The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, May 04, 1922, Image 8
© ©:©©•©©•;© ©.©*•.c- =© ;© '© ©©© © © 1 "local - PERSONAL g | I © ©.©■©©. © :©, s ■ ®© § ; wßw Miss Margaret Adamson of Greenwood, S. C., is visiting the family of her nephews, Messrs. J. B. and J. A. Adamson. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sharpe of Vidalia visited friends and relatives in Mt. Vernon Sunday. Miss Frankie Stanford has re turned from a week’s visit to Savannah. Mrs. T. N. Sweat of Black shear has returned home after visiting her daughter. Mrs. L. E. Brady. Mr. R. 1). Beatty of Tarry town was a business caller at this office today. L)r. S. H. Latimer of Abbeville, formerly a resident of Montgorn-; ery county, came* over Tuesday , afternoon to spend a few days with Montgomery county friends' and relatives. Dr. Latimer prac ticed medicine in Mt. Vernon prior to the Civil War, and is pleasantly remembered by many ot the older citizens. Before re turning home he will \ -it rela tives in Toombs county. Hon. John P. Knight of Nash ville, formerly representative of Berrien county, was here on busi-: ness Monday. Judge John S. j Adams of Dublin was also here Monday. LYVEWYRE LIQUID CHARGE I I Saves Time and Money; also your Battery. I Ten Minutes A; lie >t Two Days. A saving on the J Charge of Rental Cost. Preserves the Plates. J REVIVES OLD BATTERIES 1 Drive up and Get Battery Service. MASON’S STORE, Ailey, Ga. | Agents for Montgomery County (Except Town of Uvalda) 3 . .. mo. sk, . ;Yis*'s gY«,vl;i *;*«a\s%« I 33 Brothers I I MOTOR CARL ’ I | OVER 700.000 OWNERS j | L. V. WILLIAMS, Inc. J Distributor, Savannah I . SALES, PARTS. SERVICE | I BRAGG & WAY GARAGE If Phone 20. Vidalia, Ga. | Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Stephens, who have been located here for the past two months, left Sunday for Savannah. Mr. Stephens is engineer for the state highway department and has done some lino work in Toombs and Mont go: ry counties and has made many friends here, who regret hi: transfer to another location. Vidalia Advance. Mr. 0. C. Fountain suffered a , br<-Icr-n arm as a result of too c!< a contact with a car a few ' da;, s ago. The car did not suffer i i u: results, but the operator i- laid up for repairs. He is now advocating an anti-kicking de ! vice. LAUNDRY Basket sent to Vidalia from my place and re timed each week. Satisfaction giiarantoed. Leave your laun dry. 11. C. Davis, Mt. Vernon. Mrs. R. E. Walker of Bruns wick is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. E. I.anier, on College Avenue. Mr. S. D. Morris, after having P ot some time at his plantation .m this county, has again moved to Vidalia, where he resided the greater part of last year. Rub-My-Tism, antiseptic and pain killer, for infected sores, . tetter, neuralgia, rheumatism. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR—TiI URSDAY MAY 4 1922 - i - - .. © Found Chance Guilty; Recommends Mercy. Statesboro, Ga., May 3. “We, the jury, find the defendant guilty and recommend him to the mercy of the court. ” This was the ver dict brought in this afternoon in the case of the State vs R. H. Chance, charged with the murder of Watson Allen on Christmas day in Jenkins county. The case came to Bulloch Su perior Court on achange|of venue after Chance was tried at the last term of the Superior Court in Jenkins county, when the jury stood 11 to 1 for conviction and a : mistrial was declared. The case has created a great deal of interest as both parties are well connected. The jury was charged at noon today when E. K. Overstreet, of Sylvania, concluded his argument for the defense. R. Lee Moore made the last speech for the State, which was one of the most brilliant efforts ever made in the court house here. There are five charged with the murder of Allen. R. H. Chance, Roscoe Chance, Sidney and Gary Rowe and W R. Lewis. R. H. Chance was the first to be tried and since he has been con | victed the others will be tried next week, Judge Strange setting j Monday of next week for the i beginning of trial. It has not been announced whether or not | the cases of the other four will ibe tried collectively or separate. The case came to an abrupt end yesterday at noon when , the defense announced that it ! would not introduce any evidence (giving Mr. Overstreet the con cluding argument. It is certain a motion for a new trial will be made. The defense had sum moned about forty witnesses and the sudden turn was a great sur prise to every one. Highest prices paid for chick ens and eggs. Mt. Vernon Mer antile Co. Georgia Highway Dept. » Have Testing Machine. Washington, D. C., May 3. ’ The bureau of public roads today ' assured Senator Harris they • would allot to the Georgia high i way department a testing ma chine now located at Chicago • with a 50,000 pounds’ capacity i for testing materials for road building, including, concrete, . steel and wood. Senator Harris , conferred today with the bureau, , urging the allotment and tele graphic authority was given. Farm Loans Loans on Improved Farm Lands in Montgomery and Wheeler Counties. Interest rate 6 per ct. Reasonable commission. I can I • handle good propositions for col ored people owning farm lauds. FRED M, HARRIS, Mt. Vernon, Ga Potato Plants. Porto Rico Sweet Potato Draws, from carefully selected stock and treated against disease, now ready for delivery, at the following prices: 1000, $1.50; 5000 at $1.25 per 1000; 10,000 at SI.OO. per 1000. E. F. Clark, 4134 Alston, Ga. i Highest Prices Paid for Live Stock. We are constantly in the mar ket for cattle and hogs. Many years experience qualifies us to offer superior advantages to the producers of this section. We are in position to handle your business in a most satisfactory manner. Get our prices. W. D. & C. W. Peterson, 9192 m Ailey, Ga Dissolution Notice. Georgia- Montgomery County. This is to notify the public that the firm of Snooks & Co., com posed of T. A. Peterson, B. R. Snooks and W J. Peterson, has this day been dissolved by mu tual consent, T. A. Peterson and W. J. Peterson retiring from said firm. B. R. Snooks assumes all indebtedness of said firm and is to collect all accounts due or past due said firm of Snooks & Co. Ailey, Ga., April 8, 1922. Snooks & Co. B. R. Snooks, W. J. Peterson, T. A. Peterson. Laundry. We have the agency for the Ideal Laundry at Macon. Leave packages at store. Prompt ser vice. Mt. Vernon Mercantile Co. 4134. For Sale. Desirable dwelling in Mt. Ver non, for sale or rent. Also farm near Mt. Vernon depot. Write T. H. Cockfield, 3922 Vidalia Money. •> If you wish to borrow money from the Federal Land Bank, see j A. L. Lanier, of Mt. Vernon, Ga. Free Delivery Fish and Beet. This is to inform our patrons j that we are making free delivery j of fresh meats and fish, both in 1 Ailey and Mt. Vernon, bought j from the City Market. All phone j calls answered promptly and the J public is supplied with the very best. Let us serve you. VV. A. Smith, 323tf. Mt Vernon. 666 will break a Cold. Fever and La- Grippe quicker than anything we know, preventing pneumonia. J ▼ vtt m mm rm TrmrTT • *TTTTmrmmmTmTTT • 4 £ FOR CHOICE MEATS AT ALL TIMES j ► . 2 See Palmer, the Meat Man 3 l : i All orders delivered Promptly. Prices < t Right and Quality the Best. Patronage \ l of the public respectfully asked. 3 t 3 ► J. A. Palmer Mt. Vernon, Ga. 3 i • * 46" * I? A * * i hev Are t 1 1T ial W *; ! Here! I * 46- 3je We her to announce the arrival % of a New and Tasty Line of 4* ! SPRING GOODS \ 5 Including J 46- | Ginghams, Voilles, % | French Ratinee, * * Linene, % | Ruff Suitings, Pongees, | t Flaxons, etc. % * A LARGE LINE TO SELECT FROM J -Jjc The arrival of our spring goods J will make our stock the most % complete in this section. Ladies £ invited to call and make early ~sr Me* 4 selections of the season’s latest \ LADIES’ SPRING HATS I I The FAIR STORE | | MT. VERNON * (Rackley Building) 46" * Garden Seeds! | NEW LOT JUST RECEIVED | Guaranteed Fresh and True to | Variety j The secret of Profitable Gardening is, First, get Reliable Seed. Then plant in season, cultivate properly, and you reap the reward. Our seed bring greatest returns MT. VERNON DRUG CO. Residence for Sale. My residence, located in west ern part of Mt Vernon, on high way. Desirable location. Low figure. See at once H. L. Wilt, 32tf Mt. Vernon, i Post Your Lands. Open your woodland to the pub lic and soon there will not be a stick of wood or timber on it Put the public on notice by post ; ing up printed notices. Get the printed notices at The Monitor i office. 10 cents each.