The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, March 16, 1922, Image 8
Notes Public School Grades. First Grade Honor Roll — Charlie Burch, Walter Dickson, J. W. Grimsley, Jack Johnson, Edwin McNatt, Josephine An derson, Sara Frances Calhoun, Mary Bess Cummings, Lucille Connelle, Vernon Hicks, Mary Jones, Helen Martin, Mary Liz zie Thompson, Louise Sammons, Sara Velma Thompson. We are very glad to have Mai- j colm Peterson back in school after an absence of several weeks. Several of us were absent last week, but only one was tardy. Second Grade Honor Roll- Marie Anderson, Helen Snooks. Third Grade Honor Roll— Willie Joe Adamson, Edward Blount, Clay Wilt, Harlow John son. Fifth Grade— Because of so much rain the past week the fifth grade made i only a fair record in both attend ance and work. We are going i to try to make this one of our best weeks in both respects, however. LOCA LS. Mrs. W. C. Mcßae and daugh ter, Miss Dorcas Mcßae, return ed Thursday from a trip to Bell ville. They were accompanied home by Misses Annie Lewis Smith and Nnnie Lou Smith of; near Bellville, who remained un til Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I. Drew of Fairhaven, Mass., are spending the week with the family of Mr. H. J. Wright, south of Mt. Ver-, non. They are en route home after spending several months in Florida. They Beem delighted with the south, and local friends | will hope to have them return. Mr. Drew is a successful contrac tor. Mrs. Etta Brantley of Vidalia arrived a few days ago to visit the family of her nephew, Mr. P. J. McNatt, on College Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hughes, | after spending the week in Mt. Vernon, left Monday for their home in Lakeland, Fla. Mr. W. B. Miller of Bartow, Fla., made the trip home with them, stop- 1 ping over with relatives at Springhill. “For the Land’s Sake” Use *•«. u. s. r«t. o«. » 1 AMERICAN GOE-MORTIMER . OOWKER FERTILIZERS Built up to a standard—not down to a price DRY AND DRILLABLE PUTRAL & POPE 01er\wood, Ga. I | Courteous Service The American Agricultural Chemical Co., Atlanta. Ga. Honor Roll Lucille Conn, Nina Salter, El dridge Connell, Douglas Hughes, Dillon Leggett, Roy Sammons. Sixth Grade Honor Roll John McGregor, Marguerite Johnson, C. B. Cummings. The highest mark in History last month, which was 90, was made by Willard Burch. Marguerite Johnson and Ruth McCrimmon had perfect papers in Arithmetic. ! Seventh Grade— The highest marks made in the seventh grade examinations were made by the following: Arithmetic-Julia McArthur, 100; Geography—Schalah Steph -1 ens, 90; English—Cora Conn, 98; History— Franklin Dickerson, Gregory Hughes, Schalah Steph ens, 96; Spelling, Rosa Daniels, Dorothy Hunt, 100; Hygiene— Edgar Hunt, 98. Some members of our grade are not meeting home study re quirements. Please help us out by urging them to do this some time in the afternoon or eve i nings. Messrs. F. Lee Mcßae and B. C. Anderson made a trip to points in Tattnall county last Thursday. Mr. Harry Wilt has purchased the Pierce home on Railroad Avenue and is now occupying it. Mrs. C. H. Wriirht was recent ly taken to Savannah for treat ment. She is expected home in a few days. Mrs. O. A. Gray of Uvalda is j spending the week with the fami ly of Mr. B. C. Anderson. Mr. Hertry Bush of Longpond spent last week with relatives at Dublin. Messrs P. J. McNatt, J. Wade Johnson and Claris Burch made a trip to Savannah the latter, part of last week. Miss Thelma McAllister of Longpond has returned from a visit to the home of her aunt, j Mrs. Clemmie Strickland, at Elza. Mr. Guy Barwick of Soperton j has returned to Mt. Vernon, and becomes a student inßrewton-l Parker. 066 is a perscription for BColds, Fever and Lagrippe. It is the most speedy remedy we know. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR—THURSDAY MARCH 16. 1922. I • ▼▼TTTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTVTTTT* »▼▼▼▼▼▼ ▼▼▼TTTTVT'TTV TVYTTV * |* - : l New Spring Goods j r •< ► 4 £ The new spring line at Me ► Cnmmon’s Store reflects an air of fresh- * ► < ► ness and beauty pleasing to the ladies. * \ TISSUES, GINGHAMS, WASH SUITINGS \ l LINNONS, ETC. I ► New goods at new See them J £ at once. To see is to buy 3 ► 3 ► * > McCrimmon’s Store, Mt. Vernon \ ► « •AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaAAAAAA.IAAAAAAAAA.AAAa* Mrs. W. L. D. Rackley has been quite ill for several days. She has not enjoyed good health* in a year. Rub-My-Tism, antiseptic and pain killer, for infected sores, tetter, neuralgia, rheumatism. j Mrs. R. F. Mcßae has been sick for the past few days, but! is reported slightly better today 666 will break a Cold, Fever and La- Grippe quicker than anything we know, preventing pneumonia. For Sale. Desirable dwelling in Mt. Ver non, for sale or rent. Also farm near Mt. Vernon depot. Write T. H. Cockfield, 3922 Vidalia. MONUMENTS AND CEME= TERY MEMORIALS OF QUALITY. Wanted, the services of a Reliable Wan to act as our agent in this section. Whole or part time. Good | commissions. For Particulars address LAURENS MARBLE COMPANY South Jefferson Street, Dublin, Ga. Tarry town School News. Wp are having a good average attendance despite the fact that some of our pupils have had to stop. The pupils of the eighth grade think they have been having double work in Algebra for the j last few days. They are doing some very good work now. We are just sorry all can not keep pace with the best of them. The ninth grade is doing its best work now in Literature and Rhetoric. They say they are not so fond of their Biology, Caesar, etc. We certainly wish all the grades 1 may be able to measure with what might be expected of them, considering the length of the school term. Fifth and Sixth Grades— The sixth grade has almost completed their Geography work. The fifth grade has completed their History. Louise Waller and Theo Spence j received stars for spelling. Those who were neither absent nor tardy last week are the fol lowing: Mary Dell Burns, Wil lie Mae Braddy, Varnell Cadle, M. B. Crawford, Lois Miller, Claudie Mae Miller, Robena Phil lips, Theo. Spence, Fannie Bell Waller, Louise Waller, Florence Warnock. and Mildred Warnock. Third and Fourth Grades Since we 'have been having such beautiful weather this week, it reminds us that spring is here. Those who have neither been absent nor tardy for the past week are the following: Estell Braddy, Quay Cadle, Helen Cal houn, Florence Collins, Mell Joy ner, Frank Ferrell,' Reese Lan drum, Beulah Pittman, Iris Stan ford, James Simons, Mamie Lee Radford, Bessie Schiffrin and Lamar Waller. The Third and Fourth grades have completed their readers. Second Grade— Little Edwin Warren is visit ing in North Georgia. We cer tainly miss him from our grade. Carlton Warnock has the honor of being present every day since; school opened Oct. 9th. Most of us are doing real good ; work and we are all hoping to make our grade. We are glad to have Otis Ad ams back in school after an ab sence of several weeks. First Grade— We certainly enjoy learning our spring song, “Little Pussy Willow.” Those of. us who received a merit card each day last wec?k are Lonna Cadle and Jess Willard Beatty. Those of us who were com mended for best behavior are Eugene Graham, Rebecca Schif frin, and Tommie Lou Brooks. Fred M. Harris » Attorney at Law MT. VERNON, OA. M. B. CALHOUN Atty at Law, Mt Vernon, Georgia , * | ‘The teaching of the Sunday school of to- j i | day is the code of morals for tomorrow.” j | —WOODROW WILSON, i j A WELCOME TO ALL. | There are three Sunday Schools in j |AI t. Vernon. Identify yourself with | f one of them. All welcome, each Sab- j!; | hath, morning and evening. ;jj * & # F J ' A >TP * # IrC % \ v Ok I * 1 3 E xjL K ! HOME ■ I # *r 9 J Those who buy at home get bet j ter values. They save expense of k $ travel and have greater opportu- nity of selection. This applies JT in particular to . I The Fair Store I t SPRING GOODS EN ROUTE, AND t # OUR ELABORATE SHOWING WILL t I SOON BE MADE TO THE PUBLIC % # «- * Dry Goods, Shoes, Ladies’ and & Gentlemen’s Furnishings, etc. # jr , k $ The arrival of our spring goods & will make our stock the most % complete in this section. | LOOK FOR ANNOUNCEMENT % % i The FAIR STORE | | MT. VERNON % (Rackley Building) KKlklkKft*****'*'*******'******* j Garden Seeds! 1 NEW LOT JUST RECEIVED Guaranteed Fresh and True to Variety The secret of Profitable Gardening is, First, get Reliable Seed. Then • | > plant in season, cultivate properly, and you reap the reward. Our seed bring greatest returns jj MT. VERNON DRUG CO.