The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, August 03, 1922, Image 4
********************************* I ■»<»■»« » » »» ! \\ SPECIAL FOR ;; Friday and Saturday i; :: :: Two double-mesh Bonnie B Hair Nets for I6c:: :: Twn single-mesh Bonnie B Hair Nets for lie:: - I Deen’s Pharmacy ;; :: VIDALIA, GEORGIA II • I! :: Exclusive Agents for i: :: :: Idle Hour Nurseries V. i: Nunnelly’s Candies Venita Hair Nets Kennet Odom Ice Cream <> T » :: Buy You Fordson Now ;; I $395 f. o. b. :: :: J| At this amazingly low price you can’t afford to wait an- <> '* other day for your Fordson Tractor. .. <! ' * ’ There is no tractor made that can approach the money <• value of the Fordson. Nor is there a tractor made that can || !do more work for you. " ” *; Remember, tl)e very day your Fordson arrives is is all .. ‘ | ready for any of the 101 jobs it can do —either as a tractor or ~ <* a stationary power plant. JI •> ~ The Fordson has proved to the 170,000 owners that it has jj II not only cut the cost of lidd work 30 to 50 per cent, but that •• || it has made substantial savings on every job to which it has .. •' been put. !! «. Jr Fordson figures are interesting money-savers, labor-sav «• ers, drudgerv-savers, facts you ought to know. Come in or JJ «. phone or write today. i! McNATT MOTOR CO. 3; VIDALIA, GEORGIA ;; P. J. McNATT * i! *• MT. VERNON, GEORGIA II * FOR THE LATEST STYLES In everything you wear where quality counts go to D. C. HARRIS “The Best For Less” VIDALIA, GEORGIA When You’re Nervous fill Whatever the cause—overwork, MManSSB 'citement, business troubles, 6jtJ Stimulants, narcotics there’s one medicine that will help yon. Dr. Miles' Nervine ...... Dr. Miles’ Guaranteed Medicines. has relieved thousands of cases ~ ....... Dr. M lies Nervine of headache, dizziness, irrita- Dr. Miles’ Heart Treatment bility, sleeplessness, hysteria, Dr Miles’ Tonic * »•»•■* »• El: Hj& druggist and start on the road Dr Miles . Laxative Tablets to better health today. Dr. Miles’ Tonic you’ll Find Dr. Miles' Medicines at your Drug Store. THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR *** Vidalia Local News ***************************************************** TTTTTTTT T 'T TT T TTTTTTTtTTTTTT Mr. J. C. Timmerman spent the week-end with homefolks here. Mrs. F- H. Barker is visiting rela tives in Adel this week. Miss Sue Legg of Atlanta is visiting Miss Mary Lester. Miss Emmie Roberts is spending the week with relatives in Swainsboro. Miss Sara Odom spent the week-end with relatives in Sandersville. Miss Emily Burch of Dublin is vis iting Miss Vela Meadows. ■i Miss Mary Ethel Powers is spend ing the week in Elza. Mrs. Battle and daughter, Louise, of Arlington are guests of Mrs. Claud Christian- Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Dixon and daughters of Claxton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mcßride. —s Miss Christina Guerrin of Savannah spent the week-end here, the guest of Misses Mattile and Urma Lewis. Mrs. Frederick and Miss Loraine Frederick returned Monday from Sa vannah. Misses Mildred and Christina Mel drim of Savannah are visiting Miss Lucile Frederick this week. Mrs- A. E. Lennon and Miss Eliz abeth Lennon are visiting the former's son in Dothan, Ala. Mrs. Edwards of Claxton was the guest Tuesday of Mrs. R. E. Shuf fle barger. Miss George Era Partin of Uvalda who has been visiting Miss Abbie Mathews, has returned home. Mrs. W. O. Donovan and Mrs. Stubbs left Thursday for a visit to relatives in Macon- A party of young people motored over to Vidalia Tuesday night to see the picture, “The Old Nest.”—Tatt nall Journal. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Duggan and attractive little son, J. H. Jr., visited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chivers and fam ily Sunday.—Soperton News. Miss Ruth Thompson and niece, Lu cile Folsom, of Vidalia are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs Geo. G. Folson.—Tattnall TournaL # Messrs. Flournoy and C. M• Phil lips of Vidalia were visitors to Metter Monday on matters of business. —Met- ter Advertiser. M rs. Bessie Smith, a popular sales lady who has been with A. EstrofF ft Co., has accepted a position with Rushing Bros, and will be with this firm after August 7th. DICKERSON & HOLTON MOVE TO AVENUE LOCATION Dickerson ft Holton, Vidalia grocers, who have been occupying the Linder building on Church street, moved their store this week to the building on the Avenue formerly occupied by Barron Godbee. WIRE FENCING. Carload of wire fencing, any size E- L. MEADOWS, 8-10-Jt Vidalia, Ga. BRANTLEY-FROST. Sunday at the residence of \V. B. Hilton, who officiated, was solemnized the marriage of Miss Annie Mae Brantley and Mr. Fred Frost. The bride an attractive young ’ lady and has a large number of friends in this section. Mr. F'rost is a suc cessful farmer near Vidalia. Their many friends wish them much happi ness together. ROOMS FOR RENT. Rooms for rent at 501 Railroad avenue. Can he seen at any time, ltx Mrs. T. I. SAMFORD. FOR SALE OR RENT. I Good 8-room dwelling, close in, is I screened, painted, city water and light, j plumbing. For sale, cash, bal latice monthly. For rent, $25.00 per month. J. R BREWTON. I g-3-ts Vidalia, Ga. THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1922. rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTXXT T « T T Mrs. Ethel B. Giles announces that her classes in piano harmony and vocal coaching will open on the Ist of September. 8-31-4 t Rev. B. R. Anderson returned on Monday from Hazlehurst, where he preached Sunday at the Fresbyterian church in the absence of the pastor. Services at the Vidaila Presbyte rian church Sunday morning and evening- Come. B. R. Anderson, Pastor. Mrs. A. VV. Mobley of near Uvalda is spending several days (with her son, A. S. Mobley, this week. —Tatt- nall Journal. George S. Rountree, Jr. is enter taining at a house party this week, his guests being Max Mason, Howard Thompson and Billy Proctor, all of Swainsboro. Mr. Geo. N. Mathews, Jr. of Mi ami, Fla., who has been on an ex tended trip to San Francisco and points in the west, is expected here Friday for a visit of several weeks with relatives. Misses Mary Kate Shuman, Hattie Mae Tate and Lula Mae I.everitt, who have been visiting Miss Fannie Ruth Galbraith, have returned to their homes in Vidalia. —Wheeler County Eagle - BUGGIES, BUGGIES. Carload of buggies just received. E- L. MEADOWS, 8-10-2 t Vidalia, Ga. HELPFUL WORDS FROM A VIDALIA CITIZEN Is your back lame and painful? Does it ache especially after exer tion ? Is there a soreness in the kidney region ? These symptoms suggest weak kid neys. If so there is danger in delay. Weak kidneys get weaker fast. Give your trouble prompt attention. Doan’s Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. Your neighbors use and recom mend them. Ask your neighbor. Read this Vidalia testimony- Mrs. T. R. Lee, Durden street, Vi dalia, says: “I took Doan’s Kidney Pills for a short time and they great ly benefited me. I can recommend them for anyone suffering from a tir ed or drowsy feeling caused from dis ordered kidneys. I recommend Doan’s at every opportunity.” Price 60c at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the kind that Mrs. Lee had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. SAVANNAH-TYBEE GO TO SAVANNAH AND TYBEE ON THE LOW WEEK-END AND SUNDAY EXCURSION FARES OF THE SEABOARD FROM HELENA , AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. SEE AGENTS FOR FULL INFOR MATION. C. W. Small, D. P. A. SAVANNAH, GA. t Piles Cured in 6to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles Instantly relieves Itching Piles, and you can get restful sleep after first application. 60c. sulphuiTclears 1 l PIMPLY SKIN i s Apply Sulphur as Told When Your Skin Breaks Out r ____ Any breaking out of the skin on face. neck, arms or body is overcome quickest by applying Mentho-Sulphur. The pimples seem to dry right up and go away, declares a noted skin spe cialist. [ Nothing has ever been found to take the place of sulphur as a pimple remover. It is harmless and inex pensive. Just ask any druggist for a small jar of Mentho-Sulphur and us« it like cold cream. No Worms in a Healthy Child All children troubled with Worms have an un healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there is more or I ess stomach disturtiance. GROVE S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC given regu torly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, improve the digestion, and act as a general Strength ening Tonic to the whole system. Naturr will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child willbe os perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle. | ****************4************************************ ! HOT SHOT | .» o j For Mosquitoes || •» ik 11 o ii. ik • i - ik 4 k o O <» 4 k <r 4 k ’ k ik -I ' i i ■ k .1 X * > i ► «» 4 k •► 4 k 4► 4 k • k ' II «k II < > II «► II O'' 4 1 i k 4i 4> 4 1 | Page’s Drug Store | !! The Rexall Store | | i: THE SAFE DRUG STORE” ]\ :: vidalia, Georgia :: kk *k ♦ 4 44444444444444444444444444444444444*44*4444444444444* | WANTED «* o 4> * O *; Solid Carload of 5 CHICKENS i « ‘ «* * * o ij Will Pay You The Cash. || 44 41 ♦ 4 k * i 4 * * :: Hens, per lb. - -15 c:! ii Large Frier 1 1-2 lb up -20 c •• Broiler under 1 1-2 lb -18 ci; :: • ‘ \\ li Vidalia Installment f Company :: E. C. FAULK, Local Mgr. 1; ! Phone 138 Vidalia, Ga j; vr * 4 ♦ . -P-M-» 44*4*444i' 4 * 44 4 •!'* *44 * ■!' »♦ »* *'!■ 4 4 * -1' * 4 ,|. 4 4 4 444 4444 444*4444444444444444444444444 4 4 4 4 4 4*4444* I SCHEMER SAYS f o n» I “It’s Got’em All Beat” % * T * • • * T O T *» T • * f «■«■■■■ T T * I •:: x :: YES, ITS THE NIFTIEST THING IN BATTERIES J ;; yet. ITS THE TWO-YEAR VESTA, ENCLOSED IN A J ’: RUBBER COMPOSITION CASE THAT WILL WITH- | - STAND ALL THE HARD KNOCKS AND PUNISHMENT | i: THAT OTHER BATTERIES USUALLY CANNOT STAND. J :: WE TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THIS NEW | if KING OF BATTERIES. LET US DEMONSTRATE THE | ;• splendid qualities of this battery to you. I 4k f il T 4k X <1 t 4k X _______ 4 V ■■■■ T 4k T 4k T 4k X • 4 T I Southern Storage Battery Company I :t PHONE NO. 5. OPPOSITE UNION STATION t it VIDALIA, GEORGIA t <4 4 ! PLUMBING & HEATING I ' * it i; Let us furnish you estimates j :: on all your plumbing and Heating. J We guarantee every job to be $ :i right. | E. C. BARSS, Plumber I <i Night Phone 33 Day Phone 131 | At JNO. T. RAGAN &. COMPANY i; VIDALIA, GEORGIA £