Newspaper Page Text
Novenber Oats Mature
Earlier in the Spring.
Oati planted by the middle of
Novenber will mature a few days
earlie - in the spring than oats
planted at a later time, according
to the Extension Division of the
Georgia State College of Agricul
ture They will get much more
of tieir growth in the early
sprng when there is more mois
turi than necessary. This taking
ad’antage of the moisture when
it s present will in’" most cases
mtan larger yield* of grain.
Lack of water in the spring is
often the thing that limits the
yeld of grain. To take advan
t»ge of natural conditions and
ise every inch of rainfall possi
ble it is wise to get the crop ot
jats in early.
Many people are in the habit of
waiting until Christmas, or after,
to seed their oats, thinking that
larger yields result from such
practice. Experimental results
do not bear this out. Both Fulg
hum and Appier oats sown early
have given'i" greater yields than
the same kind of oats sown at a
later time.
Farmers Believe Better
Grain Prices Are Coming.
Moultrie, Ga., Nov. 7. — Al
though Colquit county this year
produced the biggest corn crop
in its history, the yield being es
timated at close to a million bush
els, little of it is being sold at
current prices. Growers are of
the opinion that it will bring
more next spring and summer,
and those who can are holding on
to it.
The holding movement is so
strong that the county, which
has been advertising for several
days for 2,000 bnshels, offering
5 cents more on the bushel than
the market price, has not been
able to get much thus far.
Corn has been an important
money crop in Colquit ever since
the building of the grain elevator
here five years ago. It affords a
cash market every day in the
year and has handled most of the
surplus corn produced around
Moultrie since it began operation.
Sale of Real Estate Under Power
of Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of power of sale contained
in a certain deed to secure debt made and execu
ted by J. G. Morris to P. R. Cohen, under date of
January 29th, 1920, and recorded January 30th,
1920 in deed book No. 25, pag-es 272 to 273 Clerk's
Office, Montgomery County, Ga., the undersigned
will sell at public outcry before the Court House
door of i aid county, during the legal hours of sale,
to the highest bidder for cash, on the first Tues
day in December, 1921, that being the 6th day
thereof, the following described real estate with
all improvements, to-wit:
All that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying
and being in the 275th'District G M. Montgomery
county, Ga., and in the village of Sharpe Spur, on
east side of Georgia & Florida Railroad, and more
fully described as follows: Beginning at a stake
corner, the same being the corner of Flanders &
Price’s land, and running thence south S(F de
grees east 200 feet to a stake; thence north 40 de
grees east, 430 feet to a stake; thence north 50 de
grees west 200 feet to a stake; thence south 430
feet to beginning stake corner, bounded north
west by Flanders & Price; and on all other sides
by Matthew Sharpe, and more fully described by
a plat made by S. B. Morris, recorded in deed
book No. 16, page 505 Clerk’s Office Montgomery
Georgia, and being place whereon J. G.
Morris now lives.
For the purpose of paying an indebtedness of
Six Hundred and Thirty and 72-100 [5630.72] prin
cipal, and Fifty Four and 21-100 [554.21] interest,
up to December Ist, 1921, the total amount of
principal and interest being Six Hundred Eighty
four and 93-100 [5684.93] dollars, together with
the cost of this proceeding, including fees for
Commissioner in making said sale as provided for
in said deed to secure debt above set out, default
having been made in the payment of the principal
and interest notes du&October, Ist 1920, and each
throe months therafter until this date, as in said
deed set out, and under the power contained in
said deed to Becure debt when any of said principal
or interest falls due and are not paid, the holder
may declare the whole indebtedness due, and the
holder by reason of default set out has declared
by this proceeding the whole sum due by reason
of such default.
A complete conveyance will be made to purchas
er on day of sale, said purchaser paying for titles
and revenue stamps.
This November 4th 1921.
P. R. Coh6n, Attorney in fact
for J. G. Morris.
J. Wade Johnson, Attorney
Trespass Notice.
The public is hereby notified
not to remove wood, or timber
of any kind, or to hunt with gun
or dog, fish, or in any manner
trespass on the lands of the un
dersigned. Violations of (his rule
will be prosecuted as the law al
lows., This the 13th day of Oc
tober, 1921. Jas. A. Stacy,
E. D. Adams,
Mt. Vernon.
Trespass Notice.
This is to forewarn the public
against hunting with dog or gun,
removing timber or wood of any
kind, fishing, hunting, or in any
manner trespassing on the lands
o&the undersigned: and parties
violating this order will be prose
cuted to the extent of the law.
This the 3d day of Nov., 1921.
Mrs. W. C. Mcßae.
Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Administrator's Sale.
Georgia— Mon tgomery'County.
Under and by virtue of an order
granted by the Court of Ordinary on
the 3rd day of October. 1921. will be
sold before the court house door in
said county, between the legal hours
of sale, to the highest and best bid
der for cash, on the first. Tuesday in
December, 1921. the following real
estate and corporate stock to wit:
Those two tqjvn lots in the Town
of Mount Vernon, Montgomery
County, Georgia, known in the plan
of the town lots laid out by A. H.
McCrimmon, County Surveyor, as
lots numbers (twenty two (22) and
twenty three”;(23) bounded on the
North by Broad Street ; on the East
by Center Street; on the South by
street running on the ;southside of
the public square and on the west by
a street dividing said lots from the
Presbyterian Church lot andj lands
of \V. A. Peterson and each contain
ing three fourths (3-4) of an acre,
more or less, and being the same two
lots conveyed to the said M. D.
Hughes by James MeNatt bv a war
ranty deed dated November 27th.
1901, and recorded August 30th, 1921.
in Book No. 26,f01i0 3600 f the Records
of Deeds in the office of the Clerk of
the Superior Court of Montgomery
County, Georgia; excepting there
from, however, a tract of land locat
ed on the northwest corner of said
lots conveyed by|M,V- D. {to
D, A. Mcßae on December 12. 1919,
and recorded November 16, 1920, in
Deed Book‘No. 26 folio 306 of the Re
cords of Deeds of Montgomery Coun
ty, Georgia, said excepted lot being
<>4 1-2 feet by 120 feet and on which is
located the D. A. Mcßae cotton
warehouse; and also excepting there
from another tract of land fronting
east on Center Street and being 26
feet by 50 feet and Oeing the same
tract of land conveyed to Mcßae
Brothers"«fe McLemore by the said
M. D.-Hughes on October 14th, 1914,
as shown by the record of said deed
in Book No. 21 folio 367 of the Re
cords of heeds of Montgomery Coun
ty, Georgia.
Also all of that tract or parcel of
land situated, lying and being in the
1343rd, District G. M. and in the
Town of Mount Vernon, Montgomery
County, Georgia, and hounded as
follows: On the North by lands of E.
G. Smith; on the East by lands of J.
W. Morrison; on the South by lands
of M. D. Hughes known as the Hicks
Place and on the West by Washing
ton Street, fronting', on Washington
Street a distance of five hundred and
and eighty (580) feet and running
buck east a distance of two hundred
and eighty six (286) feet and said to
contain three and one half (3 1-2)
acres, more or less; and being the
same tract of land conveyed toM D.
Hughes by T. E. Rogers by a war
ranty deed dated Janurary 24th, 1911.
and recorded January 27, 1911
in Book No. 15 folio 442 of the Re
cords of Deeds of Montgomery Coun
ty, Georgia.
Also all of that tract or parcel of
land situated, lying and being in the
1343rd, District G. M of Montgom
ery County Georgia, bounded oh the
North by lands belonging to Jesse
Fountain, E. M. Rackley, John W.
Morrison, C. A. Mason and the tract
belonging to M. D. Hughes next
above described; on the East by
lands belonging to Charles
Montgomery on the South by lands
belonging to the estate of T. J.
Thompson and on the West by lands
belonging to the estate of R. F. Mc-
Rae and containing two- hundred
(200) acyes of land more or less; and
being composed of the tracts of land
conveyed to the said M. D. Hughes
by Mrs Lena McCrimmen and Mrs.
Atha M. Hughes by a warranty deed
dated January 14.1909, and recorded
February 12, 1909. in Book No. 13 fo
lio 39 of the records of Deeds of
Montgomery County. Georgia, and a
tract of two acres of land conveyed
to the said M. D. Hughes by Geo. W.
Adams Sr. by warranty deed dated
February 6th, 1909. and recorded
Feburar.v 12, 1909, in Book No. 13 fo
lio 41 of the records of deeds of Mont
gomery County, Georgia, excepting
therefrom, however, a tract of nine
(9) acres of land conveyed by M. D.
Hughes to Geo. W. Adams, Sr. by a
warranty deed dated February 6th,
1909 and recorded Fehrury 12th, 1909.
in Book No. 13 folio4o of the Records
of Deeds of Montgomery County,
A Iso two shares of the capital stock
of the Mount Vernon Hotel Ctftnpa
ny, a corporation owing the hotel
property located on the court, house
satire in the town of Mount, Vernon,
Montgomery County, Georgia! and
also ten shares of the capital stock of
The Mount Vernon Bank, a banking
corporation under the laws of said
State with its office and principal
place of business in the said Town of
Mount Vernon, Montgomery .County,
That said administrator have
leave to sell the abeve and foregoing
described property, all of which is
located in the said County of Mont
gomery, said State, before the court
house door in the said Town of Mount
Vernon, Montgomery County, Geor
gia, within the legal hours of sale,
after giving due notice tnereof as is
ttequired by law
To he sold as the property of the
estate of M. D. Hughes, deceased,
for the purpose of payment of debts
and distribution among heirs of said
deceased. M. B. Calhoun.
Administrator of tiie Estate
of M. D. Hughes, deceased.
Farm Loans
Loans ou Improved Farm Lands
in Montgomery and Wheeler
Couuties. Interest rate 6 per ct.
Reasonable commission. I can
handle good propositions for eol
, ored people owning farm lands.
Mt. Vernon. Ga
Syrup Barrels.
Get our prices before buying;.
The Southern Cotton Oil Co.,
Cooperage Dept,,
Savannah, Ga.
Georgia —Montgomery County.
Notice is hereby given that M.
B. Calhoun, as executor of the
last will and testament of John
C. Calhoun, of said county, de
ceased, having applied to me by
petition for leave to sell all that
tract or parcel of land situated,
lying and being in the 1343rd,
District G. M. of said county,
bounded on the north by lands
belonging to J. H. Martin; on
the east by lands belonging to
Jesse Fountain; on the south by
lands belonging to Mrs. E. W.
Armfleld or the Mount Vernon
aud Uvalda public road and on
the west by the Mount Vernon
cemetery and containing eighteen
and twenty three one hundredth
(18 23) acres of land, and being
the same land conveyed to John
C. Calhoun by Mrs. Flora C.
Higgs by deed dated April 30th,
1908 as shown bv the record of
said deed in hook No. 11 folio 211
of the records of deeds of said
county, excepting therefrom a j
tract of four and twenty sevet :
one hundredth (4 27) acres sob
by John C. Calhoun to the Cit
of Mount Vernon for cemete'
purposes by deed dated Marc..
10th, 1918. as shown by the
record of the deed thereof in Book
No. 23 folio 498 of the records ot
deeds of said county, real estate
of said John C. Calhoun, de
ceased, and that an order was
made thereon at the November
term, 1921, for citation, and that
citation issue, all the heirs at
law and creditors of the said John
C. Calhoun, deceased, will take
notice that I will pass upon said
application at the December
term, 1921, of the court ot ordi
nary of said county, and that un
less cause is shown to the con
trary, at said time, said leave will
be granted. This the 7th day of
November, 1921.
J. C. McAllister,
Jury List For
November Court.
The following is the list of
jurors drawn to serve at the
November term of Montgomery
Superior Court 1921:
Guano Jury.
W B Cadie A H Johnson
G. J. Stanford J. R. Beckum
E. 0- Dickson B. C. Anderson
E. G. Smith F. B. Mcßride
G. V. Mason E. C. McAllister
E. McLeod W. P. Calhoun
H. H. McAllister J. C. Brewton
J. M. Downie T. C. McArthur
E. F. Allmond H. B. Folsom
E. J. Wells Sr. W. 11. Sharpe
M. C. Coleman Louis Robinson
J. Litt Price H. V. Thompson
Sam Johnson C. A. Rackley
W A Conner Sr W T Mcßride
W T McArthur Sr Dennis O’Brien
Petit Jury — 2d Week
H J Fountan John G Moms
A \V Mobley M H Sharpe
E J Weils Jr J M Philips Jr
C W Warnock J A Kitokens
N L Spooner J W Calhoun
John Q Palmer Guy Morris
Geo W Hamilton D O Calhoun
Sam D Morris C M Morris
DeWitt Calhoun J W Thompson
W P Moore Willie Allmand
J D Langford T P McKay
E D Adams C G Thompson
Grove Sharpe J J McAllister
H A Johnson J M Daniel
W W Grimsley S S Calhoun
J T Brack G I Radford
fl A Garrett ICS Berner
L E Stanford G Y Yeomans
1 E Brooks J A Wood
J O Milligan M L Adams
B F Palmer B F Hamilton
M J Brantley C Mason Hamilton
W J Poe M E Burns
J A Stacy J H Palmer
A G Hicks A D Cumbee
T B Hughes
Cotton Money.
Cotton should notlJbe thrown
on the market as fast as picked,
but should be sold over a period
of several months to prevent a
The Savannah Cotton Factor
age Co., Savannah, Ga., has
money to loan on old and new
crop cotton, either for prompt
sale or to be held. They solicit
your consignments.
Registered Duroc
J erseys.
Registered Duroc Jersey hogs
hogs for sale; the best in the
country; will sell or exchange
for other hogs. See me at once.
J. Wade Johnson,
Mount Vernon, Ga.
Ilf in Need of Money|
Come to See me at Once, 1
Either Short or Long Term Loans. I
and can secure money on either Farm or City
I Property within Ten Days or Less jjg
See me at once, as I have clients now for both
farm and city property in this section.
Come to see me, or phone and I will call on you.
jJ. Wade Johnson I
My Potato Curing House will
be in charge of Mr. S. J. Elliott,
and will be open for receiving
potatoes on Monday, the 24th,
for thia season. I will buy Uni
ted States Grade No. 1 Porto
Rico potatoes, or I will cure for
the grower as each individual
I urge that all potatoes either
sold or stored be brought to tfw>
house within two weeks from
the opening date as above stated.
There is too much danger of j
frost to run the risk of waiting
Get what crates you need at
once and have them ready, and
see me for prices, etc.
W. A. Peterson.
Hi''' ■ ( (
Taste is a matter of
tobacco quality
We state it as our honest belief
that the tobaccos used in Chester
field are of finer quality (and -
' hence of better taste) than in any
other cigarette at the price*
Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.
of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos—blended
1 -
! Ample Provision for Hearse Service
and Prompt Attention to all Calls
iij AILEY, GA.