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§3 ' ' ' * ' ■
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Messrs. Chester Mcßae of Mt.
Vernon and John C. Peterson of
Ailey, students at the Uuiversity,
arrived a few days ago for the
Z Misses Carol Hutcheson and
Elizabeth Mcßae, attending
Wesleyan, are at home for the
Miss Ruth Cochran of Flint,
Ga., iB visiting the family of Mr.
C. A. Mason.
Miss Frankie Stanford, teach
ing at Cedar Crossing, spent the
holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. G. J. Stanford.
Mr. H. W. Cockfield of Grav
mont spent last Sunday with
friends in Mt. Vernon.
Kodak films developed at the
Oconee Pharmacy, Mt. Vernon.
Miss Alma Smith, connected
with the Telfair Hospital, Sa
vannah, spent a part of the week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. G. Smith. j
Miss Charlie Will Salter, stu
dent at the State Normal, Athens,
came down to spend the Christ
mas vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Z. Salter.
Miss Corine Mason, with the |
Rawlings Sanitarium at Sanders
ville, Miss Alma Mason, teaching!
at Stillwell, and Miss Esther Ma
son, teaching at Poplar Head,
spent the Christmas holiday pe
riod with their Mr. and
Mrs G. V. Mason.
Mr. Frances Brewton, student
in Emory Acrfdemy,came down to
spend the holidays with Mt. Ver
non friends. Rev. A. G. Brew
ton, his father, recently moved
from Mt. Vernon to Willacoochee
to take the pastorate of the j
Methodist church at that point, ,
was here for a short while yes
The Need of 1
V&7 ' Q *f kl
/iSrt Suitable g
I Come to Us |
wggW}/ Stationery |
business or enterprise small or great—whether ij
<I ► |
< m > a peanut stand, privately owned and operated by gs
og jo::©::©t s
a Niodest individual of limited means, or a mam- »
§ moth corporation financed by extensive capital and under 8
i the management of trained business men—cannot success- gs
I fully exists w ithout appropriate Stationery. The business S
man is judged by the stationery he uses. If he uses none, Is
he suffers the consequent hisses. gj
We h a\e studied the needs of the public, and for many S
years it has been our business to supply all classes w ith high jg
class stationery suited to the needs of the individual user ||
Mrs. W. C. Mcßae and daugh
ter, Miss Dorcass Mcßae, are
spending the week at Nacoochee
Institute, where Messrs. Henry
and Claude Mcßae are attending
school, and where Miss Urania
Mcßae is secretary to the super
intendant, Rev. J. K. Coit.
They drove through in their car.
accompanied by Mr. Lawrence
Thompson. They made the trip
without mishap.
Judge and Mrs. J. C. McAllis
ter have had in the family circle
this week Dr. J. M. C. McAllis
ter and family of Rochelle, Col.
and Mrs. W. C. McAllister and
son, Jack, of Hawkinsville, Dr.
and Mrs. J. A. McAllister of At
lanta, and Miss Gladys McAllis
ter, student at G. N. & I.
Miss Inez Mcßae, principal of t
the Trion High School, is at home
for the week.
Miss Lillie Meyers of Atlanta
has returned home after spend
,mg the holidays with Mr. and
' Mrs. Frank Mcßae.
Miss Eileen Tyler, teaching at
Dawson, and sister, Miss Vannie
Leek Tyler, student at Bessie |
i Tift, are spending the week with
their mother, Mrs. Jessie Tyler,
at Brewton-Parker.
I Mr. William Peterson is at home
i for the week. He is a student
of Emory Uuiversity. Atlanta.
As a member of the track team
he has won more honors than
usually come to first-year men.
Dr. J. E. Hunt and family are
spending the week with relatives
at Sandersville.
Miss Alma Morrison, teaching
at Stuckey, is at home for the
Miss Eva Conner, teaching
music in Milltown, is at home for
the festive season.
j Dr. O. D. Rackley, senior-year
student in the Atlanta Southern
Dental College, is spending the
week with his parents, Dr. and
Mrs. E. M. Rackley.
Dr. F. L. Rackley and family
of Millen are spending the week
with the former’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. D. Rackley.
Messrs. Lee Mack Mcßae and
Manson McCrimmon are at home
for the week. They are students
in the Eleventh District A. & M.
School at Douglas and have made
good records for the fall term.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. have i
had as family guests this week
j Mr. and Mrs. B. D. W'alden of
Brunswick, Mr. Harry Lee, stu'
dent at Auburn, and Misses Lol
lie Belle and Marion Lee.
Dr. W. J.’.Wilkins and family
and Hon. W. A. Wooten and
family of Eastman were visitors
art the home of Mr. D. A. Mcßae
Miss Mildred McCrary of Sa
vannah, a former pupil of Brew
ton-Parker, is visiting Miss Van
! nie Lee Tyler.
Dr. Wheeler Mann of Cordele
visited friends in Mt. Vernon
part of the week.
Mrs. Richard Hobbs, Jr., is
visiting her parents, Dr. and
Mrs. Jas. F. Currie.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Adamson
of Uvalda have moved to Mt.
Vernon, and are occupying the
McCullough residence near the
Presbyterian church, formerly
occupied by the family of Mr.
Jas. Hester, the latter having
moved to the Hicks home.
Mrs. F. E. Dennis is spending
the week at Clinton7S. C., where
she has two sons.
Dr. and Mrs. B. W. Yawn of
Milan and Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Watkins of Stevens Pottery spent
a part of the week with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mc-
Miss Cora Westbrook of Ameri
cus is visiting Mrs. N. Durham
I Cobb.
\ l Our Big Opening Sale which Began on Dec. 10 was Very
Gratifying, both to the Public and to Ourselves, and to give
the Holiday Shoppers Greater Opportunity of Close Buy- L
0 ing, our Opening Sale will be continued further m order to'
SI supply the trade with satisfactory goods at right figures
Modern stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats §
p Clothing, Furnishings, Notions, etc., Was |
| Thrown Open to the Montgomery county f
p public Saturday morning, December 10th |
to participate i
II mark the “Fa
| “Tfc
| ■M T. VER NO N .. |
0 tßackley Building)
L O C A L S.
Misses Esther Geiger and Sue
Lee, students at G. N. & 1., are
at home for the week.
Miss Annie Johnson, teaching
in Gordon Institute, Barnesville,
and Miss Nellie Johnson, teach
ing in Virginia, are visiting their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander
Johnson of Longpond.
Mr. Albert Sidney Johnson, a
student in the law department of
Mercer University, arrived a
few days ago to spend the holi
days with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Johnson of Long
Mr. Otis Sanders, teaching at
1 Funston, Ga.; is spending a few
days with the family of Mr. W.
W. Pierce.
LOST PEN—Between Kibbee
and Tarrytown, Waterman’s Ideal
Fountain Pen, with initials G. C.
Reward for return to Louis Cal
lahan, Tarrytown, Ga.
Miss Ruth McCrimmon is
spending the week with her sis
ter, Mrs. S. S. Bush in Savannah.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
Georgia Montgomery Countv.
All parties having demands
against the estate of M. D, j
Hughes, deceased, are hereby no- i
tided to present them, properly)
attested, and all parties indebted
to said estate are required to make
immediate payment to the under
signed. This the 6th day of De
cember, 1921.
M. B. Calhoun,
Administrator Estate of M. D.
Hughes, deceased.
Registered Duroc
Registered Duroc Jersey hogs
hogs for sale; the best in the
country; will sell or exchange
for other hogs. See me at once.
J. Wade Johnson.
Mount Vernon, Ga.
666 is a prescription for Colds,
Fever and LaGrippe. It the |
Imost speedy remedy we know, j
Big Boy Scout Meet.
Waycross, Ga., Dec 28. —The
I annual meeting of the Okefenokee
Council B<yv Scouts of America,
with jurisdiction over thirteen
counties of Southeast Georgia,
will be held in Waycn ss Friday,
December 30. Th- no ting will
convene at 10:30 o’eLck in the
morning, at the munv [ 0 build
ing, according to the call issued
by President V. L. S aaton to
dav. Representatives are ex
pected to attend the me t from
,all of South G> i gia as Pr -ident
Stanton has issued a special in
vitation to the executive board,
courts of honor, deputy ci m
| missioners, council com.i tu s
and members at large fr :n each
county in the circuit to attend
l . ... 11 t 11 —— "■———
C 1 , A I
TS • :
‘ JL
wi 3f
■ JpSy*
You’ rs C..1 L.l© Esdd
when ycu come here to buy drugs sundries.
You’ll find a complete line of cai.'-r.idaajle goods.
We’ll give you prompt’service, courteous treat
* ment and right prices.
That's the basis on which our business lias been
We have sold Dr. I.IILV Ren.r ”Ics ever since the store
was opened.
Hundreds of our ci'svor.'crr how th To
these who do net, v. ' :. t..’s unusual offer. *
Try a pacha. :. Ii v*”.’ a:•ct er rely satisfied *
* after usinp it, re: - e: . tp package to us
tnd well
this, the m >st n rt; nt meeting
of the year.
Among the important matters
to b• b . ' f i • ’ : cun ven
tion Will -be the e »'. ,!i • s
for ! i c . •. y«v i ourts of
c - ■ i,m ( . h . county,
annual'rep< . s t executive
| and plans f< • . ing year.
T r.< O .. c i is clos
ing ci - . t ii activity
a■ 1 < ' >■ hundred
and fv c-. - are en
roll 1 in the 1 > d t its
[jurisdic iop whilejaaly 225 scouts
were ei. ed ?t- t! 1 nning
of the ;■ tr a r v. ■ a time the
, council began its activity.
Rub-My-Tism, antiseptic and
painkiller, for infected sores,
tetter, neuralgia, rheumatism.