The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, April 27, 1922, Image 8
1 -- I | LOCAI § I 8 • &&& Mr. W. A. Peterson s i * n on the sick list for thi f v eral days, but is nov I)erform his regular dut ;• •; at t.h< bank. Editor N. C. Napier 1 t!,»- Vi dalia Advance was a visitor o Mt. Vernon last Friday after noon. Mr. C. A. Mason, who under went an operation at ti \idaiia Hospital last Friday, i improv ing. Mr. F. M. Mcßae ha:- returned home from Atlanta, . ere he went for medical treatment.. ii was accompanied by hi- brother in-law, Mr. Billie Meyers. Mr. John R. Stanford, a stu dent at Mercer Uni vert ty, spent last, week end with his •an 1:. Mr. and Mrs. (1. J. Stanford. Mrs. W. G. McDonald, Mrs Sammons and daughter, .Mr Lillie Mae, of near Tarry town were visitors toMt. Vermin Tues day afternoon. On last Saturday even: a ML Sara McArthur enterla ;d sev eral friends at her horn, in Mc- Gregor. Several of the Ml. Vernon people attended the S G Tifton game in Mcßae t Mon day. mszmz 1 PITTMAN GARAGE i k I gj Auto 1 airing r !|j Gas, Oils, , V plies and Parts | | BATT M ?.{CHARGED | j|j Special Attentu nto r. I, h Class Repair Work Ijj |j MT. VERNON, GA. | mmmmmm m mmmmssm I Coffin:.;' a -.1 .Caskets I ' NEW LINE I Have just placed i:t stock (over Mt.. |j[ Vernon Meat otirup**' Plant) a | MODERN Llh {F THNS, CASKETS I I BURIAL SUPPLIES, ETC. | T Selected w ill l i*Tt‘j t care, our lino is calculated to please every taste or (I demand. \\Y invite the attention of® §5 the public. S.-iv { mtion is assured. ® rfr. »%%%%%%»%%%%»■*.’%%/%/*** do | M. E. FOUNTAIN 1 (§ mt. vl:rnon M % LYVEWY LIQUID CHARGE j Saves Time a h m ; .'yo vaur Battery. * Ten Minutes Ay. t ■o t . A saving on the | j[ Charge of Rental C ,'St. Pi c serves the Plates. i I REVIVES OLD BATTERIES j Drive up and Get Battery Service. MASON'S SFORK, Ailey, Ga. | Agents for Monte Gum (i.\tH>pt Town of Uvalda) i * ........... f , * and Mrs. H. B. Folsom ;ir. 1). W. Folsom are spgnd i, week in Liberty county. 'i /o makes this trip each ar to attend the Memorial Day i . s held at historic old Mid ;. church in Liberty. The Woman's Auxiliary of the ',il. Vernon Presbyterian church meet- at. the home of Mrs. C. C. McAllister, Tuesday, May 2, 1922 at 1 o'clock. All members are ui y d to be present. Mr. G. G. Stanford of Abbe vilh spent last Sunday with home folks. The junior class of Brewton- Park* r entertained the seniors of that institution, last Monday, v.i h a picnic atOchwalkee. Ev < , er,j yeii the eats, swims, in fact, the whole affair was ! enj*>vable. For Sale. Desirable dwelling in Mt. Ver . i, for sale or rent. Also farm ’in i Mt. Vernon depot. Write T. H. Cockfield, Vidalia C>iM i. a perscription for Colds, r arid Lagrippe. It is the m>-t -pi -■<!>’ remedy we know. THK MONTGOMERY MONITOR—THUKSDAY APRIL £7. 1922 POSTAL IMPROVEMENT WEEK IS OBSERVED May 1 Sees Inaugurated First General Campaign of Kind in Service. Without the Postal Service, business would languish In a day. and be at a standstill in a week. Public opinion would die of dry rot. Sectional hatred or prejudice only would flourish, and narrow-mindedness thrive. It Is the biggest distinctive business In the world and It comes nearer to the Innermost Interests of a greater num ber of men and women than any other Institution on earth. No private busi ness, hhwever widespread, touches so many lives so often or sharply; no church reaches into so many souls, flutters So rnauy pulses, has so many human beings dependent on Its min istrations. “Poatal Improvement Week" has been set for May 1, by the Postmaster General. This Is the first general cam paign of Its kind In the Postal Service for several decades. Business men and their organizations, large users of the mall, newspapers, motion pictures, advertisers, and the entire organiza tion of ililfl.OOO postal workers are to be enlisted In this country-wide campaign of Interest In postal Improvements. Your help Is vital. Address your let ters plainly with pen or typewriter. Give street address. Spell out name of State, don’t abbreviate. Put your return address In the upper left hpnd corner of envelope (not on the back) and always look at your letter before dropping In the mail to see If It is properly addressed. This care In the use of the mails Is for your benefit and speeds up the dispatch and delivery of mall matter. If you have any complaints of poor service make them to your postmaster. He has Instructions to investigate them and report to the department. 1 ' 1 • COURTESY It sticks in human relations like postage stamps on letters. The POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT ex pects it to be. used by its postmaster* and employees in dealing with the public. Help them in its use beginning with POSTAL IMPROVEMENT WEEK. May 1-6. 1021!. THANK YOU Full line fresh standard field and garden seeds. None better than our line. Get them now. Oconee Pharmacy, Mt. Vernon. 666 will break a Cold, Fever and La- Grippe quicker than anything we know, preventing pneumonia. Sheriff Sale GvorgiA -~ Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in May, 1922, lav tween the lethal hours of sale, to the highest bidd r for rash, certain property, of which the following is a complete description: rwenty-livc acre* carved from the north west covin r of a HO acre tract in the olst l>ist. G. M. Montgomery County, Ga. ami hounded, iu the year 1882, on the north by lamia of G. Witcher, on the west by lands of K. J. Palmer and It. Phillips. Reference is hereby made to Peed Hook ‘-000''. folio 038, in the Clerk's office of the Superior Court of Montgomery County, Ga., for a mote com plete deaciiption. Levied on and will be sold aa the property of -T. It. I took mi i to aatisfv a fat tl fa issued by H. C. Davis, tax collector, vaj. It. lhckum, for state and county taxes for the year 11121 . Written notice of levy giv eu m terms of the law This the 4th day of April, 1922. E. K. Burch, Sheriff. Sheriff S|Je. Georgia- Montgomery County. Will he sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in May, 1922, be tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for rash, certain property, of which the following is a complete description: The H'liitln ru half of a 33 acre tract of land in tin 1343rd Diet G. M. Montgomery County, Georgia, bounded on the south by lands of G. 11. lturke, ou the east by lamia of G. 11. Burke, and on the west by a branch and lands of J.nltra Adams, and ou the north by the remainder of said tract Levied o.i and will be told as the proper!! Ilf Mrs W A. Da- Vaut to satisfy a tsx tl fa issued by 11. C. Davis, tax mUeotor, va Mia. \V. A. liavant, for state and count v taxes for 1921. Writteu notice of levy gi i n in term* of the law. This the 4th ilav of April, 1922 E. E. Burch, Sheriff Sheriff Sale. Georgia Montgomery County. Will tw sold before the court house dour in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday inMu 1922. between ' the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for . cash, certain property, of winch the following is a j j complete description: All that tract or pat cel of land situate, lv- Img and being ill the lodTtli district G. M of j Montgomery county, Ga., bounded north by t lauds of Mrs. E l>. Moore; <ast by lauds of j". A. Morris, south bv land* of 11 II Willis (fo:nei !y W. A. Peterson) and other lands of t. A. MeGahee. ami west by lauds "f J. A. 'let lain eand Alley and hibliee TubHc road, | containing fifty nine aerra, more or less and being tin same laud cnieeui, by t)ia O'Oon i tier tn J. A MoGah.-e by need dated Jan. 10th ! j 1918, recorded Ei binary 28th, 1918 in deed | biiik 2-1. page 397 v'lerk's office Montgomery i Pnunly, Georgia, as tin* property of J A, Slc- Gahee, Security in the ailhin ex. rntion, ' ami iti his possession. Levied on snd will be sold as the property of J. A. MeGahee to satisfy ati la issued from . | theaupeivir court of Montgomery county ini' favor of W. H Stillwell vs 11 V. Smith, prin- ; - eipal. p’. 1. smith, H 11. W tilts, E P Smith amlJ. A. McGabee, securities- Written no- j 1 tice of levy given in terms of the law. This the 4th day of April, 1922. E. V, Burch, Sheriff. I. Wade Johnson and Fred M Harris, S At tvs. for Pill ! Sheriff Sale. Georgia— Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court door in Mr. Vernon on the first Tues day In May, 1922, between the hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete descrip tion : Sixty-five acres of land carved from the South-eAst corner <>f a tract of 341.2 acres iti the 1667th M. of said state and county, bounded north and west by lands of Walter J. Poe, on the south bv S. A. E. right-of-way and on the east by lands of Dennis Mosley. Levied on and will be sold as the property of Walter.!. Poe to satisfy a tax ti fa issued by H. ('. Davis, tax collector, vs Walter J. Poe for state and eo'un ty taxes for the ear 1921. Written notice of levy given in terms of the law. Tills the 4th day of April. 1922. E. E. Burch, Hlieriff. Sheriff Sale. i Georgia— Montgomery County. Will he sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in May, 1922, be tween the legal hours of sale, to thehighest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete description: All tlmt tractor parcel of land lying arid be ing in the 1567t1i District G. ,M. of Montgom ery county, <wu<* of Georgia, and containing 27 1-2 acres, more or less and bounded as fol lows: On north by lands of D. A. Jackson, east by lands of D. A. Jackson and Mrs. J. W. Wardlaw, south by lands of J. G. Hall, and west In lands of Geo. W Morris- Levied on and will be sold as the property of J G. Hall to satisfy a tax fi ta i sued hy 11. 0. Davis, tax collector, vs J. G. Hal) for state and county taxes for the year 1921, Written notice of levy given in terms of the law. This the 4th day of April, 1922. ~ E. E. Burch, Sheriff. Sheriff Sale. Georgia— Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in May, 7922. between the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following' is a complete description: Fifty acres of land in the 1654th District G M of Montgomery County, Georgia, carved from the southeast, corner of a 2D4 7-10 acre tract, hounded east by lands of 0. M. Hamil ton south by land# of F. D. Calhoun and oi the north and west by the remainder of said tract of land. Levied on and will be sold as the property of IJ. F. Hamilton to satisfy a tax ti fa issued by If. O. Davis tax collector, vs B. F. Hamil ton for state and county taxes for the year 1021. Written notice of levy given in terms of the law. This 4th dav of April, i'.)22. E. E. Burch, Sheriff. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in May, 1922, bi tween the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the follow in,: is a complete description: Sixty acres carved off the, west end of a 4t!6 1-20 acre tract tu the 1757th District G. M. Montgomery county, Georgia, bounded ort* the north by lands of A. B. Hutcheson, wt st By D. A. .Mcllae,. south by lands of Eliza Fountain, on the east by the remainder of said tract of Pit! 1-29 acre tract. Levied on and will be sold as the property of Lewis Sharpe to satisfy & tax fi fa issued by H.C Davis, tax collector, vs Lewis Sharpe for state and county taxes for the year 1921. Written notice of levy given in terms of the law. ThU 4th day of April, 1922. E. E. Burch, tihciiff'. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernop on the first Tuesday in May, 1922, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete description: All that tract or parcel of land situate, ly ing and being in the 1781st District G. M. of said County, bounded on the north by of Leader <V liosansky, east by J H. William son, south by lands oi Carson Natal Stores Co , and west by lands of I). It. Hiihips, con raining 100 acres more or less. Levied on and will ne sold as the property of Jlrs. J. A. Memory to satisfy a tax tt fa issued by H. C. Davis, tax collector, for state and comity taxes for the year 1921. Written notice ot levy given in terms of the law. This the 4th day of April 1922. E. E Burch, Sheriff. Sheriff Sale. Georgia Montgomery County. Will be sold before the court house iloor in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in May, 1922. between the legal hours of sale, to the highesi bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a complete description: Bf> acres carved off the Eastern portion of a tract of 73.3 acres of land lying ami being in, the 1781st district G, M Montgomery county. Ga„ the said 35 acres of land is to be earvod off the eastern portion of said tract of even width across the entire tract a distance snf-, ticient to make 35 acres, and bounded as fol lows: On the north by lands of Abner West, east by lands of Abner West anil Clarrisia Becknm, oti the south by lauds of M. H Fuitn tain and west by the remaining portion of said 73 3 acres of land. Levied on and will be gold as the property of D. B. Palmer to satisfy afi fa issued from the superior com t of Montgomery county in favor of H. H. Adams vs Lawson Mosley, I> B. Palmer and J. FI. Phillips. Written uotici of levy given in terms of the law. This the 4th day of April, 1922. E- E. Burch, * Sheriff. W. I/. Lewis, A tty. for I’lff. Sheriff Sale. Georgia—Montgomery Coucty. Will be sold before the court house door in Mt. Vernon on the first Tuesday in Mas. 1922, be-/ tween the legral hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following ia a complete description. Fifty acres of land carved from the southeast' corner of a 250 acre tract in the 1757th G. M. D:.- triet of said county, bounded on the north ami west by lands of Mrs. LulaTTurner. east by lands of Angus Morris, et al ants south by lands of T. A. Peterson. Levied on and will be sold as tho , property of Clayton Turner. Agent, to satisfy a USX fi fa issued by H. C. Davis, tax collector, v> Clayton Turner. Agent, for state and county tax* - for the year 1921. Written notice of levy given in terms of the law. This 4th day of April. IW2. E. E. Burch. Sheriff. Highest Prices 1*111(1 for Live Stock. We are constantly in the mar ket for cattle and hogs. Many years experience qualifies us to offer superior advantages to the producers of this section. We are in position to handle your business in a most satisfactory manner. Get our prices. W r . D. &C. W. Peterson, 9192 m Ailey, Ga I FSB CHOICE MEATS AT ALL TIMES \ ► 4 ► See Palmer, the Meat Man « t / 2 ► * * All orders delivered Promptly. Prices 2 t Right mid Quality the Best. Patronage 2 ► ot the public respectfully asked. 2 ** 4 ► J. A. Palmer Mt. Vernon, Ga. 3 » \ 4 »AAAAAAAAAAAAA-»aAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA « **& & & *■ ***■ *# % **■ ♦ * I They Are | I liere! ! • >£ % «We beg to announce the arrival & of ,i !W\\ and Tasty Line of 4* | SPRING GOODS f $L' J£. # Including J. | * # Ginghams, Voilles, * # French Ratinee, * # Linene, % | Ruff Suitings, Pongees, * I Flaxons, etc. , % % A LARGE LINE TO SELECT FROM J 4 The arrival of our spring goods J will make our stock the most ■3ft complete in this section. Ladies # invited to call and make early j 3ft selections of the season’s latest £■ I LADIES’ SPRING HATS I *• ■jfj 'l’/.tl’. 'AtuV.VMWMMMMHMMMMMMMiIMMMW The FAIR STORE I | MIT. VERNON % (Rackley Building) # A * 1k * Ik lk*lk'lklklklk Ik * *ft Iklk*lk »wwwwmtwM*wwwww»>»wmw«iWM4w»Mi»w»wiMWi» , | ! Garden Seeds! $ ’ : AWMMttvtMMt /HWWWVWWWWMMMWWWWWHW jj NEW LOT JUST | RECEIVED J! Guaranteed Fresh and True to Variety Ij [ j The secret of Profitable Gardening is. First, get Reliable Seed. Then plant in season, cultivate properly, and you reap the reward. Our seed bring greatest returns I ~ n MT. VERNON DRUG CO. Post Your Lands. Open your woodland to the pub lic and soon there will not be a stick of wood or timber on it Put the public on notice bv post ing up printed notices. Get the printed notices at The Monitor office. 10 cents each. I Residence for Sale. My residence, located in west ern part of Mt. Vernon, on high way. Desifable location. Low figure. See at once H. L. Wilt, .32tf Mt. Vernon.