, etc.
You„ S and Old. Join in Tho Fun THE PRIZES 1
The Atlanta Constitution announces today a 4 r
game in wtiinh ail «-an itm i c i ’winning answers wiM receive prizes as follows: f
No objo-tt I.- no small but that th • rest . yc- \ M t 3« 8 i *>' '»«'«. 5 2-6 mot tub’
sight cun sen it It is t 1. Io! sail . Your £ (ion is Ini striiCioiiS «rs «en;
ability to find -< ’• Words" ■l-t-rin .1 s f ’ll iiwi —1 n ,~TI <cr.v«aa-»n '
you win aft r .-.liver th; . cventn |.«A#| S t PriZ3.
gather alt the tnciutu rs i • your lsmiily togethf I IS „ . „ f ,n «—a «n f in-ax nr*'
give each of th m a pen: 1 ii.ul ay- to! pup j m c *** ***' zr**: * B * J
and see who ran find the mos: “C V A 5 3rd “ •• 35.00 850.00 • i
You’ll be surprised t.» find how !:*.rv a lit o. fi t i, ku
words you can got after a few min it :•>’ study §'* ’ J 4th •• 20.00 150.00 300.00
Sit down NOW and try it—then, send in you * 3 sth 4# •. 15.00 SCO.CO £OO 00 8
list and try for the big prizes I I 6th “ .. IC.OO 73.00 150.30 I
Vrvvs r'run, W*.i SS I 3th “ •* r, '°° 30.00 00.00 1
I Oil C 3.11 WM ep jU f 9th “ .. 3.00 20.00 40.00 1
Tin* “C-Word” Picture (isme is n cunipnlirn »« j ** •• * <.OO
increase the jKipnlnrit.v of 'J’lie Atlniita ('on ~ it tu :.*n It 2 2.4 th ** •• 2.00 15.00 30.00 jfl
coats nothing to take part. m:d you do not ha e to si" • ;( Uv £ : ~«» •> if.- •>/* oa ao H
in a single subscription to win a prize. ■
If your list of “C-Words” is award’d I’lD’-l SKU)M) «»• AUTO WO 11 ILK FREE —As a special prize for I
c THlin) prize by the judaes^ you will win :: : i ■.« if >«»•* | lhc . best effort shown in Die game, wt* will allow ■
following »pt< lal Offer whir liy .an win id. ■ r .-its!, I the partieiimnt haying the beat lit |
prize, by Hciulins In OM: <,r TWO «üb:«riptlon.i to Tin | <- if the first three pirzo winucrr. (If fully gatiiifiedji, ■
Atlanta Constitution. i tile eh-.'iee ot 51,UJd ea.-.ii or a new -9-- DUICK. «
8 MX TOURING CAR. value $1,71.» f.o.b. Atlanta. U
UHICE’S now If your irowr to tli ••(’•tv.-nl" Pti-oiri » ~j, ~.l r p, „„„ , ln di'.j:'a' at thp kn mlii :3
I’uzzie wins FIIisT. S’KCOXI) or Tiltttl) |., ami yon 1 S.-'. 4 vo iioomM. \<«. ItMi tv. I’oaolit.-ye Si., Atlanta, ba. ■
have «ent in ONF. nix-luonth s: h l YY. , i tn A’ ■ t.i I ■ ■ ■
Conatitutlon at S.VOO. ymi will rocolv :tr.«> in. t - I * rr ’ g
fourtli prize, fl.Kt; firth pr : :.-. siao. etc. (Fee si. ,ml nncrr jfP TLIfOC DJ if tyr* ■
•olunin of figures in priz, b.U.) V 11, I IT! Zt. ’ .Vi ji J ■
•. . 0000.0 .os,' v-t, _ o r . 1. Any man. woman itulol boy ilv- elc Neam o. s'vie. oi liaudvvrlt- SI
OR, if your answer »h h}• I Its I, shO.IM) or 1 111 D prlzr :in „. g A „ r any adjoining slate liib In: vno b arum upon deeldlng I
aucl you have sent In 1 ,\o a.x-inontl. subai-r.p.:- to the a!1 inlpl „ yje ot Th? A t- the whineis. • \
Atianta ConsUtnlton at W.OO or (1..,, viiirl.’ suU - tint innta c, nst.t ,thm. or a member of . r .„, 0 ,, v oo.on.raTe to ts
to The Constitution at veil will r <cl\c (U) in nn miploya’c’s family, may submit Vn-wtriu th" hut only one I
|»laee of $8o; fourth priz *. fifth |»rize. $2C<). etc. B; , .r.uvmr. It costa nothing to try ori/t’ will b.* awarded to any one I
(See third column vs in j»rize list.) 2. All aiiswer* must be mailed by household* nor will priz s be B
V««0 f pHz*s "’“l™ "! 1
SECOND or THIRD and have scat in TV/C six-rr.-nth w.mla mimbf-red' 'ams cMlvAy* i»» «-n inn hm, .om„ s i°- |
subscriptions at 55.00 or ono yearly subscription at. C 0.50. 3 t tc. Write your full name aud ' <
you will win SI,OOO. NOW, FURTHER, as ?. SPrSfAL addr .<* on ea.*h page in the uppkr B ’, ln l i‘ u event oi aU- Tut any
OFFER, we will allow the rarticip -jit the beet list righr-lund co;ner. It you desire urize offered the full amount of ■
of ‘‘C-Words” erf the First Three Prize Winne s (if fully to write anything eise. use s »ep- j\ u , pr ‘f‘. wU be to eatb H
qualified), the choice of $1,900 in cash or n r.ew 1322 Buick arc*- sin* r. ll d PSrtieipam.
S Six Touring Car, value $1,715 f. o. b. Atlanta. 4 Only word* found in the Kng- 9. AH answer*- will receive the ■
lish dictionary will be counted. Do same co tsid- rati n. reg: rdless or
t It takes but TWO six-month subscriptions ut $5.00 or one not use hyph nated. compound or whether nr not ;i suhs. ption for
yearly subscript lon at $9.50 (new or renewal) to qualify obsolete words. Use cithei the The Atlanta Constitution is sent In.
for the big SI,OOO rewards. Absolutely, th .t is tiie ma\l singular or plural, but where the There will be thi u independ
mtim. You can do this with very little effort. Your own plural is used, the singular can e nt ji-dges. tiaving no connection
subscription can count. We can also take subscript ions to n ‘ ,t ,je counted and vie,* versa wit I* Tne •Constitution, who will
start at any future date. Just mark on your order when 5. Words of the same spelling can judge the answer*, submitted ami
you want the paper started, and we will not commence be us <1 o:i!y ofice. even tlmugh award the prizes ar the end of the
delivery until you say. used to designate different obj rts. piizz.ll* game ami participants agree
The same obj-ft can hr- named only to accept the decision of the
■■■■■*■«:crauO’ica; however. au> part of tile ob- judges Us filial and conclusive.
c _ n • D—..Ll- aJ— I jeet may also b? named. 11. The judges will meet right aft
oubftcnption Kates ray«LL .n Pzdvr.nce y answer having the largest er the Close, and the announce
lily .Mail, Carrier, or Agent.) lini! nearest correct list of names of ment of the prize wlnn rs ami cor
rigible objects shown in the pic- reet Ust of words will he published
f \ DAILY AND SUNDAY I DAILY AND SUNDAY ture that begin with the letter in The Constitution just a* quick-
Six Months $5.00 j One Year $9.50 ”0.” will be awarded first prize. lv thereafter as possible.
RI ID At Rm IXE7 This offer applies to rural route patrons as well as subscribers living in cities
IXlytlvm. IWO lIL, an ,i towns. If you art- already receiving The Constitution, your subscription
; Will be extended from its present expiration. Send in a yearly subscription at
J'- 1 $9.50, or two six-month subscriptions, at $5.00. and qualify for th© bie prizes.
<? This is an easy way to win SI,OOO or a Btiick Touiiilq Oar.
j ij|lj
Friendly BURLEY
Gentlemen TURKISH [
The perfect blend of the three {
perfect cigarette tobacco*
in one perfect cigarette
one-eleven 3
cigarettes i
n 111 FIFTH AVE. I
" 111 VW" CATV
Enough to Weather
Any Storm
IT is in time of business readjustment that the
real value of a bank foundation is shown.
Our Resources have been conserved in prosperous
days for just such a readjustment period as this
and with the added advantage of our Membership
in the Federal Reserve System we are better
equipped to serve you now than ever.
Capital $25,000.00 Surplus, 525.000.00
N* L. GILLIS, President. J. E. Hall, V. -President and Cashier
J. B. O’CONNER, Vice-President. I. H. Hall, Jr., Assistant Cashier