Newspaper Page Text
Experiment Station Gives Points
. Proper Grading of Cream.'
The fact that there is a market
for some sour cream is no reason
that marketed cream should be
sour. Those interested in the
production -of milk and cream
should study the values of differ
ent grades and get the most
possible out of their products.
Cream grading is just as irp
portant to the man marketing
cream as cotton grading is to the
man marketing cotton. • -It has
been recognized for years that
clean sound cream is worth more
than that which nas undergone
partial breaking down of one or j
more of its constituents. But
for various reasons, chiefly busi
ness rivalry, grading has not yetj
become general. In some locali
ties, it is being done and a differ- ■
ence of 4 to 7 cents per pound of
butter fat is paid between first
and third classes of cream.
Cream is bought on a butter fat,
basis and it is . both illogical and
unfair to pay as much for the fat;
in poor cream as for fat in good
clean cream.
The price of butter depends i
more largely upon all other qual- i
ities put together. The flavor
of butter is due almost wholly to
the kind and amount of bacterial 1
growth which takes place in the
cream before the outter is made,
often before the cream reaches
the place of manufacture. The
price is seldom influced by work
manship. The best grade of but
ter usually sells.for about 12 per
cent more than seconds and the
difference is only that of flavor
or tasty quality. When other
qualities are off too there is even
a greater reduction in price. The
cost of producing a pound of in- j
ferior butter is practically equal 1
Georgia Interest
in Ford Offer.
Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 21.—A1l of
Georgia is interested, doubtless
as never before in the industrial
matter, over the fight to secure
the development of Muscle Shoals
in Alabama, and prominent peo
ple here today discussed the ac-!
tivities of U. S. Senator William
J. Harris of Georgia in his suc
cessful fight to bring the offer of
Henry Ford before congress and
have both the senate and the
house work on the proposition
concurrently to save time.
It will be recalled that Senator
Harris conferred with Secretary
Weeks several weeks ago urging
him to speed up the report and
provide in the contract for manu
facture of fertilizers. A short
time afterwards a statement
from Secretary Weeks said Ford’s
offer was not satisfactory in ref
erence to the fertilizer feature.
This was cleared up promptly in
an exchange of telegrams be
tween Senator Harris and Ford’s
office in Detroit.
The Ford offer was sent to the
House and not to the Senate and
Senator Harris inquired as to the
failure to send the report to both
Houses, ' and then Secretary
Weeks decided to send the report
to the Senate.
Before the War Secretary had
made known his purpose to send
the report to the Senate, Senator
Harris made a motion that the
offer be referred to the Senate
Committee on Agriculture for
A fight developed, but the re
port has gone to the Agriculture
committee for consideration. It
is thought this committee is sym
pathetic with the proposition.
Mount Vernon Wood
W. A. GUYTON, Proprietor
The Best Grades of Oak and Pine
Wood, Cut to any Dimensions.
Ready for the Stove or Fireplace.
See me for prices. Yards near
' Mt. Vernon depot
;to the cost of producing a
pound of goodibutter. The dis
! ference in selling price shows the
cost of carelessness in handling
the cream.
The value of cleanliness is noj
where more manifest than in the
dairy. The price depends upon j
flavor, flavor depends upon bac- j
teria, and bacteria depends upon
the dirtiness of the cow’s teats,
the milker’s hands, pail, strainer
cloths, separator and other uten
sils used in connection with the
cream. If all of these be clean
the cream is well started
towards a choice butter and high
j To prevent rapid souring
cream should be cooled immedi
ately after separating to a tem
perature of 50 degrees or below.
Clean cream cooled at once will
I keep sweet a week or ten days
very readily. Under plain farm
i conditions the cream may, by the
use of cold well water, be kept 3
to 4 days if produced in a clean
manner. Cream shouldordinari-
Ily be delivered to the creamery
j or made into butter at least three
times a week in summer and
twice in wfhter.
Those who can find a market
for sweet cream should take ad
vantage of it by all means. One
gallon of 25 per cent cream
weighs 8.4 lbs, and contains 2.1
lbs. of butter fat. At 35 cents
per pound it would be worth 73.5
cents. The same gallon of cream
at 5 cents per unit will be worth
$1.25. This shows a difference
of 52.5 cents per gallon in favor
of sweet cream when the above
prices prevail,
j. D. G. Sullins.
Animal Husbandmen.
One of the prettiest weddings
of the season was that of Miss
Clara Murphee Jones, of Bain
bridge, and Mr. George B. Cow
art, of Albany, Sunday after
noon at the home of the bride’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W.
Jones. The home was elaborate
ly decorated in Southern smilax
and sacred lilies with quantities
of candles and incandescent
lights casting an effective glow
over the wedding scene. An
arch made of ferns and palms
and lighted with small lights was
used for the ceremony which was
performed by the Reverend Mr.
Shell of the first Baptist church.
The bride entered with her sister,
Mrs. George savage, and met the
groom with his best man, Mr.
Chas D. Smith. In a toilette of
dark blue taffeta,, made cape ef
fect, hat to match of turquoise
blue and touches of gold worn
snugly over bobbed hair and car
ring a boquet of white carna
tions and ferns Miss Jones was
la dainty, petite bride. An infor
mal reception was held. The
bride and groom left by auto at
,4 o’clock for their future home
in Albany. Mrs. Cowart as Clara
Jones was a popular girl and one
of the most efficient young busi
ness women of Bainbridge. Mr.
cowart is a young lawyer of Al
The above item, taken from
one of the dailies, will be read
with interest by friends and kins
men of the groom, Col. George
B. Cowart who practiced law in
Mt. Vernon about two years ago.
While a* resident of St. Marys
• several years before locating in
Mt. Vernon, he is a native of this
section of the state, and enioys
the esteem of a large circle of
friends who will ever be interest
ed in his welfare and happiness.
If you wish to borrow money
from the Federal Land Bank, see
A. L. Lanier, of Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Rub-My-Tism, antiseptic and
' | pain killer, for infected sores,
'tetter, neuralgia, rheumatism.
First Round of
v| * Tax Receiver.
I will be at the following points
on the dates named for the pur
pose of receiving state and coun
ty taxes for the year 1922:
Alston, Feb. 22, 9tel2 m.
j Uvalda, Feb. 22, 1 to 4 p. m.
j Higgston, Feb. 23. 9 to 12 m.
Kibbee, Feb. 24, 9 to 12 m.
Tarrytown, Feb. 24, 1 to 4 p. m.
! Ailey, Feb. 25, 9 to 12 m.
Mt. Vernon, Feb. 25, 1 to 4 p. m.*
Please meet me promptly.
G. W. Coleman, T. R.
Post Your Lands.
Open your woodland to the pub
lic and soon there will not be a
stick of wood or«timber on it
Put the public on notice by post
ing up printed notices. Get the
printed notices at The Monitor
office. 10 cents each.
• •<
666 is a prescription for Colds,
Feyer and LaGrippe. It is the
most speedy remedy we know.
Hastings’ Seeds
1922 Catalog Free
It’s ready now.- 100 handsomely il
lustrated pages of worth-while seed
and garden news for Southern garden
ers and farmers. This new catalog,
we believe, Is the most valuable seed
book ever published. It contains 100
full pages of the most popular vege
tables, flowers and farm crop plants,
the finest work of its kind ever at
tempted. ,
With our photographic illustrations
and color pictures also from photo
graphs, we show you just what you cap'
grow with Hastings’ Sepds even be
fore you order the seeds. Our cata
log makes garden and flower bed
planning easy and it should be in
every single Southern home. Write us
a post-card for it, giving your name
and address. It will come to you
by return mail and you will be mighty
glad you’ve got it.
Hastings’ Seeds are the Standard
of the South, and the largest mail
order seed house in the world is back
of them. They’ve go* to be the best.
Write now for the 1922 catalog. It
is absolutely free.
Thec*ford’s Black-Draught Highly
Recommended by a Tennessee
Grocer for Troubles Re
sulting from Torpid
East Nashville, Tenn.— The effic
iency of Thedford’s Black-Draught, the
genuine, herb, liver medicine, la
vouched for by Mr. W. N. Parsons, a
grocer of this city. “It Is without
doubt the best liver medicine, and I
don’t believe I could get along without
It. I take It for sour stomach, head
ache, bad liver, indigestion, and all
other troubles that are the result of
a torpid liver.
“I have known and used it for years,
and can and do highly recommend It
to every one. I won’t go to bed with
out It In the house. It will do all It
claims to do. I can’t sary enough for
Many other men and women through
out the country have found Black-
Draught just as Mr Parsons describes
—valuable In regulating the liver to
its nonnal functions, and In cleansing
the bowels of impurities.
Thedford’s Black-Draught liver medi
cine is the original and only genuine.
Accept no imitations or substitutes.
Always ask for Thedford’s. j?, gg
Farm Loans
Loans on Improved Farm Lands
in Montgomery and Wheeler
Counties. Interest rate 6 per ct.
Reasonable commission. I can
handle good propositions for col
ored people owning farm lands.
Mt. Vernon, Ga
Residence For Sale.
Seven-room residence; large
lot; outbuildings, etc. Well lo- j
cated in Mt. Vernon; low price, j
See at once W. W. Pierce,
294 Mt. Vernon, Ga.
will break a Cold, Fever and La-
Gripps quicker than anything we j
know, preventing pneumonia.
[keen buying I
\» Is the result of Scientific Investigation ; ?
P and Comparison \ \
Have your Prescriptions Compounded by a Prescription
Specialist with Broad Experience. Better Safe than Sorry. G &
I Accuracy Our Motto |
Whitman’s Candies, Hytone Stationery 0
Eastman Kodaks, Parker Fountain Pens >
1 Oconee Pharmacy |
|H. H. MORRISON Mt Vernon jj>
Ilf in Need of Money I
Come to See me at Once, i
Either Short or Long Term Loans. 1
and can secure money on either Farm or City |;
|j Property within Ten Days or Less , g
1 See me at once, as I have clients now for both g
§ farm and city property in this section. „ 1
Come to see me, or phone and I will call n yu.
IJ. Wade Johnson!