The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, August 03, 1922, Image 3
.Professional Cards M. B. CALHOUN ATTORNEY AT LAW MT. VERNON, GEORGIA FRED M. HARRIS ATTORNEY AT LAW MT. VERNON, GEORGIA B. H. GRACE LAW AND REAL ESTATE Special Attention Given to Collections. UVALDA, GEORGIA. Telephone Connections. DR. CHAS. D. WILLIAMS Practicing Physician Vidalia, Ga. Office in Post-office Building. Phones: Res. 84-3; Office 84-2 DR. L. H. DARBY DENTIST EQUIPPED WITH X-RAY OUTFIT Postoffice Building VIDALIA, GEORGIA DR. M. L. CURRIE Office rear of postoffie building. Furnishes his own medicine and fills most of his prescriptions. Phones: Resi d ence 164; office 151. J. E. MERCER, M. D. Vidalia, Georgia Office Over Union Pharmacy. Office Hours: 9 to 10 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m. Office Phone 136; Residence 189. B. P. JACKSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice Civil and Criminal Law in All Courts. Office in First National Bank Bldg. VIDALIA, GEORGIA. D. C. PATTILLO ATTORNEY AT LAW Collections, Estates, Bankruptcy and Loans. First National Bank Building. Phone 145. M. J. RATTRAY, VETERINARY SURGEON PHONE NO. 229 VIDALIA. GEORGIA W. J. DeLOACH ATTORNEY AT LAW Office over Citizens Bank. PHONE NO. 18. VIDALIA, GEORGIA DR. F. L. HUIE DENTIST X-RAY EQUIPMENT. Office in Old Postoffice Building. G. K. MURCHISON i FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER VIDALIA, GEORGIA Day Phone 92; Night Phone 36 PIERCE E. HOLMES ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 405-10 American Bank & Trust Bldg. SAVANNAH, GA. General practice in all Courts, both State and Federal. R. A. MAYER LOCAL AGENT DELCO LIGHTING SYSTEM. PARTS IN STOCK. VIDALIA GEORGIA. *** Vidalia L»ocal News A A. .«. A -t. AAA .♦ A. A. A. A. A. ... ... ... Born last week to Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dickerson, a fine so n. Mr. H- A. Deen spent Sunday in Douglas. Attorney D- C. Pattillo returned Thursday from a week’s vacation at Atlanta and Nashville. Little Miss Adel Hackel is spending her vacation with relatives in Jack sonville. Rev. J. E. Sampley is conducting a revival meeting at the Higgston Methodist church this week. Mr. Pulaski Holt of Savannah was the guest of his sister, Mrs. T- B. Youmans, this week. Miss Juanita Thompson left the first of the week to visit relatives in Monetta and Ridge Springs, S. C. Mark Darby and sisters, Mae and Colon, of Lakeland, Fla., are spend ing the week with relatives here- Mrs. John T. Ragan was called to Mcßae Sunday by the critical illness of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Thompson spent the week-end with relatives in Augusta. Mrs. W. M. Whittle re turned with them for a week’s visit here. BUSINESS CARDS. Patronize Your Home' Town Laundry. S:nd Your Laundry Work To H. W. WILLBANKS LAUNDRY AND PRESSING CLUB 116 Mclntosh Street Vidalia, Georgia. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. CITY MARKET F. C. SHUMAN, Manager. Phone 150 PALMER’S STUDIO Vidalia, Georgia In the studio we make Portraits, Pos tals, Copies, Enlargements, Frames. Out of the studio we make Photos of Anything, Anywhere, Any Time, and Any Size. L. B. GODBEE INSURANCE. FIRE, LIFE, TORNADO, PLATE GLASS, ACCIDENT. BONDS LEADING COMPANIES VIDALIA, GA. John T. Ragan I. D. Stewart Vidalia Vault & Tile Co. Manufacturer of THE NATIONAL Steel Reinforced Waterproof Cement Burial Vault. Tile, Brick, Coping, Flower Boxes. Phone 131. VIDALIA. GEORGIA INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, THEFT, TORNADO. BONDS, AUTOMOBILE AND LIVE STOCK LIFE. LEADING COMPANIES. V. B. HERRING Office over Citizens Bank; Phone 183 VIDALIA, GEORGIA , / BUILDERS SUPPLIES. Lumber, Brick, Lime, Sand, Cement, Sash and Doors Beaver Board, Roofing, Shing'es, Hardware, and Nails. Mill Work ot All Kinds. Sherwin-Wil'dams Paints. JOHN T. RAGAN & COMPANY, Phone 131 VIDALIA, GEORGIA THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR *»❖*»** * -M- * -1- -I- ******* * -t- ***** Mr. and Mrs. W. L- Darby re turned Monday from a visit to rela tives IV Brunswick and Douglas. Miss Allie Mae Cannady of Valdosta is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. B. Bragg. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Carpenter left Wednesday for a week’s stay at In dian Springs. Mrs. H. A. Deen and children re turned Sunday from Douglas, where they spent last week with relatives. Mrs. N. C. Napier and children left last week for a month’s visit to relatives in North Georgia. Mrs. McCullough of Cordele is vis iting her daughter, Mrs. L. C. Out ; ler, this week. Mrs. H. L. Adams returned Mon day from a visit to relatives at Syl vania- Miss Ladye Meadows returned on Tuesday from Metter, where she was 1 the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. 1 E. O. Meadows. Mr. T. H. Cockfield spent several days in South Carolina last week, visiting his mother, Mrs. J. E. Cock field, at Lake City. Mr. Linton B- Mullis was on last Friday appointed postmaster at Normantown, succeeding Mr. Ste phen B. New. The infant daughter of Mr. and ■ Mrs. Wick Hutcheson of near Vidalia died last Wednesday* afternoon. The interment was at the Williamson cem etery Thursday afternoon. Mrs. L. G. Woodcock of Savan nah, who has been visiting relatives in Vidalia, spent several days last week with her brother. Mr. T. W. Morris, in Macon. Miss Ruhv Odom, one of the popular nurses at the Vidalia Hospital, was operated upon Monday for appendi citis. She is reported resting com fortably. Attorney and Mrs. Charles Calhoun and two children of Washington, Ga., spent several days here last week, vis iting the former’s father, Mr. J. J. Calhoun. Friends of Lee Blitch are delighted to learn of his rapid improvement fol lowing an operation for appendicitis at the Vidalia Hospital last Thurs day. Miss Alma Thompson of Odom, who has been visiting Miss Annie McLeod, left Tuesday for her home, Miss Mc- Leod returning with her for a* visit of a week. Mrs. J. C. Meadows has as her house guests Misses Alberta Wilkes of Blairs, S. C., Reha Meadows of Glennville, and Madelyn Clark of Normantown. I Miss Margaret McWhorter, who has been visiting relatives here, left Mon day for her home in Winder. She was accompanied by Mrs. W. H. Mc- Whorter, who will sspend two weeks with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. J- C. Meadows, to gether with their visitors, Misses Al berta Wilkes, Reba Meadows and Madeline Clark, and Evelyn Meadows, Leon Cromartie and Jake Price spent last Sunday at Shamrock Spring. Rev. and Mrs. J. T. B. Anderson and son, Frank, left Tuesday for a motor trip to Franklin, N. C., where they will spend the month of August, Mr. Anderson having been granted a month’s vacation by the Vidalia Bap tist church. Mayor B. P- Jackson spent the last week-end in Savannah, along with the mayors of a number of Georgia cities, having been invited to be guests of j ' the city of Savannah Saturday and Sunday at the time the state legisla ture and state house officers were entertained. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Lee and chii-j dren were called to Eatonton last weekj by the sad news of the death of Xfr-. j Lee’s father,Mr. Wiley Denham, a 1 well known planter of Putnam coun-i ty- Mr. Denham was 65 years of agej and is survived by his widow, four! daughters and five sons. THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1922. BIG DOLLAR DAYS | | SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY | | August, sth, 7th and Bth. | 1 Mackel Brothers I S SEA ISLAND, SMOOTH QUALITY, IN MOSQUITO NETTING, 19c VALUE, jjj Lfj THIS SALE 12 YARDS FOR SPECIAL IN THIS SALE 8 YDS. FOR ft I SI.OO SI,OO I ft STRIPED CHAMBRAY, GOOD GRADE DAMASK TOWELS, EXTRA LARGE, ft ft FAST COLORS, 8 YARDS FOR 40 x 23, A BEAUTY AT 45c, 4 FOR ft I SI.OO SI.OO I S COLORED VOILES, 40 INCH, 29c AND LISLE HOSE, BLACK, BROWN AND ft jjj 35c QUALITY, 5 YARDS FOR WHITE, 50c VAL.. 3 PRS. FOR jg I SI.OO SI.OO I ft LINENE, 39c & 45c QUALITY, NEW CHILDREN’S SOX, 35c & 39c GRADE, S ft SHADES AND WHITE, 4 YDS. FOR in THIS SALE 4 PAIRS FOR ft !| SI.OO SI.OO | ft GINGHAM AND CHAMBRAY, GOOD WHITE SILK HOSE, BEAUTIES, IN S 3 ft QUALITY, 10 YARDS FOR THIS SALE 3 PAIRS FOR ft 1 SI.OO SI.OO 1 ifi IS vc ffl Lfl ORGANDIES IN PRETTY SHADES, GOOD CURTAIN SCRIM, SPLENDID ft I |f, 49c QUALITY, 3 YARDS FOR VALUE, 10 YARDS FOR Jfj 1 SI.OO SI.OO | an Hi — yf If COLORED ORGANDIES, SPLENDID ONE LOT SOFT COLLARS, 25c TO 50c ft ft GRADE, 5 YARDS FOR SELLERS, IN THIS SALE 8 FOR ft I SI.OO SI.OO I * 3 31 LONSDALE LONGCLOTH, FINEST MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS $2.00 VALUES, ft GRADE, 35c QUAL., 5 YDS. FOR ALL SIZES, EXTRA SPECIAL AT ft | SI.OO SI.OO p PRINTED FLAXONS AND VOILES, GENUINE B. V. D. UNDERWEAR IN ft ft 40-INCH, 49c & 50c VAL., 3 YDS. FOR ATHLETIC &V 4 -SLEEVE, 2 FOR I SI.OO SI.OO ft PERCALE, 36-INCH, BEST GRADE, SILK LISLE SOX, ALL COLORS, 50c ® ft FAST COLORS, 6 YARDS FOR QUALITY, SALE PRICE 3 FOR ft I SI.OO SI.OO I S CHAMBRAYS, GUARANTEED FAST 3 15c HANDKERCHIEFS, 1 PAIR 35c ft ft COLORS, 25c QUAL., 6 YDS. FOR GARTERS, 175 c BELT, ALL FOR ft I SI.OO SI.OO I VC TABLE DAMASK, GOOD 75c QUALI- LOT OF MEN’S OXFORDS & BALS, jg ft TY, GOING 2 YARDS FOR WHITE AND PALM BEACH, AT ft I SI.OO SI.OO | ft TABLE DAMASK, BEAUTIFUL SAT- BEDROOM SLIPPPERS, BLACK KID ft ft IN FINISH, $1.49 GRADE, 1 YD. FOR ANL FELTS, PER PAIR IN SALE ft 1 SI.OO SI.OO I jfi MARQUISETTE, CURTAIN SCRIM, OPEN WORK KNITTED TIES, SI.OO £ ft EXTRA QUALITY, 5 YDS. FOR SELLERS SALE PRICE 2 FOR ft | SI.OO SI.OO I I Mackel Brothers § I VIDALIA, GEORGIA I nHBHBHLCLCiC in rir innr innr i r-i nrinri nnnr innnnririr——Jß l—i li li li ii ii II II ii II ii ii ii II ii II li li li li li li li II II II li li I