The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, December 29, 1921, Image 4
TY\& l\or\lQorr\ery l\or\itor. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. OFFICIAL ORUAN MONTOOMERY COUNTY. Entered at the Postoffice in Mt. Vernon. Ga. as Second-Class Mail Matter. HERMAN McBRIDE, Pubilshtr. s>-50 a Year, in Advance. I.«KiU adverU»em«nt» must invariably be paid is advance, at tbe legal rate, and aa the law direct*; and mu*t be in hand not later than WedDeaday morning of the Br*t week of inaertion Mount Vernon, Ga.. Thursday Morning, December 29, 1921. To Limit Cotton Acreage. Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 23. Organization of the campaign lor limitation of cotton acreage and crop diversification in 1922, decided upon at the South wide acreage convention here, was perfected today with the selec tion of Leon Stern berger, of Memphis, as chairman, J. E. Bodman, of Little Rock, Ark., vice-chairman and T. B. King, of Memphis, secretary of an execu tive committee to direct the movement next year. The convention adjourned to day after adopting resolutions proposing the limitation of land j to be planted to cotton next year to the same ratio as was devoted to cotton production in 1921. The resolutions stressed the impor tance of the farms being made self sustaining. Frank 0. Lowden. former gov ernor of Illinois, the principal speaker at the final session, urged the need of greater food, feed and live stock production in the South. Keep Shops at Americus. Americus, Ga., December 24. E. C. Bagwell, superin tendant of the Alabama division of the Sea board Airline, with headquaters in Savannah, has informed repre sentatives of the Americus Cham ber of Commerce that the Sea board has no intention of moving its terminals and repair shops from Americus at this time. Insistent rumors that such was about to be done by the railroad were being investigated by the chamber of commerce officials when Mr. Bagwell came here for a conference with President R. E. Allison and Secretary George 0. Marshall. Bear Creek. Special Correspondence. Quite a large crowd attended church Sunday a. m. Rev. Harrison preached a splendid sermon to all. Mrs. T. C. Cooper spent Sun day p. m. with her sister. Miss R. B. Connell. Messrs. T. C. Connell, G. C. Collins and Harry Salter of Or landa, Fla., were shopping in Mt. Vernon and Ailey Saturday p. m. Mrs. Francis Salter of Orlando, Fla. is spending the Christmas holidays with her father, Mr. G. W. Collins. Mr. T. C. Cooper has been sick for a few days. We hope for him a speedy recovery. Mr. Everett King of Wheeler county is spending a few davs with his sister, Mrs. W. H. Con nell. Mrs. Lewis Collins has been spending a few days with his parents near Soperton. The people of this community are awaiting weather fit for kill ing hogs. Messrs. K. B. Collins, L. C. Collins and Leda Collins were shopping in Soperton Saturday. We are going to have Sunday- School on Sunday p. m. at 3, o’clock. All are invited. Mrs. T. C. Connell spent Sun-' day with Mrs. W. H. Connell. Mrs. Hattie Connell, who has been sick for several days, is fast improving. We are very sorry to know- of the death of Mr. Chas. Morris. Mr. Oscar Collins and family spent Christmas with his father. Mr. Baldid King spent Sunday p. m. with his aunt, Miss Rosa Connell. i - - Notice to Debtors and Creditors. Georgia—Montgomery County. All parties having demands against the estate of P. H. Harde man, deceased, are hereby noti fied to present same, properly attested, and all parties indebted to said estate are required to make , immediate payment to the under signed. This the 6th day of De cember, 1921. T. A. Peterson, Executor Estate of P. H. Harde man, deceased. Notice. There was a petition presented to the Board of Education at their last regular meeting asking their consent to the removal of the pre sent Kemp School House to a site about one mile farther up to wards Soperton, near where Mrs. Fannie Sammons resides. The Board will pass upon this at their next regular meeting. In case there are any objections, please let them be filed by or before the next First Tuesday. T. B. Conner, C. S. S. Lost Hog. Strayed or was stolen from my field about Nov. 15 one Duroc Jersey boar, about 7 1-2 months old. Weighed about 100 pounds, tall, long and round-bodied. Suit able reward for information lead ing to recovery. J. A. Kitchens, 12154 Ailey, Ga. Farm Loans Loans on Improved Farm Lands in Montgomery and Wheeler Counties. Interest rate 6 per ct. Reasonable commission. I can handle good propositions for col ored people owning farm lands. FRED M. HARRIS, Mt. Vernon, Ga Post Your Lunds. Open your woodland to the pub lic and soon there will not be a stick of wood or timber on it Put the public on notice by post ing up printed notices. Get the printed notices at The Monitor office, 10 cents each. Seed Oats. Fulghum seed oats, clear of mut, best grade. 75 cents per bushel. P. H. Daniel, Uvalda, Ga. Trespass Notice. This is to forewarn the public against hunting with gun or dog, removing wood or timber of any kind, fishing, or in any manner trespassing on the lands of the undersigned. Violations of this rule will be prosecuted according to the law. This means any and all. This the Ist day of Decem ber. 1921. F. Lee Mcßae. Ice! Ice! Ice! Will supplv Ailey and Mt. Ver non with ice. wholesale retail, during season. Calls answered promptly. W. A. SMITH, 217tf Mt. Vernon, Ga. Highest Prices Paid j for Live Stock. We are constantly in the mar-; ket for cattle and hogs. Many years experience qualifies us to offer superior advantages to the producers of this section. We | are in position to handle your business in a most satisfactory manner. Get our prices. W. D. & C. W. Peterson, i 9192 m Ailey, Ga THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR—THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1921. 'Notice to the Creditors of the Citizens Bank, Alston, Ga. In accordance ."with the pro visions of Section 13 and 14 of Article 7 of the banking Act ap proved August 16, 1919, you are notified to present your claim, properly attested, on or before ninety days from this date. Also depositors are hereby notified to bring their pass books to be bal anced and compared with the books of the Bank, filing same with Mr. W. C. Wooten, Liquida ting Agent. This the 22d day of December, 1921. (Signed) T. R. Bennett, Superintendent of Banks. Mount Vernon Wood 'Yard W. A. GUYTON, Proprietor The Best Grades of Oak and Pine Wood, Cut to any Dimensions. Ready for the Stove or Fireplace. PROnPT DELIVERY AND FULL HEASURE See me for prices. Yards near Mt. Vernon depot | Tired S $1 relates Mrs. Eula Burnett, of fl A Dalton, Ga. “I was thin and |g Sj just felt tired, all the time, tp I didn’t rest well. I wasn’t kd I ever hungry. I knew, by R this, I needed a tonic, and >■ as there Is none better than — K ICARBUII STtie Woman’s Tonic | ... I began using Cardui," ji NS continues Mrs. Burnett. ■ A "After my first bottle, I slept kd fjj better and ate better. I took M £ four bottles. Now I’m well, A n feel just fine, eat and sleep, WA M my skin Is clear and I have Sy gained and sure feel that Cardui is the best tonic ever «■ made." 02 Thousands of other women H have found Cardui just as f% vl Mrs. Burnett did. It should R help you. At all druggists. Q City Market FRESH MEATS Best Beef and Pork MOST CHOICE STEAK EVER HANDLED IN MT- VERNON Delivery Anywhere in Town. Special Attention to Phone Orders. Try Us. W. A. SMITH MCUNT VERNON |,,, ' , -na>>a»r , "'s IMGNY TO LOAN ON MONTGOMERY j COUNTY FARMS. J At 5 to 6 per cent, in Amounts of SIOOO i to SIOO,OOO, on Five to Ten Years time, i I represent one of the largest Life Insurance (Companies, with Unlimited Capital, and can close loans on shorTorder. CALL OR WRITE W. J. WALLACE, Soperton, Ga. Notice of Sale of Real Estate Under Power of Sale. State of Georgia, County of Montgomery. Under and by virtue of a power of sale vested in the undersigned by deed made and delivered to it by Arren M. Moses dated April 16th, 1917, and re corded in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Montgomery County. Georgia, in Book No. 24 Folio 183-4. the undersigned will sell at pub- ; lie outcry to tbe highest bidder for cash, on the First Tuesday in J&nurary, 1922, before the Court House Door at Mt. Vernon. Montgomery County, Georgia, between the legal hours of Sheriff’s sales, the following described property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the 275th District, G. M. of the county of Montgomery, State of Georgia, containing Twenty eight hundred & Thirty three (2833) acres, more or'less, I 'within the following metes and bounds; to-wit; Beginning at a white oak tree on the banks of the Ocom*? river just north of Beils Ferry on | on the line of lands owned by R. H. Mobley and running thence North 64 1-2 degrees East a dis- ; tance of 42.50 chains to a stake; thence North 25 1-2 degrees West a distance of 20 chains to the main j j run of Lamberts Creek; thence along the main run j 1 of Lamberts Creek in a Northeasterly direction to where a certain small branch (known as Little Branch) empties in said creek; thence along the main run of said small branch in an Easterly di -1 rection to aat ke on the Mt. Vernon and Bell’s i Ferry lub ic Road; thence in a Northerly direction along said public road to a stake on the line of 1 lands owned by Farquar Adams; thence South 63 1-2 degrees West a distance of 13.16 chains to a stake; thence South 68 1-2 degrees West a dis tance of 15.35 chains to a black gum comer on a i certain small branch; thence North 19 1-2 degrees : West along said small branch a distance of 19.55 ! chains to a stake comer; thence South 67 degrees West a distance of 38.60 chains to a corner marked ! by a stump on a small branch; thence in a North -1 westerly direction along the run of said small branch to the head of same where it intersects . withlthe line of lands belonging to L. and E. Mor ris; thence along the line of said lands South 14 1-2 degrees East a distance of 35 chains to a pine cor ner; thence south 70 l-2degrees West along the line of L. and E. Morris a distance of 29.05 chains to a stake; thence North 14 l-2degrees Westa distance of 39.60 chains along the line of L. and E. Morris to a stake; thence North 70 degree* East a distance of 12.40 chains to a stake on the Darien and Dublin Public Read; thence North 25 degrees West a dista nce of 6.50 chains along said public road toa stake; thence South 66 degrees West a distance of 48.36 chains to a corner; thence North 16 degrees West a distance of 42 chains to a stump comer; thence South 74 degrees West a distance of 38 chains to a stake; thence South 16 degrees East a distance of 38 chains to a stake; thence South 74 degrees West a distance of 114 chains to a stake comer on the main run of the Oconee River; thence in a Southeasterly direction along the banks of said i Oconee River to the starting point. I Said tract bounded North and Northwest by ! lands of John J, McArthur, Penny McAllister, J. p. Moses. Clyde McArthur, Anna Rackley, J. M. C. McAllister, L. and E. Morris, Mary Morris, S. B. Morris, John Davis and Farquar Adams; on the East and Southeast by Charlotte Mobley, Mt. Vernon and Bell’s Ferry Road, lands of K. H. Mobley and Lambert Creek; South and Southwest by the main run of the Oconee River. As per survey of S. B. Morris, C. S. made Aug ust 24th, 1908, plat of which is heieto attached and made a part of this deed for purposes of des cription. ! Said land will be sold as the property of said j Arren M. Moses to pay the indebtedness referred to in said deed, and more particularly described ! as follows: | One principal note for the sum of Thirty Thous -1 and & no one-hundredths Dollars, dated April I 16th, 1917, with interest thereon from Novmeber i Ist, 1921. to Janurary 3rd, 1922, at the rate of eight per cent, per annum;,als*o one internet TGr' the sum of ‘ir&Rhlf Dollars, dated April 16th, 1917, and due November Ist, 1921, with interest thereon from maturity to January 3rd, 1922, at the rate of eight per cent per annum; also all expenses of this pro ceeding. Said notes being made and delivered to the undersigned by the said Arren M. Moses, and 1 the amount of principal and interest due to day of ) sale beiw $32238.12 Dollars, together with the cost lof this proceeding. Default having been made by the said Arren M. Moses in the payment of said ; indebtedness, the power of sale contained in said deed has become operative. The proceeds of said | sale will be applied first to the payment of said in debtedness, an<l the balance, if any, paid to the said Arren M. Mc^es. ! This sth day of December, 1921. Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company. Trespass Notice. The public is hereby notified not to remove wood, or timber of any kind, or to hunt with gun or dog, fish, or in any manner trespass on the lands of the un dersigned. Violations of this rule will be prosecuted as the law al lows. This the 13th day of Oc tober, 1921. Jas. A. Stacv, E. D. Adams, * Mt. Vernon. Enough to Weather Any Storrn IT is in time of business readjustment that the real value of a bank foundation is shown. Our Resources have been conserved in prosperous days for just such a readjustment period as this and with the added advantage of our Membership in the Federal Reserve System we are better equipped to serve you now than ever. THE BANK OF SOPERTON Capital !f25,000.00 Surplus, $25,000.00 N L. GILLIS, President. J. E. Hall, V.-President and Cashier J. B. O’CONNER, Vice-President. 1. H. Hall, Jr., Assistant Cashier SOPERTON, GA. b 9 ■yj|U jHE«K w iITMsJw - I RED-TOP TIRES I npIRES that are different in their dis j A tinctive good looks and in their con- ■ 1 struction. An extra ply of fabric, an 1 ii extra heavy tread and generous oversize I make a tire of remarkable endurance. I Next Time—BUY FISK I SSSSS | I COFFINS, CASKETS, FUNERAL SUPPLIES We Carry at all Times a Tall and Complete Line of Coffins, Caskets | « and Funeral Supplies, including Metallic | | Lined and all Metal Caskets. j FREE HEARSE SERVICE | , :|: We Pay Strict Attention to All Details j SUMNER & SAMMONS ( Phone No. 25. SOPERTON, GA. | p. mV VTTmmTTTTTt »TT»mTTy»TTTVTV7mmT • : P A KFI LOANS l ► < ► On Improved Montgomery, Treutlen and S l Wheeler County Improved Farm Lands J [ QUICK ACTION LOW COST l A. B. Hutcheson : t MT. VERNON, GA. J hllilMAlltAttAmAAAAAAi 'AAAAAAaAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAiAi . fTTTTTTTTfTTTTfTTTTTTTTTT • TTTTTTYTTVT rTUTTVTTTTTTT • FARM LOAN S \ t ON - J 1 Improved Treutlen, ‘Montgomery and < t Toombs County Lands J ► QUICK ACTION] ATTRACTIVE TERMS \ J GILLIS & HALL \ | ' SOPERTON, QA. « t 4 ..liIIIAAAtAAAAttiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAiAHiAAtIiA.