Newspaper Page Text
Mt. Vernon Local News
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Mr. C. B. Cummings made ; bus
iness trip to Alston Wednesday.
Mr. Guy O. Stone of Glenwood
was a visitor here Tuesday.
Col. J. Wade Johnson attended the
Twelfth Congressional Convention in
Dublin last Wednesday.
Col. Henry T. Sharpe of Alston
was a business visitor to Mt. Vernon
Mr. S. C. Rogers of Reidsville was
in Mt. Vernon on business Wednes
Miss Edna Hightower of Alamo is
visiting the family of Mr. J. W. Mor
Dr. and Mrs. J. M. C. McAllister
and c! ildren of Rochelle are visiting
in Mt. Vernon this week.
Mrs. W. R. Pearson of Reidsville
is spending the week with relatives
in and near Mt. Vernon.
Mr. W. T. Stuckey, wife and baby
of Lumber City spent last Sunday in
Mt. Vernon with relatives.
Mrs. William Morris and grandson,
Tom Sawyer, of Vidalia, spent Mon
day with friends in Mt. Vernon.
Mrs. Cecil McCall of Savannah is
visiting her mother, Mrs. D. W. Fol
som, this week.
Mr. Chester Mcßae, student in the
University of Georgia, is at home for
the summer. He is a son of Mr. and
Mrst J. E. Mcßae.
—Abstracting and typewriting. All
work promptly and correctly execut
ed. D. A. Lanier, Mt. Vernon.
6-8-3 t.
Misses Gladys McAllister ar.d Es
ther Geiger, graduates of the G. N.
and I. C., arrived home a few days
Dr. Otis Rackley returned Saturday
from Atlanta, where he finished his
dental course in the Atlanta Southern
Dental College.
Rev. Frank M. Baldwin left Satur
day for Darien, where he recently
assumed the pastorate of the Presby
terian church.
Mr. J. A. J. Walker of Wrig'nts
ville visited relatives in Mt. Vernon
the first of the week. He is the fa
ther of Mrs. H. H. Johnson.
Miss Genevieve Lanier, teaching at
Columbus for the past three years, is
at home with her parents, Col. and
Mrs. A. L. Lanier.
Miss Gladys McAllister leaves to
day for Atlanta, where she will visit
her brother, Dr. J. A. McAllister.
Before returning home she will visit
Pensacola, Fla.
*l**i* *♦•*•*♦♦*<*"*s»*4~*♦s»♦s»♦?♦ *l* *v*~*y**♦**»•**♦*♦♦♦ ♦!**s* *s»*s**♦'*s**s**J*•?• j
t ••••
f ' I
I\ • I
+ i
I *
We are here to serve xj
| I
I you with the best |
| Groceries at honest *
| prices. Your patron- I
| age is appreciated. 1
i *
x t
t Give us a trial. %
t t
t *
t *
X *
J •:*
i Conner-Diekson Grocery Co. j
+ X
Phone 69 ML Vernon, Ga. I
X *
Mrs. Walter Browning and son of
Glenwood and Miss Mary McQueen
of Folkston visited at the home of
Mrs. Flora Higgs yesterday.
Miss Mary Lou Bowie and brother,
Mr. Hobson Bowie, of Abbeville, S.
C., are visiting at the home of Mr.
T. B. Hughes.
Mrs. J. R. Watkins of Stevens Pot
tery and Mrs. W. B. Yahn of Milan
have returned home, after a week’s
visit with their parents, Mr and
Mrs. J. A. Mcßride.
Rev. L. E. Brady is attending the
Mcßae District Conference in Vidalia.
Mrs. J. Wade Johnson and Mr. P.
J. McNatt are the delegates from
Mt. Vernon.
Sheriff E. E. Burch, Clerk of Court
J. E. Mcßae and Tax Collector H.
C. Davis attended the convention of
county officers of the state in session
,at Tybee Friday and Saturday of
last week.
—High grade upright piano, near
Mt. Vernon, can be had for the bal
ance due on it. Payments $2.50 per
week. Address owner, care of this
paper, or P. O. Box 211, Savannah.
6-15-3 t.
Mrs. J. B. Reynolds and son, Mr.
John Reynolds, of Atlanta, and daugh
ter, Mrs. Caughman, of Lexington,
S. C., and Mr. W. M. Kinchen spent
yesterday at the home of Mr. J. A.
Stacey south of Mt. Vernon.
Mrs. P. E. Register and little son,
Debbie, of Oak Grove left Sunday
for Lumber City, where they will
visit the former's parents, Rev. and
Mrs. D. E. Green. They will doubt
less visit other joints in Telfair be
fore returning.
Miss Lticile Norman of Walthour
ville, after spending the week with
her aunt, Mrs. E. D. Adams, south
of Mt. Vernon, returned home Mon
day, in company with her brother, Mr.
Harden Norman, and Mr. Calvin Ad
ams, who came up from Liberty coun
ty Saturday.
I have just remodeled the Flour
Mill at Soperton and added new mo
tor power, and can make either plain
or self-rising flour, day or night.
6-29-4 t. JAMES FOWLER.
Stomach Trouble
■&&>*+*******+**<'<' * * * * * * * **
Miss Sallie Rountree of Sparks is
spending some time in our city, the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Carlos
Mr. John C. Peterson is at home
for the summer months, after anoth
er very successful year at Georgia.
Mrs. J. W. Downs has returned
from a pleasant visit to relatives and
friends in Wrightsville.
Misses Roby Mason and Adine
Stanford left Saturday for Milledge
ville to attend the summer school of
the G. N. & I. C.
Mr. M. L. Stephens and son spent
Saturday night with Mr. Stephens'
mother at Ohoopee.
Mrs. J. B. Brewton of Vidalia was
in Ailey Tuesday.
Preparations are being made at the
Baptist church to entertain a large
delegation who are expected to at
tend the Sunday school convention of
the Daniel! Association here Wednes
day and Thursday.
The following petition was piesent
ed to the Board of Education of
Montgomery county at their last meet
ing, and will be acted upon at the
next session:
"To the Honorable Board of Edu
cation of Montgomery County:
. We, the undersigned voters of the
Seward, Charlotte and Uvalda school
districts, do hereby petition yoijr hon
orable body to consolidate these dis
tricts to allow us to avail ourselves
of the advantages of a consolidated
. school to be located in the southern
part of Uvalda; children living too far
to walk to Uvalda to be transported
by trucks. One Trustee to be elected
from each consolidating distric 1 : and
one or more from the districts at
If any patrons of the schools above
mentioned object to the above peti
tion, please let it be known by or be
fore the next meeting of the Board,
which will be Thursday, July 6th, as
the next first Tuesday comes on July
4th, a national holiday.
♦s*-***-♦*•» -*J»-*J* ♦s* *s♦ ►s* ♦** *i* *4* •s**s**♦•
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Rev. W. C. Copeland preached an
excellent sermon at McGregor Sun- J
day morning, and in the afternoon at
Hack Branch.
Miss. Elsie Allison of Dickson, Tenn.
who has been in the southern part of
Alabama for several months as a
mlliner, is visiting Mrs. L. V. Mitch
ell in Higgston.
Mrs. Make Morris attended serv
ices at McGregor Sunday.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Angus Morris continues very serious
ly ill.
Mrs. L. V. Mitchell and Miss El
sie Allison are planning to leave for
Tennessee on June 20th. Mrs. Mitch
ell will visit relatives in Nashville,
Dickson and other pojnts.
Mr. and Mrs. Make Morris were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. T,.
Morris Sunday.
Mr. M. A. McQueen of Savannah|
and Mesdarnes Eliza McQueen, Nancy
Hightower and Mollie Smith of the
Ruths Chapel section visited Mrs. An
gus Morris Sunday. •
Mrs. Make Morris visited Mrs. L.
V. Mitchell Tuesday,
j Mrs. Sam Smith, and Miss Mary
j Emma Rico visited Mrs. Angus Mor
ris Monday afternoon. '
Mrs. Charles Peace spent the last
week-end with her mother, Mrs.
I Katherine Morris.
Misses Bessie and Ophelia Morris
! attended services at McGregor Sun
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Graham were
I shopping in Vidalia Saturday.
Some of the farmers of this section
| are through laying bv their corn and
j the crop is very promising,
j 801 l weevils are numerous and are
1 puncturing the squares.
I am prepared to supply the public
with Po-to Rico Potato Plants at the
j following prices:
1.000 $1.50 : 5,000 $1 25 per thousand;
j 10.000 at SI.OO per thousand f. o. b.
|Mt. Vernon. Immdiate delivery; see
or write J. A STACY,
5-18-ts. Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Habitual Constipation Cured
in 14 to 21 Days
“LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially
prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual
Constipation. It relieves promptly but
should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days
to induce regular action. It Stimulates ar.d
Regulates. Very Pleasant to Tare. 00c
per bottle.
*:♦❖*:* *-:•-:-•*** *> •:~x»*** •>->•>
Miss Lvda Gibbs returned Sunday
from a week's visit with relatives in
Misses Sallie Kate Wolfe and Ma
ry Ethel Moses, who graduated this
year at the South Georgia Normal
College, Valdosta, are at home for
the summer.
Miss Ruby Findley of near Lyons
is visiting relatives in Uvalda.
Miss Vera Moye is visiting rela
tives in Soperton and will spend a few
days with friends in Atlanta before
returning to her duties as pharmacist
at the drug store of H. G. Martin.
Miss Hines of Dexter is s the guest
of Mrs. M. M. Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Martin and
little daughter of Alston visited rela
tives here Sunday.
Mrs. Will Wolfe and children have
gone to Douglas to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McNatt and
children of Mt. Vernon came down
for a short while Sunday to see the
Miss Frankie Stanford of Mt. Ver
non visited her aunt, Miss Susie Gray
last Sunday.
Mrs. W. R. Phillips spent last
week with her mother, Mrs. Sikes,
at Belleville, who recently returned
from a stay of several months with
her son in Oklahoma.
Dr. Cleveland Findley and Mrs. J.
S. Kennedy were called to Pulaski on
Wednesday of last week on account
of the serious illness of the little son
of their sister, Mrs. Gardner. They
returned home Friday, leaving the
little fellow somewhat improved.
To Stop a Cough Quick
cough medicine which stops the cough by
healing the inflamed and irritated tissues.
SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds and
Croup is enclosed with every bottle of
should be rubbed on the chest and throat
of children suffering from a Cold or Croup.
The healing effect joi Hayes’ Healing Honey in
side the throat combined with the healing effect of
Grove’s G-Pen-Trate Salve through the pores of
the skin soon stops a cough.
Both remedies are packed in one carton and the
cost of the combined treatment is 35c.
Just ask your druggist for HAYES'
The meeting of the Higgston unit of
the Montgomery County Agricultural
Association, held at the school house
in Higgston last Friday evening was
well attended and many new members
enrolled. The Higgston unit now has
about forty members.
At this meeting plans were discuss
ed for shipping eggs and chickens co
operatively and for forming boys and
girls clubs in the neighborhood.
Miss Gladys Thompson and Miss
Gallic J. Allmond of Higgston will
cave Saturday to attend the confed
erate Reunion in Richmond.
Miss Roby Mason of Ailey left on
i Saturday for Macon, where she will
visit her aunt, Mrs. M. Pennington,
before going to Milledgeville for the
summer course at the G. N. & I. C
Mr. W. T. McArthur, Sr., is in
Atlanta attending a meeting of the
directors of the Georgia Cotton Grow
ers Co-operative Association.
Take a glass of Salts if your Back
hurts or Bladder bothers—Meat
forms uric acid.
Ts you miist have your meat every day, 1
eat it, but flush your kidneys with salts j
occasionally, says a noted authority who
tells us that, meat forms uric acid which
almost paralyzes the kidneys in their ef
forts to expel it from the blood. They
become sluggish and weaken, then you
suffer with a dull misery in the kidney
region, sharp pains in the hack or sick
headache, dizziness, your stomach sours,
tongue is coated and when the weather
is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The
urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the
channels often get sore and irritated,
obliging you to seek relief two or three
time during the night.
To neutralize these irritating acids, to
cleanse the kidneys atid flush off the
body’s urinous waste get four ounces of
Jal Salts from any pharmacy here;
take a tablespoonful in a glass of
water before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then aet. fine. 'Jliie
famous salts is made f; om the acid of
grapes and lernon juice, combined with
lithia, and has been used for generationa
to flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys,
also to neutralize the acids in urine,
so it no longer irritates, thus ending
bladder weakness
Tad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in
jure, and makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water drink.
f!io Culrine Tbit Cc?c wot Affect the festf
V ct its U fi vl lflzrifiv? f i*c. t. I.AXA-
T; Vi■:•Jlt O\i U • j L;.; JSK io 1 >ti tq XtJ ati or.:i ti ar y
9 linin'. 8»k! <1 ocb not catiae nervo*j»ne*»» nor
bcod Kmembtr the full n«r,ieand
U.j* -r t»ie jijgttAtuxe of L. V/. GKOVK. 30c.
GEORGIA —Montgomery County.
Will be sold before the courthouse
door in Mt. Vernon, between the ’e
gal hours of sale, on the first Tues
day in July, 1922, to the highest bid
der for cash, the following described
property, to wit:
19 water glasses, 20 dishes, 9 bread
plates, 21 dessert saucers, 38 meat
platters, 14 saucers, 17 table plates,
22 cups, 12 knives, 12 forks, 21 spoons,
3 pitchers, 4 sugar bowls, 3 syrup
pitchers, 8 pepper and salt shakers,
54 little dishes, 1 wash stand, 10 ta
ble cloths, 30 pillow slips, 30 sheets,
17 napkins, 8 chair slips, 6 bath tow
els, 1 curtain, all found in the posses
sion of and being used by Mrs. A.
L. Morrison, in charge of the Mt.
Vernon Hotel, Mt. Vernon, Ga. Al
so 1 kitchen safe, 2 cream pitchers,
6 soup plates, 2 zinc tubs, 1 wash
hoard, 1 oil stave and baker, 7 dinner
plates, 3 butter plates, 4 bowls, 3 bed
steads, 3 sets bed springs, 8 cups,
1 meat platter, 9 knives, 9 forks, 15
spoons, 2 tin plates, 1 roaster, 1 scrub
broom, 4 boxes fiuit jars, 1 wash pot,
1 food chopper, all found in smoke
house on the premises of the Mt.
Vernon Hotel Co., Mt. Vernon, Ga.
All of said property levied on and to
be sold as the property of Mrs. I. V.
Pittman to satisfy a distress warrent
in favor of the Mt. Vernon Hotel Co.
issued from the Justices Court of the
1343rd G. M. district of said county
and state against Mrs. I. V. Pitt
man. All of said property in the pos
session of Mrs. A. 1,. Morrison.
Written notice of levy given in terms
of the law. Levy made and returned
to me by A. B. Hester, L. C. This
the 6th day of June, 1922.
F.. F,. BURCH, Sheriff.
My residence, located in western
part of Mt. Vernon, on h'ghwuy, de
sirable location, low figure. See me
at once. H. L. WILT,
1 »
3-2-ts. Mt. Vernon, Ga.
Saves Time and Money; also your Battery,
ft Ten Minutes Against Two Days. A saving on the *
| Charge of Rental Cost. Preserves the Plates, g
Drive up and Get Battery Service.
I MASON’S STORE, Ailey, Ga. 1
Agents for Montgomery County (Except Town of Uvalda) 8
■ _ -a
I 0N :
£ Improved Treutlen, Montgomery and «
t Toombs County Lands \
£ 4
~fm VTTTTT»TT»»TTT» ♦▼▼▼▼▼▼ mfTTTTUTTTVTfVfmm? •
|t PA RM L- OA N S l
I ► 3
► On Improved Montgomery, Treutlen and J
E Wheeler County Improved Farm Lands 4
► 4
► A. B. Hutcheson
► 1
l New Spring Goods j
* <
t The new spring line at Me- <
t Crirnmon’s Store reflects an air of fresh- «
i ness and beauty pleasing to tlie ladies. «
► ◄
t New goods at new prices. See them 1
► at once. To see is to buy 3
► 4
l McCrimmorFs Store, Mt. Vernon :
► 4
The regular state examination for
teachers will take place on F'rday and
Saturday, August 4th and sth.
The 1922 reading course for teach
ers is as follows:
Primary and General Elementary.
Manual for Georgia Teachers —from
County Superintendent, free.
Kendall & Mirick’s How to Teach
the Fundamental Subjects—Southern
School Book Depository, 121 Auburn
Ave., Atlanta, postpaid SI.BO.
Dressler’s School Hygiene—South
ern School Book Depository, 121 Au
burn Ave., Atlanta, $1.20.
High School and Supervisory.
Manual for Georgia Teachers—from
County Superintendent, free.
Rapeer’s Consolidated Rural School
—Southern School Book Depository,
121* Auburn Ave., Atlanta, postpaid,
Parker’s Methods of Teaching in
, High Schools, Ginn & Co., Commerce
i Hall, Atlanta, postpaid, SI.BO.
, A six weeks course at any standard
summer school will automatically re
new professional or first-grade certi
ficates just as well as the reading
> course test, provided the teacher
shows her certificate from the sum
: mer school authorities that she has
. completed three courses in education.
> Very truly
r T. B. CONNER C. S. C.,
Montgomery County.
1 drove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores
Energy and Vitality by Purifying and
Enriching the Blood. When you feel its
strengthening, invigorating effect, see how
it brings color to tiie cheeks and how
it improves the appetite, you will then
appreciate its true tonic value.
! Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is simply
Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So
pleasant even children like it. The blood
• needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to
Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and
Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor
ating Effect. 60c.