The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, November 10, 1921, Image 8
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Sammons, farming near Mt. Vernon, recently brought to this office samples of red sugar cane measuring practi cally nine feet. Mr. Sammons is a good farmer. There will be given an oyster supper at the Uvalda school house tomorrow evening (Fri day.) The public is cordially in vited to attend. The proceeds of the happy event will go to ward the improvement of the school building. THE UNIVEBSAI CAB Pride of Ownership i: The Ford Touring Car has brought to the farm homes ; of the country more real pleasure, comfort and con ; venience than perhaps any other one thing. !: It has enabled the farmer and his family to mingle |: with fnends, attend church, neighborhood functions, ji and enjoy the many pleasantries that abound in ij : j country life. ' [ i; Truly the Ford car with its low cost of operation and maintenance, its usefulness and efficiency, has been a boon to the American farmer, j Your order should be placed at once if you wish to ; avoid delay in delivery. McBRIDE MOTOR CO. UVALDA, GA. j! i Mrs. N. Durham Cobb and sis ter, Miss Helen Mcßae, attended the state fair in Macon last week. They spent Saturday in : Milledgeville. Judge J. C. Mc- Allister and Mr. Cobb drove up for them Sunday. Miss Julia Howard of Reids ville spent the latter part of last wet k with the family of Rev. A. G. Brew ton. Mrs. N. A. Morgan of Bruns | wick, Miss Maude Brewton of | BoUvil'e and Mrs. G. T Brewton and Mrs. C. F. Brewton of Mc- Rae, spent last Thursday with the family of Rev. A. G. Brew ton in Mt. Vernon. Attend the Armistice Day cele bration at 8.-P. I. this afternoon. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR—THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1921. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be ttold before the court house vioor in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues day in Dee., 15)21, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property of which the following is a complete descrip tion* ' One certain Waterloo gasoline en- 1 gine, eight horse power. Said en-. gine is No. 85794 of above mentioned make. Also one certain (jrist mill, of the Williams Rapid Fire make,; of the sixteen-inch size. Waid prop erty levied on and will be sold as j the property'of Walter Phillips and i Tone Phillips to satisfy a superior court msrtgage ti fa on personalty issued bv J. E. Mcßae, clerk of the superior court of said county, in fa vor of the Bank of Soperton vs Wal ter Phillips and Tone Phillips. Levy! made and returned to me by O. E. Burch, deputy sheriff, and written notice of levy given in terms of the law. This the 7th day of Nouember, 1921. E. E. Burch. Sheriff. . Citation. Georgia,"Montgomery County. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned lias applied to t lie Or dinary of said county for leave to sell lands belonging to James Tillman Wilkes, Mack Wilkes and j Robin Wilkes, minors for educa tion and maintenance. Said ap- 1 plication will he heard at the reg ular term of the Court of Ordina ry for said comity, to be held on the first Moudav in December, 1921. This 7th dav of November, 1921. Ida Wilkes, Guardian for said Illinois. Syrup Barrels. Get our prices before buying. The Southern Cotton Oil Co., Cooperage Dept,, Savannah, Ga. | Mount Vernon M ood | Yard \V. A. k»LYTON, Proprietor The Best Grades of Oak and Pine Wood, Cut to any Dimensions. Ready for the Stove or Fireplace. PRO.IPT DELIVERY AND FELL riEASURE See me for prices. Yards near Mt. Vernon depot The Best Christmas Gift. Can you remember that Christ mas when you first received The Youth’s Companion among your Christmas presents? You can perhaps recall the titles of some of the serial stories in those ear ly numbers, and you can well re member how everyone in the family wanted to read your pa per. To-day The Companion makes the ideal Christmas present. No family, especially one with grow ing boys and girls, should be without the tried and true Youth’s Companion—the friend and en tertainer of hosts of people, old and young. I The Companion is true to the ! best American ideals of life, giv-. j ing every week a generous supply of the best stories, current events, comments on the world’s doings, with special pages for Boys, for girls and for the whole Family. The 52 issues of 1922 will be crowded with serial stories, short stories, editorials, poetry, facts and fun. Subscribe now and re ceive: 1. The Youth’s Companion—s 2 ; issues in 1922. 12. All remaining issues of 1921. ;3. The Companion Home Calen dar for 1922. All for 12.50. 1 4. Or include McCall’s magazine, the monthly authority on fash ions. Both publications, only $3.00. • The Youth’s Companion, , Commonwealth Ave. & St. Paul St., Boston, Mass. New Subscriptions Received at this Office. j Registered Duroc J erseys. Registered Duroc Jersey hogs hogs for sale: the best in the country: will sell or exchange for other hogs. See me at once. J. Wade Johnson, Mount Vernon, Ga. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING 1 ,i• ( » IMail us your Coat Suits, Dresses, Over- ij coat, Sweaters, Men’s Suits to be clean- ij led, pressed or repaired. With our ex- ij pert workmen, we are able to give you ij the best of work. Let us reline your ij coats, returning it looking like new. jj Expert Tailor at your service. All we ask is a trial, j We clean and Block all Kind of Hats. "We dye army j j Overcoats. New Buttons. All Work Guaranteed jj or Money Back. Montford Tailoring Co. WE KNOW HOW Phone 26 DUBLIN, GA. jj i ' TT i ( ‘ ['• Vi You’re On the Right Road when you come here to buy drugs and sundries. You’ll find a complete line of dependable goods. We’ll give you prompt’service, courteous treat ment and right prices. That’s the basis on which our business has been built. We have sold Dr. Miles’ Remedies ever since the store jyas opened. Hundreds of our customers know them. To those who do not, we make this unusual offer. Try a package. If you’re rot entirely satisfied t * after using it, return the empty package to us 1 and we’ll refund your money. MT. VERNON DRUCJ CO.