The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, December 01, 1921, Image 3
The Same Old Backache! Does every day bring the same old backache? Do you drag along with your back a dull unceasing ache? Eve ning find you “all played out?’’ Don’t be discouraged! Realize it is merely a sign you haven’t taken good care of yourself. This has probably strained your kidneys. Take things easier for awhile and help your kidneys with Doan's Kidney Pills. Then the back ache, dizziness, headaches, tired feel ings and bladder troubles will go. Doan's have helped thousands and should help you. Ask your neighbor! A Georgia Case M _ w. U. Isbell, car- STP'. penter, Jackson St., Itockmart, Ga., says: was sore and stiff Xi -'-.',lam and I couldn't bend S ??- /lEJR or P ic k up a^saw. My kidneys didn’t iSi’W act Properly and the iBLB secretions contained /£. L.y mMM sediment. The least g 4/!- afvp cold settled on my t kidneys. Heading of w fWI D—IS Dean’s Kidney Pills, 4j£g&-*;-7v 5a X got a supply. They soon put my back and kidneys in good condition.’’ Get Doan’s at Any Store. 60c a Bo* DOAN’S FOSTER-MILBURN CO- BUFFALO. N. Y. Cuticura Soap ——The Healthy Shaving Soap Cotieora Soap shave* without mng. Everywhere 26c. nDfipey 11 IB 111 I Short breathing us V m ■ lieved in a few hours; swelling reduced in a few days; regulates the liver, kidneys, stomach and heart; purifies the blood, strengthens the entire system. Write for Free Trial Treatment. COUUM DROPSY REMEDY CO. Dept. E.0., ATLANTA, GA. AGENTS Men and Women Sell our merchandise. This is your oppor tunity to establish yourself in a good paying business with a strong future. Write us asking us about our proposition. B. B. Sales Co., 212 E. 126th St„ New York City glpws a For speed jgf I|y&/ and ease in \ scouring pots I and pans, use | IT^sapoliol micst KING PIN PLUG TOBACCO Known as “that good kind" On/ it—and you, will know why Drive 100 Tacks and Save $25.00 Easy to pot on. We furnish in- 711 1 •tractions. We tailor top re- j coverings for all cam. and guar- <r» r- rx / ] aotee them to fit. Ford Roadster. ftC.OO / {6.50; Touring. $6.95; other cara, Delivered / 14.00 to $16.00. delivered at UeilTerea^ypi^^ your div,r. Seat covers $3.10 up. Write for Catalog and Sample *. Auto Eqnipment Co., 45 Canal Street East, Cincinnati, Ohio Women Made Young Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body full of youth and health may be yours if you will keep your system in order by regularly taking GOLD MEDAL The world’s standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric add troubles, the enemies of life and looks. In use since 1696. All druggists, three sizes. Look for the name Gold Medal on every bo* and accept no imitation W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 49-1921. Canada's Fur Farms. The growing importance of fur farm ing in Canada is illustrated in the Dominion bureau of statistics report covering the industry for 1920. At the end of the year there were 582 fur farms in Canada, as against 414 in 1919, and the values had increased from *3,968,591 to $4,032,605 last year. Fur farms now exist in every part of the Dominion, and there are t 4 ranches of domesticated animals In the Yukon territory. In Trim. “What is your husband growling jbout now?” “We are getting ready to go to the dog show.” An old bachelor says that some women are born foolish, some achieve folly and the rest marry fools. jyypjl/f)lklC Might and Morning. *f // Ut—Sy Have Strong, Healthy // m Eyes. If they Tire,ltch, Smart or Burn, if Sore, \S r /rC Irritated, Inflamed or TOUR tYt3 Granulated, use Murine often. Soothes, Refreshes. Safe for Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write for Free Kve Book. Hnia* Ere Rmtdr C»., Chicap EVERY GROWING GIRL SHOULD HAVE ROOM OF HER VERY OWN • : ' " ’ “I i's * , What Can Be ;3one With Old, Ugly Furniture by Using Ingenuity ana a Little White Paint. Every girl should have a room of her very own to arrange as she pleases, if the family ean possibly spare the space. Girls instinctively love what is beautiful and try to express them selves in their surroundings. With a little thought and some real work the girl herself can transform an uninter esting, uninviting room into a place of tranquility and charm —a sort of sanctuary to which she can escape when she wants to think things out alone, as girls often do. The girls in the “Own Your Own Room” clubs, under the direction of the United States Department of Agri culture and various State agricultural colleges, have accomplished wonderful results in making over unattractive rooms according to the suggestions given them by club leaders and home economics specialists. The Walls and Floor. The first step is im provement of the appearance’ of the empty shell of the room. A neutral shade for the walls, floor, and larger articles in the room is usually pleas ing. Cushions, table covers, books, and other small, bright colored ob jects give the needed touch of color. Chintz or cretonne in curtains and cushions sometimes suggests the color to be emphasized. This is more in formal and homelike than an attempt to have everything match. No matter what color scheme is chosen, the dark est tones are best for the floor and its covering, lighter tones for the walls, and the lightest for the ceiling. Smoothly finished floors partly covered with rugs are easily cared for. Paint or varnish can often lie applied to an old unfinished wood floor t<> A Ginl Learns Much From Planning Simple, Attractive Room. make it look better. Attractive bed room rugs can be made at home by braiding, crocheting, or weaving rags and odds and ends of material. Plain wall papers or those with in conspicuous all-over designs are good backgrounds for pictures. A plastered wall may be painted quite easily. The girl herself should be able to paint both the plaster and woodwork of her room if the latter needs attention. Painted bedroom furniture is much prettier than cheap grades of oak or stained wood. Old bureaus, bedsteads, tables, and chairs, even though quite different in design, can be made to look as though they belonged together If carefully painted white, ivory, or an attractive shade of gray nr tan. The old finish should, however, be re moved and the wood sandpapered smooth before any paint is applied. Choosing Good Beds. The bed is the most important pieeo of furniture in the room. About one third of every 24 hours is spent on it. For health and comfort a good bed is Important, especially a good mattress and spring. A simple, painted-metal single bed is desirable for a young girl. A slip-on cover of unbleached muslin is excellent for keeping the mattress clean. Sleeping without a pillow is often recommended, hut. the bed needs at least one pillow to make it look complete, and this, like the mattress, should be protected by a thin, close-fitting, washable cover be tween the ticking and the pillow case. The sheets, blankets, arid comfortables should be chosen with care. An improvised dressing table can he made by hanging a mirror over a small table. This is to be preferred to dress ing tables with flounces of cretonne that collect dust. A bureau or chest of drawers is needed for storing clothing and personal belongings. Bureau and table covers should he as simple as possible and always fresh and clean. If there is room for only one chair It should be a comfortable one. A book shelf and work table are attractive touches. If there Is no closet, some sort of wardrobe is needed in which to hang clothing. A good wastebasket, one that will not tip over easily nor I shed dirt, should be provided. Many girls make their own. Shades and curtains should be cho sen to regulate but not shut out the light and air. Simple, durable, softly hanging material, such as white or THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR. MT. VERNON. GEORGIA.. cream voile, scrim. Swiss, or cheese cloth, hemmed or hemstitched, make good washable curtains which may have overcurtains of colored or figured material. The lighting is important. For light ing the bureau or dressing table an electric light on a drop cord or an inverted welsbach gas burner gives a belter light if suspended over it, but If kerosene is the only source of light available a bracket lamp fastened to the wall at one side of the bureau gives the best lighting. For reading, a ta ble lamp is most satisfactory. One or two well-chosen pictures, simply framed, add to the room, but useless ornaments only increase the work of cleaning. MILK IS IMPORTANT FOR GROWING CHILD Do Not Give Even Taste of Tea or Coffee, Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables Tend to Frevent Constipation—No Fat Better Than Butter—Sweets Also Are Good. A good breakfast to start them off— milk, cornmeul mush, apple sauce. It makes them fit for school and lit for play, say some economics specialists of the United States Department of Agri culture. Milk, and plenty of it. .makes them grow—a quart each day, if possible. ; Put it on their cereal and in their cups. Make it into soups, puddings, | or custards for them. Whole milk is best, of course, but skim milk is good if there is a little butter in their meats. Cottage cheese ! is good, too. No coffee or tea —not even a taste. Leave them for the grownups. Milk, cocoa, not too strong, and fruit juices are the drinks for children, and plenty of water always. Fruit they enjoy, and they need It, too —baked apples, apple sauce, thor oughly ripe bananas, prunes, oranges, etc. Give them vegetables, fresh or canned. Plenty of fruits and vege tables tend to prevent constipation. Use proper food and do not depend upon laxatives. The youngsters can’t be well unless the bowels move regu larly. Don’t let them hurry off in the morning without attending to this duty. Other foods a child needs: Good bread, whole-wheat bread, corn bread, well-cooked oatmeal, corn meal, and rice are all excellent for children. They help make strong boys and girls. Fats they must have, too. None is better than butter. Besides the butter on their bread, do not overlook the fat on meats, or in gravies and other food. An egg is good, too. or they may have a little meat or fish, hut they do not need much. Sweets are good for them the right ones at the right time. Dates, stewed fruits, simple puddings, and sugar cookies are especially good. Give sweets at meal time. Between meals let them have bread and butter, a cracker or fruit. They won’t spoil the appetite, and sweets will. HOME-MADE OILS FOR FLOORS Boiled Linseed Oil Thinned With Tur pentine Is Most Excellent— Another Formula. One part boiled linseed oil thinned with three parts turpentine makes an excellent floor oil, the United States Department of Agriculture finds, while one part light motor or engine oil eom -1 bined with four parts kerosene gives results similar to commercial kinds. The motor oil recommended must not be confused with the heavy, less highly refined kinds that contain dark sedi ment. Gefflor iSisr 101 y m BOUSEWIft 1 Always put away food in earthen dishes. * * • Chopped pimentos are delicious in jellied veal loaf. • * * A little cheese flavoring improves stuffed baked tomatoes. GOOD ROADS SURVEY NATION'S HIGHWAYS Accurate Measurement of America’* Net of Roadways Soon to Be Mage by Government. (Prepared by tlie United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) America’s far-flung not of roadways Is soon to be measured accurately in terms of mileage, cost, character of construction, improvement work and general condition by the bureau of public roads of the United States De partment of Agriculture. The survey, which is tlie most extensive ever un- I deriuken and the first in seven years, is to be made with the aid of state and local officials and Individuals the coun try over, and is comparable only to the great task of taking the national census. Nobody, in all probability, could guess today within millions of dollars what the roadways total, in dollars and cents, on the ledger of national assets. Nobody knows bow many miles there are where wheel may roll. The strength and the weakness of the na tion's transportation arteries likewise are unknown in detail. When the survey is completed, all these and other facts will be known and will be available for guidance to road builders. 111 addition there will bo abundant data to show up com parisons of costs. The well-built roads of, say, Pennsylvania can lie laid, dol lar for dollar and mile for mile, along side the well-built roads of Uulit'ornin and other states. First cost and main tenance of macadam, asphalt, con crete —every kind of road built —from one section can be matched against such costs from every other section, if desired. The way to make the dollar ttiosl effective in road work tints will he pointed out. Rural highways as well as urban are to be included, tin 1 latter embrac ing till roads, streets and alleys in In corporated communities of 2,500 in- Hard Surface Road Built in Califor nia by Federal and State Funds. # habitants or more. How tlie funds are provided for constructing and main taining roads also will be made known. The amount invested in road ma chinery—an item concerning which even approximate information is lack ing today—will he sought. After tlie information is obtained it will tie kept up to date. Tn undertaking the survey, tlie bu reau requests the assistance of every unit of government doing road work in 1 lie nation; of road officials the country over; and of associations, or ganizations and individuals, down to the man with a flivver, having infor mation or data as to local highway activities. As future legislation may Vie based on percentage of road mile age, it is pointed out that it is essen tial for ea*h unit to have its total, as well as i-s improved, road mileage carefully and correctly recorded In the survey. TRUCKS AND GOOD HIGHWAYS Farmers Almost Unanimous in Declar. ing Principal Disadvantage Is Poorly Built Roads. Vast Increase in use of automobiles is now to be depicted with motor trucks. Their complete utility is tes tified to by 95 per cent of the farm ers replying to the latest government inquiry. These same men agreed that the principal disadvantage of motortrucks is pool roads. For si Don t eight weeks of the year, mud or snow Is so had that trucks cannot well tie used. When nli-tho-year good roads are estab lished, agricultural use of motortrucks will lie universal. Motortrucks involve problems new to highways. Their tremendous loads Utterly destroy roads which under horse-drawn vehicles were permanent Big Road Program. Tlip state highway commission in New Mexico has launched a big road building program with six new federal aid projects, one to cost $40,707.02, a second to cost $05,505.07, a third $58.- 302.87, tiie fourth $41,021.73. a fifth $09,844,49. and the sixth $74,194.47. Dixie Highway Leads. Os the 9,030 miles of roads to fie constructed throughout the United States through the aid of federal ap propriation, the Dixie Ifigliwfly lead* the list with 895 mltf-e B EFFECTIVE BY EARS TRIAL y o»ed rem«dy In the >me the stagnating VHt h. Catarrh ia 's&aJV’' ions In iU _ I nearly 'OH I »nd CATARRH u ’ ■F' AND CATARRHAL CONDITIONS 3pF larrbal troubles by stimulating the digestion, enriching the blood. Ftoning op the nervous system and a ootbing the raw and inflamed mucous membranea. Pe-ru n» seta every organ to working properly and cive9 strength, vigor and pep to the whole body. Try it, nnd like rusanda of others, learn what it mean# to be well. VERYWHERE TABLETS OR LIQUID An Added Affliction. At tin' dinner table liis elders had been discussing the state school I'or the deaf, while seven-year-old Johnnie listened interestedly. That evening, when preparing for hod, he looked earnestly into the face of Ins older sister and sighed. •‘Wouldn’t it bo awful to he deaf, TitiV” he stiid. “.Inst think of having to wash your ears every day and never getting any good out of them at i all!” Harper’s Magazine. Important to all Women Readers of this Paper Thousands upon thousands of women; have kidney or bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women’s complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy con dition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. You may suffer pain in the back, head ache and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irrita- j ble and may be despondent; it makes any ; one so. Hut hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, by restoring ! health to the kidneys, proved to be just the remedy needed to overcome such ' conditions. Many send for a. sample bot tle to see what Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine, will do for them. By enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., you may receive sam ple size bottle hv Parcel Post. Y’ou cun purchase medium and large size bottles at all drug stores. —Advertisement. Reason Enough. First Traveler I hour they aren’t | sending any more mail to Washing ton. Second Traveler- How’s that? First I’raveler He’s dead. Cuticura Soap for the Complexion Nothing better thnh Cuticura Soap daily and Ointment now and then os needed to make the complexion clear, ( senlp clean and hands soft and white. Atld to this the fascinating, fragrant Cuticura Talcum, and you have the Cuticura Toilet Trio. —Advertisement. Most people would rut her he miser- J able rich than happy ] a ay AsWrin Never say “Aspirin” without saying “Bayer.” WARNING! Unless you see name “Bayer” on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 21 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Fain, Pain Accept only “Bayer” package which contains proper directions. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets- Bottles of 24 and 100 - All druggists. Aspirin I* the trade rnsrk of Ilaytr Manufacture of MonoacetJcacldeiiter of Hailey IlcaeMl I Harmless, purely vegetable, Infants’ and Children’s Regulator, I I formula on every label. Guaranteed non-narcotic, non-alcoholic I For highly gratifying and most astonishing results in checking diarrhoea, and relieving wind colic, flatulency, fcgyatu constipation, and other disorders of baby and childhood use rflafr ,: MRS. WNSLOW’J SYRUP K The Infants’ and Children** Regulator Vjl fij It is the vifeat and beat combination of purely vegetable Ingredient* KS'Q that medical aklll haa ever devised and endorsed as thin complete open ™JfjfS published formula shows. Read it- Senna Sodium Citrate Oil of Anise Caraway Glycerine . j Rhubarb Sodium Bicarbonate Fennel Coriander Sugar Syrup It costa more to make Mrs. Winslow’s Syrup than similar preparation*. Yet it costs yoj no more than ordinary baby laxatives. At all Druggiata. jpWg hll ANGLO-AMERICAN DRUG CO., 215-217 Fulton St., New Y«k qWJgJ MARRIAGE IN OTHER LANDS Quite a Prosaic Affair in Turkey— Scandinavian Couples Had to Show Vaccination Marks. Marriage ia Turkey Is a very pro saic affair, it being in a majority of eases quite n business matter. When n man wishes to wed. his parents ob : tain a list of houses where eligible j girls are to he found, and the mother ; then calls at these. I "What eat) your daughter do?” she asks, whereupon embroideries, ear pels. rugs, etc., are exhibited as evi dence of the girl's handiwork. If ; these are approved by the mother, she i takes the goods homo to her son mid ! induces him to marry the clever young ; woman. If, on the other hand, she does not think much of the work, she makes some diplomatic excuse, and passes on to another house <jn the list. If, however, the young man is not liked by the girl’s parents, the mother Is j advised to seek elsewhere. In Sweden and Norway, a legal ! ntnrringe at one lime was not al lowed to he solemnised until both par ties had produced certificates stating j that they Inure genuine vaccination marks. BOSCHEE’S SYRUP Allays Irritation, Soothes and Heala Throat and Lung Inflammation. The almost constant irritation of a | cough keeps the delicate raucous mem brane of the throat and lungs in a con gested condition, which Boschee’s Syrup gently and quickly soothes and heals. For this reason it has been a favorite household remedy for colds, coughs, ! bronchitis and especially for lung troubles in millions of homes all over the world for the last fifty-live years, enabling the patient* to obtain a good night's rest, free front coughing, with easy expectoration in the morning. You eun buy Bosehee’s Syrup wherever medicines tire sold. —Advertisement. A woman begins to show her aga 1 only when she tries to hide it. "Truth is stranger than fiction,” but 1 It isn’t nearly so convincing.