Newspaper Page Text
Thye Monitor.
Entered at the Post off!. < it. Ml. V rn »»:. On. as S> cond Class-Mail Matter.
H. B. FOLSOM, Owmrn: •• ° a Year > in Advance.
«■ - •’ rate, aiel as the Ikw
AireoWt;udmu.tb. w.,.k ,rinsertion
Mount Vernon, Ca.. Thor -'a;, Morning, April 20, 1922.
How Farmers May
Get Calcium Arsenate.
In response to petition by the
State Board of Entomology, of
which J. J. Brown. Comni: inn
er of Agriculture, is Chairman,
the general assembly of the
Georgia Legislature last year
provided a revolving fund of
fIO.OOO to be used by the State
Board of Entomology for the
purpose of buying calcium arsen
ate at the lowest possible price
to be delivered direct ii tn man
ufacturer to consult; r.
After every prec; ufinn was
taken and exh.i istive Its’ and <-x
--aminations were ma !•■•, t!i I-• >:<i<!
of Entomology completed a con
tract with the Sin r n WiPnms
Co. of Cleveland, Ohio, .or ( a!
ciurn Arsenate that in every re
spect complies with th< l.e.v regu
lating the chemical an. srs and
physical conditions of i ie.
These goods are now ready for
shipment stored in v ■ r houst s
in Savannah and Atl. ;i, Ga.
The price at which ties calcium
arsenate can be had is !) cents
per pound, cash or it ■ univalent
to accompany order. In car load
lots of 25,000 lbs, or n te, rate
of freight will be allowed to any
railroad shipping point in G or- j
gia; less than carload lots, the |
price will be the same, with the
understanding that partii s buy-:
ing calcium arsenaty will pay lo
cal rate of freight from Savan
nah or Atlanta, as desired.
Parties ordering calcium at -
senate will deal directly with the
state Boad of Entomology, mak
ing all checks payable to them. |
Calcium Arsenate, it will lie un- [
derstood, is carried in siwck in
25, 50, 100 and 200 lb, siz • pack
age containers.
It is further understood that
a26 lb. package is obtainable
provided you only want this
amount. Should you order 100
lbs, of calcium arsenate, you
would receive a 100 lb, i *k
Should you orderathous d lb- .
* you would receive five 2oo lb. bis. ;
meaning that partus ordering
calcium arsenate will not receive
a smaller size package than the
sum total of their order up to 200
Parties who expect to use cal
cium arsenate on their cotton
this year should begin ir medi
ately to make arranged tits for
their requirements, in on! r that
prompt delivery can lit 1 made.
Southeastern Bakers
Meeting in Savannah, j
Savannah, Ga,, April 17. Bu j
kers from eight Southeastern I
States were arriving ton nt t.
the first meeting of the South- j
eastern Bakers AsseciaGon in
their ‘‘quality bread coin > ntion,"
which will last through Thun
day. Registration and : i • *;i
acquainted employed tig ..! s
evening, with a dance at the De-
Soto. The first business session
w ill be held tomorrow morning
with J. H. Hunt, Savani ah, pre
Dissolution Notice.
G orgia- Montgomery County.
This is to notify ihe public lhat
the firm of Snooks & Co., c im
posed of T. A. Peterson, B. R.
Snooks and W ,1. IVn . on, has
this day been drsolvid by mu
tual consent, T. A. Peterson and
W. J. Peterson retiring from
said firm. B. R. Snooks assumes
all indebtedness of said firm and
is to collect all accounts due or
past due said firm of Snooks &
Co. Ailey, Ga., April S. 11)22.
Snooks & Co.
B. 11. Snooks,
W. J. Peterson,
T. A. Peterson.
Sheriff Sale.
<j •-<ll ia Montgomery County.
Will In-‘-•■ld before the court house
loor in Ml. Vernon <>n the first Tues
day in MnlD22, between the legal
liiiui -. m! ■-ale, In the highest bidder
, i i-1 1 , c i taiii property of which j
I In'following it a complete descrip
l-ugliiy-four acres of land situate,
Ivin.' and Icing in the lotiTth G. M.
.ip! i iet of said county and state, and
hounded a- follows: North by lands
of Tl me Mortis, west by lands of
Tic Mi t • cvor, south by lands of W.
I ■. rt 1 1 u r. Hen Conner anti I>. 11
Me t- on till'east by lands of H.
I*. Wiliianks. Levied oil and will tie
i pr« petty of Mrs. S. V.
McNutt to -at isf.v tax (I las issued
by 11. i I ).i vi-. tax collector, vs Mrs.
- V. MrNnlgfor state and county
t 1 x • fur tla veal sos 1916 lillfi, ISM7,
i'.us |i)!'.t P. 120 and 11(21. Levy made
iiti'i r. iiricd tome by H . 11. Adams,
cor lit . and written notice of levy
vi 'in terms of tin law. This the
ilh day of April, 11122.
K. K. Hiircli, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Gi'oij'i i Montgomery County.
\Vili In sold before lh<* court house
door in Ml. Vernon on the first Tues
day iii Ate, lii22, between the legal
.linin' nf nil-, to the highest bidder
1 1 . r i irli. ci tain property, of which
i!i following is a complete descrip
| tide :
Three acres of land situate, lying
and being in (i. M. district
in uni i .unity .and state, and bouiid
d . follows: North by lands of It.
I Waller, east by lands of Quince
I i.'hl, soiitl: by lands of Quince
|<i lit iiinl west by lands .of W. T.
I Ini a i Ii Her known as the Hardly
11ii 11 home place Levied on and
u illl be sold as the property of Har
dy Hall to satisfy a tax II fa Issued
t 11. <’. Davis, lax collector, vs
jliaid; Hall, for state and county
;xi forthe years IWlfi. 11)1(1, 11)17,
i:M . IDI tl. itigt), 1'.)21. Levy made and
1 n tm icd to me by H. H. Adams,
■on-tnbb anil written notice nf levy
,'ivi iin ierins of the law. This the
j It h day of April. I!)22.
li. li. Ibirch, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.’
Georg in Wontiromcry County.
Will I* 111 it. f‘i)i «• t III* rollit hoURe tlnnr in Mt.
V< i ii“i) on i in* iii mt Tuowlay in May. 1922, in*tween
the legal If him of gale, to the higheHt bidder f(»r
I . ii ii, r« : iam i i “pn ty, of which the followior is a
complete description:
All that tract or parcel of land sit-
I nnie I iii ■ and being in the State of
i .ii ia, conn \oi .Montgomery and
bound' d north by lands of Mrs. N.
K. Odom, east and south by lands of
f'lank M tla Iba rit Ii and west by the
liiddic road lending from Mt. Vernon
1 1-» A I ton. an . containing one-fourth
acre more or |e--s. Said tract of land
hem : in tln villfige of Sharpa’a Spur,
(ii. ami in the 27i»tli District G, M.
Levied on and will lie sold as
I tin* property of H. Williamson, to
i ,sfy a i,ix II fa issued by 11.
Davis, lax collector, \s H. William
on, for state and county taxes for
it. \ear lU2I. written notice of levy
:veu as 11 i|,ilted by law. This the
ilh day of A pi'll, 1022.
IK. I’.urch, SlierilT.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Men! G.imory County.
\S I l)« It! lH*for»‘ the court house door in Mt.
W • tii. t Tuesday in May, 1922, between
*d hour- of sale to the highest bidder for
«•;■»■ i>. < < : tain property, of which the following; isn
complete description:
i i t*ai \t d fn'in the mm them portion of a
1- tract of land lying - in the 1664th District
t. ,v M.*n:g«»n\cry county, Georgia, and Uni tided
*•*> lit. t-. Hthwest b> Hokr.v Branch and lands of
. \S C. M* i i ; iD‘«n, and on the southt ast by Cy
i • v iv< i ami lands of \V. c\ Me rimmon. and
i tl'* m>i tit by the remainder of said tract of 318
;;*■ > as -shown b> plat recorded in Deed book 7,
i• > • f the all of Montßoinery county,
t. dgii. in the Clerk‘a office of said county.
;• \ >1 •»n t;d will ht sold ms the property of C.
i 1 W »:. * - Ay. tit. n* satisfy a tax fifa issued by
I I t l‘ \d*. tax collector. vs C. D. Williams,
A , t,. so» staG- ami county taxes fur the year
* \\ nttfii notice of levy Riven in terms of
tbo law. Tl' the 4th day of April, 1922.
K. K. Burch, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Hi .n .i; M intgumcry County.
W iii In sold before the court house
deni in Mt. V‘ i non on the first Tues
i iy in May, 1'.‘22. between tin l legal
iioui - el' sale, to the highest bidder
i . .-li. certain property, of which
it o' following is a ceiiq let** dgserip
j t ion:
At) 1 1 1 1 ». tei luo^ia I ivittg and l>**-
i a ill. 1 7:s• l i-i U M. of Moi tgiiino**
i ii, .rn" -a;, of tieoi'fcift, coiitniuiiix Sev
,l7 1 .n i 1.-ei Imitl, more or Uhk. »mt
, 1 •'.•tl eii I! lentil l»v Ikiulit nt J. H. Pul- j
' r. •' I\* llt ,U lit (tlady* Mission, noiltli
!■ i;; i-' i Alin, !■ l“»lnoi, siut on the went
ito : -el t “lillS. I .*•( 1,'.l ail Hint Hilt 111'
- i I ' i \ ill 41' l'. l'nnner. .tgt., to
•i> * t;i\ nlii>-uisl 1. 11. C. Dxis. t«s ,sil
i, v. ,11 ... oi. Agt , for sinto ami
t.t'.-toi do \i’fti of 192) iViitteii
at leV( i;> 111 .el lim ot till' ia».
U.U the t n‘.U( ot Apt it, I'.nfJ.
E . I . Bit roll, t'licriff-
Slu-riif Sale.
,CL iryis Moiitßo'nery County.
Wtl! u *; Ih f * the court house door in Mt.
ot; th* . Tuesday in May. Ibe
tween the iv ..•. 1 ii .imuf sols, to the hisphent bidder
liSkctish* r tarn p . petty, of which the follow m*
■ a a Aunptvle d. -enptien:
b a* * * t ,f land curved »nit of the southwest oot
id ■ - v it tract of land in the Kibbe-Tigcr
l tr»-• » v. v.« ntßvmery county, tieoivia. j
th and west by land* of Mrs. j
1> *'i is n the north and mm by the I
:• mainderol tract tis ItO acres.
I<' i or. mi will lx* sold ts the property of I
m - Mveim i hillipo to satisfy s tax ti fa i»*s*ueii
l > H. (' l).i' ’s. to culUsetor. vs miw Alvens i'hil- j
i;« " k •« • - » -unty taxes, for the year 1921.
’a **«xi - ue.f l \ given in terms of the law. j
This the 4th day of April. 1922.
t'.. K. Lureh. Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
VN'ill tie sold before the court house
j door iri Mt. Vernon on the first Tues
; day in May, 1922, between the legal
I hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the follow ing is a complete descrip
| tion:
Two acres of land situate, lying
and being in the BGJkJ o. M district
of said county and state, and bound
ed as follows: North by iarids of the
estate of Jhs, Morris, east by lands
of John Smolpicce and John N. Con
nell and west by lands of K. H. Gar
ner, south by lands of Lee O'Conner,
better known as the Bob Cooper
place. Levied on and will be sold as
the property ofy Willie O’Conner to
satisfy a tax fl fa issued by H. C.
Davis, tax collector, vs Willie
O’Conner, for state and county taxes
for the yea 1920. Levy made and re
j turned tome by H. H. Adams, con
stable, and written notice of levy
givenjiii terms of This the
4th day .of April, 1922.
E. E. Burch, sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georifia Montgomery County.
Will be Hold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in May, 1922, between
the leyai hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
ersh, certain property, of which the following is a
complete description:
One hundred and fl-liy acres locat
ed in the 1781st District O. M . of said
comity and slate, und bounded as
follows: Bounded on the north by
lands of Leader & Kosanskv. east by
lands of Nancy Story, south by lands
of Laura Willis et al. west by lands of
Clarlssy Hall, and now in the posses
sion of C. M. Guin. Levied on and
will be sold of the property of T. F.
McKay, to satisfy a tax ii fa issued
by H C. Davis, tax collector, vs T.
I*. McKay, for slate and county tux
es for the year 1921. Levy made and
returned to me by Archie Morris,
special baifiif, and written notice
given in terms of the law. This the
41Ii day of April. 1922.
E E. Burch, Sheriff.
Sale of Real Estate Under Power
of Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County
Undor virtue of the power contained in
that certain deed to secure debt, made and exe
cuted by H. W. Connell to H. H. Johnson, by
him duly transferred and assigned, with all the
rights, remedies and tide to the undersigned to
gether with the indebtedness thereby secuerd,
said,deed to secure debt dated January 12th, 1921,
recorded January 13th, 1921, in deed hook No. 26,
page 449-61 in Clerk’s office Montgomery County,
Georgia, the undersigned will sell at public out
cry, before the court house door of said county,
between the legal hours of sale to the highest Wa
der for cash un the First Tuesday in May, 1922,
that l**ing the 2nd day of said month, all the prop
erty described,, with improvements,
All those tracts or parcels of land, situate, lying
and being in the town of Mt. Vernon. 1343rd Dis
trict G. M. Montgomery County, Georgia, and bet
ter de cribed ns follows: Two lots, known as lots
number one (1) and two (2) in the map of the
new town of Mt. Vernon, containing one-half
acre, more or less, bounded north by lands of Mrs.
G V. Mason; east by lands formerly owned by R.
Morrison, south by L. C. Underwood and west by
Railroad Avenue, on which Is located a certain
dwelling and known as the “Elliott place.”
For the purpose of paying an indebtedness of
Seven Hundred ($700) dollars principal, and
Seventy one and 56-100 dollars interest up to May
Ist, 1922, the total sum being $771.56, together
with the cost of this proceeding including feet for
Commissioner to make said sole as provided for in
said deed to secure debt arove set out. default
having Inarn made in the payment of the interest
due July Ist. 1921, and principal and interest due
November Ist, 1921. and the undersigned has de
clared the whole sum due by reason of such de
fault by this proceeding the undersigned having
assigned to him all the rights and remedies under
Maui deed as held by the original grantee.
A complete conveyance will he made to pur
chaser un day of sale. This April. 3rd, 1922.
P. R. Cohen, Transferee,
Attorney in fact for H. W. Connell.
J. Wade Johnson. Attorney,
Sale of Real Estate Under Pewer
of Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of the power contained In
that certain deed to secure debt, made and execu
ted by Mrs. Ella Clark to Mrs. Mabeile Johnson,
under date of December Ist, 1920, recorded Janu
ary Ist, 1921, in deed book No. 25, page 441, Clerk’s
Office Montgomery County, Georgia, the under
signed will sell at public outcry, before the Court
House door of said county, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, on
the First Tuesday in May, 1922, the following de
scrii>ed re I estate with all improvements, to-wit:
All that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying
and lieing In the 275th District G. M. Montgomery
county, Georgia, bounded north by lands of H.
Groher (formerly Ben Bird) oast by H. Groher
and J. A. F. Gibbs, south by J A F. Gibbs (for
merly Ira Anderson) and west by H. Groher (for
merly J. J McArthur) containing thirty-eight
and 96-100 (38.661 acres, more or less, as shown by
plat of the same made by S. B. Morris October
23rd. 1914. tecorded in deed book No. 25. page 196,
Clerk's office Montgomery County, Georgia, and
known as “Charlie Nicßae place.”
For the purpose of paving an indebtedness of
One Thousnnd (1000) dollars principal, and $116.87
interest to May Ist, 1922, together with cost of
this proceeding including ten per cent attorney's
fees default having been made in the payment of
the interest note due April Ist, 1921« and principal
and interest due October Ist. 1921, and under said
deed to secure debt above get out, when any of
said notes mature and are not paid, then the
whole of said debt becomes due at the option of
the holder, she having by this proceeding declared
the whole rum due by reason of said default.
A complete conveyance will be made to tho pur
chaser on day of sale such purchaser paying for
titles and revenue stamps. This 3rd day of April,
1922. Mrs. Mabeile Johnson, Attorney
in fact for Mrs. Ella Clark.
J. Wade Johnson. Attorney.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia Montgomery County.
Will Ih* sold before the court house dooi in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in May. 1922. between
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property of which the following is a
complete description:
Twenty-four acre* of land situate, lying and
being in tho 17Klat G. M. of laaid county and state,
and bounded as follows: On the north by lands
of Mr*. R. E. Adams, east by lands of Candaoy
Mosley, south by lands of Henry Mosley and on
the west by lands of Margaret Moeley. Levied on
and will be sold as the property of J. B. Baker,
Agent, to satisfy a tax ft fa issued by H. (\ Davis, j
tax collector, vs J. B. Baker. Agent, for state and j
county taxes for the year 1921. Levy made and j
returned to me by Archie Morris, special bailiff,
ai\d written notice given in terms of the low. This
the 4th day of April, 1922. E. E. Burch.
Sheriff Sale.
GtN'ryl, .Monlirumfr, (Vuiuy.
Witttw »iM bufoTO ih*’ wurt hou*e door ip Mt.
Vrmon on th, tir»t Tu««day in M*> . 1922. between
th, Uv,: hour, of to the hltrhe.t bidder for
ciuih. certain property, of which the following t, a
complete description:
Kifty aero, of land carved out of the north ea,t
, corner of a tract of 3tKt acre, of land more or 1«k, j
i and bounded a, follows On the north by lands I
of Tonoy l*hitlip, and Mrs. Kuthv Adam,, on th* I
! cant by land, of Ida Baker. —Hithlby land, of Man
i nie Mosley and on the west by land, of Mrs. Mary i
J Blocker Ecviod on and will be sold as th*
, property of Manm. isoaley to sa-.itfy a tax fl fi
j issued by H. C. Davis, tax collector, vs Manni* i
I Mosley, for state and county taxes for the year
1921 Levy matte and returned to me bv Archie
I Morris, special bailiff and written notice riven in
I term, of the law. This the 4th day of April, 1922.
£. L. Burch. Sheriff.
The following is a list of jury-;
men drawn so serve at the May,
1922, term Montgomery superior!
Geo L Peterson J M McDonald
W G McDonald T J Mcßae
./ C Clifton L E Stanford
C L Allmond Jessie Fountain
J E Calhoun A D Hughes
j J R Carr M C Coleman
M Morris P H Daniel
H J Wright I P McAllister
E C McAllister H B Braddy Jr
Lester Canady VV II Mason
J W Wardlaw S 7j Salter
A L Hamilton W J Peterson
Clifford Mcßride M C Graham
J R Dixon J A Stacy
A W Mobley Geo S Blaxton
H M Thompson W O Sharpe
J A Reynolds -W M Morris
J A Palmer Jas Hester
N L Spooner I T McL* more
M S. Conner W T Harris
F M Mcßae C A Rack ley
L M Whitaker W L I) Rack ley
H E Mathias W B McArthur
G F Garret C Q Hightower
Everett McLeod J II Peterson
E F Allmond Geo W Blocker
B I, Morris Albert Morris
N A Dow me C W Robinson
M A Rico VV T Mcßride
J T Lankford C F Gordon
H H Martin B A McArthur
Hugh Peterson Jr BOChamblis
A H Johnson J M D McGregor
S H U’neul H W Biggerstaff
A S Johnson J E Horne
Eula Braddy J T Sammons
TRAVERSE- Following
J W O’Neal H II Carpenter
B C Anderson B R Sn )oks
M J, Mcßae J W Sharpe, Jr
G W Yarborough J B Garrett
John Goff T C McArthur
Guy Morris J Carl Adams
VV A Calhoun H V I’ogers |
J A Hall J T Walker
B A Conner W B Mathias
Pierce Calhoun Geo W Hamilton
C H Fowler W L Calhoun Sr
John Odom ii S Riddle
J M Phillips Jr. J W Ray
J H Hudson E M Rackley
ADCotnbee Dennis O’Brien
Missouri Lady Suffered Until She
Tried Cardui. —Says “ Result
Was Surprising.”—Got Along
Fine, Became Normal
and Healthy.
Springfield Mo. —“My back was so
weak I could hardly stand up, and I
would have bearing-down pains and
was not well at any time,” says Mrs.
D. V. Williams, wife of a well-known
farmer on Route 6, this place. "I
kept getting headaches and having to
go to bed,” continues Mrs. Williams
describing the troubles from which
she obtained relief through the use of
Cardui. "My husband, having heard
of Cardui, proposed getting it for me.
"I saw after taking some Cardui
.. . that I was Improving. The result
was surprising. I felt like a different
"Later I suffered from weakness
and weak back, and felt all run-down.
I did not rest well at night, I was so
nervous and cross. My husband said
he would get me some Cardui, which
he did. It strengthened me . . . My
doctor said I got along fine. I was in
good healthy condition. I cannot
*ay too much for it.”
Thousands of women have suffered
as Mrs. Williams describes, until they
found relief from the use of Cardui.
Since it has helped so many, you
should not hesitate to try Cardui ts
troubled with womanly ailments.
For sale everywhere. E.83
Highest Prices Paid
for Live Stock.
We are constantly in the mar
ket for cattle and hogs. Many
years experience qualifies us to
offer superior advantages to the
producers of this section. We
are in position to handle your
business in a most satisfactory
manner. Get our prices.
W. D. & C. W. Peterson.
9192 m Ailey, Ga
Fred M. Harris
Attorney at Law
Atty at Law,
Ut Vernon, Georgia t
f/ *v . t J f» x ]jj||r \m
.... V
■ "■-''' ~ '“‘MSf ■ toe?- 5 * MHMBSn^Bg
Eaousth to Weather
Any Storm
“TT is in time of business Readjustment that the
A real value of a bank foundation is shown.
Our Resources have been conserved in prosperous
days for just such a readjustment period as this
and with the added advantage cf our Membership
in the Federal Reserve System we are better j
equipped to serve you now than ever.
Capital *25,000.00 Surplus,*s2s,ooo.oo
N L. GILT.IS, IY.*s mt. ” J. E. Hall, V.-President and Cashier
J. K O’CONNER, Vice-President. I. H. Hall.&Jr., Assistant Cashier
l New Spring Goods 5
► a t
► The new spring- line tit Me- 5
► Crimmon’s Store reflects an air of fresh- l
► ness and beauty pleasing to the ladies. I
Z 7 *
j ' 4
► New goods at new prices. See them l
► at once. To see is to buy 2
► 4
► McCrimmon’s Store, Mt. Vernon «
► <
1 M e Carry at ail Times a Full j
| and Complete Line of Coffins, Caskets |
| and Funeral Supplies, including Metallic |
I Lined and all Metal Caskets.
I We Pay Strict Attention to All Details !
Phone No. 25. SOPERTON, GA. j
►»¥▼▼* ▼'im?rvff?wvmnfvm7vmfVTfvmmmmt
t F A Rin LOANS :
► 4
t On Improved Montgomery, Treutlen and 4
l Wheeler-County Improved Farm Lands 4
► i
► A. 3. Hutcf\esorv \
t MT. VERNO.M, GA. 4
► 4
t —— ON —— 4
► 4
► Improved Treutlen, Montgomery and ;
► -4
t Toombs County Lands <
► ' SOPERTON, GA. *• k
► 4 f