Newspaper Page Text
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Mrs. Spurgeon Bush • ‘ "'avan
nah is visiting her pa • , Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. McCr.n >b
Mrs. Howard Sutton >i Macon
is visiting the family < ' •i J.
Mcßae. Mr. Sutton, • r
of Mrs. Mcßae, v\; I
short while several day :..o
Little Miss Blanche L r n of
Lyons is visiting the of
her grand-mother, M 1
The Junior Epwort 1 I true
held an Easter egg hi. 11
afternoon. Many yon",- •'*
present, and a gay and e jo.vahle
time was had by them.
Miss Alma Smith, the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Iv rS idi,
sails for New York this < k.
Miss Smith is a gradu- <* nurse
of the Telfair Hospital. '' '•
She expects to stud' .ti N • \ ■ k
for several months boh
up her work. Later in ■ uin
mer Miss Smith will he j ; Ib>
her sister, Mss Y\i> • D i
Smith, who came do. i f om
Augusta to see her oil'.
Mr. C. A, Mason le s this
afternoon for Vi lain, * '
will undergo an operas in the
Vidalia Hospital. Ml V< ri
friends trust that he will obtain
permanent relief.
§ Auto Repairing |
j| Gas, Oils, Tires, Supplies and Parts |
|| Special Attention to all High-Class Repair Work «
II Coffine, an i Caskets |
y Have just p!a<* l in stock (over Mt. §
Yornon Mt :t (Hinni*- Plant) a
Seloctotl with irre: l carts our lino is s\)
S calculated to please every taste' or
H (lemand. We invite the attention of £
Ithe public. Kalifaction is assured.
flMMmtMWWpy**.ygiyv*.'-' i . ..r. ss*. : . ,rcW»sdi>.>«JKM*3tSiSisi*
! | LYVEWH.: LipiO' CHARGE 1!
Saves Time a L i ' ; also your Battery,
r Ten Minutes A,n Two Day s. A saving on the
! Charge of Rental Cost. Preserves the Plates.
Drive up and Gi: Battery Service. !
| MASON’S STORE, Ailey, Ga.
I Agents for Montgomery C .untv (Kxcept Town of Uvalda)
.... *. ..a..aaav.c.vri
M i irnes H. L. Wilt and L.
L. Brady attended the Woman’s
M: onary Conference in Lum
ber City Thursday and Friday of
last week.
Mr. Frank Elam of Glenwood
vis.ted at the home of Rev. L. E.
i;,- y a short while Wednesday
of last week.
M r > Florence Howell of the
Smith Georgia College at Mcßae
spi fit. the week-end with friends
in Mt. Vernon.
!i Eileen Tyler, teaching at
!»v. s >n, spent the latter part of
v. • k with her mother, Mrs.
J V. Tyler, at The Brewton
] (r. Miss Tyler is a former
1 ipil of The Brewton-Parker,
.-"id ha here a large circle of ad
mi: ing friends.
Mr. Charles A. Aht, rural car
r- r, i . off for a few days, and
Mr T. B. Hughes is distributing
i e mail. Jest how long Charles
v, ii! h ■ off, depends; a d just
where he will go depends. He
dr this morning for Atlanta,
< ~ Knoxville and
N -,h Ilis attachment for
i . r, John, who lives in
itm lly impels him to
. i er there en route to the
i *r i 'Huts mentioned, and one
of v oich, probably Nashville,
is his his real destination.
Thousands are Homeless.
Chicago, 111., April 18. — With
fifty known to be dead and more
than 300 wounded, hundreds of
people homeless and property J
damage to the extent of one mil- I
lion dollars, the most severe
storm and flood in this section in
in fifty years is passing.
Flood danger was increasing
today at Beardstown and other
Illinois towns menaced by swollen
rivers, threatening to break the
levees. Mississippi river levees
soutn of here are reported to be
feeling the tremendous pressure
of the flood sweeping down from
from the north.
San Francisco Authorities Levied on
Treasure Chest of the King of
Moorea Island.
The treasure chest of a king was
opened recently in the court of Su
perior Judge John J. Van Nostrand
in San Francisco and the Yoyal
jewels were placed in pawn for the
benefit of Miss Phyllis Fogel of San
Anselmo, C'al., daughter of “King
Mike” Fogel of Moorea island, and
Mrs. Sarah Lezzeni, says the San
Francisco Chronicle.
Fogel and Mrs. Lezzeni were di
vorced several years ago. Two years
ago Fogel married Queen Taata
Maata of Moorea island and became
a “king.” Recently he returned to
San Francisco to promote the com
mercial welfare of the island by in
teresting American capital. Mrs.
Lezzeni had him haled into court on
a charge that he still owed her ali
King Mike told Judge Van Nos-
Irand he is now getting his coffee
and doughnuts by playing a horn in
an orchestra. Mrs. Lezzeni’s attor
ney wanted to know about his royal
treasury. King Mike fished into a
vest pocket and dug out a pill box
containing a small collection of
pearls, which, he said, was all he
had and offered them for the bene
fit of hie daughter. Further inquiry
revealed the revenue-producing
property of his domain as two ao-ree
of vanilla beans, planted by the king
and his subjects, and some coconut
Highest prices paid for chick
ens and eggs. Mt. Vernon Mer
antile Co.
Full line fresh standard field
and garden seeds. None better
than our line. Get them now.
Oconee Pharmacy, Mt. Vernon.
Rub-My-Tism, antiseptic and
pain killer, for infected sores,
tetter, neuralgia, rheumatism.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia— Montgomery County.
Will bo sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in May. 1922, be
tween the lewd hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
Twenty-five acres carved from the north
west corner of a 140 acre tract in the
51st Dist. O. M. Montgomery County, Ga. and
bounded, in the year ISB2. on the north by
lands of G. Wiloher, on the weat by lands of
E. J. Palmer and 11. Phillips. Reference is
hereby tnsde to Peed llook “tMlO”. folio t>3fi, in
the Clerk’s office of the Superior Court of
Montgomery Oountv, Ga., for a more com
plete desci iptiou. Levied on and will be sold
us the property of T. It. Reekum to aatiafy a
lax ft fa issued by H. G. Davis, tax collector,
vs J. It. Beekum, for state and county taxes
for the year 1921. Written notice of levy giv
en in terms of the law This the 4th Jay of
April, 1922. E. E. Burch, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale
Georgia- Montgomery County.
Will tie sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in May. 1922, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidd* r
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
I'lte southern half of a S 3 tun e traot of laud
in the 1343rd Dist. G. Jl. Montgomery County,
Georgia, bounded on the south by lands of
G. B. Burke, on the east by lands of G. B.
tint kt . and on the west by a branch and
lands of Lama Adams, and on the ninth by
the remainder of said tract Levied on and
will be sold as the property of Mrs. \V. A. Da-
Vaut to satisfy- a tax li fa issned by 11. G.
Davis, tax collector, vs Mrs. W. A. Davaut,
for state and oountv taxes for 192 t. Written
notice of levy given in terms of the law.
Tltis the 4tii day of April, 1922
E. E. Lurch, Sheriff
Sheriff Sale.
Gooiwia— Montgomery County.
Wdl la* sold liefors the court house door in Mb
Vernon on the first Tuesday in Ma> . 1922. between
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
, cash, certain property, of which the following it a
| complete description:
.Ml that tract ot paicel nf land situate, ly
iiirf and being in the 15C7tli district G. >1 of
: Montgomery county, Ga., bounded north by
| lands of Mrs. E D. Moore; east by lands of J’.
V. Morris: south by lands of It H. Willis,
i fomerly W. A. Peterson) and other land* or
j i. A McGahee. and wos» bv lands of J. A.
M.-Gaht e and Aliev and nihbet- Public road,
' containing fifty nine acres, more or less, and
being the same laud con' eye*, by Gra O’Con
n* rto .1. A McGahee by need dated Jau. l(lth
19lv recorded Ki bi liary 29th, 191 S m deni I
! booh 24, rage S 9" Clerk's office Montgomery
County. Georgia, as the property of J. A. Me- I
Gahee. Security in the aithiu ex* union,
and in hia possession.
Levied on and will be sold ss tin* property
of J. A. McGaliee to ratisfy a fi ta issued from ’
, the superior court of Montgonu 1 1 county ini
favor , f W, H Stillwell vs B. A- Snntn, prin
eipsl E. L. Smith, B. U. Willis, E p smith I
and J. A. McGaliee, securities- Written uo- j
■ lice of levy given ill trims of the law. This
the 4ih day of April, 1922.
E. E. Burch. Sheriff.
J. Wade- Johnson and Fred M. Harris,
A ttys, for l’lff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house
! door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues- j
day in May, 1922, between the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which
the following is a complete descrip-i
Sixty-five acres of land carved
from the South-east corner of a tract
of 341.2 acres in the 1567th I>ist. G. M.
of said state and county, hounded
north and west, by lands of Walter
IJ. Poe, on the south by S. A. L. j
! right-of-way and on the east by
j lands of Dennis Mosley. Levied on j
j and will be sold as the property of
| Walter J. Poe to satisfy a tax fi fa
! issued by H. C. Davis, tax collector,
vs Walter J. Poe for state and coun
ty taxes for the year 1921. Written
notice of levy given in terms of t lie j
law. This the 4th day of April, 1922.
E. E. Burch, Sheriff. |
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. !
Vernon *.on the first Tuesday in May, 1922, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description:
All that tractor parcel of laud lying and be
ing in the 1567th District G. M. of Montgom
ery county, 3taie of Georgia, and
27 1-2 acres, more or less and bounded as fol
lows; On north by lands of D. A. Jackson,
east by lauds of D. A. Jackson ami Mrs. J. tv,
VVardlaw, south by lauds of J. G. Hall, and
west by lands of Geo. VV. Morris-
Levied on and will be sold as the property
of J. G. Hall to satisfy a rax fi ta i.-sued by if.
0. Davis, tax collector, vs J. G. Hall lor state
and county taxes for the year 1921, Written
do tine of levy given in terms of the law. This
the.4th day of April, 1922.
K. E. Burch, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in May, 1922, between
the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following is
a complete description:
Fifty acres of land iu ttic J<154 1 1 1 District G.
M of Montgomery County, Georgia, carved
from tliu southeast corner of a 294 7-10 acre
tract, bounded east by lauds of O. iVI Hamil
ton south by lands of F. 11. Calhoun and on
the north and west by the remainder of said
tract of laud. .
Levied on and will be sold as the property
of 15. F. Hamilton to satisfy a tax fi fa issued
by H. C. Davis tax collector, vs 15. F. Hamil
ton for state and county taxes for the year
1921, Written notice of levy given in terms
of the law. This 4th dav ot April, 1922.
E. E. Lurch, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georsria- Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in May. 1922. be
tween the leiral hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the followimr
is a complete description:
sixty acres carved off the west 'end of a
406 1-ii) acre tract in the 1757th District G. M.
Montgomery county, Georgia, bounded on
the north by lands of A. 15. Hutcheson, west
by D. A. Mcllae, soutli by lands of Eliza
Fountain, on the east by the remainder of said
tract of 400 1-20 aero tract.
Levied on and will be sold as the property
of Lewis Sharpe to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by
H. C Davis, tax collector, vs Lewis Sharpe
for state and county taxes for the year 1921,
Written notice of levy given in terms of' the
law. This 4th day of April, 1922.
E. E. Lurch, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georsria—Montgomery Coucty.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in May, 1922, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder
for cash, certain property, of which the following
is a complete description.
All that tract or parcel of land situate, ly
ing and being in the 1781st District (i. M. 'of
said county, bounded on the north by lands
of Leader ,t Kosansky, east by J. H. ''’illiam
aou, south by lands ol Carson Naval Stores
Co., and west by lauds of D. H. Phillips, con
taining 100 acres more or less.
Levied on and will oe sold as the property
of Mrs. J. A. Memory to satisfy a tax fi fa
issued by H. C- Davis, tax collector, for stale
and county taxes for the year 1921. Written
notice ot levy given in terms of the law. This
the 4lh day of April 1922. E. E Lurch,
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Ml.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in May, 1922, between
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following is a
complete description:
35 acres carved off the Eastern portion of a
tract of 73-3 acres of land lying and being in
the 1781st district G, M Montgomery county,
Ga., the said 35 acres of land is to be carved
off the eastern portion of said tract of even
width across the entire tract a distance suf
ficient to make 35 acres, and bounded as fid
lows: On the north by lauds of Abner West,
east by lands of Abner West and Clarrisia
Deckurn, on the south by lands of M. H Fonu
tain and west by the remaining portion ol
said 78 8 acres of land.
Levied on and will be sold as the property
of D. L. Palmer to satisfy afi fa issued from
the superior court of Montgomery county in
favor of H. H. Adams vs Lawson Mosley. D.
15. Palmer and J. E. Phillips. Written notice
of levy given iu terms of the law. This the
4th day of April. 1922. E. E. Lurch,
W. .V. Lewis, A tty. for Plff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt
Vernon on the first Tuesday in May. 1922, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid
der for cash, certain proparty, of which the fol
lowing is a complete description:
Fifty acres of land carved from the southeast
comer of a 250 acre tract in the 1757th G. M. Dis
trict of said county, bounded on the north and
west by lands of Mrs. LulaTTurner. east by lands
of Angus Morris, et al and south by lands of T.
A. Peterson. Levied on and will be sold as the
property of Clayton Turner. Agent, to satisfy a
tax fi fa issued by H. C. Davis, tax collector, vs
Clayton Turner. Agent, for state and county taxes
for the year 1921. Written notice of levy given in
terms of the law. This 4th day of April, 1922.
E. E. Burch, Sheriff.
Free Delivery
Fish and Beet.
This is to inform our patrons
that we are making free delivery
of fresh meats and fish, both in
Ailev and Mt. Vernon, bought
| from the City Market. All phone
calls answered promptly and the
public is supplied with the
very best. Let us serve you.
W. A. Smith.
323tf. Mt. Vernon.
, mmTTTmynrvTmmTt • ms tmTrmmTTTmtTtj
► <
See Palmer, the Meat Man :
► :
l All orders delivered Promptly. Prices :
\ Right and Quality the Best. Patronage :
£ of the public respectfully asked. «
IJ. A. Palmer „ Mt. Vernon, Ga.
if They Are f
l Here! I
# &
J \Ve-bej* to announce the arrivhl %
* of a Xgw and Tasty Line of &
* Including J
% Ginghams, Voilles, %
* French Ratinee, *
| Linene, *
| Ruff Suitings, Pongees, *
I JFlaxons, etc. %
The arrival of our spring goods
will make our stock the most £
j* complete i;i this section. Ladies- &
invited to call and make early jj£
4 selections of the season’s latest £-
(Rackley Building)
* ft * ft * #7 Tfc Ik-fto* * *■ K* *■* * * ******
j Garden Seeds!
Guaranteed Fresh and True to
The secret of Profitable Gardening
is. First, get Reliable Seed. Then !i
plant in season, cultivate properly,
and you reap the reward. Our
seed brim? greatest returns i:
C7 C7 i i
| 666
will break a Cold, Fever and La-
Grippe quicker than anything we
know, preventing pneumonia.
666 is a perscription for Colds,
Fever and Lagrippe. It is the
most speedy remedy we know.
Residence for Sale.
My residence, located in west
ern part of Mt. Vernon, on high
way. Desirable location. Low
figure. See at once
H. L. Wilt,
,32tf Mt. Vernon.