Newspaper Page Text
Example How it Raised the
Price 35c to Dollar per
Bushel. '
Atlanta,! Ga,,*'Dec. f 24. —Corn
growers in Georgia and through
out the South, (according to farm
experts here today, have found
an indirect!market for their crop,
and’instead of getting as low as
35 cents a bushel for. their crop,
they are promised a dollar a
bushel and even more.
Selling corn through the medi
um of pork Tand beef provides
this indirect, though highly
profitable, market for the grow
Farmers 'in’ the west, where
large crops of corn are grown,
experts here state, largely dis
pose of their crop in fattening
cattle for the market, thus re
alizing on the corn several times
as much as would be received
in directlsales. Southern grow
ers. it is pointed out, who have
followed the western plan, have
trebled the their corn
and at the same time netted
profits on their cattle.
“Some of the farmers have
overlooked their best opportuni
ty and have been fooled into the
idea that, cotton will always sell
at from 15 cents to 40 cents a
pound,” said an expert here to
day. “The]' cotton crop in
Georgia was very short this year,
due to unusual weather condi
tions and the boll weevil. On
the other hand, corn is usually
produced in Georgia under every
sort of weather condition, as
born out by the production this
year of the largest crop ever
Figures obtained here today
show that Georgia has produced
in 1921 the largest corn crop
ever harvested. The total yield
is estimated to be 87,975,000
bushels or an average of 15 bush
els to the acre.
While many farmers have let
their hogs gather part of their
corn crop this fall, rather than
sell it at current prices, only a
few of them have kept any ac
curate account of the resuits, it
was stated at the agricultural
department. Among these is
J. W. Coleman, former chairman
of the board of Colquitt county
commissioners and one of the
best known farmers near Moul
Mr. Coleman’s record to date
reveals that by marketing his
corn via the hog route, he has
received more than $1 a bushel
for it, against 40 cents, the price
being paid for it on the Moultrie
A few weeks ago he turned a
bunch of hogs into a corn field
that he estimated would yield
700 bushels, certainly no more
than that, it is stated. At that
time the hogs weighed 2,200
pounds, receiving for them
$137.50. Afterward he found
that those left in the field weigh
ed 20,000 pounds, representing a
gain of 5,000 pounds. This 5.000
pound gain in weight, at 6 1-4
cents a pound, the price of hard
hogs on the Moultrie market,
would represent $312.50
Mr. Coleman estimates that
not more than half of the 700
bushels of corn in the field has
been eaten, and by the method
of marketing it he has adopted,
he has received $450 for the 350
bushels consumed. The hogs will
be kept in the field until the corn
is consumed. Mr. Coleman says
the results of the test so far
lead him to belieye that he will
certainly get more than $1 a
bushel net for the corn.
Will Ship Cream.
Mr. B. A. Conner of Higgston
will be the first farmer of this
section to start cream shipments
to the Dublin creamery. Mr.
Conner expects to make his
initial shipment this week.
A large number of farmers in
this section are interested in the
matter of dairying and it is ex
pected that a number will start
shipments after the holidays.—
Vidalia Advance.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia,—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house
door in Mi.. Vernon on the first Tues
day in Jan., 1922, between the legal
hours ot sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which 1
the following is a complete descrip
tion :
Four hundred ]acies of land in the
1343 d District G. M., of said county
and state, carved from the \Southern
portion of a 682facre) tract,|‘,bounded
on the North by the remainder of
said 682 acre'tract, [on] the East by
Darien and'Dublin']public road, on
tlie South by lands of Mrs. Jas. W.
Adams and on the West by the Oco
nee river, as shown by plat recorded
in Deed Book No. 12, page 64, in the
office of clerk of the superior court
of said county. ["Levied out and will
be sold as the property of W. C. Mc-
Crimmon to satisfy a tax fi fa issued
by H. C. Davis, tax collector vs W.
C. McCrimmon. for state and county
taxes for the year.l92o. Written no
tice of levy given in terms of the
law. This the 6th dav of December,
1921. E. E. Burch, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will De sold before the court house
door in Mt. V.ernon on the first Tues
day in Jan., 1922, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip
All that]lot or parcel of land situ
ate, lying and being, in the 1664th
G. M. district of said county, and/in
the Town of Tarrytown, containing
160 feet front on Third Street and
running back 142 feet to a 16 foot al
ley, and bounded on the north and
east by lands of Mrs. M. A. Calhuon,
on the south by Third street and
west by Cooper street. Levied on
and will be sold as as the property
of Mrs. Effie Hamilton to satisfy a
tax tifa issued by H. C. Davis, tax
collector, vs Mrs. Effie Hamilton,
for state and comity taxes for the
year 1920. Written notice of levy
given in terms of the law. This the
6th day of December, 1921.
E. E Burch, Sheriff.
Sale of Real Estate Under Power
of Sale.
Georgria, Montgomery County.
Under the power vested in the undersigned by
virtue of that certain deed to secure debt, execu
tedfby Mrs. Mary E. Foskey to J. Wade and Hen
ry A. Johnson, and by them duly transferred and
assigned to the undersigned said deed to secure
debt dated October 3lst, 1919, and recorded Octo
ber 31st, 1919 in deed book No. 25, page 173 .to 175
inclusive, the undersigned will sell before the
Court House'door at Mt. Vernon, Georgia, *at pub
lic outcry, to the highest bidder for cash. Lon _the
first Tuesday in January, 1922, that being lthe\3rd
day of said month: All of the said Mary E. Fos
ke.v’s right, title, interest equity, claim or demand
in and^to,
All that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying
and.being in the 275th District G. M. Montgomery
County, Georgia, bounded north by lands of es
tate of M. T. Moses, east by lands of S. B. Morris,
south by lands of A. M. Moses and west by lands
of A. M. Moses, the Darien and Dublin road being
the western boundary line, and more fully de
rcribed by plat of the same made by S. B. Morris,
said plat recorded in deed book No. 22, page 55
Clerk’s Office Montgomery County, Georgia, and
better known as the Clayton Morris place, contain
ing one hundred, forty and 37-100 [140.37] acres.
Said sale to be had for the purpose of paying an
indebtedness of Nineteen Hundred and Ten
[sl9lo.oo] dollars principal. Two Hundred Ninety
Five and 98-100 [5295.98] interest to Jannary Ist,
1922, and $78.11 taxes for 1920, same having been
paid by the undersigned, the total amount due
being Twenty Two Hundred, Eighty Four and
09-100 [2284.09] dollars, together with costs of this
oroceeding, including attorney's fees, [said debt
having been sued and the fees set out in judgment]
amounting to ten percent. Said deed reciting
that in the default in the payment of any of said
notes the holder might declare the whole sum due
and proceed to collect the same, he having so de
clared by this proceeding, the assignee having all
the rights delegated to him as was held by the
grantees in said deed. Said sale will be made
subject a prior loan deed covering said property
given by Mary Morris to Pearsons-Taft Land
Credit Company for $1500.00 principal.
The undersigned will execute complete convey
ance to purchaser on day of rale, such purchaser
paying for titles and Revenue Stamps.
P. R. Cohen, Transferee,
Attorney in fact for Mary E. Foskey.
J. Wade Johnson, Attorney, Commissioner.
Sale of Real Estate Under Power
of Sale.
State of Georgia—MontgomerylCounty.
Under and by virtue of the powers contained in
that certain deed to secure debt, made and execut
ed and delivered by Mrs. Josie Johnson to Realty
Savings and Trust Company, (A Corporation under
the laws of Georgia) on the 15th day of If ay,| 1917
and recorded on May 24th, 1917, in deed book No
24,!0n pages 197 and 198 of the Clerk’s Office of
Montgomery County, and in accordance
with the appointment of the undersigned as Trus
tee, and in pursuance of the powers in said deed
to secure debt, the undersigned as Sole Trustee,
will sell before the Court House Door at Mt. Ver
non. in said County, on the First Tuesday in Jan
uary, 1922, that being the 3rd day of said month,
between the legal hours of sale, to the highest
bidder for cash, the following described real es
tate, to-wit:
All those certain lots or parcels of land, situate,
lying and being in the town of Uvalda, and in the
275th District G. M. Montgomery County; Ga. and
more particularly described as follows: All of lot
of land number Two (2) and Forty One (41) feet
off the Ea9t side of lot number Three (3); said
Forty One (41) feet adjoining lot number two, all
of said property located in Block Number Twenty
Four (24) and fronting on Myrtle Street a distance
of One Hundred and Seven (107) feet, and extend
ing back North along Warren Street, a distance
of one hundred and fifty five [lss] feet to an alley,
as shown by map of the town of Uvalda, as re
corded indeed book No. 10, page 228, Clerk's Offiiee
Superior Court Montgomery County, Georgia, and
being same property conveyed by R. L. O’Neal to
B. F. Wolf on July, 22nd 1911, and recorded in deed
hook No. 16, page 134, Clerk's Office of said Coun
ty, and conveyed by B. F. Woife to Mrs. Josie
The sale of above described property is to be
had for the purpose of paying the indebtedness
secured by said deed to secure debt, the* amount
now due and owing to said Realty Savings and
Trust Company, being the sum of Twelve Hun
dred and Seventy Five and 20-100 [51276.20] Dol
lars, and also all costs and expenses of this pro
ceeding, including fees for Trustee as well as all
other items secured by aid deed to secure debt, de
fault having been made in the payment of the in
' stallments in said deed .mentioned.
Purchaser paying for titles and Revenue stamps.
J. Wade Johnson,
Sole Trustee.
| This December Ist, 1921.
Hides Wanted.
, We are in the market for a lot
of Rood hides. Bring them to us
; for best prices.
Palmer Brothers,
Mt. Vernon, Ga,
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of an or
der granted by the Court of Ordi
nary of said county Dec. 5, 1921,
will tie sold before the court
; house door in said county, on the
first Tuesday iu January, 1922,
to the highest and best bidder for
cash, between the legal hours of
sale, the following described prop
erty to wit: All of that tract
or parcel of land situated,
lying aud being in the 1843rd,
District G. M. of said county,
bounded on the north by lands
belonging to J. 11. Martin; on
the east by lauds belonging to
Jesse Fountain; on the south by
lands belonging to Mrs. E. W.
Armfieki or the Mount Vernon
aud Uvalda public road and on
the west by the Mount Vernon
cemetery and containing eighteeu
and twenty three one hundredth
(18 28) acres of land, aud being
the same laud conveyed to John
C. Calhoun by Mrs. Flora C.
Higgs by deed dated April 80th,
1908. as shown by the record of
said deed in book No. 11 folio 211
of the records of deeds of said
county, excepting therefrom a
tract of four and twenty sever
one hundredth (4.27) acres sold
by John C. Calhoun to the City
of Mount Vernon for cemeteiy
purposes by deed dated Marco
16th, 1918, as shown by the
record of the deed thereof in Book
No. 23 folio 498 of the records ot
deeds of said county. Said real
estate to be sold as a part of the
estate of John O.• Calhoun, late
said county deceased, tor payment
of debts aud distribution.
M. B. Calhoun,
Executor of the last will and tes
tament of John C. Calhoun.
Georgia —Montgomery County.
C. VV. Skipper, administrator
of Vera C. Skipper, deceased, rep
resents to the court n.< his peti
tion, duly tiled and entered on
record, that he has fully admin
istered Vera G. Skipper’s estate.
This is, therefore, to cite all per
sons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to show cause, if any
thev can, why said administrator
should not be discharged from his
administration and receive letters
of dismission on the first Monday
in January, 1922.
J. C McAllister, Ordinary.
Georgia—Montgomery County. -
J. M. Phillips, administrator of
O. P. Blount, deceased, represents
to the court in his petition, duly
filed and entered on record, thot.
he has fully administered O. P.
Blount’s estate. This is, there
fore, to cite all persons concerned,
kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can, why said
administrator should not be dis
charged from his administrotion
and receive letters of dismis
sion on the first Monday in Jan
uary, 1922.
J. O. McAllister, Ordinary.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
A. West, administrator of I. D
West, deceased, represents to the
court in his petition, duly filed
aud entered on record, that he
has fully administered I. D.
West’s estate This is, therefore,
to cite all persons concerned, kin
dred and creditors, to show cause,
if any they can, why said admin
istrator should not be discharged
from his administration and re
ceive letters of dismission on the
first Monday in January, 1922.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary.
For Year’s Support.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
The appraisers appointed upon
the application of Mrs. John C.
Calhoun, widow of John O. Cal
houn, late of said county, de
ceased, for valuation and setting
apart, for a twelve month’s sup
port for herself out of said estate,
this is to notify all parties con
cerned that said application will
be heard at my office on the first
Monday in January, 1922. This
the sth day of December, 1921.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary.
Trespass Notice.
This is to warn all persons
against removing wood or timber
of any kind from lands ot the un
dersigned. This land has been
fully posted, aud fromjthis date
trespassers will have to answer to
the sheriff of Montgomery county.
Dec. 16, 1920.
Mrs. H. B. Folsom.
Rub-My-Tism, antiseptic and
pain killer, for infected sores,
tetter, neuralgia, rheumatism. I
If in Need of Money j
| Come to See me at Once, £
jf Either Short or Long Term Loans. |
and can secure money on either Farm or City !
I Property within Ten Days or Less 5
See me at once, as I have clients now for both S
farm and city property in this section. jj
Come to see me, or phone and I will call on you. I
IJ. Wade Johnson 1
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County. (
Will be sold before the court, bouse
door In Mt. Vernon on the first. Tues- :
day in Jan., 1922, between the legal!
hours of sale, to the highest bidder;
for cash, certain property of which j
the following is a complete descrip
tion •
One certain Waterloo gasoline en-.
gine, eight home power. Said en- j
gine is No. 85794 of above mentioned
make. Also one certain urist. mill,
of tiie Williams Rapid Fire make, j
of the sixteen-inch size. Maid prop
erty levied on and will be sold as
the property of Walter Phillips and.
Tone Phillips to satisfy a superior'
court msitgage fl fa on personalty I
issued by J. E. Mcßae, clerk of the '
superior court of said county, in fa-1
vor of the Bank of Soperton vs Wal
ter Phillips aud Tone Phillips. Levy
made and returned to me by (). E.
Burch, deputy sheriff, and written
notice of levy given in terms of the
law. This the 6th day of December,
1921. E. E. Burch.
,| tWS 1" i;i f I
* **;
Taste is a matter of
tobacco quality
We state it as our honest belief %
that the tobaccos used in Chester
field are of finer quality (and
hence of better taste) than in any
other cigarette at the price.
„ Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.
> of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos—blended
I ... -J
Ample Provision for Hearse Service
and Prompt Attention to all Calls :