Newspaper Page Text
r\or\tgorr\ery TAor\iior .
Entered at the Postofllcc in Mt. Vernon, Ga. a» Second-Class Mail Matter.
HI RVtAN McBRIDF., Publisher. <1.50 • Ytmt, in Advance.
80-Upkk\ » most tmrlsU; bepaid I" advance, at the leg*l rate, and as the law
directs; end must be in hand not later than Wednesday morning of the first week of insertion
Mount Vernon, Ga.. Thursday Morning. November 24. 1921.
How to Remedy Loss
by the Corn Weevil.
Widespread interest is being
manifested by farmers and mer
chants in the pea and corn wee
vil situation in this State. Up to:
this time we have never “stopped
to calculate the interest in dis
pute” between ourselves and the
pest mentioned. We have never
counted the losses brought to far
mers and merchants by the pea
and corn weevil. With no known
remedy at hand, we have regard
ed the depredations of the wee
vils as a matter of course. Not
so in these ossertive latter days.
The urgent question now is
how may the weevils be controll
ed? In plain English, how may
they be killed while engaged in
their destructive work on peas
and on corn?
The only remedy is a judicious
use of carbon-di-sulphid, other
wise known as carbon bi-sulphid.
This is a highly inflammable li
quid. It must be handled with
even greater care than a very
careful person is, accustomed to
handle gasoline. It follows
that no fire— lighted cigar, cig
arette or pipe, candle or lamp —
should be anywhere near when
the sulphid is in hand for use.
That you may clearly under
stand the manner of treatment
necessary to the destruction of
the weevils, let us deal with com
paratively small quantities of
peas or of corn; for either, ex
cept corn in the ear
or corn in the shuck, way be kept
in large, tight sugar barrels or in
specially constructed bins. The
barrels or bins should each be
filled to within 10 to 12 inches
of the top. Have at hand blank
ets or closely woven sacks with
which to cover each barrel or bin
as soon as the vessel containing
the liquid is set in the barrel or
bin. With the liquid, fill a mod
erate size shallow pan three
fourths full. Set the pan on the
peas or corn in center of top.
Cover quickly and closely. Let
person charped with this duty
leave building immediately, clos
ing doors and windows tightly.
Let stand 36 hours, then open for
ventilation; later, remove the
covering. Have an eye to the
peas and corn; it may possibly be
necessary to give another treat
ment within two weeks.—Mar
tin V. Calvin.
National Report on
Cotton Ginned Nov. 14.
Washington, Nov. 21—Total
ginnings of the 1921 cotton crop
up to November 14 amounted to
7,270,675 bales, an addition of
625,000 bales in the two weeks
prior to November 14, the Census
Bureau announced today.
Ginnings as recorded by the
Census Bureau now exceed by
723,575 bales the quantity fore
cast in the preliminary estimate
of the crop made by the Depart
ment of Agriculture early in Oc
tober. A final estimate of this
> ear’s crop will be announced by
the Department of Agriculture
December 12.
Cotton Money.
Cotton should not Lie thrown
on the market as fa>-t as picked,
but should be sold over a period
of several months to prevent a
The Savannah Cotton Factor
age Co., Savannah, Ga.. has
money to loan on old and new
crop cotton, either for prompt
sale or to be held. They solicit
your consignments.
Seed Oats.
Best grade Fulghum Seed Oats
for 75 cents per bushel.
J. M. D. McGregor.
Ailey, Ga.
Tax Collector’s
Second Round.
I will be at the following places
on the dates named for the pur
pose of collecting state and coun
ty taxes for the year 1921:
Uvalda, Nov. 28, 9 a. m. to 12 m.
Alston, Nov. 28, 1 to 3 p. m.
Higgston, Nov. 29, 9. a m. to 12
Ailey, Nov. 29, 1 to 3 p. m.
Kibbee, Nov. 30, 9 a. m. to; 12 m.
Tarry town, Nov. 30, 1 to 3 p. m.
Mt. Vernon, Dec. 1, 9 a. m. to 12
Yours very truly,
H. C. Davis, T. C.
Post Your Lands.
Open your woodland to the pub
lic and soon there will not be a
stick of wood or timber on it
Put the public on notice by post
ing up printed notices. Get the
printed notices at The Monitor
office, 10 cents each.
Ice! Ice! Ice!
WilTsupplv Ailey and Mt. Ver
non with ice, wholesale retail,
during season. Calls answered
217tf Ailey, Ga§
will break a Cold, Fever and La-
Grippe quicker than anything we
know, preventing pneumonia.
- f
Highest Prices Paid
for Live Stock.
We are constantly in the mar
ket for cattle and hogs. Many
years experience qualifies us to
offer superior advantages to the
producers of this section. We
are in position to handle your
business in a most satisfactory
manner. Get our prices.
W. D. & C. W. Petkrson,
9192 m Ailey, Ga
A tty at Law,
Mt Vernon, Georgia
Fred M. Harris
Attorney at Law
666 is a prescription for Colds,
Fever and 'LaGrippe. It is the
most speedy remedy we know.
Registered Duroc
.1 erseys.
Registered Duroc Jersey hogs
hogs for sale; the best in the
country; will sell or exchange
for other hogs. See me at once.
J. Wade Johnson,
Mount Vernon, Ga.
Trespass Notice.
This is to forewarn the public
against hunting with gun or dog.
removing wood or timber of any
kind, fishing, or in any manner
trespassing on the lands of the
undersigned. Violations of this
rule will be prosecuted according
to law. This the 3rd day of No
vember, 1921.
L. N. Thompson,
Mrs. Jennie Hughes,
(Individually and as guardian of
Alice and Ethel Thompson.)
Mount Vernon Wood
W. GUYTON, Proprietor
The Best Grades of Oak and Pine
Wood, Cut to any Dimensions.
Ready for the Stove or Fireplace.
:See me for prices. Yards near
i Mt. Vernon depot
*Sale of Real Estate Under Power
of Sale in Security Deed.
Georcrim Montgomery County.
Under'*ri<l:by virtue'of the power of gale con'that deed to gecure debt made and exe
cutedihy Emma B. Seabrook to J. R. Swint, un- \
der date of December 21at, 1920, and recorded
December 24th,’ 1920. in deed book No. 25. page
435, Clerk'g office Montgomery county. Georgia,
the undergianed will eell at public outcry, before
the court houge door at Mt. Vernon, Georgia. dur
ing the leiral hourg of gale, to the highest bidder
for cash, on the firgt Tuesday in December. 1921,
that beiiiK,the 6th:day of gaid month. the;foilow
inir degcrilesl property, to-wit: ,
All that certain trart'.or parcel of land, lyin(j
andibeintt in the 275th Dietrict G. M. Montgomery
County. Georgia, tmunded on the north by lands
of egtateof J. H. McArthur, east by lands of H.
A. McAllister, southiby lands of J. O. McAllister
and west by lands of Mary McAllister, said tract
of land containing .Fifteen (15) acres, more or
less, being the land conveyed by deed from Henry
McAllister to Emma Bellamy (now Emma Sea
brook) on October 31st 1913. and recorded in deed
book No. 21, page 352, on Augnst3lst, 1915.
For the purpose of paying an indebtedness of
One Hundred and Eighty Five and 20-100 ($186.20)
Dollars, principal, and the sum of one dollar and
forty cents interest to December Ist, 1921, the
total amount due as of December Ist, 1921, being
*186.00, together with!the?costs of this proceeding,
including attorneys fees as provided for in said
deed above set out, default having been made in
the paymentjof tbe’principaKnote due November
Ist, 1921, as set out in said deed and under the
power therein contained, when any of said debt
matures and Is not paid, then the holder of said
notes and security deed is authorized to proceed
to collect the same, the said .1, R. Swint having by
this procedure declared the sum due by reason of j
said default. . . , , , |
A compie'e conveyance will lie made on day of j
sale to purchaser said purchaser paying for titles |
and Revenue Stamps.
This sth day of November, 1921.
J. R. Swint,
Attorney in fact for Emma B. Seabrook.
J. Wade Johnson, Attorney
for J. R. Swint.
Sale of Real Estate Under Power j
of Sale to Secure Debt.
Georgia- Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of a power of sale contain
ed in a certain deed to secure debt, made and exe
cuted by B. A. Smith to !\ R. Cohen under date
of Janurary 1. 1920, recorded in Deed R00k25. pages
250 and 251 in Office of the Clerk of the Superior
Court of Montgomery County, Georgia, the under
signed will sell at public outcry, lie fore the Court
House door of said County above set out, during
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
rash, on the First Tuesday in December 1921,
same being the 6th day of said month, the follow
ing described real estate, to wit:
All that certain tract or parcel of land situate
lying and being in the 1757th (formerly 1343rd)
District C M. of Montgomery County, Georgia,
and better described bh follows: Bounded on North
by Savannah Road; East by Louisville Public
Road; South by lunds of Charlie Fountain, and
West by lands of N. A. Adams, containing Sixty
Nine and Forty Three One Hundredths acres
more or less, as shown by plat of same recorded[in
Deed Book number 17, page 24. Clerk's Office
Montgomery County; Georgia and known as
tracts Twelve and Thirteen on said map.
For the purpose of paying an indebtedness of
Seven Hundred anil Fifty Dollars, principal, and
Forty Dollars and Twenty Four cents as interest
to the 6th day of December 1921, the total amount
of principal and interest being now due, the sum
of Seven Hundred and Ninety Dollars and Twen
ty Four cents, together with the costs of this pro
ceeding including fees for commissioner to make
said sale as provided in said deed to secure debt
above set out, default having been made in the
payment of principal and interest due October Ist
1921, as shown in said deed to secure debt, and un
der the power contained in said deed to secur *
debt, when any of said notes therein mentioned
fall due, and are not paid promptly at maturity,
then the whole amount of said indebtedness falls
due, and the said P. R. Cohen is authorized to col
lect the full amount of principal and interest, he
having by this declared the whole sum due by rea
son of said default. A full conveyance will be ex
ecuted to the purchaser by the undersigned on
the date of said sale, the purchaser paying for ti
tles anil Revenue Stamps.
This 7th day of November 1921.
P. R. Cohen, Attorney in fact for
B. A, Smith.
Fred M. Harris, Attorney,
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia —Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court bouse;
door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues- j
day in Dec., 11)21, between the legal j
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property of which
the following is a complete descrip
tion *
One certain Waterloo gasoline en
gine. eight horse power* Haiti en
gine is No. 35794 of above mentioned
make. Also one certain grist mill,
of the Williams Knpid Fire make,
of the sixteen-inch size. Haiti prop
erty levied on and will be sold as
the property of Walter Phillips and
Tone Phillips to satisfy a superior
court msrtgage fi fa on personalty
Issued by J. E. Me line, clerk of t lie
superior court of said county, in fa
vor of the Hank of Soperton vs Wal
ter Phillips and Tone Phillips. Levy
made and returned to me by O. E.
Burch, deputy sheriff, and written
notice of levy given in terms of the
law. This the 7th day of Nouember,
1921. E. E. Hurch.
Georgia, Montgomery County.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has applied to the Or
dinary of said comity for leave to
sell lands belonging to James
Tillman Wilkes, Mack Wilkes and
Robin Wilkes, minors for educa
tion and maintenance. Said ap-1
plication will be heard at the reg
ular term of the Court of Ordina
ry for said comity, to be held on
the first Monday in Dec« tuber,
• This 7th day of November, 1921.
i Ida Wilkes, Guardian
i for said minors.
Rub-Mv-Tism, antiseptic and
pain killer, for infected sores,
tetter, neuralgia, rheumatism.
• mtfffYfTYffUTffTTTfm • mfffTTTfT f ▼▼▼▼▼TTTVTTTV •
on g
.* Improved Treutlen, Montgomery and %
' l Toombs County Lands g
I J quick action: attractive terms J
J 4
This is to notify all and sundry
that final settlement with the un
dersigned contractors will be
; made on or about four (4)
weeks from date for materials
furnished and labor employed j
in the construction of re
inforced concrete and steel bridge
over the Oconee River, known as
Federal Aid Project No. 8 in Mont
gomery-Wheeler Counties, located
on State Route Ao. 30. Full set
tlement has been made for all
labor and materials used in the
construction of said bridge.
This is to notiiy all persons that
any claims for non payment of la
bor and materials must be pres
ented to the engineers, Garret &
Slack, Montgomery, Ala., or
to the Board of County Commis
sioners of Montgomery, or to the
Board of County Commissioners
jof Wheeler County, on or before
I the final settlement.
| This Oct. 20, 1921.
| C. T. Dawkins Construction Co.
Hawkiusville, Ga.
g Indigestion g
Many persons, otherwise E
B vigorous and healthy, are Q
H bothered occasionally with g|
gj| Indigestion. The effects of a k
a disordered stomach on the __
gg system are dangerous, and JJ
™ prompt treatment of indiges- E
13 tion is important. “The only Q
medicine I have needed has
been something to aid diges-
ES tion and clean the liver,” £$
ra writes Mr. Fred Ashby, a ra«s
gg McKinney, Texas, farmer. gg i
D “My medicine is Ek
5 Thedford’s §
M for indigestion and stomach
gg trouble of any kind. I have gg
El never found anything that Ks
n touches the spot, like Black- M
Draught. I take it in broken gg
B doses after meals. For a long El
gg time I tried pills, which grip- |J|
Ded and didn’t give the good
results. Black-Draught liver HI
EH medicine is easy to take, easy Q
■■ to keep, Inexpensive.”
gg Get a package from your gg
gg druggist today—Ask for and “
! B Insist upon Thedford's —the B
EB only genuine. Qj
|| Get it today.
BB E 84 BJt
Syrup Barrels.
Get our prices before buying.
> The Southern Cotton Oil Co.,
Cooperage Dept,,
Savannah, Ga.
m H MB cigarette?
Three Inseparables
One for mildness .VIRGINIA
One for mellowness. BURLEY
One for aroma.TURKISH
The finest tobaccos perfectly
aged and blended
I w * 111 fifth ave.
m 111 HIM TMH (in
i :
Enough to \Veather
Any Storm
IT is in time of business readjustment that the
real value of a bank foundation is shown.
Our Resources have been conserved in prosperous
days for just such a readjustment period as this
and with the added advantage of our Membership
in the Federal Reserve System we are better
equipped to serve you now than ever.
Capital $25,000.00 Surplus, $25,000.00
N L. GILLIS, President. J. E, Hall, V.-President and Cashier
J. B. O’CONNER, Vice-President. I. H. Hall. Jr., Assistant Cashier
j;!; We Carry at all Times a Full j
| and Complete Line of Coffins, Caskets |l
I and Funeral Supplies, including Metallic ijj
Lined and all Metal Caskets.
We Pay Strict Attention to All Details j
Phone No. 25. SOPERTON, GA. |
| At 5 to (j per cent, in Amounts of SIOOO ij:
I to SIOO,OOO, on Five to Ten Years time. |
I represent one of the largest Life Insurance
(Companies, with Unlimited Capital, and can
close loans on short order. |
|W. J. WALLACE, Soperton, Ga. I
yTTTTmTmffi fTmftfmmmfmvfmmvTft
£ ■*
► On Improved Montgomery, Treutlen and <
£ Wheeler County Improved Farm Lands J
t A. B. Hutcheson :
f; For Every Room in the House
[ In the kitchen SAPOLIO cleans pots,pans, ;
oilcloth and cutlery; in the bathroom
j SAPOLIO cleans porcelain, marble, tiling |
\ —the wash basin and bathtub; in the
' hallway SAPOLIO cleans painted wood
i J SJ floors. See that the ■—\
fckj name SAPOLIO is
jgjA on evef y package. P
AtT 1 1 50/« Manufacturer a
New York U.S.A.