The Montgomery monitor. (Mt. Vernon, Montgomery County, Ga.) 1886-current, August 03, 1922, Image 8
PREMIUM LIST TOOMBS COUNTY FAIR s LYONS, .=:= GEORGIA OCTOBER 17th to 21st, 1922 , AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. No article can be shown in the Community Contest that did not grow or originate in the continuity showing it. The following points shall be used in judging community and farm exhibits: 50 points for arrangement, 50 points on agriculture, variety and home industry. Ist 2nd 3rd Ist 2nd 3rd Ist 2nd 3rd Best community exhibit $35.00 $20.00 $15.00 Best individual farm display 15.00 10.00 5.00 Best school exhibit of school work 10.00 5.00 2.50 Best 6 stalks of ribbon cane 1.00 .50 Rib Best (1 stalks of sugar cane 1.00 .50 Rib Best 6 stalks of green cane 1.00 .50 Rib Best 3 stalks of corn 1.00 .50 Rib Best stalk of cotton 1-00 .50 Rib Best 10 ears of corn (not club hoy) 2.00 1.00 Rib Best quart of sugar cane syrup 1.00 .50 Rib Best bundle of wheat 1 00 .50 Rib Best peck of wheat 1.00 .50 Rib Best bundle of oats 1.00 .50 Rib Best peck of oats 1.00 -50 Rib Best peck Porto Rican potatoes 1.00 .50 Rib Best perk Big Stem Jersey potatoes 1.00 .50 Rib Best peck of rice 1.00 .50 Rib Best peek of Irish potatoes 1.00 .50 Rib Best peck cow peas 1.00 .50 Rib Rest quart of table peas 100 -50 Rib Best peck white Spanish peanuts 1.00 .50 Rib Best peck N. C. runner peanuts 1.00 .50 Rib Best peck of velvet beans 1.00 .50 Rib Best peck of soy beans 100 .50 Rib Best bale of hay 1.00 -50 * Rib Best display of garden vegetables 2.00 1.00 .50 Best display of fruits (pears, apples, etc.) 100 .50 Rib Best display of home raised cured meats (1 ham, 1 shoulder, 1 middling) 3.00 2.00 1.00 SWINF. DEPARTMENT. All hogs must he pure bred. Simultaneous treatment for cholera and the swine plague treatment is not required this year, hut should be done for your owTi protection. Exhibitor must furnish own feed- Best sow, over three years old 5.00 3.00 Rib Best senior yearling sow, horn between Sept. 1, 1920, and March Ist 1921 5.00 3.00 Rib Best iunior yearling sow, horn between Mar. 1, 1921 ‘and Sept. 1, 1921 5.00 3.00 Rib Best senior sow pig, horn between Sept. 1, 1921 and Mar. 1, 1922 5.00 ' 3.00 Rib Best junior sow pig. born after Mar- 1, 1922 5.00 3.00 Rib Best aged boar 5.00 3.00 Rib Best senior yearling hoar 5.00 3.00 Rib Best junior yearling hoar 5.00 3.00 Rib Best senior boar pig 5.00 3.00 Rib Best junior hoar pig 5.00 3.00 Rib Best sow and litter of pigs 5.00 3.00 Rib Grand champion sow —Ribbon. Grand champion hoar —Ribbon- Best harrow under 300 pounds 5.00 3.00 Rb Best herd owned by exhibitor (1 hoar, 3 sows) .... 5.00 3.00 Rib BOYS’ CLUBS. Boys’ Pig Club and Corn Club rules apply to this department. Best senior boar pig 5.00 3.00 Rib Best junior boar pig * 5.00 3.00 Rib Best senior sow pig 5.00 3.00 Rib Best junior sow pig 5.00 3-00 Rtb Grand champion pig—Scholarship to Athens given by First National Bank of Yidalia. BOYS’ JUDGING CONTEST. Any club boy may compete. A class of hogs and one of dairy cattle will be Judged. Best judge 5.00 3.00 200 PIG SHOWING CONTEST. Open to all bona fide club members showing pure bred pigs at the fair. Each boy will fit his pig and all will be exhibited before a judge at one time. These prizes are offered by the Swine World and Duroc Bulletin, Des Moines, lowa. First Prize—Bronze Medal. Second Prize—Red Silk Ribbon. Third Prize—White Silk Ribbon- Additional prizes for club boys offered on Duroc Jersey pigs by The Duroc Bulletin, Des Moines, Iowa: Duroc boars under 6 months of age: First Prize—“History of the Duroc": Second Prize—" Handy Herd Register." Duroc sows under 6 months of age: First Prize—“History of the Duroc." Second Prize—“ Handy Herd Register." Best fat Duroc sow Or barrow: First Prize—“Hogologv.” Champion—ls a duroc pig is made champion of the county pig club shows, over all breeds, to the owner a one year subscription to The Duroc Bulletin. Offered on Poland China Pigs hv The Swine World, Des Moines, lowa, hv classes: ' Poland China boar under 6 months of age: First Prize—“Hogologv." Second Prize—" Handy Herd Register." Poland China sow under 6 months of age: First Prize—"Hogologv." PREPARE NOW TO WIN SOME OF THESE PRIZES Toonibsg County Fair Association THE MONTGOMERY MONITOR OFFICIALS B. F. BROWN, President. t. C. A. Rogers Vice President. A. L. Moseley, Secretary-Treasurer. I) E PA RTME NTS UPE RINTE ND ENTS Dept A—AGRICULTURE. Dept IL—SWINE. Dept. C. —BOY’S CLUBS. Dept D.—CATTLE, HORSES, MULES, AND SHEEP. Dept E.—WOMENS FANCY WORK AND FLOWERS. Dept F.—CANNED PRODUCTS. Dept G.—GIRL’S CLUBS. Dept H.—POULTRY. The purpose of this county fair is summed up in one short sentence —ithe advancement of the welfare of all the people In this county. General Rales ! Exhibitors are requested to file applications for space as early as possible so sufficient space can always be assured. Except as otherwise provided, all exhibits must be in place and fully Installed by 12 o’clock, noon, October 17th. No exhibit can be removed from the fair grounds before 12 o’clock, noon, Saturday, October 21st, unless permission Is grant ed by the President and Manager of Fair. Exhibitors must be bona-fida owners of exhibits and must be residents of Toombs county. The fair will open at 12 o’clock, noon, October 17,th. The Association furnishes guards who remain on duty night and day and every reasonable precaution will be taken to insure the safety of exhibits but the Association will in no case he re| sponsible for loss of damage that may occurs to exhibits. Any exhibitor who in any way attemps to interfere with the Judges or who refuses to give needed information will be barred from competing for prizes. Where there is only one entry for a prize the ribbon will ba awarded according to the decision of the Judge. If the exhibit is unworthy it will not be awarded a prize. Protests must be made to the President of the Fair Associa tion and acconipained by a $2.50 deposit which will be forfeited if the protest is not sustained. Second Prize—“ Handy Herd Register.” Best fat Poland China: First Prize—“Hogology.” Champion: If a Poland China pig is made champion of the county pig club shows, over all breeds, to the owner a one year subscrip tion to The Swine World. BOYS’ CORN CLUB CONTEST. Each boy must show IQ ears of corn from his acre, and his record hook, at ’the County Fair. Grand Champion Corn Club boy of the county—Scholarship to Athens given by the First'National Bank of Lyons. 2nd prize $lO, 3rd SB, 4th $5, sth $4, 6th $3, 7th $2, and $1 for each boy exhibiting ten ears complete record book that does not win any other prize. CATTLE, HORSES AND SHEEP. Best gelding or mare 5.00 Rib Rib Best mule colt under 2 years 5-00 Rib R’b Best horse colt under 2 years 5.00 Rib Rib Best product of mare 5.00 Rib Rib Best beef hull 5.00 3.00 Rib Best beef cow 5.60 3.00 Rib Best beef calf 5.00 3.00 Rib Best dairy bull 5.00 3.00 Rib Best dairy cow 5-00 3.00 Rib Best dairy calf 5.00 3.00 Rib Best ram 5.00 3.00 Rib Best ewe 5.00 3.00 Rib GIRLS’ CLUB WORIC CANNING. For best all-round record in first year’s caning club work: S3O schol arship. donated by Citizens Bank of Vidalia. Class 1- Special tomato exhibit, with club record.. 3.00 2.00 Rib Class 2. Special garden exhibit, with club record 3.00 2.00 Rib Class 3. Special pear exhibit 3.00 2.00 Rib Class 4. Speciall fig exhibit 3.00 2.00 Rib Class 5. Special grape exhibit 3.00 2.00 Rib The peas, fig and grape exhibits must contain at least 9 jars- GIRLS' CLUB WORK POULTRY. Best pen (4 pullets and 1 cockerel) with record of work —$30 scholar ship, donated by Toombs County Bank, Lyons. Best pen (2 pullets and 1 cockerel) 3.00 2.00 Rib Rest pen (1 pullet and 1 cockerel) 1.50 1.00 Rib Best pen (1 pullet) 1.00 .50 Rib Best pen (1 cockerel) 1-00 .50 Rib GIRLS’ CLUB WORK SEWING. Best club uniform in sewing, with record book .... 3.00 2.00 Rib WOMEN’S DEPT. FLORICULTURE; POT PLANTS. Best collection of ferns 1.00 -50 Rib Best collection of palms * 1.00 .50 Rib Best single blooming house plant LOO .50 Rib Best single specimen of fern LOO .50 Rib Best single specimen of palm 100 .50 Rib THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1922. Best 6 large chrysanthemums (3 or more varieties) 1.00 .50 Rib Best collection of 12 roses (4 or more varieties .... 1.00 .50 Rib Best collection of daliahs (4 or more varieties) .... 1-00 .50 Rib Best collection cut flowers (12 or more varieties ..1.00 .50 Rib WOMEN’S DEPT. CANNED PRODUCTS. No jars shown in group exhibit shall compete for individual prize. No exhibit accepted of less than three jars. Best individual display canned products (at least 9 varieties) 5.00 3.00 Rib Best tomato ketchup 50 .25 Rib Best pickled cucumbers 50 .25 Rib Best watermelon rind pickles 50 .25 Rib Best peach pickles 50 .25 Rib Best pear pickles -50 .25 Rib Best chow-chow pickles 50 .25 Rib Best artichoke pickles 50 .25 Rib Best cabbage pickles 50 .25 Rib Best chili sauce 50 .25 Rib Best mixed pickles 50 .25 Rib Best green tomato pickles ‘SO .25 Rib Best onion pickles 50 .25 Rib Best dixie pickles 50 .25 Rib Best corn relish pickles 50 .25 Rib Best ketchup 50 «*.25 Rib Best canned beans 50 -25 Rib Best canned corn 50 -25 Rib Best canned okra 50 .25 Rib Best canned tomatoes 50 .25 Rib Best canned beets 50 .25 Rib Best canned peas 50 .25 Rib Best canned pimentos 50 .25 Rib Best canned soup mixture *SO .25 Rib PRESERVES, JAMS AND MARMALADES. Best peach preserves 50 .25 Best fig Best pear preserves 50 .25 Best plum preserves 50 .25 Best strawberry preserves 50 .25 Rib Best blackberry preserves 50 .25 Rib Best watermelon rind preserves 50 -25 Rib Best dewberry jam 50 .25 Rib Best blackberry jam 50 .25 Rib Best peach jam 50 v-25 Best pear jam 50 .25 Rib Best plum jam 50 .25 Rib Best fig jam 50 - 2S R j h Best strawberry jam 50 -25 Rib Best peach marmalade 50 .25 Rib Best fig marmalade 50 .25 Rib Best strawberry marmalade 50 .25 Rib Best grape marmalade ...! 50 .25 Rib Best fig conserves 50 .25 Rib Best peach conserves 'SO -25 R'b Best pear conserves 1 50 .25 Rib Best grape conserves 50 .25 Rib Best blackberry jelly 2 50 .25 Rib Best strawberry jelly 50 .2s Ri Best grape jelly 50 .25 Rib Best peach jelly 50 .25 Ri Best plum jelly 50 -25 * Best quince jelly 50 .25 Ri i Best crab apple jelly • 50 .25 Rib Best apple jelly 50 .25 ‘ Best May haw jelly 50 .25 Ri Best brick of blitter for market 50 .25 Rib PASTRIIES, BREADS, PIES AND CAKES. Best display of 5 varieties 2 -°° 100 Rib Rest loaf of light bread 50 -25 Rib Best loaf of white bread 50 .25 Rib Best loaf of whole bread 50 .25 Rib Best loaf of brown bread 50 .25 Rib Best loaf of raisin bread 50 -25 Rib Best loaf of Graham bread 50 .25 Rib Best loaf of nut bread 50 .25 Rib Rest loaf of ginger bread 50 .25 Rib Best white flour muffins (6) 50 .25 Ri Best Graham flour muffins (6) 50 .25 Rib Best soda biscuits (61 50 .25 Rib Best bread preparation bi&cuits (6) *SO -25 Rib BeM light rolls (6) 50 .25 Rib Best doughnuts (6) 50 .25 Rib Best tea cakes (6) 50 .25 Rib Best peach pie 50 .25 Rib Best apple pie 50 .25 Rib Best cocoanut pie ‘SO .25 Rib Best lemon pie 50 .25 Rib Best mince pie 50 .25 Rib Best sweet potato pie 50 .25 Rib Best pumpkin pie 50 .25 Rib Best individual cake (6) LOO *SO Best caramel cake 1.00 -50 Rib Best pound cake 1.00 *SO Rib Best angel food cake 1.00 .50 Rib (Continued to Last Page)