The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, April 27, 1922, Image 4

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    ■■ -' 1 * ”"*"• ~
Th e Aon*; 3' , :r y /Monitor..
published even hwan montoomrv county.!
Entered at the Pont..Hi ■' S.eond-Clans Mail Matter, i
R. B. FOLSOM, Owaer id i • ’ * Vear * ' n Advance.!
Legal a Iv. rti.. ' ’ th. " :m1 rate, and a. the law
direct.; and mn.t be i.. I,a:. , ',iu« of the first week of insertion
Mount Vernon. ( min*. April 27. 1922.
Plea to Georgia Per
For Armenian 1- r
Atlanta, Ga. t Ai•. i 12! r .
B. Kennedy, Atlanta I;
day made a plea to <!'■<
pie to help save from
the C’hristian chil*)r<
lands, “A hundre d t ho i
in our orphanages and ‘ 1 •
dred thousand wit! out
ture of Armenia—t! a
innocent Christian 1 n<!.’
"Remember that fl
our allies, the bravi s
brave in our war again < n
Europe and Turkey to
the freedom of m o I I t
us deal with them n- i
our own. They are <>
they are God’s ehiidr< i t u
make them America’
gia’s children—our h:
and let us serve thei,
them as we would hav*
ones in Georgia serve
if these were in ne< d. ”
Students in many of
pria schools wiH ent< r 11
for the best essay or <
the economic and int
conditions which have t do v. •'
the present deplorable r '
of the peoples in tlx N
according toannouncen
Cash prizes,
-000 donated by 11m
thau, former American r
dor to Turkey, will b ■ <•
for in the contest, win
to junior and senior .
students of Georgia :
until .June 15, under >
given out by Henry. I’. '
of Atlanta, state cha 1 - of
the Near East Relief.
The prizes will b
essays from various 1
union and three will li
the best essays subn
nation. A first prize >»' <> l n
cash will be awarded i ! r
of the national cent t
by S2OO for the second
SIOO for the third. In -
a prize of sls will li
the best essay or orati
the second and $5 f--r
According to tin i
ment by Mr. Kennedy,
tion must have as its th
phase of the pr«'s.-nt
social, educational, or --
condition in the com -
Near East, inclinim;
Syria, Palestine, and
and must contain n
1,500 or more than 2,000
The oration essay mu
livered at a comm- > i,
cise, oration contest
public gathering and
written copy must 1
state office in Atlan• ,
than June 15. A
- will be appoint
by the national office
- Relief to pas- o
submitted by Georgia -
All students who d< si:
ter this contest and t
ize thhomselves with t!
jects may write to I r !'
Kennedy. 400 C* . r i
Bank Building, Atlan'
n**cessary literature will re
warded. High sehoi 1
and teachers and coin
tendents of schools •< t i ;
to render every assi-t
ble to students who wi b
this contest.
Carload Calves Sh ot 1.
Fitzgerald. Ca , A- ri’ Th -
sum of $l,lOO was the i • t
here this week for a
of calves, which were j
by the W. I. McCrati I -
Stock Company. This
solid carload of calve
chased from the Pi;..
Farm, of which Mari >n -
the owner. Sixt-y-niix t
a price of seven c< r - - » .
were represented Us U.l ,
ShcrifT Sale.
M■ -litv-iinerv County,
hi In-foil* the court house
M-. Vernon on the first Tues
ji- lay. 1H22, between the lt'jftil
-,i|i . to the highest bidder
c< rtain property of which
■iving i- a complete descrip*
-four ;icri-H of Ifllitl situate,
I In lug in the if(67th ft. M.
ict of e;> el county and state, and
-il n follows: North by lands
Morris, west by lands of
Met; i ionr, south by binds of \V.
■ liiir. Hen ( miner and I). Ji
el mi ilie east iiy lands of If.
I Hr mk*. Levied on and will be
•i tlie property of Mrs. H. V'.
nit to ntt-fy tax fl fas issued
Pa vis. tax collector, vs Mrs.
\ I<•Mu ft ,for state and county
. for- lie reals of 1915 I'Jlfl, 1917,
nit and 1921. Levy made
a . n -urin dtome by ff. H. Adams,
liie. and written notice of levy
in terms of the law. This the
day "I April, 1M22.
K. K. Burch, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
i Montgomery County.
: In -old before the court house
in Vi Vernon on the first Tues
iii i; . 1922, bet ween the legal
oi lie, to die higliest bidder
li, certain property, of which
billowing is a complete descrip
j tit),i:
i iiii' acres of land situate, lying
i I ;in the 2761 h li. M. district.
,i ■ county and slate, and bouud
olio\v-: North by lands of R.
V ill- r. • i*,t by lands of Quince
li ■ n: h by lands of Quince
l and west by lands of W. T.
i . 1011, t known as the Hardy
-M I home place Levied on and
ill ! o old as the property of Har
i ■ lull lo -.a i i-fy a tax fl fa issued
II ( liavis, tax collector, vs
1 all for state and county
• -or the years 1915. 1916, 11)17,
' -‘ i, 11)21. Levy made and
■ ' in tie by ||. H. Adams,
ddi and written notice of levy
n iei in- oft lie law. This the
i, day of . pi il. 1U22
K. K. Hurch, Sheriff.
Sht'riif Sale.
1 Montgomery Guunty.
■ 1 : i .-l o. •• the court house door in Mt.
i - lit * f Tiii'Nility in May. 1922, between
all-, to the highest bidder for
i i ju rty, of which the following is *
»• i iltir <l«<riytion:
d 1 1 l ai tract or parcel of land sit,-
■ n(I being in t In* State of
n y ol Montgomery and
north by lands of Mrs. N.
a* f and south by lauds of
M lialbarilh and west by the
■ ! lending from Mt. Vernon
i ca.. containing one-fourth
i • m le-s. Said tract of land
i v illage of Sharpe’s Spur,
n t lie 27b!h District (1. M.
on and will be sold as
• il.. ol 11. WilliauiHun. to
i\ ti fa issued by li. C.
ms collector, vn 11, William
le and county taxes for
.'I. \Vi ii ten notice of levy
* lll ii ed by law. This tho
: ; ,i oi api il, U 122.
!•: K. Hurch, Slterilf.
Sheriff Sale.
\ Montgomery County.
1 li iv the court house door in Mt.
; > * in • Tuesday m May, 1922, lx» tween
1 <>; salt* to tin* highest bidder for
property, of which the followinir »«x
iv n; It u* description:
• Ijvin the southern portion of a
**f land lyinir in the 1864th Diatrict
no : < *»unty. Gooriria, and bounded
\ . ■: 1> Boggy Hranch and lands of
V. d>*ii, and on the southeast by Cy
t dills id W. C Me rimmon, and
ihe remainder of said tract of 313
wo I>> pint recorded in Deed book 7,
;l«e . v «'i iiis of Montgomery county,
■ v C't t K‘h othce of said county.
■ vvili be sold as the pi« perty of C.
* utisfy a tax ti fa issued by
< i »\ . m\ »■»*!!« ctor, vs C. I>. Williams,
nul unty taxes for the year
. i . of levy iriven in terms of
. i.iw. Ti the 4th day of April, 1922.
V. K. Burch. Sheriff.
S'u rifT Sale,
i Mm! i;.itm*ry County.
V ’ -idit before the court house
le, Mt. \'. inon on (lie first Tucs
!\; ,y. H*22, between tin* legal
* sidm tvi tin' highest bidder
m i Min property, i*f which
mwi . is a complete descrip
i | reel of Uml King ami be
. - -t I is' (i M. of Moi tgnuierv
, i'lii si it< «*t Uei'i'gia, containing Sev
-17 , i'. t l.iinl. U)'111'III lesa, ami
In in it 1 1 In lands nf .1 11. I'al
i >-v 1 - nt ui.nlya blsxton, south
I--' \i I';.imii, ami on the west
1 . n lilts. 1 t iled on ami mil he
■ i" ii\ if It p. Palmer, dgt., to
, ssiti-.l Uv li. C. Oavia. tax eol.
vs I '.. I'.'. inr, Agt., for state ami
-in iln year of 19*1 Written
' ill 'inns of the law.
: i- m- l Ii dav oi April, I’.riJ.
I . K Unroll, Bheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
iv» <■> .» >ery County.
. < U •» the court door in Mt. f
\ Tii**s<iay in May , h-22, be- !
*! s of sale, to the highest bidder j
i orty, of which the follow mgr 1
i> nct • ipliU* dr,-c; option: *
nrv*xt out of tho tooth west cor*
»v’* of land in the Kit»be-Ticer
N'' n ll niery county. Goonua,
i and wttt by lands of Mrs.
tht* north and east by the re
: ii.*.d • »u sa-.. mu lof 100 acrea.
Ha- s id ts the property of
* t * m*.*.**f> a tax ft fa issued
. 1 .ui\s'*i:»otv>r.vsMi»*AlvenaPhll
.;nt* taxes for the year 1921.
a m toms of the law. j
‘Ti.ip i 4th day ol April, 1922.
K K. Burch, Sheriff. •
Sheriff Sale.
i Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will he sold before the court house
; door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tues- 1
| day in May, 1922. between the legal
I hours of-ale, to the highest biddwr
! for cash, certain property, of which
j the following is a complete deacrip
: tion:
Two Acres of land situate, lying
and being in the 1343 da. M district
of said county and state, and bound
ed as follows: North by lands of the
estate of Jaw. Morris, east by lands
of John Smolpiece and John N Con
nell and west by lands of K. H. Gai -
ner, south by lauds of Cee O’Conner, |
better known as the Hob Cooper
place. Levied on and will be sold as
the property ofj Willie O’Conner to
satisfy a tax fl fa Issued by if. C.
Davis, tax collector, vs* Willie
O'Conner, for state and county taxes
for the yea 1920. Levy made and re
turned tome by H. H. Adams, con
stable, and written notice of levy
givenjin terms of the.Ujw. Thu the
4th day.of April, 11)22.
E. E. Hurch, Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia -Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court houne door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tueaday in May, 1922, tietween
the legal hourn of sale, to the highest bidder for
ceah. certain property, of which the following ia a
complete description:
Due hundred and fifty acres locat
ed in the 1781st District (i. M . of said
county and state, and bounded as
follows: Bounded on the north by
lands of Leader & Kosanskv. east by
lands of Nancy Story, south by lands
of I,aura Willis et al. west by lands of
Clari-sy Hall, and now in the posses
sion of C. M. Guin . Levied on and
will be sold of the property of T. P.
McKay, to satisfy a tax fl fa Issued
by li. C. Davis, tax collector, vs T.
P. McKay, for state and county tax
es for the year 1921. Levy made and
returned to me by Archie Morris,
special baififf, and written notice
given in terms of the law. This the
4th day of April. 1922.
E E. Burch, Sheriff.
Sale of Real Estate Under Power
of Sale.
Gftorjda- Montgomery County
Under virtue of the power contained in
that certain deed to secure debt, made an i exe
cuted by H. W. Connell to H. H. Johnson, by
him duly transferred and assiflmed, with all the
right*, remedies and tide to the undersigned to
gether with the indebtedness thereby secuerd,
said deed to secure debt dated January 12th, 1921,
recorded January 13th, 1921, in deed book No. 25,
page 449-51 in Clerk s office Montgomery County,
Georgia, the undersigned will sell at public out
cry, before thefcourt house door of said county,
between the legal hours of sale to the highest bid
der for cash on the First Tuesday in May, 1922,
that being the 2nd day of said month, all the prop
erty described, real estate, with improvements,
All those tracts or parcels of land, situate, lying
and lieing in the town of Mt. Vernon, 1343rd Dis
trict G. M. Montgomery County, Georgia, and bet
ter do cribed as follows: Two lots, known as lots
number one (1) and two (2) in the map of the
new town of Mt. Vernon, containing one-half
acre, more or less, bounded north by lands of Mrs.
(i. V. Mason; east by lands formerly owned by R.
Morrison, south by L. C. Underwood and west by
Railroad Avenue, on is located a certain
dwelling and known as the “Elliott place.”
For the purpose of pacing an indebtedness of
Seven Hundred ($700) dollars principal, and
Seventy one and 56-100 dollars interest up to May
Ist, 1922, the total sum being $771.55, together
with the cost of this proceeding including fees for
Commissioner to make said sale as provided for in
said deed to secure debt above set out. default
having been made in the payment of the interest
due July Ist, 1921, and principal and interest due
November Ist, 1921, and the undersigned has de
clared the whole sum due by reason of such de
fault by this proceeding the undersigned having
assigned to him all the rights and remedies under
said deed os held by the original grantee.
A complete conveyance will be made to pur
chaser on day of sale. This April, 3rd, 1922.
P. R. Cohen. Transferee,
Attorney in fact for H. W. Connell.
J. Wade Johnson. Attorney,
Sale of Real Estate Under Pewer
of Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Under and by virtue of the power contained in
that certain deed to secure debt, made and execu
ted by Mrs. Ella Clark to Mrs. Mahelle Johnson,
under date of December Ist, 1920, recorded Janu
ary Ist, 1921, in deed book No. 26, page 441, Clerk’s
Office Montgomery County, Georgia, the under
signed will sell at public outcry, before the Court
House door of said county, between the legal
hours of sale, to tho highest bidder for cash, on
the First Tuesday in May. 1922, the following de
scribed re I estate with all improvements, to-wit:
All that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying
and being in the 275th District G. M. Montgomery
county, Georgia, bounded north by lands of H.
Groher (formerly Ben Bird) east by H Groher
and J. A. F. Gibbs, south by J. A. F. Gibbs (for
merly Ira Anderson) and west by H. Groher (for
merly J. J. McArthur) containing thirty-eight
and 86-100 (38.HH) acres, more or less, as shown by
plat of the same made by S. B. Morris October
23rd, 1914. recorded in deed book No. 25. page 196,
Clerk’s office Montgomery County, Georgia, and
known as “Charlie Mcßae place.”
For the purposp of paying an indebtedness of
OneThousnnd (1000) dollars principal, and $116.87
interest to May Ist, 1922, together with cost of
this proceeding including ten per cent attorney’s
fees default having been made in the payment of
the interest note due April Ist, 192Uand principal
and interest due October Ist, 1921, and under said
deed to secure debt above set out, when any of
said notes mature and are not paid, then the
whole of said debt becomes due at the option of
the holder, she having by this proceeding declared
the whole sum due by reason of said default.
A complete conveyance will be made to the
chaser on day of sale such purchaser paying for
titles and revenue stamps. This 3rd day of April,
1922. Mrs. Mahelle Johnson. Attorney
in fact for Mrs. Ella Clark.
J. Wade Johnson. Attorney.
Sheriff Sale.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first Tuesday in May, 1922. between
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property of which the following is a
complete description:
Twenty-four acre* of land situate, lying and
being in the 1781st G. M. of ‘said county and state,
and hounded as follows: On the north by lands
of Mrs. R. E. Adams, east by lands of Candacy
Mosley, south by lands of Henry Mosley and on
the west by lands of Margaret Mosley. Levied on
and will be sold as the property of J. B. Baker,
Agent, to satisfy a tax ft fa issued by H. C. Da via,
tax collector, vs J. B. Baker. Agent, for state and
county taxes for the year 1921. Levy made and
rat urn cd to me by Archie Morris, special bailiff,
and written notice given in terms of the law. This
the 4th day of April. 1922. E. E. Burch,
Sheriff Sale.
, Gvorir)*—Montironmy County.
Will b« sold ho for, the court house door in Mt.
Vernon on the first TuMdsy in May. 1922. between
! the lejrol Sour* of »»'<*, to the highest bidder for
cash, certain property, of which the following Is a
complete description:
Fifty acres at land carved out of the north eaat !
comer of a tract of 200 acres of land more cr lesa, !
and bounded as follows On the north by lands i
of Toney Phillips and Mrs. Ruthy Adams, on the
east by lands of Ida Baker, southjby lands of Man
nie Motley ar.d on the west by lands of Mrs. Mary
J. Blocker. Levied on and will be sold as the
property of Mosley to satitfv a tax fi fa
issued by H C. Dnvis. tax collector, vs Mannie
Mosley, for state and county taxes for the year
1921. Levy made and returned to me bv Archie
j Morria. special hailiff and written notice given in
| terms of the law. This the 4th day of April, 1922. I
k. £. Burch, Sheriff. 1
The following is a list of jury
men drawn to serve at the May,
1922, term Montgomery super r
Geo L Peterson J M McDonai
W G McDonald T .1 Mcß\
■J C Clifton L E Stanfn
jCLAllmond Jessie Fountain!
| J E Calboun A D Hugh*'-:
j J R Carr M C Coleman
l M Morris P H Daniel
H J Wright I P MpAllister
E C McAllister H R Brandy Jr
Lester Canady W il Mason
J W Wardlaw S Z Salter
A L Hamilton W J Peterson
Clifford Mcßride M C Graham
J R Dixon J A Stacy
A W Mobley Geo S Blaxt n
II M Thompson W O Sh rp
J A Reynolds W M M orris !
J A Palmer Jas Hester >
N L Spooner I T McLemore
M S. Conner W T Harris
F M Mcßae C A Rackley
L M Whitaker W L I) Rucklev
H E Mathias W B McArthur
G F Garret C Q Hightower
Everett McLeod J H Peterson
E F Ailmond Geo W Block r
B L Morris Albert Morris
N A Dowme C \\' Robinson
\I A Rico W T Mcßride
J T Lankford C F Gordon
H H Martin B A McArthur
Hugh Peterson Jr B OChamblis
A H Johnson J M U McGregor
S H u’neal H W Biggerstaff
A S Johnson J E ilorne
Kula Braddy J T Samuion
TRAVERSE- Following
J W O’Neal H H Carpenter
B C Anderson B R Sn ioks
M L Mcßae J W Sharpe, Jr
G W Yarborough J B Garrett
John Goff TO McArthur
Guy Morris J Carl Adams
W A Calhoun H V Rogers 1
J A Hull J T Walker
B A Conner W B Mathias
Pierce Calhoun Geo W Hamilton |
C H Fowler W L Calhoun Sr
John Odum H S Riddle
J M Phillips Jr. J W Hay
J H Hudson E M Rackley
A D Com bee Dennis O’Brien
on am
g Indigestion [
Many persons, otherwise K- 1
Es vigorous and healthy, are
Q bothered occasionally with
Q Indigestion. The effects of a p
n disordered stomach on the h
_ system are dangerous, and *
prompt treatment of Indlges- £>.
Cl tlon is important. “The only |f
U medicine I have needed has t
been something to aid diges- *
Id tion and clean the liver,”
m writes Mr. Fred Ashby, a ~
■■ McKinney, Texas, farmer. )
D "My medicine is
n Thedford’s I
Q for indigestion and stomach r
■J trouble of any kind. I have
D never found anything that a
jffl touches the spot, like Black- SF
Draught. I take it in broken £
H doses after meals. For a long ste
Q time I tried pills, which grip-
Ded and didn’t give the good L
T results. Black-Draught liver s®
sjJs medicine is easy to take, easy gj
■b to keep, inexpensive.”
a! Reta package from year J,
™ dmggist today—Ask for and
Q insist upon Thedford's —the
O only genuine,
fl Get It today.
Highest Prices Paid
for Live Stock.
We are constantly in the mar
ket for cattle and hogs. Many
years experience qualifies us to
offer superior advantages to th
producers of this section. We
are in position to handle you.
business in a most satisfactory
manner. Get our prices.
W. D. & C. W. Peterson,
9192 m Ailey, Ga
Fred M. Harris
Attorney at Law
Atty at Law,
Mt Vernon, Georgia
. nmruA^ESERVE^
A to Weather
Aay Storm
in time of business readjustment that the
- luc of a bank foundatien is shown.
-ces have been conserved in prosperous
c". ; for just such a readjustment period as this
f • \ tho added advantage of our Membership
Federal Reserve System we are better
- y.. .•J to serve you now than ever.
< - if-t 25.000.00 Surplus.‘s2s,ooo.oo *
' : I <?nt. J. E. Hall. V.-President and Cashier
vicc-rresident. I. H. HallJJr., Assistant Cashier
- < f mmvmTTv*mmvmrTmTvmmTV*
w Spring Goods j
new spring line at Me- t
Store reflects an air of fresh- «
\ auty pleasing to the ladies. J
> 4
t new prices. See them 2
£ j:?, uice. To see is to buy 2
: F.c: -: niorUs Store, Mt. Vernon <
. .. 1 4
| Carry at all Times a Full ill
le Line of Coffins, Caskets i|j
,nl Supplies, including Metallic I
:! L : ail Metal Caskets. ijj
riot Attention to All Details
II ' i!
Pho-.u No. 25. SOPERTON, GA.
• ; . t
-m .* ; s v, vvvvvvvvvvtvvvvvwwvvttt*
| I- A Bin LOANS 3
► ' <
£ ( nod Montgomery,Treutlen and *
i County Improved Farm Lands <
l Q ... ::.A ACTION LOW COST :
> 1
£ A. E3. \
v - rivTvvT w«fw?mvvvvmfvvvmmf •
* _— ON 3
*» 1
i i i Treutlen, Montgomery and «
. oonabs County Lands \
> 4