The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, June 15, 1922, Image 4
-* - - --- SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION NOW IN SESSION AT AILEY The Sunday School Convention of the Daniell Association is in session at the Ailey Baptist church, having begun a two-days program on Wed nesday. Among those who participated in the exercises Wednesday were Rev. O. O. Williams and Rev. J. T. B. Anderson of Vidalia and Rev. A. D. Woodle of Lyons, together with a number of Sunday school superinten dents from the association at large. Today's program opened at 10 a. m. with a prayer and praise service con ducted hy Rev. ('. I*.. McDaniel Dr, 1,. H. Darby of Vidalia and Cols. A B. Hutcheson and L. C. Underwood of Mt. Vernon took part on the pro gram for today. The churches of ill e association arc well represented at the meeting. CARDUI HELPED REGAIN STRENGTH Alabama Lady Wat Sick For Three Years, Suffering Pain, Nervous and Depressed—Read Her Own Story of Recovery. Paint Rock, Ala—Mrs. a M. Stegall, Os near here, recently related the fol lowing interesting account of her re covery: "I was In a weakened con dition. I was sick threo years In bed, suffering a great deal of pain, weak, nervous, depressed. I was so weak, 1 couldn't walk across the floor; Just | had to lay and my little ones do the work. I was almost dead. I tried every thing I heard of, and a number of doctors. Still 1 didn't get any relief. 1 couldn’t eat, and slept poorly. I believe If I hadn’t hoard of and taken Cardui I would_ have died. I bought six bottles, after a neighbor told me what It did for her. "I began to ent and sleep, bogan to Ealn my strength and am now well and strong. I haven't had any trou ble since ... I miro can testify to the good that Cardui did me. I don’t think there is a better tonlo made and I behove It (saved my life." For over 40 yenrs, thousands of W men have used Cardui successfully, tn the treatment of many womanly ailments. If you suffer as thoso women did, take Cardui. It may help you, too. At all druggists. E 86 l +-i- -m- r- !• •{•-i-+*:• < *» *t $$ Money To Lend $$ \ «» «*... . . . O |; I can give you quick service in securing five to ten year ❖ || loans on desirable improved farm lands in Toombs and Mont- y || gomery counties. Current rates of interest and reasonable •£ || commissions. ♦ 11 ' || l have several well improved and well located farms list .. ed for sale at bargain prices and easy temis. X < > , .. || l live several pieces of improved Vidalia property listed * || for exchange for desirable farms near Vidalia. || J. B. BREWTON l 11 Real Estate, Renting, Farm Loans, Insurance. | | VIDALIA, GEORGIA 11 ♦<4+ , H'4 , ++4 , + , ! , +t++++++++++++ , !'++ , H , +'i>++W , <“i > '!'+"!-H"M+++++HH* , M'4 ,, fr , >H+++{'< ,, : , 'i H M"! H H , 's , 4"H , + |; . I mtitiviiiitut /. « 1 A • • X r. ' ' ♦< > J . I Ask any one of the millions of Ford Owners + :: and they will tell you that, for pleasure, convenience, f :: utility and service, to Buy a Ford and spend the | » x difference. i «► ♦ | McSatt Motor Co. P. J McNatt | | Vidalia , Ga. ML Vernon , Ga . | I~ , i , * NORMANTOWN NEWS. + J +■ P 44' iff *** ■H'******** 1 ® ♦♦###*♦ i Preaching services here again next i 1 Sunday at 11 and 8 o’clock, and every ; body is invited to come and be with . us in these services. Mrs. A. L. Williamson visited her lister, Mrs. P. F. Phillips, in Vidalia 1 Sunday, who is very ill. Mr. W. F. Hargrove went over to Vidalia Monday on business. Mr. C. W. Rockett attended court j in Lyons Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John A. McLeod were guests Monday at the home of Mr. N. M. Williamson. Mr. M. E. Bray of Savannah was here Wednesday. Dr. S. S. Youmans was a visitor to Vidalia Monday. I Myrtle Grimsley was the guesrf * of Miss Ola Williamson Sunday. Mr Ben D. Patrick was a visitor to Lyons Monday. Sorry to report the illness of Mr. Joseph New this week. The young men's prayer meeting, which is held here every Wednesday evening, is getting along fine, and we hope to see a large attendance at every meeting Dr. W. F. Peacock of Vidalia was ' here last Friday. Miss Ola Williamson spent last i week with her brother, Mr. Otis Wil liamson, near Vidalia. Don’t forget the P.. V. P. U. here every Sunday evening at 7 :30. To Cure a Cold In One Day ! Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets.) It : stops the Cough ami Headache ami works dT tli Cold. E. W. GROVE'S signature ua each bo. 30. SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK. On Fruit Jars, Caps, Fruit Jar Rub bers, Garden Hose, Pipe, Lawn Mow ers and Composition Roofing. VIDALIA HARDWARE CO. OP- W. E. Walker, Jr RELIABLE JEWELER Vidlaia, Georgia THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR PETITION FOR CHARTER. STATE OF GEORGIA County of Toombs. To the Superior Court of said county: The petition of J. B. Brewton and W. A. Jones of the county of Toombs an<i state of Georgia, and J. P. Ra bun of the county of Jefferson and state of Georgia, respectfully shows: 1. That they desire for themselves and associates, successors and assigns, to be incorporated under the name and style of THE PECAN PLANTA TIONS COMPANY. 2. The principal office and place of business of said corporation shall be in Toombs county, Georgia, hut peti tioners desire the right to establish branch offices or agencies or places of business in such other places, with in or without the state of Georgia, as said business may require. 3. The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain to itself and share holders. 4. The capital stock of san corpo ration shall he Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00), divided |jnto shares of One Hundred Dollars ($100) each, with the privilege of increasing the said capital stock to the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00) from time to time at any regular or called meeting of the stock- holders, by a majority vote of all the then outstanding stock, with the right in like manner to decrease said in creased capital stock, but not below the hiinimum amount of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00), hy pur chase of its own stock or otherwise, such purchased stock to he cancelled and retired, or held in the treasury to be re-issued from time to time by a lige majority of the then outstanding stock. 5. They desire that subscriptions to the capital stock of said corporation shall he payable in money or property to be taken at a fair valuation. f>. All of said capital stock has been subscribed and actually paid in. 7. The term for which petitioners desire to be incorporated is twenty (20) years, with the privilege to said orporation of renewing the charter beyond that time upon a majority vote of all the then outstanding stock, and with the privilege to said corpora tion of discontinuing and winding up • its said business and liquidating its affairs'at any time upon a majority vote of all the then outstanding stock; and petitioners desire that said corpo ration may have the power and au thority to apply for and accept amend ments to its charter either in form or substance upon a majority vote of all the then outstanding stock. 8. The particular business to be carried on by said corporation is that of planting, cultivating, growing, pro ducing, buying, selling, exporting, im porting, and dealing in pecans, pecan groves or plantations, and pecan trees as nursery stock on any of its lands or lands belonging to others; to carry on the business of farming, horticult ure and agriculture in all of its bran ches and the raising and marketing of all other kinds of crops, including live stock; the developing of pecan groves or plantations for itself, as w'ell as for others, and the marketing and selling of all products raised by said corpo ration for itself or as agent for others. Petitioners desire the right for said corporation to buy, sell, own and hold i (bv lease or otherwise) lands and ten ’lements suitable for such business, and the rioht to negotiate for the pur chase of said lands and the creation of obligations for the purchase of such lands, and the right to cell any part or all of said lands at any time that the interest of said corpo ation may j require. Petitioners desire the right I for said corporation to do all acts i necessary and incidental to the proper : conduct of the business in which it is engaged including the right to lease or mortgage its property, both real and personal, and to execute con- > veyances appropriate for such purpo ses. Petitioners desire the right to do any of the acts aforesaid, acting on its own behalf for itself or as the agent of others. 9. Petitioners desire the right to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, to have and use a common seal, make all necessary by-laws and regulations, and to do all other things which may be necessary for the successful carry ing on of said business, including the to buy, hold and sell real es tate and personal property suitable to the purposes of the corporat’on, and to execute notes and bonds as evidence of indebtedness incurred or which may he incurred in the con duct of the affairs of the corporation and to secure said indebtedness by mortgage, security deed, trust deed, or other form of liens under existing laws. Wherefore, petitioners pray that they be made a body corporate under the name and style of The Pecan Plantations Company, with the fore going powers and privileges, and with all other powers and privileges exten ded to or usual with like corpora tions under the laws of this state. HUGH PETERSON, JR., Petitioners Attorney. GEORGIA —Toombs County. T, E. F. Parker, Clerk of the Supe rior Court of said county, do hereby . certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the application for charter of The Pecan Plantations Company as the same appears of file in this office. Witness my official signature and seal of said court, this the Bth day of Tune, 1922. E. F. PARKER, Clerk Superior Court of Toombs County, Georgia. * GOOD COW FOR SALE. | For sale, good cow. See H. Leon 4 Adams, at Coca-Cola plant. It v | THOMAS G. POE DIED ON 4 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON J 4 After a lingering illness of several 3 months, death Wednesday afternoon 4 at 2 o’clock claimed Thomas G. Poe, .5 a prominent and popular citizen ofj| Vidalia. Death occurred at the home I 3 of his brother, Mr. John W. Poe, '4 where the deceased had been since 4 he became ill. 3 Funeral services were held Thurs- ’ day afternoon at 4 o’clock from the 4 Poe residence, being conducted by Rev. J. T. B. Anderson. The in- 3 terment following at the Vidalia cem- j etery. Mr. Poe was about 55 years of age and is survived by two brothers, Messrs. Walter J. Poe and John W. Poe, and one uncle, Mr. D. W. Rid dle, and one aunt, Mrs. Alice Brown, all of Vidalia. He was a native of Roberson county, North Carolina, and was a member of one of the prominent families of the Old North State. He moved to this section about twenty five years ago, in company with his brothers. Piles Cured in 6to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protrudiog Piles. InstantW relieves Itching Piles, and you can get restful sleep after first application. 60c. HELPFUL WORDS FROM A VIDALIA CITIZEN Is your back lame and painful? Does it ache especially after exer tion? Is there a soreness n the kidney region ? These symptoms suggest weak kid - aeys. If so, there is danger in delay. Weak kidneys get weaker fast. Give your kidneys prompt attention. Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. Your neighbors use and recommend them Ask your neighbor. Read this Vidalia testimony. Mrs. T. R. Lee, Durden street, Vi dalia, says: “l took Doan’s Kidney Fills for a short time and they greatly benefited me. I can recommend them for anyone suffereing from a tired or drowsy feeling caused from disordered kidneys. I recommend Doan’s at -very opportunity." Price 60c at all dealers. Don’t «implv ask for a kednev remedy—get ■ Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. had. Foster-Milbum Co., ' Mfrs., Buff-10, N. Y. Children Cry for Fletcher’s The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of— and has been made under his per* fjT , sonal supervision since its infancy. s-cocc&Wi. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment. c What is CASTOR IA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Comfort, —The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. *H«» »-H*** *»»» »» ♦ f t ' <|» DEEN’S PHARMACY ! • • »f» T t ' ? •» «*» 4* •!* ■• • ♦ I WE WILL APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS. % GIVE US A TRIAL. f | OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE. J jr 4» | LICENSED DRUGGISTS ALWAYS ON DUTY. % | * X PRESCRIPTIONS SENT FOR AND DELIVERED. | % t :j: PHONE NO. 42. t + ’ / f f T f> T I I t i j Deen’s Pharmacy f X (Successors to Brown’s Pharmacy) * | H. A. Deen, Manager. J | VIDALIA, GEORGIA I *>« ❖ * •!•»»i<» I RED-TOP 30 x I Extra Ply of Fabric —Heavy Tread Price $17.85 FOR poor roads, for heavy loads, for hard use anywhere the Fisk Red-Top cannot be equaled for small cars. An extra ply of fabric and a heavy tread of extra tough red rubber make a strong tire built to meet exacting conditions. Time after time one Red-Top has outworn three ordinary tires. Its distinctive looks indicate your selection of a high-grade tire while its extra mileage more than justifies your choice. 1 There's a Fisk Tire of extra value in every size, for car, truck or speed wagon